How to parse ">" and "<" in Xquery in Marklogic? - xquery

I want to use > and < in my xqy pages in Marklogic Server. But Marklogic converts > to > and < to < In Query Console also when I write > and run the query it prints the output as > but I want it to be > only and not >. How can I do this ?

In QConsole you can select the Text output format. If you do so with a query that only contains ">", than only a > will be output. If you select the XML output format, it will be escaped and wrapped in a result element by the QConsole eval function to make it well-formed.
If you are checking your xqy page using a common web browser, it could be escaping properly written results too, make sure to check page source.
Note also that Marklogic returns xquery output usually as text/xml. You can set the response content type to text/plain using xdmp:set-response-content-type("text/plain")


How to pass a chr variable into r"(...)"?

I've seen that since 4.0.0, R supports raw strings using the syntax r"(...)". Thus, I could do:
#> [1] "C:\\THIS\\IS\\MY\\PATH\\TO\\FILE.CSV"
While this is great, I can't figure out how to make this work with a variable, or better yet with a function. See this comment which I believe is asking the same question.
This one can't even be evaluated:
construct_path <- function(my_path) {
Error: malformed raw string literal at line 2
Error: unexpected '}' in "}"
Nor this attempt:
construct_path_2 <- function(my_path) {
paste0(r, my_path)
Error: '\T' is an unrecognized escape in character string starting ""(C:\T"
Desired output
# pseudo-code
#> [1] "C:\\THIS\\IS\\MY\\PATH\\TO\\FILE.CSV"
In light of #KU99's comment, I want to add the context to the problem. I'm writing an R script to be run from command-line using WIndows's CMD and Rscript. I want to let the user who executes my R script to provide an argument where they want the script's output to be written to. And since Windows's CMD accepts paths in the format of C:\THIS\IS\MY\PATH\TO, then I want to be consistent with that format as the input to my R script. So ultimately I want to take that path input and convert it to a path format that is easy to work with inside R. I thought that the r"()" thing could be a proper solution.
I think you're getting confused about what the string literal syntax does. It just says "don't try to escape any of the following characters". For external inputs like text input or files, none of this matters.
For example, if you run this code
path <- readline("> enter path: ")
You will get this prompt:
> enter path:
and if you type in your (unescaped) path:
> enter path: C:\Windows\Dir
You get no error, and your variable is stored appropriately:
#> [1] "C:\\Windows\\Dir"
This is not in any special format that R uses, it is plain text. The backslashes are printed in this way to avoid ambiguity but they are "really" just single backslashes, as you can see by doing
#> C:\Windows\Dir
The string literal syntax is only useful for shortening what you need to type. There would be no point in trying to get it to do anything else, and we need to remember that it is a feature of the R interpreter - it is not a function nor is there any way to get R to use the string literal syntax dynamically in the way you are attempting. Even if you could, it would be a long way for a shortcut.

How to parse #{TEST TAGS} into only the Tags, eliminating current formatting?

Situation.. I have two tags defined, then I try to output them to the console. What comes out seems to be similar to an array, but I'd like to remove the formatting and just have the actual words outputted.
Here's what I currently have:
[Tags] ready ver10
Log To Console \n#{TEST TAGS}
And the result is
['ready', 'ver10']
So, how would I chuck the [', the ', ' and the '], thus only retaining the words ready and ver10?
Note: I was getting [u'ready', u'ver10'] - but once I got some advice to make sure I was running Python3 RobotFramework - after uninstalling robotframework via pip, and now only having robotframework installed via pip3, the u has vanished. That's great!
There are several ways to do it. For example, you could use a loop, or you could convert the list to a string before calling log to console
Using a loop.
Since the data is a list, it's easy to iterate over the list:
FOR ${tag} IN #{Test Tags}
log to console ${tag}
Converting to a string
You can use the evaluate keyword to convert the list to a string of values separated by a newline. Note: you have to use two backslashes in the call to evaluate since both robot and python use the backslash as an escape character. So, the first backslash escapes the second so that python will see \n and convert it to a newline.
${tags}= evaluate "\\n".join($test_tags)
log to console \n${tags}

outputting text in XQuery using saxon9he: how do I get "<" and ">" created in the output themselves, not escaped?

My XQuery script:
declare namespace output = "http://​www.​w3.​org/​2010/​xslt-​xquery-​ser​iali​zati​on";
declare option output:method "text";
for $row in all/row
return ('"<row>","',data($row),'"
My command line:
java -cp …/saxon9he.jar net.sf.saxon.Query '!omit-xml-declaration=yes' -s:./trouble-with-output-escaping.xml -q:./trouble-with-output-escaping.xqy
My output as created by saxon9he:
"<row>"," one "
"<row>"," two "
"<row>"," three "
I actually want to have output like this:
During my web investigation I came across XSLT's disable-output-escaping.
I thought: if XQuery had that, that might help.
Actually nothing (visible) was wrong with the above XQuery script.
The namespace declaration above needs to get replaced by this one:
declare namespace output = "";
Looks the same, but it isn't, as Michael pointed out.
Having completed this, the above is an example of how to create text output using XQuery.
In some other place Michael showed, how get rid of the space (0x20), that is being used to separate the lines, i.e. the space character preceding lines 2 to the end:
where "…" would be the entire FLWOR.
It's doing the right thing if you set output method "text" from the command line, that is
java net.sf.saxon.Query -q:test.xquery -s:test.xml -t !method=text
but you had me baffled as to why setting the serialization options from within the query isn't working. Looking at it in the debugger, though, I see that your URI, which looks like
actually contains several occurrences of decimal 8203, hex 200B, which is a zero-width space. This means the URI doesn't match the serialization output URI, and "declare option" with an unrecognized URI is ignored.

Send expression to website return dynamic result (picture)

I use to view a picto representation regular expressions a lot. I would like a way to ideally:
send a regular expression to the site
open the site with that expression displayed
For example let's use the regex: "\\s*foo[A-Z]\\d{2,3}". I'd go tot he site and paste \s*foo[A-Z]\d{2,3} (note the removal of the double slashes). And it returns:
I'd like to do this process from within R. Creating a wrapper function like view_regex("\\s*foo[A-Z]\\d{2,3}") and the page (*foo%5BA-Z%5D%5Cd%7B2%2C3%7D) with the visual diagram would be opened with the default browser.
I think RCurl may be appropriate but this is new territory for me. I also see the double slash as a problem because expects single slashes and R needs double. I can get R to return a single slash to the console using cat as follows, so this may be how to approach.
x <- "\\s*foo[A-Z]\\d{2,3}"
Try something like this:
Query <- function(searchPattern, browse = TRUE) {
finalURL <- paste0("",
if (isTRUE(browse)) browseURL(finalURL)
else finalURL
x <- "\\s*foo[A-Z]\\d{2,3}"
Query(x) ## Will open in the browser
Query(x, FALSE) ## Will return the URL expected
# [1] "*foo[A-Z]%5cd%7b2,3%7d"
The above function simply pastes together the web URL prefix ("") and the encoded form of the search pattern you want to query.
After that, there are two options:
Open the result in the browser
Just return the full encoded URL

Convert copy-of output to string and escape XML special characters (like less than (<) and greater than (>) symbols)

I am trying this in an XQuery (assume that doc('input:instance') does indeed return a valid XML document) which is generated using XSLT
let $a:= <xsl:text>"<xsl:copy-of select="doc('input:instance')//A" />"</xsl:text>
let $p := <xsl:text>"<xsl:copy-of select="doc('input:instance')//P" />"</xsl:text>
let $r := <xsl:text>"<xsl:copy-of select="doc('input:instance')//R" />"</xsl:text>
But I get the error:
xsl:text must not contain child elements
How do I retrieve XML results using the XPath in xsl:copy-of and then encode the special characters received in the result while formatting the result as string? I would be happy to use CDATA section if that's possible (if I do that instead of xsl:text above, xsl:copy-of is not evaluated since it becomes part of CDATA section).
Obviously I am a newcomer to XSL...
What you need here is the ability to serialize an XML document (here the document returned by doc()) using the XML serialization, into a string.
Various XQuery implementation have extension functions for this purpose. For example, if you are using Saxon:
saxon:serialize(document, 'xml')
This has nothing to do with XQuery (you could be building the XSLT stylesheet with any language, even XSLT itslef!).
<!-- Category: instruction -->
[disable-output-escaping]? = "yes" | "no">
<!-- Content: #PCDATA -->
[...] The content of the xsl:text
element is a single text node whose
value forms the string value of the
new text node.
