How to send emails with an Arduino without using a computer? - arduino

I'm experimenting with my Arduino Mega. I also have an Arduino Ethernet Shield.
I need to send emails using them, without the help of a computer (or any other device; like a smartphone, etc.). Though I could find several articles, I couldn't find any acceptable solution...
How can I do it? As I'm not asking this to be used for any special application, you can
make any assumption about missing details.

From the discussion above in comments it sounds like you either need code from someone who has just done it for you or you need to take the time to learn about the components and find or make the components.
They wouldn't make an Ethernet shield for this platform if it was only useful for non-standard packets. So someone somewhere has created some level of an IP stack.
Backing up though, in order to send mail you need to learn the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). Almost all Internet protocol definitions are defined using something called RFCs (Request for Comments). So if you google SMTP RFC you will find RFC 2821.
IETF is Internet engineering task force. There will be many copies of these documents on many websites. And due to the age of the Internet and these protocols in many cases you will find that one RFC has been created to replace a prior one. Version numbers are not used, but it is kind of like HTML 1.0 then HTML 2.0 and so on. I recommend even though the RFC says that it completely replaces RFC xyz, go find RFC xyz and read it. I go back as far as I can find learn that one then work my way forward.
Many/most protocols that ride on top of TCP (TCP is yet another protocol defined in an RFC, more on that later) are ASCII based, makes it very easy to, for example, Telnet to learn/experiment with the protocol, you can probably use Telnet to learn SMTP.
Most protocols are some sort of a half duplex thing, make a connection and often the server sends you a string, you see that string and then you send some sort of hello string, the server responds with some sort of OKAY or fail status. For SMTP, you then do some sort of I am mailing from this email address, server says OKAY, you say I want to mail this person or this list of people, for each email address you get an okay or fail. Eventually, you tell the server you are ready to send the body of the message, you do that, end the message with the defined termination. Then either the server says okay or fail or maybe there is some more handshaking.
The protocols in general though have this back and forth. Usually you are sending strings with commands and usually the server side sends back a short okay or error. Sometimes, if they want, they send back more detail on the error, but always start with the few bytes that indicate okay or error. The protocols generally have a flow, you must do this first then this then that.
You should learn sockets programming, sometimes called Berkeley sockets. You can write programs that are mostly portable across unixes but also across to Windows using Windows sockets if that is your platform of choice. You need to learn the protocol first, and it is better on your desktop/laptop and not embedded, you can get it done faster there. You do NOT have to learn to fork or thread to use sockets. The examples may show that as it is easy to show it that way, but you can write complete applications using polling only, it is half duplex send something, wait, send something, wait. For these simple learning programs, a little time up front to learn sockets, from there, it is all learning the protocols.
Now that was the very easy part, the hard part is the TCP/IP stack. I do not recommend attempting that without gaining a lot more experience taking baby steps on your way there. For example, learn to respond to ARP first (yet another RFC protocol, address resolution protocol) then ping (ICMP echo, one subset of the ICMP protocols) then IP basics (sniffing packets) then receive and generate UDP packets. TCP is a whole other level above that, more handshaking. It is not fixed packet size, it is streaming, do not have your code operate on packets, it is a stream of bytes, like working with a serial port.
Doing your own TCP stack is very much a non-trivial thing, I don't recommend it, you need to find someone that has done a TCP/IP stack for this platform for the Ethernet shield and just use it, whatever RTOS or environment they use, use it. Then take your desktop/laptop based experience with the protocol and apply that.
From the discussion above, if you don't want to learn the protocols, etc., I think you need to google around looking at Arduino Ethernet shield examples and see if anyone has done something that sends emails.


read raw packets over network with C#?

I've got a proprietary BMS language that is sending it's info over a specific UDP port on the network. The existing interface is not very well made or maintained, and functions poorly.
I have access to the stack for the code, and don't mind creating some interpretation functionality
My question is what is the best way that I should be receiving these raw packets in my program to be interpreted? I'm not finding any good documentation on how to do this, and I wanted to try and do it in a reasonably appropriate way.
Do I basically need to make my program constantly sniff a specific port? and will this be cumbersome to the network or program to be doing this?
You tagged this BACnet. Why don't you try Wireshark, with a capture filter "udp port 47808" and see if wireshark exposes the packets in a way that makes sense to you. (or have you done this). If it is bacnet, then normal UDP sockets, bound to port 47808 is the way to go. Note, that 47808-47823 are the most common BACnet "default" ports. Use cports or something to see exactly what port(s) your application is bound to.
You could use a packet-capture library - but that has security connotations, so instead you can probably (for most part) get away with using a .NET 'UdpClient'.
But! The real challenge is the breaking-down & interpretation of the BACnet packets, which is the hard part.
There is (now!/finally) a NuGet package for BACnet - not that I've used it, but that might be one of the best choices for your case.
But I also suggest you experiment with the (advanced & free) VTS (Visual Test Tool) too.
You could also try using the BACnet stack that YABE uses too.

Real-world cross-platform decentralized asynchronous peer-to-peer communication

My knowledge about network programming is limited, so, all the comments are more than welcome. Essentially my question boils down to the following question:
Q1. Is there really such a thing as decentralized asynchronous cross-platform peer-to-peer communication?
Let me explain myself.
If we have two http servers running on computers with actual IP addresses, then clearly the answer is yes, assuming one writes a protocol for the interaction.
To go one step further, if one of them (or both) is (are) behind a router, then, with port forwarding the communication can still be established. However, here the problems start because if someone wants to run such a server on the background, say in a mobile phone, the app that is relying on this server really works when one is at home (we can not really expect to request port forwarding everywhere we go).
But even beyond that,
Q2. do mobile phones obtain an actual IP address from telecommunication companies when someone is not using a wi-fi?
If this is true, then clearly one can have cross-platform asynchronous peer-to-peer communication at the expense of not using wi-fi by running an http server on a smartphone. (I understand that this is not convenient, but it is certainly doable.)
Concluding, the two (perhaps there are more) relevant questions that I can think of are:
Q3. How does Skype really work?
Q4. How does Viber really work?
Based on the answer for Skype, it says: If one of the callee or both of them do not have a public IP, then they send voice traffic to another online Skype node over UDP or TCP.
So, it appears that there is no direct communication in Skype, because they have to use a man-in-the-middle for such a scenario.
Regarding Viber, I could not find a good-thorough answer to this particular question. Do people talk to each other through a Viber centralized server, or, do they establish a direct connection? Of course if they do establish a direct connection, then I really want to know how they manage such a thing since a mobile phone may or may not have a physical address. How is a Viber message routed to my cell phone from a friend of mine even when Viber is not running and I am behind a router?
I guess the answer to Viber is really push notifications, but as far as I can understand, all the variations of push notifications rely on open connections, and then the servers of the applications send the notifications to the clients through such connection(s). So, this approach gives us the feeling that it is asynchronous, but essentially it is not. We are cheating, in the sense that there is a constantly open connection to a server, and moreover, as far as I can understand, the application server has to push the notification through that server. Schematically:
A > Central App Server > Central Server w/ open connection to my cellphone > me
So, this seems to be once again a centralized approach.
Honestly, the only approach that I can think of that is both decentralized and asynchronous (on mobile phones as well) is to run an http server on every platform/device, but this comes at the expense of not using Wi-Fi and assuming that a telecommunication company really assigns a physical IP address to every mobile phone (which I do not know if it is true, do you?).
What about WASTE, darknets, F2Fs, etc? Do they offer advantages in the sense of a more direct asynchronous communication between some interested parties? Are there real-world applications (also including mobile phones) using such approaches for communication.
Really, this is not the actual problem that I would like to work on, but I would like to know what the state of the art is so that I can figure out how I can proceed from there. So, all comments are really more than welcome. If you have references for the state of the art I would like to know about them as well, but a brief description would also be nice.
I appreciate all your time and effort in advance.
You asked many questions, here is the beginning of the answers:
Q1: Yes. For example, take BitTorrent's very successful 10 million+ node network. Aside from the bootstrapping process, the protocol is entirely decentralized and asynchronous. See here for more info.
Q2: Yes! Go to on your mobile telephone, and you will see your assigned IP. However, you are likely to be very filtered (e.g: incoming traffic on port 80 is likely to be blocked).
Q3: It has elements of P2P and clever tricks to get around NAT issues - see here for more info.
Q4: I don't know.

Reliable udp broadcast libraries?

Are there any libraries which put a reliability layer on top of UDP broadcast?
I need to broadcast large amounts of data to a large number of machines as quickly as possible, and generally it seems like such a problem must have already been solved many times over, but I wasn't able to find anything except for the Spread toolkit, which has a somewhat viral license (you have to mention it in all materials advertising the end product, which I'm not sure our customer will be willing to do).
I was already going to write such a thing myself (because it would be extremely fun to do!) but decided to ask first.
I looked also at UDT ( but it does not seem to provide a broadcast operation.
PS I'm looking at something as lightweight as a library - no infrastructure changes.
How about UDP multicast? Have a look at the PGM protocol for which there are several commercial and open source implementations.
Disclaimer: I'm the author of OpenPGM, an open source implementation of said protocol.
Though some research has been done on reliable UDP multicasting, I haven't yet used anything like that. You should take into consideration that this might not be as trivial as it first sounds.
If you don't have a list of nodes in the target network you have no idea when and to whom to resend, even if active nodes receiving your messages can acknowledge them. Sending to a large number of nodes, expecting acks from all of them might also cause congestion problems in the network.
I'd suggest to rethink the network architecture of your application, e.g. using some kind of centralized solution, where you submit updates to a server, and it sends this message to all connected clients. Or, if the original sender node's address is known a priori, then just let clients connect to it, and let the sender push updates via these connections.
Have a look around the IETF site for RFCs on Reliable Multicast. There is an entire working group on this. Several protocols have been developed for different purposes. Also have a look around Oracle/Sun for the Java Reliable Multicast Service project (JRMS). It was a research project of Sun, never supported, but it did contain Java bindings for the TRAM and LRMS protocols.

Network or Transport Layer Fuzzing

How do I go about executing a fuzzing strategy to stress a network stack, specifically at the third and fourth layers (network and transport)? I've looked at frameworks to generate fuzzers, like SPIKE, but it seems to me that they are mostly focused on the application layer and above? Is there any well known techniques out there to fuzz well-known protocols in these layers, say, TCP?
Look at Scapy. It allows you to fuzz at the network and transport layers. The fuzz function will fuzz anything you didn't explicitly specify in the IP or TCP layers (you can apply it separately to each). This gives you a range of abilities from just randomly generating ip addresses and port pairs to making and sending nonsense packets.
You may also want to look at Fragroute. This will twist TCP/IP into using all sorts of evasions techniques, but could potentially unveil otherwise hidden bugs/vulnerabilities in your network stack.
Furthermore, if your organization doesn't object, you could set up a Tor exit node and capture traffic from it. I've found it useful for testing correct TCP connection state tracking. Though your end of the connections is well-known and unchanging, there's a huge variety of servers as well as fun network congestion issues. It's basically an endless source of traffic. Be sure to check with your higher ups as your org may object to being a potential source of malicious traffic (even though there is a strong precedent of non-liability). I've gotten around that issue by running it/capturing at home, then bringing in the pcaps.
If you want to fuzz the IP, UDP, or TCP route your packets from your high level services via loopback to a process that reads them, fuzzes them, and forwards them. You need a driver that lets you talk to raw sockets and you need to read/learn what the applicable RFCs say for those protocols.
There is an easy way to do this. Just as Justdelegard recommends, Scapy is probably the best thing to use, in general.
Take a look at Releasing ICMPv4/IP fuzzer prototype by Laurent GaffiƩ. His Python code, which incidentally he has reposted in more readable fashion at, imports from scapy and uses some methods he defines to do a couple of types of fuzzing. IP and ICMP packets are handled in his sample code. So, this sounds exactly like what you are seeking.
Right now, there seems to be a lot of companies using Tcl/Expect to do custom automated testing of networks. SIP, H.323, layer 2 & 3 protocols, etc.
So if Scapy does not meet your needs, you might be able to make or find something written in Tcl using Expect to do the job. Or, you may wish to do some things in Python, using Scapy - and other things in Tcl, using Expect.
Tcl has long been used for network test and management applications. There was a book on how to use Tcl to do SNMP-based network management way back in the 1990's.
Syntax of Tcl is decidedly odd but the libraries are very powerful. It comes with a framework-like ability to define behavior of custom network behavior atop sockets, similar to what you can do with the standard libraries for the Python programming language.
Unlike Python and other scripting languages, there is an extremely powerful tool for Tcl programs named Expect (see expect man page).
Expect has a handy capability. It can auto generate a Tcl test script. The generated script makes calls to Expect functions. When doing this recording, it functions as a passive man-in-the-middle, recording both sides of the conversation. Kind of the way that you record Macros while you do some editing in MS Word or in Emacs.
Then afterward, you can edit the automatically-generated Expect script to fine tune it, make it behave differently, or creation multiple variations of it. It is very handy for creating regression tests. You should be able to use this to kickstart writing higher layer protocol tests, should you need some. Beats starting from scratch.
I think you can use Tcl/Expect to test standard TCP applications (FTP, HTTP, SMTP, etc.) that use string based commands. It works well for testing character based applications like TELNET that read input from stdin and generate output to stdout too.

How insecure is web?

I have just started writing socket programs. Came to know that single UDP packet has source port destination port and some MAC address representing router..etc. I wonder why anybody cannot create custom packets with a fake information in and send it over internet. I would like to know how safe are our PCs. What should be done to secure it ?
There are a couple of different aspects to the answer.
One is that the web relies on TCP, not UDP. Which means that it is connection-oriented. Your package will be rejected, unless it appears to be part of an existing connection (which means, among other things, that it has to have the right source IP and port as well. And it has to have the right sequence number to fit into the receive window). This can still be faked without too much trouble, of course. But it does require you to know a bit about the packets being sent on the original connection.
Another part is that whenever we need to be sure that the sender of a packet is who they claim to be, we use encryption. :)
Most packets don't really need this. It's not a huge deal if someone sends a request to Google which appears to come from my IP. But when making credit card transactions, it becomes a bit more important.
Most of the TCP/IP stack "leaks trust", as I once put it -- and there isn't much that you, as a software developer (assuming you're looking for a programming solution, otherwise, stackoverflow's the wrong forum, go to serverfault or superuser;-) can do about it -- beyond choosing and carefully implemented protocols that are reasonable in terms of security expectation.
HTTPS (with strong checks of certificates, etc) is one reasonably strong approach; for stronger security, look into SSH and VPN-based approaches. Of course, nobody should assume privacy or strong authentication is in place unless they've taken specific steps towards it (if they HAVE taken such steps, they may be still subject to successful attacks, which is why using existing, more or less "proven" solutions such as HTTPS, SSH, VPNs, is advisable;-).
Yes, anyone can create packets with whatever data they want and send them out over the internet. Especially with UDP, you can pretend to be anyone you want (unless your ISP does egress filtering). Source addresses for UDP cannot be trusted. Source addresses for TCP can to an extent (you know the data has to be coming from the IP address in question, or someone along the route).
Welcome to the internet :)
Edit: just to clarify egress filtering is something the sending ISP would have to do. As a reciever, there's not really anything you can do to verify the address on a UDP packet without communicating back to the sender. The only reason you can at least partially trust an incoming TCP connection is that TCP requires certain control data flow back to the sender (and hence needs a valid IP address/port to set the connection up and maintain it).
Well, many many people create invalid packets and send them over Internet; for instance, read Ping of death.
A [completly] secure computer is a computer turned off. To make your running PC more secure from this thread kind, you should rely on firewall softwares/hardwares, which can detect that malformed packets.
Custom packets with fake information can easily be created. Therefore you have to make sure you're not vulnerable to them.
