Buddypress plugin Group Hierarchy - hierarchy

Buddypress has a group functionality in which I combined with the plugin BP Group Hierarchy so that I can create an hierarchy of groups based on user role.
However, the plugin used an method as taught by Buddpress in group-extension-api> link.
The group steps are registered using the function bp_register_group_extension and add_action are called. I tried to remove the action by with no success. Because I not really understand how the array works i.e. array( &$extension, \'_register\' ), so I go search out and found this post.
There's a line stating that
The new format for the above object referenced method callbacks are always: class name, followed immediately by the method name, followed by the amount of previously added (classname+methodname). For classes, this allows you to add as many object referenced classes and add methods which don’t override each other.
However I can't seems to be able to remove the action.
I tried to remove the action by putting following lines of code in function.php
function remove_bp_hierarchy(){
if (has_action('bp_actions')) {
echo $extension = new BP_Groups_Hierarchy_Extension;
remove_action('bp_actions', array( &$extension, '_register' ), 999);
} else {
add_action('bp_init','remove_bp_hierarchy', 999);
Is it something wrong with my remove_action or I use wrong method? Thanks and regards.
## Update
Found a page in which let we see a list of hooks and also hooked function in the page. I see that there's a function with the name _register which is the function I'm looking for. However, class address always change. I was thinking using the function found to do a preg_match on it and remove it when it found. this is super heavy. So is there other way of removing it? Thanks and Regards.

CodingBabyDotCom -
Long story short: you will have to traverse the $wp_filter array to remove the action.
You need a reference to the SAME instance that was used to create the action in order to remove it with the remove_action function. So the function you posted doesn't work because it is using a new instance.
Unfortunately bp_register_group_extension() creates only a temporary instance, so it can't be referenced by later functions.
The code in your comment will remove ALL actions at level 8, which means all group extensions. To remove only the one you want, iterate over each filter and check its type with:
is_a( $wp_filter['bp_actions'][8][$key], 'BP_Groups_Hierarchy_Extension' )


Woocommerce Subscriptions - Set owner programmatically

I'm using WooCommerce Subscriptions on a site to provide team-based memberships. I'd like to ensure that the owner of the Subscription matches the owner of the team (one user to rule them all...!)
It's possible to do this via admin by using the customer dropdown fields.
So, I have been trying to set this programmatically. As I understand it, there are getter and setter methods for all the Subscription data (and as a Subscription is extended from WC_Order, those methods should work too). However, I can't figure out what method to use to make this change.
I've tried creating both a subscription and an order instance from a subscription ID, but neither of the methods I've tried below work:
When I print_r() the Subscription instance, the original customer_id is still there under the data array:
WC_Subscription Object
[data:protected] => Array
[customer_id] => 123
Given that the array is protected, I'm guessing there's a setter method I haven't tried yet. Can someone please help me with what type of instance and setter method I need for this please?
I'm pleased to say I've solved this one myself - posting here to hopefully help someone else from banging their heads against the walls!
Turns out I was doing everything correctly, I just wasn't calling the save() method after I made my changes......! D'oh!
I'm quite used to functions in WordPress having immediate effect - a valid call to update_post_meta, for example, will take effect straight away.
Instead, WooCommerce stores changes via getters/setters within the local instance created through WC_Order (or other abstractions). These are only saved to the database* when you call the save() method. I believe this is to help prevent unnecessary database calls.
*or data store if you're doing something very fancy.
Code example for those who need it, for an order ID '123' and a new user ID '456':
// Create order instance
$order_instance = wc_get_order(123);
// Set new customer id
// Save changes
// To echo data back, use the get_data() method to create an array of data, which you can assign however needed. For example:
$order_data = $order_instance->get_data();
$customer_id = $order_data['customer_id'];
echo 'customer number = ' . $customer_id;
I found the information about why the data requires manually saving (it's only stored in the local instance) from the very helpful doc at Advanced Woo:
"Setter methods update information in the WC_Data object held in working memory. However, one of the Database Operations Methods must be called to make the change in the database."

Attributes as radio boxes, access to $product methods

I'm just starting out with WooCommerce and hitting one mental block out of the gate. I see this whole web of template files that I'm wrapping my head around, but there are a few situations where I'd love to be able to just access the full $product object, methods and all, and just write my own template code.
This is playing out right now with the variable product attributes dropdown. Rather than a select I'd like radios with labels to make it easy to style them. Ideally I'd just grab the attributes from the $product object and write some HTML in a loop, but when I print_r($product) all I get is the slug of the product.
I noticed that in wc_dropdown_variation_attribute_options() there's a call to $product->get_variation_attributes(), but I can't access that myself.
Any helpful tips for somebody at this stage with WooCommerce? Any suggestions around how to access the main $product object and template functions are preferred over copy/paste situations.
You can use the WC_Product_Factory class and then call function get_product(ID) to access the main $product object
$_pf = new WC_Product_Factory();
$product = $_pf->get_product($product_id);
You can then use all the function calls as listed in their api: http://docs.woothemes.com/wc-apidocs/class-WC_Product.html

How to update the value of a single field invoking appropriate validation

I'm making a module to allow users to update single fields on in this case, their user entity.
The code below is an example of the method I have initially been using to get it working and test other elements of the module
global $user;
$account = user_load($user->uid);
$edit = (array) $account;
$edit['field_lastname']['und'][0]['value'] = 'test';
user_save($account, $edit);
However this bypasses any field validation defined elsewhere in Drupal. I don't want to reproduce any validation written elsewhere - it's not the Drupal way!
My question is: Is there a function in Drupal 7 that can be called to update the value of a single field. I imagine such a function would clear the appropriate caches, invoke the fields validation etc.
I am aware the solution will be totally different to my current user object based one. I just can't for the life of me find the appropriate function in the API. I wander whether the fact I am looking for a save function alone is the problem - and that there are some other necessary steps that come before.
Any help gratefully appreciated.
Check out the drupal_form_submit function. It lets you submit forms from code. In this case, you could use it to the user edit form, which would then fire the appropriate validation.

What does apply_filters(...) actually do in WordPress?

I'm trying to understand some of the function in WordPress, but I can't get my head around what apply_filters(...) actually does.
Is someone able to clear this up for me with a few examples?
apply_filters($tag, $value) passes the 'value' argument to each of the functions 'hooked' (using add_filter) into the specified filter 'tag'. Each function performs some processing on the value and returns a modified value to be passed to the next function in the sequence.
For example, by default (in WordPress 2.9) the the_content filter passes the value through the following sequence of functions:
late answer
Short explanation
apply_filters() interacts with the global $wp_filters array. Basically it just checks the array if the current filter (or hook) has an action(/callback function) attached and then calls it.
Long explanation
When you attach a callback/action to a filter or hook, then you just add the callback name to global filters array. When then, in code (for e.g. a template, core or plugin file) a call to do_action() or apply_filters() happens, then WordPress searched through the array and calls the callback. The only thing more special with filters than with hooks is, that it returns the value (for further handling) instead of just firing the callback. So summed up: Hooks are to insert data, while filters are to modify data.
Here's what I'm gleaning, upon considering the most popular answer and additional resources:
$tag seems to be a synonym for the name of the hook. (That's not particularly intuitive to me.)
the_content is an example of a hook, of the "filter" type.
the_content hook consists of multiple filters.
Filters modify data. They basically filter the database, changing the data before the users view it.
A common use of apply_filters(), for instance, is to apply the_content filters to $content. In this instance, double returns will convert to <p> tags, smiley faces will convert to icons, etc.
"the_content" is a hook, while "the_content()" is a function.
In the most basic terms, apply_filters is used to initialise a filter hook... add_filter assigns a new function to hooks that have already been created.

Howto use the has_filter wordpress function with an object based callback

I have several plugins, all of which are based on using objects to hold the plugin.
In one plugin class named "test_plugin" I have:
apply_filter('wp_list_pages', array(&$this, 'wp_list_pages'));
I would like to use the has_filter function in one plugin to try to detect the presence of the other plugin.
I cant find any examples of the has_filter function being used with an object based callback.
I have tried:
has_filter('wp_list_pages', array('test_plugin', 'wp_list_pages'));
But this only returns false. I have written some debugging output to display the contents of the $wp_filters global variable and the callback is definitely registered in the $wp_filters array.
Take a look at the _wp_filter_build_unique_id function defined at the bottom of wp-includes/plugin.php. That's where the array key for $wp_filters is generated. It looks like it does something like this for your case:
$obj_idx = get_class($this).'wp_list_pages';
and then appends an integer to the end of that to make sure it's unique. That integer is also added to a field called wp_filter_id on your object.
