How to get an item in a collection with extra attributes - collections

I currently get an item in a collection for a user like so:
me.user = Backbone.Collection.Users.collection().get(id);
This returns the default set of attribute required in the app. On the user profile page, I want to show additional attributes that aren't necessary anywhere else.
How can I get an item in a collection (which queries the server) with additional attributes that I can specify?

So to go along with the comment, what I think you want is to produce extra models instead of creating two user models, one with redundant + extra data.
One way you could do this is to give a relationship between different models.
Say a user model consists of simply a name and email. That's fine and dandy but you also want to render a user profile on the page (or whatever 'extras' you intend.) This seems like a good opportunity to create a separate model representing the extra data you desire.
You can do it a few ways. For example, if every user has a profile you could bake it into your user model. Something like when you create a user model:
user.profile = new Profile(); // model
I've seen some people put other models inside a model's attributes user.set('profile', new Profile()) but I'm not sure if this is a great idea. I like to keep my model attributes isolated to just that model.
Each profile model would have a url that corresponds to the
So then you could just user.profile.fetch() and use that profile attributes to populate the data in your view. Maybe it does something like /user/1/profile
Another aspect about your question that I think you might be alluding to is sending data from the server in one go when you fetch the collection. Maybe your server replies with data like this:
[{"name":"Jake", "email":"", "profile":"{"aboutme":"Some story"}"}, ... ]
and the profile data is only available for those who have it etc. In this case, you can then use the parse() function to pull out that extra data out and doing something before sending the name and email attributes through to the model set method.
Although, recently I think I read that using the parse to do stuff with the extra data is bad form. Override set So instead of parsing, you might just want to save that for namespacing and then in your overridden set method do something like:
set: function(attributes, options) {
if (!_.isUndefined(this.profile) && attributes.profile) {
this.profile = new Profile();
} else if (attributes.profile) {
delete attributes.profile;
return, attributes, options);
You can do something similar for really unique users such as the main user using your app. When I instantiate a user model for my app (the one representing user him/herself) I also initialize a few other special models only that user would have (like an auth model for fetching authentication data etc.)
I'm not sure if I hit what you were asking but I hope I hit something.

Is collection an instance already, and I assume so? If so, you should only do:
me.user = Backbone.Collection.Users.collection.get(id);
I.e. removing the brackets () after collection.


DDD : How to model association between aggregate roots

We have a aggregate root as follows.
class Document {
DocumentId id;
The problem statement given by the client is "A document can have multiple document as attachments"
So refactoring the model will lead to
//Design One
class Document {
DocumentId id;
//Since Document is an aggregate root it is referenced by its id only
Set<DocumentId> attachments;
attach(Document doc);
detach(Document doc);
But this model alone won't be sufficient as the client wants to store some meta information about the attachment, like who attached it and when it was attached. This will lead to creation of another class.
class Attachment {
DocumentId mainDocument;
DocumentId attachedDocument;
Date attachedOn;
UserId attachedBy;
//no operation
and we could again refactor the Document model as below
//Design Two
class Document {
DocumentId id;
Set<Attachment> attachments;
attach(Document doc);
detach(Document doc);
The different possibilities of modeling that I could think of are given below.
If I go with design one then I could model Attachment class as an aggregate root and use Events to create them whenever a Document is attached. But it doesn't look like an aggregate root.
If I choose design two then Attachment class could be modeled as a value object or an entity.
Or If I use CQRS, I could go with design one and model Attachment as a query model and populate it using Events.
So, which is the right way to model this scenario? Is there any other way to model other what I have mentioned?
You might find in the long term that passing values, rather than entities, makes your code easier to manage. If attach/detach don't care about the entire document, then just pass in the bits they do care about (aka Interface Segregation Principle).
this model alone won't be sufficient as the client wants to store some meta information about the attachment, like who attached it and when it was attached.
Yes, that makes a lot of sense.
which is the right way to model this scenario?
Not enough information provided (the polite way of saying "it depends".)
Aggregate boundaries are usually discovered by looking at behaviors, rather than at structures or relationships. Is the attachment relationship just an immutable value that you can add/remove, or is it an entity with an internal state that changes over time? If you change an attachment, what other information do you need, and so on.

How do I find out a field's type information for a 'record' in appmaker in Server script?

I'm trying to create a re-usable script for capturing record changes onSave with Server-side scripting. To do that, I need the model information for a given table, including what type each field is.
I have figured out how to get the model for my table and details for the fields:
var table = "Clients";
var myObject = app.models[table];
// Dump the properties of the 2nd field in the model
console.log("Field 2 properties: " + JSON.stringify(myObject["L"]["fields"]["1"]));
I see this:
"description":"Short name for client (must be unique)",
"type" looks like an empty property here and I can't seem to figure out how to get any reference to it to tell me what I need.
How do I get usable type information for a given field in a model?
Right now, App Maker doesn't expose an API to access the model metadata.
You snippet is actually accessing App Maker's internal state and might break in future releases (the "L" property is actually obfuscated by a JS compiler and not designed to be accessed from user land).
We know this kind of meta-programming is handy and this is something we might add in the future based on user feedback. Please feel free to submit a request feature in our issue tracker (

Pass data in DurandalJS to other view

I'm developing a SPA webapplication with DurandalJS, but I don't understand something.
Let's say I have page 1 and 2. On page 1 there is a modal that creates a entity in the database with BreezeJS and gives back a key (that was generated in the database).
I want to pass this fetched key and then go to my second page, page 2. I know how I can do this when I put it in the url
But this is not the way for Durandal, or is it? A user can enter a number of his own with al consequences!
How can I solve this?
I would like to add something to the very good #Joseph Gabriel answer. In durandal you can do this: url: 'page2/:orderid/:repairorder',
name: 'Page2',
moduleId: 'viewModels/page2');
But also, you can do this: url: 'page2',
name: 'Page2',
moduleId: 'viewModels/page2');
You don't nedd to specify all the parameters that you are pasing. Yo can get this parameters from the input of the active method.
var activate = function(context) {
Sometimes the second solution can be more appropriated if you want that the user can store the url to repeat a query only copping that in the browser.
As far as I know, the only seamless way to pass parameters between view models in a Durandal app is to use the normal hash-based url parameters.
In you example, you can define a router that takes a orderId and repairOrder parameters, then your url would look something like this: http://localhost:60312/#/page/2/2
This is best option, if your data isn't too sensitive. Leave the navigation parameters in the open, and handle the values with care in the second view model. In other words, design your view model so that it can properly handle any values - even if a user directly modifies a parameter value, your view model should be able to handle it correctly.
It can be advantageous to be able to set url parameters directly, but you do have to be careful to ensure the integrity of the values before consuming them.
However, if you need to hide the parameters, you do have some different options:
Encryption: Use an encryption library like tea.js, and encrypt the value before adding it as a parameter value for navigation. Then, of course, decrypt it on the second page before using it. This allows Durandal's router navigation to work normally, while preventing users from supply their own values.
If you really need to prevent users from entering their own values, and you can bear the overhead of a few extra KB's, this is a good approach as long as you only need to pass a few parameters.
Shared data model: Use a singleton model which is shared between the two view models. This model can be manually required() as needed, and essentially serves as a repository for the application state that is shared between one or more view models.
This works fine, but it's kind of like having a big global variable - it can get messy if it's overused.
Modify VM directly: (Only for singleton view models)
Manually require() the second view model and set its properties before navigating to it.

Flex-Cairngorm/Hibernate - Is EAGER fetching strategy pointless?

I will try to be as concise as possible. I'm using Flex/Hibernate technologies for my app. I also use Cairngorm micro-architecture for Flex. Because i'm beginner, i have probably misunderstand something about Caringorm's ModelLocator purpose. I have following problem...
Suppose that we have next data model:
USER ----------------> TOPIC -------------> COMMENT
1 M 1 M
User can start many topics, topics can have many comments etc. It is pretty simple model, just for example. In hibernate, i use EAGER fetching strategy for unidirectional USER->TOPIC and TOPIC->COMMENT relations(here is no question about best practices etc, this is just example of problem).
My ModelLocator looks like this:
public class ModelLocator ....
//private instance, private constructor, getInstance() etc...
//app state
public var users:ArrayCollection;
public var selectedUser:UserVO;
public var selectedTopic:TopicVO;
Because i use eager fetching, i can 'walk' through all object graph on my Flex client without hitting the database. This is ok as long as i don't need to insert, update, or delete some of the domain instances. But when that comes, problems with synchronization arise.
For example, if i want to show details about some user from some UserListView, when user(actor) select that user in list, i will take selected index in UserList, get element from users ArrayCollection in ModelLocator at selected index and show details about selected user.
When i want to insert new User, ok, I will save that user in database and in IResponder result method i will add that user in ModelLocator.users ArrayCollection.
But, when i want to add new topic for some user, if i still want to use convenience of EAGER fetching, i need to reload user list again... And to add topic to selected user... And if user is in some other location(indirectly), i need to insert topic there also.
Update is even worst. In that case i need to write even some logic...
My question: is this good way of using ModelLocator in Cairngorm? It seems to me that, because of mentioned, EAGER fetching is somehow pointless. In case of using EAGER fetching, synchronization on Flex client can become big problem. Should I always hit database in order to manipulate with my domain model?
It seems that i didn't make myself clear enough. Excuse me for that.
Ok, i use Spring in technology stack also and DTO(DVO) pattern with flex/spring (de)serializer, but i just wanted to stay out of that because i'm trying to point out how do you stay synchronized with database state in your flex app. I don't even mention multi-user scenario and poling/pushing topic which is, maybe, my solution because i use standard request-response mechanism. I didn't provide some concrete code, because this seems conceptual problem for me, and i use standard Cairngorm terms in order to explain pseudo-names which i use for class names, var names etc.
I'll try to 'simplify' again: you have flex client for administration of above mentioned domain(CRUD for each of domain classes), you have ListOfUsersView(shows list of users with basic infos about them), UserDetailsView(shows user details and list of user topics with delete option for each of topic), InsertNewUserTopicView(form to insert new topic) etc.
Each of view which displays some infos is synchronized with ModelLocator state variables, for example:
ListOfUsersView ------binded to------> users:ArrayCollection in ModelLocator
UserDetailsView ------binded to------> selectedUser:UserVO in ModelLocator
View state transition look like this:
So when i click on "Details" button in ListOfUsersView, in my logic, i get index of selected row in ListOfUsers, after that i take UserVO object from users:ArrayCollection in ModelLocator at mentioned index, after that i set that UserVO object as selectedUser:UserVO in ModelLocator and after that i change view state to UserDetailsView(it shows user details and selectedUser.topics) which is synchronized with selectedUser:UserVO in ModelLocator.
Now, i click "Insert new topic" button on UserDetailsView which results in InsertTopicView form. I enter some data, click "Save topic"(after successful save, UserDetailsView is shown again) and problem arise.
Because of my EAGER-ly fetched objects, i didn't hit the database in mentioned transitions and because of that there are two places for which i need to be concerned when insert new topic for selected user: one is instance of selectedUser object in users:ArrayCollection (because my logic select users from that collection and shows them in UserDetailsView), and second is selectedUser:UserVO(in order to sync UserDetailsView which comes after successfull save operation).
So, again my question arises... Should i hit database in every transition, should i reload users:ArrayCollection and selectedUser:UserVO after save in order to synchronize database state with flex client, should i take saved topic and on client side, without hitting the database, programmatically pass all places which i need to update or...?
It seems to me that EAGER-ly fetched object with their associations is not good idea. Am i wrong?
Or, to 'simplify' :) again, what should you do in the mentioned scenario? So, you need to handle click on "Save topic" button, and now what...?
Again, i really try to explain this as plastic as possible because i'm confused with this. So, please forgive me for my long post.
From my point of view the point isn't in fetching mode itself but in client/server interaction. From my previous experience with it I've finally found some disadvantages of using pure domain objects (especially with eager fetching) for client/server interaction:
You have to pass all the child collections maybe without necessity to use them on a client side. In your case it is very likely you'll display topics and comments not for all users you get from server. The most like situation you need to display user list then display topics for one of the selected users and then comments for one of the selected topics. But in current implementation you receive all the topics and comments even if they are not needed to display. It is very possible you'll receive all your DB in a single query.
Another problem is it can be very insecure to get all the user data (or some other data) with all fields (emails, addresses, passwords, credit card numbers etc).
I think there can be other reasons not to use pure domain objects especially with eager fetching.
I suggest you to introduce some Mapper (or Assembler) layer to convert your domain objects to Data Transfer Objects aka DTO. So every query to your service layer will receive data from your DAO or Active Record and then convert it to corresponding DTO using corresponding Mapper. So you can get user list without private data and query some additional user details with a separate query.
On a client side you can use these DTOs directly or convert them into client domain objects. You can do it in your Cairngorm responders.
This way you can avoid a lot of your client side problems which you described.
For a Mapper layer you can use Dozer library or create your own lightweight mappers.
Hope this helps!
What about your details I'd prefer to get user list with necessary displayable fields like first name and last name (to display in list). Say a list of SimpleUserRepresentationDTO.
Then if user requests user details for editing you request UserDetailsDTO for that user and fill tour selectedUser fields in model with it. The same is for topics.
The only problem is displaying list of users after user details editing. You can:
Request the whole list again. The advantage is you can display changes performed by other users. But if the list is too long it can be very ineffective to query all the users each time even if they are SimpleUserRepresentationDTO with minimal data.
When you get success from server on user details saving you can find corresponding user in model's user list and replace changed details there.
Tell you the truth, there's no good way of using Cairngorm. It's a crap framework.
I'm not too sure exactly what you mean by eager fetching (or what exactly is your problem), but whatever it is, it's still a request/response kind of deal and this shouldn't be a problem per say unless you're not doing something right; in which case I can't see your code.
As for frameworks, I recommend you look at RobotLegs or Parsley.
Look at the "dpHibernate" project. It implements "lazy loading" on the Flex client.

Grails - Removing an item from a hasMany association List on data bind?

Grails offers the ability to automatically create and bind domain objects to a hasMany List, as described in the grails user guide.
So, for example, if my domain object "Author" has a List of many "Book" objects, I could create and bind these using the following markup (from the user guide):
<g:textField name="books[0].title" value="the Stand" />
<g:textField name="books[1].title" value="the Shining" />
<g:textField name="books[2].title" value="Red Madder" />
In this case, if any of the books specified don't already exist, Grails will create them and set their titles appropriately. If there are already books in the specified indices, their titles will be updated and they will be saved. My question is: is there some easy way to tell Grails to remove one of those books from the 'books' association on data bind?
The most obvious way to do this would be to omit the form element that corresponds to the domain instance you want to delete; unfortunately, this does not work, as per the user guide:
Then Grails will automatically create
a new instance for you at the defined
position. If you "skipped" a few
elements in the middle ... Then Grails
will automatically create instances in
I realize that a specific solution could be engineered as part of a command object, or as part of a particular controller- however, the need for this functionality appears repeatedly throughout my application, across multiple domain objects and for associations of many different types of objects. A general solution, therefore, would be ideal. Does anyone know if there is something like this included in Grails?
Opposite of the addTo method in that it removes instances from an association.
def author = Author.findByName("Stephen King")
def book = author.books.find { it.title = 'The Stand' }
Just ran into this issue myself. It's easy to solve. Grails uses java.util.Set to represent lists. You can just use the clear() method to wipe the data, and then add in the ones you want.
//clear all documents
//add the selected ones back
params.documentId.each() {
def Document document = Document.get(it)
log.debug("in associateDocuments: added " + document)
//try to save the changes
if (! true)) {
return error()
} else {
flash.message = "Successfully associated documents"
I bet you can do the same thing by using the "remove()" method in the case that you don't want to "clear()" all the data.
For a good explanation of deleting a collection of child objects with GORM have a look at the Deleting Children section of this blog post - GORM gotchas part 2
It's recommended reading, as are parts 1 and 3 of the series.
I am just starting to learn Grails myself and saw your question as an interesting research exercise for me. I do not think you can use the conventional data binding mechanism - as it fills in the blanks using some kind of Lazy map behind the scenes. So for you to achieve your goal your "save" method (or is it a function?) is unlikely to contain anything like:
def Book = new Book(params)
You need a mechanism to modify your controller's "save" method.
After some research, I understand you can modify your scaffolding template which is responsible for generating your controller code or runtime methods. You can get a copy of all the templates used by Grails by running "grails install-templates" and the template file you would need to modify is called "Controller.groovy".
So in theory, you could modify the "save" method for your whole application this way.
Great! You would think that all you need to do now is modify your save method in the template so that it iterates through the object entries (e.g. books) in the params map, saving and deleting as you go.
However, I think your required solution could still be quite problematic to achieve. My instinct tells me that there are many reasons why the mechanism you suggest is a bad idea.
For one reason, off the top of my head, imagine you had a paginated list of books. Could that mean your "save" could delete the entire database table except the currently visible page? Okay, let us say you manage to work out how many items are displayed on each page, what if the list was sorted so it was no longer in numerical order - what do you delete now?
Maybe multiple submit buttons in your form would be a better approach (e.g. save changes, add, delete). I have not tried this kind of thing in Grails but understand actionSubmit should help you achieve multiple submit buttons. I certainly used to do this kind of thing in Struts!
I'm just running into this same issue.
My application's domain is quite simple: it has Stub objects which have a hasMany relationship with Header objects. Since the Header objects have no life of their own, they're entirely managed by the Stub controller and views.
The domain class definitions:
class Stub {
List headers = new ArrayList();
static hasMany = [headers:Header]
static mapping = {headers lazy: false}
class Header {
String value
static belongsTo = Stub
I've tried the "clear and bind" method but the end result is that the "cleared" objects are left over in the database and grails will just create new instances for the ones that were not removed from the relationship. It does seem to work from an user's perspective, but it will leave lots of garbage objects in the database.
The code in the controller's update() method is:
stubInstance.headers.clear() = params
An example: while editing the -many side of this relationship I have (for a given Stub with id=1):
<g:textField name="headers[0].value" value="zero" id=1 />
<g:textField name="headers[1].value" value="one" id=2 />
<g:textField name="headers[2].value" value="two" id=3 />
in the database there are 3 Header instances:
after removing header "one" and saving the Stub object the database will have headers:
and the Stub object will now have an association with Headers with id=4 and id=5...
Furthermore, without the clearing of the list, if an index is not present in the submitted request.headers list, on data binding grails will keep the existing object at that location unchanged.
The solution that occurs to me is to bind the data, then check the Stub's headers for elements that are not present in the submitted list and remove them.
This looks like a pretty simple scenario, isn't there any built-in functionality to address it?
It's a bit overkill to have to write your own synchronization logic for maintaining relationships, especially when the quirks that make it non-trivial are caused by grails itself.
What about deletion, shouldn't the clear()'ed elements be gone from the database? Am I missing something in the relationship or domain object definitions?
class Stub {
List headers = new ArrayList();
static hasMany = [headers:Header]
static mapping = {
headers lazy: false
**headers cascade: "all-delete-orphan"**
class Header {
String value
static belongsTo = Stub
I have added the cascade property on the owning side of relationship and Now if you try to save the stub, it will take care of removing deleted items from the collection and delete them from the DataBase.
