Zsh has a nice feature of expanding globs. For example, hitting Tab turns ls **/*.js into
ls app/assets/javascripts/application.js vendor/assets/javascripts/Markdown.Converter.js
Is there a way to collapse it back to original glob version? Or should I just disable glob expanding?
The reason I want it, is that when I am in the middle of debugging a glob and I hit Tab just to double check something, there is no way to get back and complete the pattern. I have to start from scratch.
Use the undo zle command. For example, bind it to Ctrl_:
bindkey '^_' undo
From zshzle(1):
undo (^_ ^Xu ^X^U) (unbound) (unbound)
Incrementally undo the last text modification.
redo Incrementally redo undone text modifications.
Can I use zsh vi normal mode to move around previous commands output or the printed text in the shell to copy/yank it ?
For example in the screenshot below. I want to move to the output of ls to copy something. When I press j/k zsh cycle my command history but doesn't move up to the printed text. j/k move one line down/up only when I have multiple line command that I'm currently writing but haven't executed yet.
To the best of my knowledge, the ability to access the output of commands interactively is the domain of your terminal (-emulator), not the shell. You would use commands like sed, awk, grep, possibly in a pipe, to access, manipulate and use output you know in advance is the part you are interested in.
To access the output with keyboard shortcuts/command-keys, I suggest using the like of tmux - it allows to copy/yank from the whole terminal display as if it was a text-file in an editor.
I use zsh and I would like backward-kill-word in Emacs mode to behave like Emacs (and bash, fwiw). The behaviour that I have failed to reproduce is that when I press multiple backward-kill-word Emacs adds the killed text to the cut buffer (the first item in the killring) making it possible for me to yank everything with one yank command.
How can I configure zsh to behave like this aspect of Emacs editors?
Actually, by default, Zsh's cut buffer works exactly the same as in Emacs. Just use zsh -f to start Zsh without config files and try it.
However, are you perhaps using zsh-autosuggestions or zsh-syntax-highlighting? There are bugs in these plugins that break this feature:
Fixes have been submitted, but for zsh-autosuggestions, none have yet been merged, and for zsh-syntax-highlighting, the fix won't work until Zsh 5.9 has been released.
In the meantime, though, zsh-autocomplete contains a workaround that fixes the problem. If you add that plugin, your cut buffer will start functioning like normal again.
I want to set vi in editing mode in zsh (I am using oh-my-zsh) at start automatically when I open my shell, so at the beginning of my .zshrc I have tried the following code:
set -o vi
bindkey -v
but when pressing enter in the shell I cannot enter the vi mode.
If I tried one of the two commands in the shell, it works.
Basically I want zsh to start in vi edit mode.
Any ideas how to solve this problem?
bindkey -v is enough to enable vi mode in ZSH. If you are worried the setting will be overwritten by another plugin, put the setting at the bottom of your ~/.zshrc.
After vi mode is enabled, you enter the "insert" mode by default. To enter "normal" mode, use Esc. And i or a to switch back to "insert" mode.
BTW, softmoth/zsh-vim-mode is the most powerful vim mode plugin I've ever used in ZSH.
Using bindkey -v may take over functionality such as history search with control+R and control+S. To restore that particular behavior, add the following lines after bindkey -v:
bindkey ^R history-incremental-search-backward
bindkey ^S history-incremental-search-forward
Other bindings can be found in the ZSH manual Standard Widgets section.
If you are using https://ohmyz.sh/ you can add vi-mode to the list of plugins in ~/.zshrc:
plugins=(git vi-mode)
If you don't mind to use a plugin for vi mode in zsh, here is a better choice for you to quickly reach it.
zsh-vi-mode: A better and friendly vi(vim) mode plugin for ZSH.
After adding this plugin, then you can input with vi-mode like this:
Cursor movement (Navigation).
Insert & Replace (Insert mode).
Text Objects.
Searching text.
Undo, Redo, Cut, Copy, Paste, and Delete.
Surrounds (Add, Replace, Delete, and Move Around).
Switch keywords (Increase/Decrease Number, Boolean, etc. In progress).
I discovered this little navigation trick the other day, which allows me to trigger menu completions by number when I enter 'cd -'
~ cd -
0 -- ~/home
1 -- ~/home/stuff
2 -- ~/downloads
3 -- ~/wallpaper
Shell scripting syntax still reads like a foreign language to me, but to get this functionality my directory stack history is piped into the function below.
if [[ -f $DIRSTACKFILE ]] && [[ $#dirstack -eq 0 ]];
then dirstack=( ${(f)"$(< $DIRSTACKFILE)"} )
[[ -d $dirstack[1] ]] && cd $dirstack[1] && cd $OLDPWD
chpwd() {
print -l $PWD ${(u)dirstack} >$DIRSTACKFILE
The magical part is being able to choose from the list by number, but I have come to learn that this is probably
because the functionality for navigation by number is baked in to the 'cd -' command. Still, I'd like to use this everywhere.
Any tips writing a wrapper function (or something like that, I guess) for the completion menu that pipes in completions from the menu when it is triggered
and displays them in a numbered list where those numbers select the corresponding element?
I've gotten started reading the manual and what not, but everything remains rather opaque. Thanks!
First off, the code snippet you show has nothing to do with completion. Instead, what it does is to record the directory stack to a file in order to preserve it between zsh sessions. (Personally, I'm not even sure this is a good idea.)
A good place to start investigating zsh completions is the _complete_help ZLE widget. This is bound by default to ^Xh in zsh's viins (vi insert) keyboard map, but is unbound by default in the emacs keymap. If you want to use it in the emacs keymap (the default for many people), you have to bind it:
bindkey -M emacs "^Xh" _complete_help
Now you can type cd - (or cd +) and follow it by CTRL-Xh instead of TAB. You should see the following output:
tags in context :completion::complete:cd::
directory-stack (_directory_stack _cd)
(At this point I'll admit we're getting close to the limits of my knowledge of the zsh completion system.)
Now you can see the completer functions for the directory-stack tag in this particular context. The one you're probably interested in is _directory_stack, and you can see the content of that function with:
functions _directory_stack
…which is where those leading numbers are actually generated.
Arguably it's possible to write similar completion functions for other completion contexts, and apply the using zstyle. However, this is non-trivial completion magic, and beyond anything I have attempted
I run at path/test
rm -r *
The tutorial says that I can undo the change by
If one of these fancyeditor commands
changes your command line in a way you
did not intend, you can undo changes
withˆ_,ifyou can get it out of your
keyboard, orˆXˆU,otherwise.
However, I did not get the files back by pressing Ctrl-x Ctrl-u or Ctrl-x-u.
I also tried ^_ unsuccessfully by pressing Shift-6 Shift-- or Shift-6--.
How can you undo the removal in Zsh?
The undo ability is a feature of the Z Line Editor, the editor that you use while typing at the command line. It lets you undo things you type on the command line, like any good text editor. But it won't let you undo commands that you execute.
You're misunderstanding. They're talking about undoing changes to the command-line, before you press enter, not undoing the results of a command.