Adding numbers within a vector in r - r

I have a vector
I need add the numbers in the vector in the following fashion
producing a second vector
This is probably quite simple...but I am a bit stuck.

Use the cumulative sum function:
#[1] 1 3 6


Calculate product of all following vector elements in R

I have some arbitrary vector such as
v <- seq(1,5)
For every index of v I now need to compute the product of all following elements of v.
Here, the result would be a vector w=(5*4*3*2,5*4*3,5*4,5,1) but I need a general algorithm for this. I am trying to avoid a loop (which is the obvious solution).
You can use cumprod with rev:
c(rev(cumprod(rev(v[-1]))), 1)
#[1] 120 60 20 5 1

R: pairwise matrix of the number of characters that differ among strings

I have a vector containing a large number of strings that are all of the same length. For example:
vec = c("keep", "teem", "meat", "weep")
I would like to compare every possible pair of strings from within this vector and count the number of characters that differ between them. Using the vector above, "keep" would be compared to every other string in the vector, "teem" would be compared to every other string, and so on.
I'm only interested in counting the number of characters from the same position within each string that are different. So for example "keep" vs. "teem" would have 2 differences, "keep" vs. "meat" 3 differences, etc. I'd like to output the results as a pairwise matrix, where the strings in the vector make up the row names and column names.
I've learned from another post (How can I compare two strings to find the number of characters that match in R, using substitution distance?) that I can use the adist argument in mapply to calculate the number of differences between two strings:
But I'm not sure how to modify this to operate over every possible pairwise combination in my vector, and to place the results in a pairwise matrix. Any ideas for how to do that? Thanks!!
Do you mean using adist like below?
> `dimnames<-`(adist(vec),rep(list(vec),2))
keep teem meat weep
keep 0 2 3 1
teem 2 0 3 2
meat 3 3 0 3
weep 1 2 3 0
An option with stringdistmatrix
out <- as.matrix(stringdistmatrix(vec))
dimnames(out) <- list(vec, vec)

Muliplying Elements of a Vector one more each time

I am trying to create a vector from another vector where I multiply the numbers in the vector one more each time.
For example if I had (1,2,3) the new vector would be (1, 1 x 2, 1 x 2 x 3)=(1,2,6)
I tried to create a loop for this as seen below. It seems to work for whole numbers but not decimals. I am not sure why.
x <- c(0.99,0.98,0.97,0.96,0.95)
for(i in 1:5){x[i]=prod(x[1:i])}
The result given is 0.9900000 0.9702000 0.9316831 0.8590845 0.7303385
which is incorrect as prod(x) = 0.8582777. Which is not the same as the last element of the vector.
Does anyone know why this is the case? Or have a suggestion for improvement in my code to get the correct answer.
[1] 1 2 6
As #akrun suggests, one can achieve the same with:
Reduce("*", test, accumulate = TRUE)

Counting all the matchings of a pattern in a vector in R

I have a boolean vector in which I want to count the number of occurrences of some patterns.
For example, for the pattern "(1,1)" and the vector "(1,1,1,0,1,1,1)", the answer should be 4.
The only built-in function I found to help is grepRaw, which finds the occurrences of a particular string in a longer string. However, it seems to fail when the sub-strings matching the pattern overlap:
# [1] 2
Do you have any ideas to obtain the right answer in this case?
Edit 1
I'm afraid that Rich's answer works for the particular example I posted, but fails in a more general setting:
> sum(duplicated(rbind(c(FALSE,FALSE),embed(c(TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE),2))))
[1] 3
In this other example, the expected answer would be 0.
Using the function rollapply you can apply a moving window of width = 2 summing the values. Then you can sum the records where the result is equal to 2 i.e. sum(c(1,1))
z <- c(1,1,1,0,1,1,1)
sum(rollapply(z, 2, sum) == 2)

How can I compare two strings to find the number of characters that match in R, using substitution distance?

In R, I have two character vectors, a and b.
a <- c("abcdefg", "hijklmnop", "qrstuvwxyz")
b <- c("abXdeXg", "hiXklXnoX", "Xrstuvwxyz")
I want a function that counts the character mismatches between each element of a and the corresponding element of b. Using the example above, such a function should return c(2,3,1). There is no need to align the strings.
I need to compare each pair of strings character-by-character and count matches and/or mismatches in each pair. Does any such function exist in R?
Or, to ask the question in another way, is there a function to give me the edit distance between two strings, where the only allowed operation is substitution (ignore insertions or deletions)?
Using some mapply fun:
mapply(function(x,y) sum(x!=y),strsplit(a,""),strsplit(b,""))
#[1] 2 3 1
Another option is to use adist which Compute the approximate string distance between character vectors:
abcdefg hijklmnop qrstuvwxyz
2 3 1
