How does qDebug() print enum values? - qt

We have a simple piece of code in our application:
void tAccessPoint::OnStateChanged(QAbstractSocket::SocketState state)
qDebug() << m_ID << " " << state;
For reasons that aren't important here I was attempting to replace the use of qDebug so I used the code from this post C++ format macro / inline ostringstream. But I was surprised to find that when I do this state no longer appears as a text value but rather as a numeric value. qDebug() seems to know what the name of the enum value is rather than just the value. How does it do this, and can I do the same in my code?

There is no moc magic here, QtNetwork defines explicitly the operator in network/socket/qabstractsocket.h:
QDebug operator<<(QDebug, QAbstractSocket::SocketState) {
switch (state) {
case QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState:
debug << "QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState";
case QAbstractSocket::HostLookupState:
debug << "QAbstractSocket::HostLookupState";
case QAbstractSocket::ConnectingState:
debug << "QAbstractSocket::ConnectingState";
case QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState:
debug << "QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState";
case QAbstractSocket::BoundState:
debug << "QAbstractSocket::BoundState";
return debug;
But you can use QDebug to send the data to a QString inside your function:
QString output;
QDebug(&output) << ...

Maybe this enum to QString convert can be useful :
const QMetaObject & mo = QAbstractSocket::staticMetaObject;
QMetaEnum me = mo.enumerator(mo.indexOfEnumerator("SocketState"));
QString test(me.valueToKey(QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState));


Using requests to verify command success

Lets say Typed Actor A needs to command Typed Actor B to do something. Actor A also needs to know if the command ran succesfully or not but does not want to block operation until this response arrives. My current working theory is that this is best satisfied with Requests. More specifically request(...).then
There is a nice example called "request.cpp" that I have been playing with. My challenge is that I don't really need actor B to return any data. I just need to know if the command was successful or not and if not what error was thrown.
So my question is two fold: 1) Am I correct in thinking that request(...).then is the correct mechanism to do what I want and 2) if so then can a request handle a response that has no data?
This is what I'm trying:
#include <chrono>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include "caf/all.hpp"
using std::endl;
using std::vector;
using std::chrono::seconds;
using namespace caf;
using cell
= typed_actor<result<void>(get_atom, int32_t)>;
struct cell_state {
static constexpr inline const char* name = "cell";
cell::pointer self;
cell_state(cell::pointer ptr) : self(ptr) {}
cell_state(const cell_state&) = delete;
cell_state& operator=(const cell_state&) = delete;
cell::behavior_type make_behavior() {
return {
[=](get_atom, int32_t input) -> result<void> {
if (input != 5) { // Simulate command successful or not
return; // If successful, then return;
else {
return sec::unexpected_message; // If not then return error.
using cell_impl = cell::stateful_impl<cell_state>;
void multiplexed_testee(event_based_actor* self, vector<cell> cells) {
for (cell& x : cells) {
aout(self) << "cell #" << << " calling" << endl;
self->request(x, seconds(1), get_atom_v, static_cast<int32_t>(
[=](void) {
aout(self) << "cell #" << << " -> " << "success" << endl;
[=](error& err) {
aout(self) << "cell #" << << " -> " << to_string(err) << endl;
void caf_main(actor_system& system) {
vector<cell> cells;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
scoped_actor self{ system };
auto x2 = self->spawn(multiplexed_testee, cells);
When I compile, I get an error on the empty return statement saying "return-statement with no value, in function returning caf::result<void>. Is there a better way to do this?
My backup plan is to change my command definition to just return a standard error and return sec::none if the operation was successful. But I'm afraid that approach violates the spirit of the whole optional-second-parameter for error conditions. How well am I thinking about all this?
Is there a better way to do this?
You had the right idea. The result<void> expects either an error or a 'void' value. Since void{} isn't a thing in C++, you can do return caf::unit; to tell result<void> to construct an "empty" result. On the receiver's side, you already did the right thing: then with a lambda taking no arguments.
Minor point:
[=](void) { ... }
This is a C-ism from the early days where the compiler allowed you to do silly things. Just drop the void, it serves no purpose. :)

Why does QSettings not store anything?

I want to use QSettings to save my window's dimensions so I came up with these two functions to save & load the settings:
void MainWindow::loadSettings()
settings = new QSettings("Nothing","KTerminal");
int MainWidth = settings->value("MainWidth").toInt();
int MainHeight = settings->value("MainHeight").toInt();
std::cout << "loadSettings " << MainWidth << "x" << MainHeight << std::endl;
std::cout << "file: " << settings->fileName().toLatin1().data() << std::endl;
if (MainWidth && MainHeight)
this->resize(1300, 840);
void MainWindow::saveSettings()
int MainHeight = this->size().height();
int MainWidth = this->size().width();
std::cout << "file: " << settings->fileName().toLatin1().data() << std::endl;
std::cout << "saveSettings " << MainWidth << "x" << MainHeight << std::endl;
Now, I can see the demensions being extracted in saveSettings as expected but no file gets created and hence loadSettings will always load 0 only. Why is this?
QSettings isn't normally instantiated on the heap. To achieve the desired effect that you are looking for, follow the Application Example and how it is shown in the QSettings documentation.
void MainWindow::readSettings()
QSettings settings(QCoreApplication::organizationName(), QCoreApplication::applicationName());
const QByteArray geometry = settings.value("geometry", QByteArray()).toByteArray();
if (geometry.isEmpty()) {
const QRect availableGeometry = QApplication::desktop()->availableGeometry(this);
resize(availableGeometry.width() / 3, availableGeometry.height() / 2);
move((availableGeometry.width() - width()) / 2,
(availableGeometry.height() - height()) / 2);
} else {
void MainWindow::writeSettings()
QSettings settings(QCoreApplication::organizationName(), QCoreApplication::applicationName());
settings.setValue("geometry", saveGeometry());
Also note the use of saveGeometry() and restoreGeometry(). Other similarly useful functions for QWidget based GUIs are saveState() and restoreState() (not shown in the above example).
I strongly recommend the zero parameter constructor of QSettings, and to setup the defaults in your main.cpp, like so:
QSettings::setDefaultFormat(QSettings::IniFormat); // personal preference
qApp->setOrganizationName("Moose Soft");
Then when you want to use QSettings in any part of your application, you simply do:
QSettings settings;
settings.setValue("Category/name", value);
// or
QString name_str = settings.value("Category/name", default_value).toString();
QSettings in general is highly optimized, and works really well.
Hope that helps.
Some other places where I've talked up usage of QSettings:
Using QSettings in a global static class

Why are there double quotes when we print using QString?

I am using Qt framework in Linux and a complete beginner.
When I print a simple message like:
qDebug() << "Hello World";
In the Console the output is Hello World.
But if I print the same message like:
QString str = "Hello World";
qDebug() << str;
In the Console the output is "Hello World",(Notice the quotes), How to get the same output using QString?
See QDebug::noquote
Disables automatic insertion of quotation characters around QChar, QString and QByteArray contents and returns a reference to the stream.
When quoting is disabled, these types are printed without quotation characters and without escaping of non-printable characters.
This function was introduced in Qt 5.4.
QString str = "Hello World";
qDebug().noquote() << str;
you can find the answer in the Qt source code(detail of implementation in the link below) :
you have several definitions of the << operator
from Qt source code :
/*! \fn QDebug &QDebug::operator<<(const char *s)
Writes the
'\0'-terminated string s, to the stream and returns a reference
to the stream. The string is never quoted nor transformed to the
output, but note that some QDebug backends might not be 8-bit clean.
/ /! \fn QDebug &QDebug::operator<<(const QString &s)
Writes the string, \a s, to the stream and returns a reference to the stream.
Normally, QDebug prints the string inside quotes and transforms
non-printable characters to their Unicode values (\u1234). To print
non-printable characters without transformation, enable the noquote()
functionality. Note that some QDebug backends might not be 8-bit
clean. Output examples: \code QString s; s = "a"; qDebug().noquote()
<< s; // prints: a qDebug() << s; // prints: "a" s = "\"a\r\n\"";
qDebug() << s; // prints: "\"a\r\n\"" s = "\033"; // escape character
qDebug() << s; // prints: "\u001B" s = "\u00AD"; // SOFT HYPHEN
qDebug() << s; // prints: "\u00AD" s = "\u00E1"; // LATIN SMALL LETTER
A WITH ACUTE qDebug() << s; // prints: "á" s = "a\u0301"; // "a"
followed by COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT qDebug() << s; // prints: "aÌ"; s =
"\u0430\u0301"; // CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER A followed by COMBINING ACUTE
ACCENT qDebug() << s; // prints: "аÌ" \endcode
qDebug()<< "hello world" uses QDebug &QDebug::operator<<(const char *s) and not QDebug &QDebug::operator<<(const QString &s) that's why you get the quotes in one version and not the other.
you can get the same result by using :
qDebug().noquote() << s;
on the QString version

'this' pointer changes in c++11 lambda

I found a very strange problem with this pointer in c++11's lambda.
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include <boost/signals2.hpp>
boost::signals2::signal<void()> sig;
struct out {
void print_something() {
cout << "something" << endl;
out() {
auto start = [&] {
cout << "this in start: " << this << endl;
cout << "this in constructor: " << this << endl;
// sig.connect(start);
sig.connect([&] {
cout << "this in signal: " << this << endl;
int main() {
out o;
The code prints three this(s) pointer at different location. I was expecting that all the three this pointer should be the same value, but they are not. Here's the output:
this in constructor: 00F3FABB
this in signal: 00F3FABB
this in start: 00F3FB00
Question 1: Why is this in start has different value? How to correct it?
Question 2: Since the this in start is a different pointer, it shouldn't be able to call print_something(). I would expect a crash on this but it works fine. Why?
You capture start by reference, but the variable start and the contained lambda function get destroyed at the end of out().
Later the signal handler tries to call start(), but the lambda function doesn't exist anymore. Maybe the memory where its this was stored was overwritten in the mean time, causing unexpected output.
The call to print_something() doesn't crash despite of the invalid this because the function doesn't actually try to use this. The printing in the function is independent of this and the lookup of print_somethings address can happen at compile time so that calling the function doesn't access this at runtime.

Why is QString printed with quotation marks?

So when you use qDebug() to print a QString, quotation marks appears suddenly in the output.
int main()
QString str = "hello world"; //Classic
qDebug() << str; //Output: "hello world"
//Expected Ouput: hello world
I know we can solve this with qPrintable(const QString), but I was just wondering why does QString work like that?, and Is there a method inside QString to change the way it's printed?
Qt 5.4 has a new feature that lets you disable this. To quote the documentation:
QDebug & QDebug::​noquote()
Disables automatic insertion of quotation characters around QChar, QString and QByteArray contents and returns a reference to the
This function was introduced in Qt 5.4.
See also quote() and maybeQuote().
(Emphasis mine.)
Here's an example of how you'd use this feature:
QDebug debug = qDebug();
debug << QString("This string is quoted") << endl;
debug << QString("This string is not") << endl;
Another option is to use QTextStream with stdout. There's an example of this in the documentation:
QTextStream out(stdout);
out << "Qt rocks!" << endl;
It's because of the implementation of qDebug().
From the source code:
inline QDebug &operator<<(QChar t) { stream->ts << '\'' << t << '\''; return maybeSpace(); }
inline QDebug &operator<<(const char* t) { stream->ts << QString::fromAscii(t); return maybeSpace(); }
inline QDebug &operator<<(const QString & t) { stream->ts << '\"' << t << '\"'; return maybeSpace(); }
QChar a = 'H';
char b = 'H';
QString c = "Hello";
So why Qt do this? Since qDebug is for the purpose of debugging, the inputs of various kinds of type will become text stream output through qDebug.
For example, qDebug print boolean value into text expression true / false:
inline QDebug &operator<<(bool t) { stream->ts << (t ? "true" : "false"); return maybeSpace(); }
It outputs true or false to your terminal. Therefore, if you had a QString which store true, you need a quote mark " to specify the type.
Qt 4: If the string contains just ASCII, the following workaround helps:
qDebug() << QString("TEST").toLatin1().data();
Simply cast to const char *
qDebug() << (const char *)yourQString.toStdString().c_str();
one liner no quotes: qDebug().noquote() << QString("string");
