guzzle php http client cookies setup - symfony

I am trying to migrate from Zend Http Client to Guzzle Http Client. I find Guzzle well featured and easy to use for the most part, But I think it is not well documented when it comes to using Cookie plugin. So my question is how do you set cookies for the HTTP request you are going to make against the server, in Guzzle.
Using Zend Client you would do something as simple as :
$client = new HttpClient($url); // Zend\Http\Client http client object instantiation
$cookies = $request->cookies->all(); // $request Symfony request object that gets all the cookies, as array name-value pairs, that are set on the end client (browser)
$client->setCookies($cookies); // we use the above client side cookies to set them on the HttpClient object and,
$client->send(); //finally make request to the server at $url that receives the cookie data
So, how do you do this in Guzzle. I have looked at But I felt it is not straightforward and couldn't get my head around it. May be someone can help ??

This code should achieve what is asked for, i.e to set the cookies on the request before making guzzle client request
$cookieJar = new ArrayCookieJar(); // new jar instance
$cookies = $request->cookies->all(); // get cookies from symfony symfony Request instance
foreach($cookies as $name=>$value) { //create cookie object and add to jar
$cookieJar->add(new Cookie(array('name'=>$name, 'value'=>$value)));
$client = new HttpClient("http://yourhosturl");
$cookiePlugin = new CookiePlugin($cookieJar);
// Add the cookie plugin to the client object
$gRequest = $client->get('/your/path');
$gResponse = $gRequest->send(); // finally, send the client request
When the response comes back from the server with set-cookie headers you have those cookies available in the $cookieJar.
Cookie jar can also be gotten from the CookiePlugin method

Or without cookie plugin
$client = new HttpClient();
$request = $client->get($url);
foreach($cookies as $name => $value) {
$request->addCookie($name, $value);
$response = $request->send();


Symfony functional test: Current request not set when fetching service from container

One of my services depends on the HTTP_HOST value in the currentRequest object from the requestStack. When this service is used in a functional test it works because I create the client with the host parameter:
$client = static::createClient(array(), array(
'HTTP_HOST' => 'test.' . $this->domain
At some point I have the need to get a service from the container that has a dependency on the request so i thought i used the client created with the host value to fetch the service:
But the request object is no longer set when the constructer of this service is is called.
Is there any way I can use this service in the test function with a dependency on the Request object ?
Related code:
//Create client with HTTP_HOST
$client = static::createClient(array(), array(
'HTTP_HOST' => 'test.' . $this->domain
//Do some request services depending on the request object work because the client is initiated with the HTTP_HOST value
$crawler = $client->request('GET', $redirectUrl);
//Now I want to check if email feedback is send. This process starts in a EventSubsriber
//I have to trigger this event myself because the $event variable consist of fake data.
//now collect the mail and do some checks
$mailCollector = $client->getProfile()->getCollector('swiftmailer');
$this->assertEquals(1, $mailCollector->getMessageCount());
You should get the Container directly from your created client, as described in the official docs:
It may still be necessary to mock the whole service but more code examples would be needed..

UsernamePasswordToken NULL after one request

I created UnitTests for my Symfony app with the REST and OAuthBundle. To test the API behind the firewall, I create in my setUp method a UsernamePasswordToken by
$token = new UsernamePasswordToken($user, null, 'default', array('ROLE_USER'));
Now I set the token by
Interestingly this token is only for one request in the storage. The first request with the first assertion succeeds, the second fails because of an 401 error. I checked the storage afterwards and the getToken() method returns NULL. If I set the token once more before the next request, this request succeeds also.
This is a sample request and the assertion:
$crawler = self::$client->request('GET', '/api/users');
$this->assertEquals(200, self::$client->getResponse()->getStatusCode());
So, I can set the token before each single request to solve the problem, but this would very annoying in all my tests. Why is the token after one "use" gone and how can I set a "lifetime" or something else?
I think the problem is that each request the kernel and with it the container will load from the cache again where it does not contain your token. You have to persist your token in the session for it to stay permanently. How to do this is described in the documentation Testing HTTP Authentication
protected function login()
$session = $this->client->getContainer()->get('session');
// the firewall context defaults to the firewall name
$firewallContext = 'secured_area';
$token = new UsernamePasswordToken('admin', null, $firewallContext, array('ROLE_ADMIN'));
$session->set('_security_'.$firewallContext, serialize($token));
$cookie = new Cookie($session->getName(), $session->getId());
This should work over multiple requests and you can set it per test-method if you still want some tests not to be logged in.

Apache HTTP client 4.3 credentials per request

I have been having a look to a digest authentication example at:
In my scenario the there are several threads issuing HTTP requests and each of them has to be authenticated with their own set of credentials. Additionally, please consider this question is probably very specific for the Apache HTTP client 4.3 onwards, 4.2 handles authentication probably in a different way, although I didn't check it myself. That said, there goes the actual question.
I want to use just one client instance (static member of the class, that is threadsafe) and give it a connection manager to support several concurrent requests. The point is that each request will provide different credentials and I am not seeing the way to assign credentials per request as the credentials provider is set when building the http client. From the link above:
HttpHost targetHost = new HttpHost("localhost", 80, "http");
CredentialsProvider credsProvider = new BasicCredentialsProvider();
new AuthScope(targetHost.getHostName(), targetHost.getPort()),
new UsernamePasswordCredentials("username", "password"));
CloseableHttpClient httpclient = HttpClients.custom()
The code sample in point 4.4 (seek 4.4. HTTP authentication and execution context), seems to say that the HttpClientContext is given the auth cache and the credentials provider and then is passed to the HTTP request. Next to it the request is executed and it seems that the client will get credentials filtering by the host in the HTTP request. In other words: if the context (or the cache) has valid credentials for the target host of the current HTTP request, he will use them. The problem for me is that different threads will perform different requests to the same host.
Is there any way to provide custom credentials per HTTP request?
Thanks in advance for your time! :)
The problem for me is that different threads will perform different requests to the same host.
Why should this be a problem? As long as you use a different HttpContext instance per thread, execution contexts of those threads are going to be completely indepenent
CloseableHttpClient httpclient = HttpClients.createDefault();
CredentialsProvider credentialsProvider = new BasicCredentialsProvider();
credentialsProvider.setCredentials(AuthScope.ANY, new UsernamePasswordCredentials("user:pass"));
HttpClientContext localContext = HttpClientContext.create();
HttpGet httpget = new HttpGet("http://localhost/");
CloseableHttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(httpget, localContext);
try {
} finally {
I have a similar issue.
I must call n-times a service with a single system user, authenticated with NTLM. I want to do this using multiple threads.
What I came up with is creating a single HTTPClient with no default credential provider. When a request needs to be performed I use an injected CredentialProviderFactory into the method performing the request (in a specific thread). Using this I get a brand new CredentialsProvider and I put this into a Context (created in the thread).
Then I call the execute method on the client using the overload execute(method, context).
class MilestoneBarClient implements IMilestoneBarClient {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MilestoneBarClient.class);
private MilestoneBarBuilder builder;
private CloseableHttpClient httpclient;
private MilestoneBarUriBuilder uriBuilder;
private ICredentialsProviderFactory credsProviderFactory;
MilestoneBarClient(CloseableHttpClient client, ICredentialsProviderFactory credsProviderFactory, MilestoneBarUriBuilder uriBuilder) {
this(client, credsProviderFactory, uriBuilder, new MilestoneBarBuilder());
MilestoneBarClient(CloseableHttpClient client, ICredentialsProviderFactory credsProviderFactory, MilestoneBarUriBuilder uriBuilder, MilestoneBarBuilder milestoneBarBuilder) {
this.credsProviderFactory = credsProviderFactory;
this.uriBuilder = uriBuilder;
this.builder = milestoneBarBuilder;
this.httpclient = client;
// This method is called by multiple threads
public MilestoneBar get(String npdNumber) {
log.debug("Asking milestone bar info for {}", npdNumber);
try {
String url = uriBuilder.getPathFor(npdNumber);
log.debug("Building request for URL {}", url);
HttpClientContext localContext = HttpClientContext.create();
HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet(url);
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
try(CloseableHttpResponse resp = httpclient.execute(httpGet, localContext)){
For some reasons I sometimes get an error, but I guess it's an NTLMCredentials issue (not being thread-safe...).
In your case, you could probably pass the factory to the get methods instead of passing in creation.

getRequest Method on Restful Server

I am hitting RestfulServer via an ajax call (url: BaseHref + "api/v1/Post/" + postId + '/PostTracks' to retrieve DataObject relations:
public function PostTracks(){
$controller = Controller::curr();
$request = $controller->getRequest();
$passkey = $request->getHeader('passkey');
$tracks = $this->owner->Tracks();
$set = array();
foreach($tracks as $track)
$set[] = array(
'm4aURL' => $track->m4a()->URL,
'oggURL' => $track->ogg()->URL,
'Title' => $track->Title
$this->outputJSON(200, $set);
At the top of the method I am trying to grab the value of a custom header that I sent in my ajax call via the beforeSend method. I have verified that the header is sent in the request to RestfulServer controller, but am having trouble getting the value.I am not getting anything for the value of $passkey.
How can I get header info from a RestfulServer controller. I don't understand why getRequest isn't working since RestfulServer extends from Controller.
You can use print_r($request->getHeaders()) to see all the headers attached to the request. In any case, I suspect the issue is with the casing of "passkey". By default SilverStripe will parse header names in CamelCaseFormat - so I suspect the header will be called Passkey or PassKey.
One nice way to debug issues with request is using Debug::dump($request->getHeaders()) or Debug::log($request->getHeaders()).
The latter will write a log file to the site that you can then track if you have terminal access to the server by "tail -f debug.log", or downloading them again and again.
That way you can see what logs out when you cant drirectly access the url.

ASP.Net Web API - Authorization header blank

I am having to re-write an existing REST API using .NET (originally written with Ruby). From the client's perspective, it has to work exactly the same way as the old API - i.e. the client code mustn't need to change. The current API requires Basic Authentication. So to call the old API, the following works perfectly:-
var wc = new System.Net.WebClient();
var myCache = new CredentialCache();
myCache.Add(new Uri(url), "Basic", new NetworkCredential("XXX", "XXX"));
wc.Credentials = myCache;
var returnBytes = wc.DownloadData("http://xxxx");
(I have had to ommit the real URL / username / password etc for security reasons).
Now I am writing the new API using ASP.Net Web API with MVC4. I have a weird problem and cannot find anybody else with exactly the same problem. In order to support Basic Authentication, I have followed the guidelines here:
One thing, I put the code to "hook in the handler" in the Global.asax.cs file in the Application_Start() event (that wasn't explained so I guessed).
Anyway, if I call my API (which I have deployed in IIS) using the above code, the Authorization header is always null, and the above fails with 401 Unauthorized. However, if I manually set the header using this code, it works fine - i.e. the Authorization header now exists and I am able to Authenticate the user.
private void SetBasicAuthHeader(WebClient request, String userName, String userPassword)
string authInfo = userName + ":" + userPassword;
authInfo = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(authInfo));
request.Headers["Authorization"] = "Basic " + authInfo;
var wc = new System.Net.WebClient();
SetBasicAuthHeader(request, "XXXX", "XXXX");
var returnBytes = wc.DownloadData("http://xxxx");
Although that works, it's no good to me because existing users of the existing API are not going to be manually setting the header.
Reading up on how Basic Authentication works, the initial request is meant to be anonymous, then the client is returned 401, then the client is meant to try again. However if I put a break point in my code, it will never hit the code again in Antony's example. I was expecting my breakpoint to be hit twice.
Any ideas how I can get this to work?
You're expecting the right behavior. System.Net.WebClient does not automatically include the Authorization headers upon initial request. It only sends them when properly challenged by a response, which to my knowledge is a 401 status code and a proper WWW-Authenticate header. See here and here for further info.
I'm assuming your basic authentication handler is not returning the WWW-Authenticate header and as such WebClient never even attempts to send the credentials on a second request. You should be able to watch this in Fiddler or a similar tool.
If your handler did something like this, you should witness the WebClient approach working:
//if is not authenticated or Authorization header is null
return base.SendAsync(request, cancellationToken).ContinueWith(task =>
var response = task.Result;
response.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized;
response.Headers.Add("WWW-Authenticate", "Basic realm=\"\"");
return response;
//else (is authenticated)
return base.SendAsync(request, cancellationToken);
As you noticed, if you include the Authorization headers on every request (like you did in your alternative approach) then your handler already works as is. So it may be sufficient - it just isn't for WebClient and other clients that operate in the same way.
