How to start with enyo.js on window OS - enyo

Now I have to work on enyo.js and echonest.I am new to this.So please anyone tell me in which IDE I should start working with enyo.js and how to start step by step. Thanks

The suggested/recommended IDE for enyo is ARES: github link for ares IDE
For initial usage guidelines you can refer this video demo:
And for further details n commonly asked questions refer this :, so that you can get some basic ideas about progress and all.

Any IDE that has a text editor will suffice :)
Start here:
Also, take a look at the Sampler app:


Populating the "Now Playing" screen on watchOS 6

I'm trying to display the currently playing audio from my app in the watches Now Playing app.
I'm streaming the audio using the AVPlayer and set the AVAudioSession category and activated the session.
I've also tried to use the MPNowPlayingInfoCenter without any luck.
Is there another way to provide this information.
And just as I hit post I figured it out!
You also have to setup the MPRemoteCommandCenter. 🤦‍♂️
Leaving this here for future reference.
Please show some code for reference, but MvNowPlayingInfoCentre should work fine.
Take a look at this for more information:

CSS Side Effects of Googles Blink Engine

today I took a closer look at my website and recognized the some elements were displayed at a wrong position.
After some searching I noticed that my Chrome was in version 30... beta. With this Update the Blink engine also comes along.
Now my question is if someone knows were I can find a complete changelog or if someone has the same problem and is working on it?
Thanks in advance!

Inner Active add Api with QML

I am trying to get the inner active add Api to work with QML. I have found this Nokia example: on how to do it. I plan to just use the add widget they use in my own app but when I compile the app it gives this error: "'KErrNone' was not declared in this scope" on anything excpet Symbian and once it runs on Symbian the add area is just black and after a while I get this error: "AdBannerWidget::onNetworkError = "Error downloading - server replied: Not Found"".
Please help I have no idea what could be causing this, it's probably something stupid but I really need help.
I also get a error while trying to design the qml because of it not being able to "import Analytics 1.0"
I do have a inner active account and I have tried it using my own tag they generated for me but it still doesn't work.
My name is Nirit and I'm a support manager at inneractive.
we just released our new Beta QML open-sourced project, it is now available on your Dashboard (the SDKs tab).
Please download the .zip file and take the time to read through our clear and concise documentation.
If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Nirit (
For the black widget and network error, I bet you have to register first with inneractive to get an actual account.
"KErrNone" seems indeed symbian only. Might be that the project is just no meant to compiled on desktop as such. You maybe would have to #ifdef Q_OS_SYMBIAN some parts of it.

Page change monitor for Safari

I'm looking for an app or add on to use with my ipad that notifies me when a webpage changes. Google chrome has add on for such but I can't find anything for Safari/ipad. Please help!
I have the same problem but have found an app called iChanged lite that appears to do the job but i am in the process of dowloading it.
Good Luck

Open source Dock kind of menu in flex 3

I want to create Mac Dock kind of menu for one of my application.
Please let me know, if there is any open source library or code.
Thanks in advance.
The one I remember from ages ago is the FishEye project. Not sure the status, but a simple google search gave this result:
Best of luck,
