Auto triggering a UNIX shell script - unix

I have a main script in a folder called main.ksh (in /home/pkawar/folder), and its input input file inputfile.xls (in /home/pkawar/folder/ipfile).
When I run main.ksh, it uses inputfile.xls and deliver the output to a mail address.
The inputfile.xls is loaded to path /home/pkawar/folder/ipfile via ftp commands.
Is it possible to run main.ksh automatically and output will be sent via mail when the file inputfile.xls is loaded successfully?

The first option would be to use cron, but from your question it doesn't seem that you want to go that path.
My question would be, what is creating the *.xml file? Is it possible that whatever is creating that file to know when its finished and then calling the shell script, or better yet, have the xml file streamed to the shell script on the fly?

The first thing you should do is write a script that does whatever it is you want done. If your script performs correctly, you can use cron via a crontab file to have the script executed on whatever schedule you desire.
See man crontab for details.


Penthao Kettle Download File from URL

I want to download a File from a URL. (ex.
I found the HTTP Step for Job executables but I am forced to define a Target file name instead of just accepting the filename the Webdownload offers. (ex. ServiceData20200101.PDF)
Other Problem is that it creates a File even when the Webcall actually wouldn't supply a File.
Is the REST Client or HTTP client Step in Transformations able to download a file over a URL call that accepts the File as is?
The HTTP steps in Pentaho are somewhat limited. In similar use cases in the past I've done this by using an external shell script with arguments that then calls wget or curl and saves the result. Then Pentaho picks up the file in the temp dir and processes it from there.
The Shell job step allows you to specify a script file and pass fields from the stream as arguments.
Note that if you paste shell commands directly into the step on the second tab, they will execute in the embedded shell with older versions of curl and wget. You will also be missing environment config and certificates/keys.

automating R script using Mac's Automator and Calendar

I have been trying to run a script automatically using the steps that I found online.
I am trying to run the following R script called AUTO.R
Here is what the script contains:
obs <- last(Ad(getSymbols("SPY", auto.assign=FALSE)))
saveRDS(obs, "SAMPLE.rds")
When I build the application it prints Workflow completed
I believe all is well until the time comes to run the script. The alarm pop-up in my desktop is displayed from Calendar but nothing runs. After a few minutes the folder where the .rds file should be saved does not contain anything.
Two suggested changes:
Your Automator task should be more like just /usr/local/bin/Rscript --vanilla /Users/rimeallthetime/Desktop/AUTO.R
You should explicitly set the path in saveRDS; i.e. saveRDS(obs, "/Users/rimeallthetime/Desktop/SAMPLE.rds")
Honestly, though, you should at least make a ~/bin dir (i.e. a directory called bin under your home directory, so in your case /Users/rimeallthetime/bin and put both the workflow and R script in there, and I'd also suggest creating another directory for output files vs the desktop.
I just let the calendar event run and this is really a crude way to automate what you want to do. You'd be better off in the long run using launchd, that way it's fully automated and requires no human intervnention at all (but you may need to adjust your script to send you a notification or "append" to the rds file).

Execute Shell command in tideSDK

I need to run a shell command, that will call the script file that I have written in RUBY
For eg: Lets say, I have a in my working directory, How can I execute this file using TideSDK( I tried Using the Process)
Titanium Desktop createProcess to run shell script
Is there some other alternatives for this kind of stuffs in tideSDK?
I need to run the ruby script after a click of a button.
I think you don't need to run a process for that. TideSDK allows you to run other scripts like php, ruby and python directly in script tags. On the tag you just need to define the script on the type attribute: text/ruby
There ar several methods to include scripts on TideSDK. Take a look on the documentation at There is a section related to how to get started.!/guide/using_ruby

Issues while using script (typescript) command with rksh restricted ksh

I have a scenario where I want to log every activity for a particular user. I have a script built around the script command which I invoke from the user's .profile. Now the requirement is that the user should not be able to delete the subsequent typescript file that is created. Towards that, I've created a user with the default shell of rksh and put a restriction on commands that can wipe the file out. But the problem is that when I login with that user, if I call the script with the script command, the forked shell is always sh and not rksh. I know that if SHELL is not set, then the forked shell will be /bin/sh by default, but I have SHELL setup properly. How do I ensure that the forked shell is rksh only?
If I comment out the call to the logger from .profile, then I get a rksh shell. But even then if I manually issue the script command, it launches sh. Any help will be appreciated.
Thank you,

Unix invoke script when file is moved

I have tons of files dumped into a few different folders. I've tried organizing them several times, unfortunatly, there is no organization structure that consistently makes sense for all of them.
I finally decided to write myself an application that I can add tags to files with, then the organization can be custom to the actual organizational structure.
I want to prevent from getting orphaned data. If I move/rename a file, my tag application should be told about it so it can update the name in the database. I don't want it tagging files that no longer exist, and having to readd tags for files that used to exist.
Is there a way I can write a callback that will hook into the mv command so that if I rename or move my files, they will invoke the script, which will notify my app, which can update its database?
My app is written in Ruby, but I am willing to play with C if necessary.
If you use Linux you can use inotify (manpage) to monitor directories for file events. It seems there is a ruby interface for inotify.
From the Wikipedia:
Some of the events that can be monitored for are:
IN_ACCESS - read of the file
IN_MODIFY - last modification
IN_ATTRIB - attributes of file change
IN_OPEN and IN_CLOSE - open or close of file
IN_MOVED_FROM and IN_MOVED_TO - when the file is moved or renamed
IN_DELETE - a file/directory deleted
IN_CREATE - a file in a watched directory is created
IN_DELETE_SELF - file monitored is deleted
This does not work for Windows (and I think also not for other Unices besides Linux) as inotify does not exist there.
Can you control the path of your users? Place a script or exe and have the path point to it before the standard mv command. Have this script do what you require and then call the standard mv to perform the move.
Alternately an alias in each users profile. Have the alias call your replacement mv command.
Or rename the existing mv command and place a replacement in the same dir, call it mv and have it call your newly renamed mv command after doing what you want.
