tSQLt AssertEqualsTable support for the Geography data type - tsqlt

When I create two tables that contain a geography column and use
tSQlt.AssertEqualsTable, the test fails with:
failed: Invalid operator for data type. Operator equals equal to, type
equals geography.{,1}
Does anyone know if tSQLt supports the geography data type for table comparisons?

tSQLt has since been updated to include a more detailed error message for incompatible data types. If you use one of the incompatible data types you should see this message:
(Error) The table contains a datatype that is not supported for
tSQLt.AssertEqualsTable. Please refer to http://tsqlt.org/user-
guide/assertions/assertequalstable/ for a list of unsupported datatypes.
The list of incompatible types are:
Any CLR data type that is not marked as both Comparable and Byte Ordered
However, there is almost always a work-around. You can convert the value to a compatible data type before comparing it, as in the following example:
EXEC tSQLt.NewTestClass 'DeliveryTests';
CREATE PROCEDURE DeliveryTests.[test Order is matched to Customer location]
EXEC tSQLt.FakeTable 'Sales.Customers';
EXEC tSQLt.FakeTable 'Sales.Orders';
INSERT INTO Sales.Customers (CustomerId, Location)
VALUES (1, geography::Point(47.65100, -122.34900, 4326));
INSERT INTO Sales.Orders (OrderId, CustomerId)
VALUES (5, 1);
SELECT OrderId, Location.ToString() AS Location
INTO DeliveryTests.Actual
FROM Delivery.OrderDestinations;
INTO DeliveryTests.Expected
FROM DeliveryTests.Actual;
INSERT INTO DeliveryTests.Expected (OrderId, Location)
VALUES (5, geography::Point(47.65100, -122.34900, 4326).ToString());
EXEC tSQLt.AssertEqualsTable 'DeliveryTests.Expected',

It is currently not supported but will be included in the next/future release.


SQLITE get generated column type

After creating an sqlite table with a generated column in it, the type only shows up, if it was specified, and there can be cases when junk gets into the type description as well.
create table test(
id integer primary key not null,
gen generated always as (id * 2) stored
Using pragma table_xinfo(test); afterwards nets the following output:
The type is simply missing from the correct column.
If the column were to be created with:
gen integer generated always as (id * 2) stored
instead, then the type would correctly show up as INTEGER.
Are there any methods that would get the type of a column in a table without having to resort to parsing the table creation code?
Nevermind, as usual, I find the answer right after asking it. According to sqlite documentation:
The datatype and collating sequence of the generated column are determined only by the datatype and COLLATE clause on the column definition. The datatype and collating sequence of the GENERATED ALWAYS AS expression have no affect on the datatype and collating sequence of the column itself.
Which I assume means, that just as in other places, if the datatype is not specified, it is thought of as a blob.

How to force mapping in copy activity of Azure Data Factory

I am trying to copy data from a cosmosdb container to an Azure SQL database table using Azure Data Factory.
Some of my columns in cosmosdb are not mandatory and might not be defined. The issue is that for every of these columns, I get the following error when running the copy activity :
Data type of column 'MyProperty' can't be inferred from 1st row of data, please specify its data type in mappings of copy activity or structure of DataSet.
However I checked in the mapping tab and the types of these properties are correctly infered to string, and they are well nullable in my SQL stored procedure table type.
I also have the same problem for optional decimal properties where the errors says that the value can't be parsed to Int64, though the infered type in the mapping tab is set to number and not integer...
Here is the mapping I currently have :
And the stored procedure with the table type
CREATE TYPE [dbo].[MyTableType] AS TABLE
[Id] varchar(256) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
[SupplierId] varchar(256) NOT NULL,
[SupplierClientId] varchar(256) NULL,
[BuyerId] varchar(256) null
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[UpsertItems]
#itemsTable MyTableType readonly
MERGE MyTable AS target
USING #itemsTable AS source
ON (target.Id = source.Id)
SupplierId = source.SupplierId,
SupplierClientId = source.[SupplierClientId],
BuyerId = source.[BuyerId]
INSERT (Id, SupplierId, SupplierClientId, BuyerId)
I can't find a way to force the datatype of this property either in the dataset directly of in the mapping tab of the copy activity. How can I fix the issue ?
You can specify the data types if you are creating a new table while copy. But if you are adding or copying to an already existing table, the data type is inferred automatically.
While, auto creating table in copying
If this does not help, please share sample source data and some snips

sqlite3 binary data type

I am looking at migrating a small sqlite3 db to mysql. I know mysql but new to sqlite3 so have been reading about it online. I used pragma table_info(<table_name>) to get info about the table structure.
From the output I could understand columns with data type TEXT, INTEGER but i do not understand datatype BINARY(32). From sqlite3 documentation on the net there is a BINARY collation, but there is no BINARY datatype. So I just want to understand this this BINARY(32) datatype. Thanks.
SQLite is unusual in datatypes (column types). You can store any type of data in any type of columns with the exception of the rowid column or an alias of the rowid column.
see Rowid Tables
rowid is similar to MySQL AUTO INCREMENT BUT beware of differences
In the example below see how the rowid starts from -100, then -99 .....
AUTOINCREMENT on SQLite is only a constraint as such that enforces that a new id is higher than any existing in the table.
So BINARY, BINARY(32), (rumplestistkin even) are valid for the datatype when defining a column.
However, a column will be given a column affinity and governed by the rules :-
If the column type contains INT the the affinity is INTEGER.
If the column type contains CHAR, CLOB or TEXT, then it's affinity is TEXT.
If the column type contains BLOB then it's affinity is BLOB.
If the column type contains REAL FLOA or DOUB then it's affinity is REAL.
Otherwise the affinity is NUMERIC.
As such BINARY(32) is NUMERIC affinity. However, the column type is of little consequence in regards to storing data. The affinity can affect retrieval a little.
In regard to converting the rules mentioned above could be utilised you could also perhaps find the typeof function of use (example of it's use is in the example along with the results). However, neither will necessarily, indicate how the data is subsequently used which could well be a factor that needs consideration.
SQLite's flexibility with column types aids in converting from other relational databases BUT can be a bit of a hindrance when converting from SQLite.
Note this answer is by no means intended to be comprehensive explanation of the conversion from SQLite to MysQL.
See Datatypes in SQLite
Here's an example that shows that any type can be stored in any column (thus any row/col combination can store different types) :-
rowid_alias_must_be_unique_integer INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, -- INTEGER PRIMARY KEY makes the column an alias of the rowid
col_text TEXT,
col_integer INTEGER,
col_real REAL,
col_anyother this_is_a_stupid_column_type
INSERT INTO example VALUES (-100,'MY TEXT', 340000,34.5678,x'f0f1f2f3f4f5f6f7f8f9fafbfcfdfeff',100);
INSERT INTO example (col_text,col_integer,col_real,col_blob,col_anyother) VALUES
FROM example
Running the above results in (Note different SQLtools handle blobs in different ways, Navicat was used to run the above) :-
note that the typeof function returns the storage type as opposed to the affinity. However, the affinity can affect the storage type.
e.g. if the affinity is text then with the exception of a blob the value is stored as text. (see 2. in Datatype in SQLite above).

How to handle date type in SQLite?

I've created a table, where I have "Date of birth" column of date type. The problem is that I can insert anything and it's successfully done. I want that field to restrict opportunities like inserting strings and not related stuff.
I've searched for the solution, but I could only find codes for getting the current time in different formats. I also don't get how exactly modifiers work (https://www.sqlite.org/lang_datefunc.html).
Bar the rowid column or an alias of the rowid column, any type of value can be stored in an type of column. That is the type of column does not restrict/constrain the data that can be stored.
p.s. there is no DATE type rather due to SQLite's flexibility DATE actually has a type (type affinity) of NUMERIC (not that that matters that much). You might find Datatypes In SQLite Version 3 an interesting read or perhaps this How flexible/restricive are SQLite column types?.
the rowid and, therefore an alias thereof, column MUST be an integer. Although typically you allow SQLite to assign the value.
You should either check the data programatically or alternately use a CHECK constraint when defining the column in the CREATE TABLE SQL.
A CHECK constraint may be attached to a column definition or specified
as a table constraint. In practice it makes no difference. Each time a
new row is inserted into the table or an existing row is updated, the
expression associated with each CHECK constraint is evaluated and cast
to a NUMERIC value in the same way as a CAST expression. If the result
is zero (integer value 0 or real value 0.0), then a constraint
violation has occurred. If the CHECK expression evaluates to NULL, or
any other non-zero value, it is not a constraint violation. The
expression of a CHECK constraint may not contain a subquery.
SQL As Understood By SQLite - CREATE TABLE
Consider the following code :-
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS mychecktable ;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS mychecktable (mycolumn BLOB CHECK(substr(mycolumn,3,1) = '-'));
INSERT INTO mychecktable VALUES('14-03-1900');
INSERT INTO mychecktable VALUES('1900-03-14'); -- ouch 3rd char not -
The is will result in :-
> OK
> Time: 0.187s
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS mychecktable (mycolumn BLOB CHECK(substr(mycolumn,3,1) = '-'))
> OK
> Time: 0.084s
INSERT INTO mychecktable VALUES('14-03-1900')
> Affected rows: 1
> Time: 0.206s
INSERT INTO mychecktable VALUES('1900-03-14')
> CHECK constraint failed: mychecktable
> Time: 0s
i.e. the first insert is successful, the second insert fails.
Usually you would enforce the correct format in your application, but you can also add constraints to your table definition to prevent this, e.g.,
CREATE TABLE users(...,

Delphi - ClientDataSet SQL calculated field causing "Invalid field type" error at runtime [duplicate]

Using Delphi 10.2, SQLite and Teecharts. My SQLite database has two fields, created with:
CREATE TABLE HistoryRuntime ('DayTime' DateTime, Device1 INTEGER DEFAULT (0));
I access the table using a TFDQuery called qryGrpahRuntime with the following SQL:
SELECT DayTime AS TheDate, Sum(Device1) As DeviceTotal
FROM HistoryRuntime
WHERE (DayTime >= "2017-06-01") and (DayTime <= "2017-06-26")
Group by Date(DayTime)
Using the Field Editor in the Delphi IDE, I can add two persistent fields, getting TheDate as a TDateTimeField and DeviceTotal as a TLargeIntField.
I run this query in a program to create a TeeChart, which I created at design time. As long as the query returns some records, all this works. However, if there are no records for the requested dates, I get an EDatabaseError exception with the message:
qryGrpahRuntime: Type mismatch for field 'DeviceTotal', expecting: LargeInt actual: Widestring
I have done plenty of searching for solutions on the web on how to prevent this error on an empty query, but have had not luck with anything I found. From what I can tell, SQLite defaults to the wide string field when no data is returned. I have tried using CAST in the query and it did not seem to make any difference.
If I remove the persistent fields, the query will open without problems on an empty return set. However, in order to use the TeeChart editor in the IDE, it appears I need persistent fields.
Is there a way I can make this work with persistent fields, or am I going to have to throw out the persistent fields and then add the TeeChart Series at runtime?
This behavior is described in Adjusting FireDAC Mapping chapter of the FireDAC's SQLite manual:
For an expression in a SELECT list, SQLite avoids type name
information. When the result set is not empty, FireDAC uses the value
data types from the first record. When empty, FireDAC describes those
columns as dtWideString. To explicitly specify the column data type,
append ::<type name> to the column alias:
SELECT count(*) as "cnt::INT" FROM mytab
So modify your command e.g. this way (I used BIGINT, but you can use any pseudo data type that maps to a 64-bit signed integer data type and is not auto incrementing, which corresponds to your persistent TLargeIntField field):
DayTime AS "TheDate",
Sum(Device1) AS "DeviceTotal::BIGINT"
DayTime BETWEEN {d 2017-06-01} AND {d 2017-06-26}
P.S. I did a small optimization by using BETWEEN operator (which evaluates the column value only once), and used an escape sequence for date constants (which, in real you replace by parameter, I guess; so just for curiosity).
This data type hinting is parsed by the FDSQLiteTypeName2ADDataType procedure that takes and parses column name in format <column name>::<type name> in its AColName parameter.
