Im having a problem with an IF statement.
The purpose of this statement is that all 3 managers must approve an order before it can prossesed.
This is the statement :
Dim RstAllchk
Dim RstAllchk_numRows
Set RstAllchk = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
RstAllchk.ActiveConnection = MM_DBConn_STRING
RstAllchk.Source = "SELECT comitee.OrderNo, comitee.Bart, comitee.Carel, comitee.Charl FROM comitee WHERE (((comitee.OrderNo)='" + Replace(RstAllData__varOrderNum, "'", "''") + "'));"
RstAllchk.CursorType = 0
RstAllchk.CursorLocation = 2
RstAllchk.LockType = 1
RstAllchk_numRows = 0
if (RstAllchk.Fields.Item("Bart").Value)= "Approved" then
if (RstAllchk.Fields.Item("Carel").Value)= "Approved" then
if (RstAllchk.Fields.Item("Charl").Value)= "Approved" then
set cdata1 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
cdata1.ActiveConnection = MM_DBConn_STRING
cdata1.CommandText = " UPDATE TblOrderData SET Fldapproved = 'Approved' WHERE FldOrderID = '" & RstAllData__varOrderNum & "'"
cdata1.CommandType = 1
cdata1.CommandTimeout = 0
cdata1.Prepared = true
set cdata2 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
cdata2.ActiveConnection = MM_DBConn_STRING
cdata2.CommandText = " UPDATE TblOrderDetail SET FldMainapproved = 'Approved' WHERE FldOrderNum = '" & RstAllData__varOrderNum & "'"
cdata2.CommandType = 1
cdata2.CommandTimeout = 0
cdata2.Prepared = true
Sometimes if only one of the managers confirmed the order, the order is still approved. I have been struggling with this for days. Hope any of you can give me some advice.
Assuming VB.NET:
IF (RstAllchk.Fields.Item("Bart").Value = "Approved" AND _
RstAllchk.Fields.Item("Carel").Value = "Approved" AND _
RstAllchk.Fields.Item("Charl").Value = "Approved") THEN
In C#:
if (RstAllchk.Fields.Item("Bart").Value == "Approved" &&
RstAllchk.Fields.Item("Carel").Value == "Approved" &&
RstAllchk.Fields.Item("Charl").Value == "Approved")
With C# (&& is And , == is equal)
if ( RstAllchk.Fields.Item("Bart").Value == "Approved"
&& RstAllchk.Fields.Item("Carel").Value == "Approved"
&& RstAllchk.Fields.Item("Charl").Value == "Approved"
You can merge all like
(if var1 == x && var2 == y && var3 == z) {
//Do what you want
I've got a table with six records, so far. Everyone has 2 fields: Min_lenght, Max_lenght.
Those field define a range, so the first item has Min_lenght = 160, Max_lenght = 179 and so on.
When defining 1 value (custom_lenght) I need to stop the SQL when this values is in range.
So (custom_lenght > Min_lenght) AND (custom_lenght < Max_lenght)
custom_lenght = cint(request("custom_lenght"))
Set objRS2 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
sql2 = "SELECT * FROM tbl_model where Order by ID_model ASC"
objRS2.Open sql2, ConString
If Not objRS2.EOF Then
While Not objRS2.EOF
Min_lenght = cint(objRS2("Min_lenght"))
Max_lenght = cint(objRS2("Max_lenght"))
order = objRS2("order")
Price = objRS2("price")
if (custom_lenght > Min_lenght ) AND (custom_lenght < Max_lenght) then
Outofrange = "False"
End If
End If
The problem is, the SQL browse all the records. I need to obtain the data (price and order) of the item that falls between the range
Change your SQL statement to "SELECT order, price FROM tbl_model WHERE (Min_length < " & custom_length & " AND Max_length > " & custom_length & ") ORDER BY ID_Model"
This will limit the recordset to records that match your custom_length.
As a alternative;
custom_lenght = cint(request("custom_lenght"))
Set objRS2 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
sql2 = "SELECT order, price FROM tbl_model WHERE " & custom_lenght & " BETWEEN Min_lenght AND Max_lenght Order by ID_model ASC"
objRS2.Open sql2, ConString
If Not objRS2.EOF Then
order = objRS2("order")
Price = objRS2("price")
Outofrange = "True"
Outofrange = "False"
End If
I'm trying to take this string:
(("DISPLAY_NAME" like N'sadf%') And ("ID" = 2) And ("IsCRITERION" = null))
and parse it into a List(of string) so that it can be displayed like:
"DISPLAY_NAME" like N'sadf%'
"ID" = 2
"IsCRITERION" = null
I'm close but don't quite have it. My code currently looks like:
Dim filterlist As New List(Of String)
Dim temp As String = String.Empty
Dim lvl As Integer = 0
Dim pad As String = String.Empty
For Each chr As Char In originalString '--- filter is the string i posted above
Select Case chr.ToString.ToLower()
Case "("
filterlist.Add(pad.PadLeft(lvl * 5) & chr)
lvl += 1
Case ")"
filterlist.Add(pad.PadLeft(lvl * 5) & temp)
If lvl > 0 Then lvl -= 1
filterlist.Add(pad.PadLeft(lvl * 5) & chr)
'If lvl > 0 Then lvl -= 1
temp = String.Empty
Case Else
temp &= chr
End Select
'--- Removes the empty line produced by generating the List(of String)
filterlist = filterlist.Where(Function(s) Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s)).ToList()
listSelectedCriteria.DataSource = filterlist
Unfortunately, the above code produces something close to what I desire but the "And"s and "Or"s are not in the right places:
"DISPLAY_NAME" like N'sadf%'
And "ID" = 2
Or "IsCRITERION" = null
Would using regular expressions be better? Thanks for the help
Probably the "best" way (although that's getting into "primarily opinion-based" territory) would be to use a parser, but assuming that your input is limited to similar looking strings, here's what I came up with:
Dim originalString = "((""DISPLAY_NAME"" like N'sadf%') And (""ID"" = 2) And (""IsCRITERION"" = null))"
Dim filterlist = New List(Of String)()
Dim temp = New StringBuilder()
Dim lvl = 0
Dim addLine =
Sub(x As String)
filterlist.Add(New String(" ", lvl * 4) & x.Trim())
End Sub
For Each c In originalString
Select Case c
Case "("
If temp.Length > 0 Then
End If
lvl += 1
Case ")"
If temp.Length > 0 Then
End If
lvl -= 1
Case Else
End Select
If temp.Length > 0 Then
End If
filterlist.Dump() ' LINQPad ONLY
This results in:
"DISPLAY_NAME" like N'sadf%'
"ID" = 2
"IsCRITERION" = null
However, you will probably end up having to add code as you find different inputs that don't quite work how you want.
Instead of looking at each characters, I would start be doing a split. And then add/remove padding depending on what character is at the start.
Dim tempString As String = "((""DISPLAY_NAME"" like N'sadf%') And (""ID"" = 2) And (""IsCRITERION"" = null))"
Dim curPadding As String = ""
Const padding As String = " "
Dim result As New List(Of String)
For Each s As String In Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(tempString, "(?=[\(\)])")
If s <> "" Then
If s.StartsWith("(") Then
result.Add(curPadding & "(")
curPadding &= padding
result.Add(curPadding & s.Substring(1).Trim())
ElseIf s.StartsWith(")") Then
curPadding = curPadding.Substring(padding.Length)
result.Add(curPadding & ")")
result.Add(curPadding & s.Substring(1).Trim())
result.Add(curPadding & s)
End If
End If
I don't know too much about ASP, here is my code:
dim objCmd, objRS1, objRS2, strDate1, strDate2, strName, strStyle, datDate, strLastGroup, datNow
set objCmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
Set objRS1 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Set objRS2 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
set objCmd.ActiveConnection = objConn
objCmd.CommandText = "Select Site_Pages.Filename, HeadingName, MatrixName, Site_Matrices.MatrixID, TurnaroundOverride, TurnaroundName, MAX(Turnaround) AS AutoTurnaround, TurnaroundGroup FROM Site_Headings, Site_Pages, Site_Matrices, Site_Items, Site_Items_Prices, Items WHERE Site_Headings.HeadingID = Site_Pages.HeadingID AND Site_Pages.ProdPageID = Site_Matrices.ProdPageID AND Site_Matrices.MatrixID = Site_Items.MatrixID AND Site_Items.ItemID = Site_Items_Prices.ItemID AND Site_Items_Prices.PriceID = Items.PriceID AND SiteID = 0 AND TurnaroundPage = 1 GROUP BY HeadingName, MatrixName, TurnaroundOverride, TurnaroundName, Site_Pages.Filename, TurnaroundGroup, TurnaroundSortOrder, Site_Matrices.MatrixID ORDER BY TurnaroundGroup, TurnaroundSortOrder, HeadingName, MatrixName, TurnaroundName"
set objRS1 = objCmd.Execute
if not objRS1.eof then
Call NewTable(objRS1("TurnaroundGroup"))
strLastGroup = objRS1("TurnaroundGroup")
end if
do until objRS1.eof
if strLastGroup <> objRS1("TurnaroundGroup") then
Call EndTable()
Call NewTable(objRS1("TurnaroundGroup"))
end if
strLastGroup = objRS1("TurnaroundGroup")
'decide todays date for checking dated turnaround overrides
datNow = dateadd("h", GetSetting("TimeOffset"), now())
'if before 7am, knock off a day
if hour(datnow) < 7 then datnow = dateadd("d", -1, datnow)
objCmd.CommandText = "SELECT Turnaround FROM DatedTurnarounds WHERE MatrixID = " & CLng(objRS1("MatrixID")) & " AND TDate = '" & Year(datNow) & PadWithZeros(Month(datNow)) & PadWithZeros(Day(datNow)) & " 00:00'"
set objRS2 = objCmd.Execute
if objRS1("TurnaroundOverride") = 0 OR IsNull(objRS1("TurnaroundOverride")) then
if objRS2.eof then 'use automatic (3-last)
datDate = AddDays(objRS1("AutoTurnaround")-1)
else 'use dated turnaround override (2-second)
datDate = AddDays(objRS2("Turnaround")-1)
end if
else 'use matrix overrride (1-first - overrides all)
datDate = AddDays(objRS1("TurnaroundOverride")-1)
end if
strDate1 = Left(WeekDayName(DatePart("w", datDate)), 3) & " " & DateSuffix(DatePart("d", datDate)) & " of " & MonthName(DatePart("m", datDate))
if objRS1("TurnaroundOverride") = 0 OR IsNull(objRS1("TurnaroundOverride")) then
if objRS2.eof then 'use automatic (3-last)
datDate = AddDays(objRS1("AutoTurnaround"))
else 'use dated turnaround override (2-second)
datDate = AddDays(objRS2("Turnaround"))
end if
else 'use matrix overrride (1-first - overrides all)
datDate = AddDays(objRS1("TurnaroundOverride"))
end if
strDate2 = Left(WeekDayName(DatePart("w", datDate)), 3) & " " & DateSuffix(DatePart("d", datDate)) & " of " & MonthName(DatePart("m", datDate))
if objRS1("TurnaroundName") = "" OR IsNull(objRS1("TurnaroundName")) then
if objRS1("MatrixName") = "" OR IsNull(objRS1("MatrixName")) then
strName = objRS1("HeadingName")
strName = objRS1("MatrixName")
end if
strName = objRS1("TurnaroundName")
end if
if strStyle = "PriceMatrixRow1" then
strStyle = "PriceMatrixRow2"
strStyle = "PriceMatrixRow1"
end if
I think the problem should be somewhere here
objCmd.CommandText = "SELECT Turnaround FROM DatedTurnarounds WHERE MatrixID = " & CLng(objRS1("MatrixID")) & " AND TDate = '" & Year(datNow) & PadWithZeros(Month(datNow)) & PadWithZeros(Day(datNow)) & " 00:00'"
set objRS2 = objCmd.Execute
I'm not sure if I can execute another object in an object though
Any help would be very much appreciated.
The code below works great as is:
dashboard1.Text = charArray(0)
dashboard2.Text = charArray(1)
dashboard3.Text = charArray(2)
dashboard4.Text = charArray(3)
dashboard5.Text = charArray(4)
dashboard6.Text = charArray(5)
dashboard7.Text = ""
dashboard8.Text = ""
dashboard9.Text = ""
dashboard10.Text = ""
If dashboardl >= 7 Then
dashboard7.Text = charArray(6)
End If
If dashboardl >= 8 Then
dashboard8.Text = charArray(7)
End If
If dashboardl >= 9 Then
dashboard9.Text = charArray(8)
End If
If dashboardl >= 10 Then
dashboard10.Text = charArray(9)
End If
However, I would like to convert them to FOR Loop as in example below but I am getting errors.
For i = 1 To (dashboardl)
("dashboard" & CStr(i)) = charArray(i - 1)
Next i
Your assistance is greatly appreciated.
You can try this...
For i = 1 To dashboardl
Dim txtBox As TextBox = FindControl("dashboard" & i)
txtBox.Text = charArray(i - 1)
Next i
Ha, I missed the point. Still not on a real computer, but try this...
For i = 1 To dashboardl
Me.Controls("dashboard" & CStr(i)).Text = charArray(i - 1)
Next i
I'm trying to check for valid email address in a form field using:
if Request ("email") = "" then
bError = true
ElseIf Instr(1, email," ") <> 0 Then
bError = true
ElseIf InStr(1, email, "#", 1) < 2 Then
bError = true
*/go to success page*/
But if there is a space in the email address it still passes the validation. So my question is, how do I check for spaces using this method?
You're better off using a regular expression for this.
Function isEmailValid(email)
Set regEx = New RegExp
regEx.Pattern = "^\w+([-+.]\w+)*#\w+([-.]\w+)*\.\w{2,}$"
isEmailValid = regEx.Test(trim(email))
End Function
Forget about all the elseif stuff do it simple...
Dim strEmail
Dim intErrors
intErrors = 0
strEmail = REQUEST("email")
strEmail = Trim(strEmail)
if strEmail = "" then intErrors = intErrors +1;
if instr(strEmail," ") > 0 then intErrors = intErrors +1;
if instr(strEmail,".") = 0 then intErrors = intErrors +1;
if instr(strEmail,"#") < 2 then intErrors = intErrors +1;
' Put as many test conditions as you want here
if intErrors = 0 then GotoSuccessPage
if Request ("email") = "" or Instr(email," ") > 0 or InStr(email, "#") < 2 then
bError = true
'go to success page
end if
Function IsEmail(sCheckEmail)
Dim SEmail, NAtLoc
IsEmail = True
SEmail = Trim(sCheckEmail)
NAtLoc = InStr(SEmail, "#")
If Not (nAtLoc > 1 And (InStrRev(sEmail, ".") > NAtLoc + 1)) Then
IsEmail = False
ElseIf InStr(nAtLoc + 1, SEmail, "#") > NAtLoc Then
IsEmail = False
ElseIf Mid(sEmail, NAtLoc + 1, 1) = "." Then
IsEmail = False
ElseIf InStr(1, Right(sEmail, 2), ".") > 0 Then
IsEmail = False
End If
End Function