In-memory SQLite database shared by multiple processes - sqlite

I have a system where multiple processes successfully share a single SQLite disk based database. The size and nature of the database is such that faster access is always desirable and database is temporary anyway, so keeping it fully in memory sounds like a good idea. I know SQLite supports in memory databases but it appears as if there is no way to share an in-memory database with another process (or at least this is how I understand it). Considering SQLite seems to use file mappings I see no reason why a process-shared in-memory database could not exist (at least in theory).
I am keen to know if anybody knows a way to do this or has some other suggestion.

It is true, that SQlite does not support sharing a memory database with other processes. There is little reason to implement such a feature, because uses cases are mostly artificial. You cite performance as a use case, but you can just create a file based database on a tmpfs if you are on Linux. Otherwise you can still use a number of pragmas, such as PRAGMA synchronous=OFF; to speed up your database by giving up durability. Going further, you can use PRAGMA journal_mode=MEMORY; to prepare commits in memory or even use PRAGMA journal_mode=OFF; if you do not need transaction support at all.
One of the main reasons for the lack of support is the need for locking. SQlite needs some means to lock the database and currently these locking operations tied to the file operations in the SQlite VFS implementation. You might still be able to implement your own VFS module that works in memory, but you risk implementing a filesystem.


Using SQLite as a file cache

My C++ application needs to support caching of files downloaded from the network. I started to write a native LRU implementation when someone suggested I look at using SQLite to store an ID, a file blob (typically audio files) and the the add/modify datetimes for each entry.
I have a proof of concept working well for the simple case where one client is accessing the local SQLite database file.
However, I also need to support multiple access by different processes in my application as well as support multiple instances of the application - all reading/writing to/from the same database.
I have found a bunch of posts to investigate but I wanted to ask the experts here too - is this a reasonable use case for SQLite and if so, what features/settings should I dig deeper into in order to support my multiple access case.
Thank you.
Most filesystems are in effect databases too, and most store two or more timestamps for each file, i.e. related to the last modification and last access time allowing implementation of an LRU cache. Using the filesystem directly will make just as efficient use of storage as any DB, and perhaps more so. The filesystem is also already geared toward efficient and relatively safe access by multiple processes (assuming you follow the rules and algorithms for safe concurrent access in a filesystem).
The main advantage of SQLite may be a slightly simpler support for sorting the list of records, though at the cost of using a separate query API. Of course a DB also offers the future ability of storing additional descriptive attributes without having to encode those in the filename or in some additional file(s).

How to prevent write transactions while copying the Sqlite3 database file?

Sqlite3 recommends using the Backup API to make a backup but also indicates that copying can be safe as long as there are no transactions in progress:
The best approach to make reliable backup copies of an SQLite database is to make use of the backup API that is part of the SQLite library. Failing that, it is safe to make a copy of an SQLite database file as long as there are no transactions in progress by any process.
I'd like to use the approach of copying the database file, provided I can do this safely.
NB. I understand that the Backup API is the preferred option, but since Sqlite3 advertises atomic commits I believe this approach is viable, and am interested to know how to make this approach as safe as possible.
What SQL command or API can be used to completely lock the database such that would satisfy the "as long as there are no transactions in process" requirement?
Can an empty exclusive transaction (i.e. BEGIN EXCLUSIVE; with no further statements), be used to achieve this, despite technically being a transaction?

Data sharing - SQLite vs Shared Memory IPC

I would like to get your opinion regarding a design implementation for data sharing.
I am working on Linux embedded device (mips 200 Mhz) and I want to have some sort of data sharing between multiple processes which can either read or write multiple parameters at once.
This data holds ~200 string parameters which are updated every second.
Process may access to data around ~10 times in 1 second.
I would very much like to try and make the design efficient (CPU / Mem).
This data is not required to be persistent and will be recreated every reboot.
Currently, I am considering two options:
Using shard memory IPC (SHM) + semaphore (locking on all SHM).
To use SQLite memory based DB.
For either option, I will supply a C interface library which will perform all the logic of DB operation.
For SHM, this mean locking/unlocking the semaphore and access the parameters which can be referred as an indexed array.
For SQLite, my library will be a wrapper for the SQLite interface library, so the process will not have to know SQL syntax, (some parsing should be done for queries and reply).
I believe that shared memory is more efficient:
No need to use and parse SQL, and it is accessed as an array.
Saying that, there are some pros as well for using SQLite:
Already working and debugged (DB level).
Add flexibility.
Used widely in many embedded systems.
Getting to the point,
Performance wise, I have no experience with SQLite, I would appreciate if you can share your opinions and experience.
SQLite's in-memory databases cannot be shared between processes, but you could put the DB file into tmpfs.
However, SQLite does not do any synchronization between processes. It does lock the DB file to prevent update conflicts, but if one process finds the file already locked, it just waits for a random amount of time.
For efficient communication between processes, you need to use a mechanism like SHM/semaphores or pipes.

In-memory/Embedded DB solution

I'm currently using the in-memory option for SQLite and while it works (a bit slow right now but I'm still exploring ways to optimize my usage of it like batching and such), I'm just curious whether there are other alternatives to SQLite that support in-memory DBs and are embedded solutions. I don't necessarily need a schema-based DB (NoSQL would be an interesting thing to try). I do writes more frequently than reads (this is part of a backend for a web application), so I need my updates to be fast enough to keep up with the incoming flow of data.
I believe SQLite is probably more than capable of handling the volume with some optimizations on the query-side, but I'm just wondering about the alternatives.
Have you tried Oracle's TimesTen database? (Wikipedia article available here)

Why is SQLite fit for template cache?

The benefits of using SQLite storage
for the template cache are faster read
and write operations when the number
of cache elements is important.
I've never used it yet,but how can using SQLite by faster than plain file system?
IMO the overhead(initiating a connection) will make it slower.
BTW,can someone provide a demo how to use SQLite?
There is no real notion of "initiating a connection" : an SQLite database is stored as a single file, in the local filesystem ; so there is nothing like a network connection.
I suppose using an SQLite database can be seen as fast as there is only one file (the database), and not one file per template -- and each access to a file costs some resources ; the operating system might be able to cache accesses to one big file more efficiently to several accesses to several distinct small files.
About a "demo how to use SQLite", it kind of depends on the language you'll be using, but you can start by taking a look at the SQLite documentation, and the API that's available in your programming language ; accessing an SQLite DB is not that hard : basically, you have to :
"Connect" to the DB -- i.e. open the file
Issue some SQL queries
Close the connection
It's not much different than with any other DB engine : the biggest difference is there is no need to setup any DB server.
The benefits of SQLite over a standard file system would lie in it's caching mechanism. SQLite stores data in pages and caches pages to memory. Repeated calls for data that are on pages already in memory will skip a call out to the file system.
There is some overhead in using SQLite though. When you connect to a SQLite database the engine reads and parses the schema. On our system, that takes 30ms (although it's usually less than 1ms for smaller schemas--we have just under a hundred tables and hundreds of triggers and indexes).
