excelExporter illegal navigation seam - seam

I have a Rich:dataTable and I want to export it with excelExporter seam component. It works ok for pages that does not have a pageflow defined. But when I have a pageFlow(jpdl) than I get Illegal Navigation. I suppose that this happens because the exporter does a redirect for the user to be able to download the excel file.
How can I define a rule or something to allow the exporter to make the redirect so that the file will be downloaded?

The problem with ExcelExporter is that it is too tightly coupled with the document store, it will always generate a redirect to the document store to fetch the generated file. There are no workarounds to this. Same goes for PDF generation.
So you need to account for that redirect in the pageflow, but even if you do, you would also need to account for the navigation away from the document store after the excel is downloaded, otherwise the pageflow would reposition you back to the document store (triggering the download again and again). A trick for doing so is described in https://community.jboss.org/thread/185716 (basically you create a bogus value expression that repositions the pageflow in the previous page once you render the excel worksheet).
Possible workarounds:
perform the download in a separate popup window or in an <iframe/> within a valid pageflow page
export the excel worksheet via javascript/flash


Dynamically changing less variables in .net

problem : i have to allow users to have different colors for buttons , icons , text color as per their preference using spectrum.js
i have tried to solve this using dotless for that i created a file .less and added all values. now issue is that i have to get values from databased based on loggedInuser and have to dynamically change
#back-color: blue;
#font-color: red;
to different values and this has to be done run time not compile time. i know it will cost me some delay but i dont know how to solve it other wise.
i have been thinking of different solution rather to have a less file why not on saving time i create a css file save in database and when user gets logged in create a css file and inject in to header
<link href="~/Content/dynamic.css" rel="stylesheet" />
can some one help me or any suggestion regarding this??
any help will be appreciated
Option 1
Implement special handler for resource, that represent css customized by user.
This handler must:
Make lookup (by userId) to cache where already rendered less (i.e. css) is stored;
If cache has entry for requested user, then write css to response and finish handling of this request;
If cache has no entry for requested user, then render less for this user, store it in cache and go to step 2.
You also should remove/update cache entry when user changes his color theme.
You can implement cache as you wish: in memory, inside database or inside static files that named (for example) like %userId%.css.
Option 2
Instead of render less on server side (and consume server resources) you can render less on client dynamically.
Exmaple: http://jsbin.com/wiqosutexe/5/edit?html,js,output
Include lessjs http://lesscss.org/#download-options;
Provide less template to client script (get with ajax, include in script itself or somehow else);
Use user preferences to make substitutions to less template.
Render template and insert results (plain css) into dynamically created style tag.

Update GUI from Config File in Qt

I am making a GUI in which based on user login a certain number of buttons are supposed to be enabled and the rest disabled. I have to do this with the help of a config file.
Can anyone please share any examples or references if they know.
Thank you :)
You can write a Qt application that parses an xml file by validating it against a predefined xsd file.
The xml file had layout, grid, button text, and other various information for the user.
The goal of this was the end user could create his/her own xml file to custom configure their buttons.
What you need:
Define a data structure that will match your objective
Validate and test XML
Create a widget with whatever kind of layout you want. If you're doing buttons, you probably want to use a QGrid
Load the XML and configure your layout.

How can I continue using a web app while a file uploads from 1st screen?

I have a project that needs to upload a large file, while that file is uploading is it possible to progress through a series of other screens, to continue to obtain input from user, then once they get to the final screen, file is uploaded.
Anyone have a trick for something like this ? As i know the file upload happens within a form post/get.
You can do this using an iframe, which simple links to a page with a form to post a file, once the user has selected a file and clicked upload/submit you can hide the iframe and progress into our areas... but things will get tricky where you need to handle errors, ie: incorrect file formats, zero byte files etc... maybe you can download the file and display any errors right at the end of your process/wizard input.

Flex - Download asset to local

I've got an interactive presentation, and it's all working as it should.
Now I want to add a function to download the currently visible image/video.
Because this presentation has a lot of files (all stored under assets/...) and it's a pain to navigate through the assets, I want an easy way to just click a button and get a "Save as.." window.
I've managed to get the url of the media, so now I just need a way to show a "save as.." dialog to allow the users to save/download the file and save it locally.
This whole presentation should be put online, so all the files are located somewhere in the /assets/.. folder inside the project.
Any ideas of how to do this? =)
EDIT #1:
For now I'm using "navigateToURL" to open a new browser window with the media. This works, but is there a way to show a "Save as.." dialog instead of opening the image?
Or any other ways to do this? =)
You are looking for the FileReference class, in particular the FileReference.save( data:*,defaultFileName:String = null ) method. That will open up a "Save..." dialog to save the corresponding data object and allow you to set a default file name. I'm unsure if this class can also handle the download as I have never had a time when I needed to prompt to save something that was to be downloaded. If it cannot handle it, you'll need to look into the URLStream class. That can handle the download and either on ProgressEvent.PROGRESS or Event.COMPLETE, you simply do a URLStream.readBytes( byteArray ); to save the downloaded bytes to a ByteArray and then that is the data object you save. I would look into the FileReference class, though. Odds are it can handle downloads as well.

How to create custom CSS "on the fly" based on account settings in a Django site?

So I'm writing a Django based website that allows users select a color scheme through an administration interface.
I already have middleware/context processors that links the current request (based on domain) to the account.
My question is how to dynamically serve the CSS with the account's custom color scheme.
I see two options:
Add a CSS block to the base template that overrides the styles w/variables passed in through a context processors.
Use a custom URL (e.g. "/static/dynamic/css/< website_id >/styles.css") that gets routed to a view that grabs all the necessary values and creates the css file.
I'm content with either option, but was wondering if anyone else out there has dealt with similar problems and could give some insight as to "Best Practices".
Update : I'm leaning towards option number 2, as I think this will allow for better caching down the road. So it's dynamic the first time, gets stored in memcache (or whatever), and invalidated when a user updates their settings in the admin site.
Update: Firstly, I'd like to thank everyone for their suggestions thus far. All the answers thus far have focused around generating static files. Though this would work great in production, it feels like a tremendous burden during development. If I wanted to add a new element to be styled, or tweak existing styles I'd have to go through and recreate each and every css file. Sure, this could be done with a management command, but I just don't feel it's worth it. Doing it dynamically would add 1 maybe 2 queries to each page load, which is something I'm not worried about at this stage. All I need to know is that at some point I will be able to cache it without rewriting the whole thing.
I've used option #2 with success. There are 2 decent ways of updating the generated static files that I know of:
Use a version querystring like /special_path.css?v=11452354234 where the v parameter is generated from a database field, key in memcached, or some other persistent file. Version gets updated by admin, or for development you would just make the generation not save if the parameter was something special like v=-1. You'll need a process to clean up the old generations after some time.
Don't use a version querystring, but have it look first for the generated file, if it can't find it, it generates it. You can create a cron job or WSGI app that looks for filesystem changes for development, and have a hook from your admin panel that deletes generations after an update. Here's an example of the monitoring, which you would have to convert to be specific to your generations and not to Django. http://code.google.com/p/modwsgi/wiki/ReloadingSourceCode#Monitoring%5FFor%5FCode%5FChanges
Could generate the css and store it in a textfield in the same model as the user profile/settings. Could then have a view to recreate them if you change a style. Then do your option 1 above.
Nice question.
I would suggest to pre-generate css file after colors scheme is saved. This would have positive impact on caching and overall page loading time. You can store your css files in directory /media/css/custom/<id or stometing>/styles.css or /media/css/custom/<id or sth>.css and in template add <link rel="stylesheet" href="/media/css/custom/{{some_var_pointing _to_file_name}}" />
You can also do the trick with some random number or date in css file name that could be changed each time file is saved. Thanks to this browser will load the file immediately in case of changes.
UPDATE: example of using model to improve this example
To make managing of those file easy you can create simple model (one per user):
class UserCSS(models.Model):
bg_color = models.CharField(..)
Fields (like bg_color) can represent parts of your css file. You can ovveride save method to add logic that creates css file for user (by rendering some template).
In case your file format change you can make changes in your's model definition (with some default values for new fields), make little changes in template and run save method for each exisintg instance of class. This would renew your css files.
That should work nicely.
I would create an md5 key with the theme elements, store this key in the user profile and create a ccs file named after this md5 key : you gain static file access and automatic theme change detection.
