How to use Dotfuscator -

Currently I'm developing a ASP.NET mvc2 project. In that i have some dll files. I want to protect it using a obfuscator. Can any one give me some help in order to do this using Dotfuscator.Thank you.

You may see this article : Protecting your .NET applications
This article demonstrates how to use Dotfuscator which is shipped
freely with Visual Studio 2010 to protect .NET assemblies and making
the process of reverse engineering difficult.
But remember you can't 100% secure your code from de-compiling, you can only make it difficult to de-compile.

Related mvc in SharePoint

I created a MVC 5 project in Visual Studio 2013, running in a Windows 8.1 Pro.
I've been ask to put my project on a SharePoint, but I don't quite know how it's done.
i tried creating a SharePoint project on my Visual Studio but it won't let me since I don't have SharePoint installed, and when I try to install SharePoint Foundation 2010 or 2013 it complains I don't have Windows Server.
How do I make my project work on a SharePoint?
So you want to put your project on sharepoint? Cool!
In your case you definetly want to get your own SharePoint environment. To develop Apps (or Add-ins as they are called today) you mainly use Client-side code and techniques. This also means that you need to handle the SharePoint resources with asyncronous programming. Its very powerful, But that is not what you are asking for.
I would set up an SharePoint 2013 Foundation environment since its free and will very much deliver the capabilities you are after. Keep in mind though that SharePoint is a HUGE system that requires some understanding to be utilized.
I made a blogpost a while back where i Installed Win Server 2012 R2 on a external disk, this example works with SharePoint if you just want to debug your project on a SharePoint server. Check it out here:
This solution will of course also require that you install your development program in the same environment.
Good luck//Kodz
It really depends upon what you want to do. Do you need to create a provider hosted app with MVC for SharePoint 2013? In that case, you might succeed with including the necessary references and tooling code (but you still might lack the app manifest project). Technically your project won't run on SharePoint but uses the SharePoint API.
If you need to create an SharePoint solution package, you need a SharePoint development install (and as SharePoint doesn't install on all client OS, your best way is going virtual with a SharePoint development VM). Keep in mind that developing solution packages is a different kind of trade than developing for MVC, so start with a Pluralsite course or some other kind of training.
I think you can create a SharePoint app. You can use VS2015 with SP online so that you don't need to install SP locally. Create a trial o365 account and enable developer site on it. You can deploy your app on the developer site then. If you have developer site from you client instead of using sp online you can use that too.
Once your app works you can create package to deploy on the SharePoint environment.
I think right now, the best way for you would be signing up as Microsoft Office 365 Developer and having a trial of the 365 cloud where you can setup sharepoint 2013 site collection and also develop apps using their tool NAPA.
These days they are calling apps "SharePoint Add-ins"
NAPA and SharePoint Add-ins
I would also suggest you take a look at this article:
SharePoint 2013 Developing Apps vs. Solutions

How to upgrade existing ASP.NET application to ASP.NET vNext

I have not been able to find any proper documentation on how to upgrade an ASP.NET application to ASP.NET vNext.
I would like to switch hosting servers and from what I have learnt, you can host ASP.NET vNext not only on Windows, but also on Linux, Mac, etc.
I found this article: Upgrade to .NET vNext but it did not really help to achieve my goal.
So my question is: what are the important steps to take when upgrading an existing ASP.NET application to ASP.NET vNext?
ASP.NET 5 (vNext) is currently in beta, so you're not going to find much documentation as a lot of the available libraries are still changing. Likewise, the Kestrel HTTP server, for cross-platform hosting is also currently under development. You can download the release candidate of Visual Studio 2015 here and play around with it yourself, but don't expect any official upgrade documentation until it's release.
I believe there won't be a direct upgrade option. The architecture diverges so much it makes it impractical to 'upgrade' existing project into vNext.
It is easier if you rewrite your application instead.

What is the difference between Microsoft WebMatrix and Visual Studio?

I understand that using the WebMatrix is easier as the tool seems more focused towards ASP.NET. However, I was curious to know through if it is possible to also create the same ASP.NET files using just Visual Studio. Would using the WebMatrix be a good start for understanding how to create web applications. Visual Basic can create applications that will run on your computer also right?
WebMatrix is a do it all package with Express IIS, Visual Studio is an IDE developed towards the .Net framework. Basically Webmatrix is specialized towards Web Development and Visual Studio is a powerhouse package that has a Web development aspect. That is the basics of it. Hopefully someone has a much more in depth answer but to tell you the truth, this is easily re-searchable via Google.
Webmatrix = web application focus;
Visual Studio = you decide the application focus;
If you want to do only Web and feel that Visual Studio is too much for the kind of project you want to do, which is true in a lot of cases, then I would suggest just using Web Matrix. As your project grows, however, you will soon find yourself in Visual Studio simply because it has more power and reach to build more complex systems.
I generally spin up a Web Matrix app if I want a quick catch all solution (kind of like MAMP or XAMMP) to test a small application, or play around with sql.
As far as I understand the major difference is Webmatrix supports PHP and node.js.
You can read more here :

Why did Microsoft change project types for between 1.1 and 2.0?

one thing is not clear to me that in 1.1 there was project type but from 2.0 version there is no project type option rather there is option called website type website type project no link is created with IIS.why Microsoft design in this way from 2.0 version. i think there must be solid reason & advantage behind it and also tell me why no dll is created in bin folder until publish the website in version 2.0.
please explain the reason,advantage and MS Thought behind it if anyone knows the reason very well.
With ASP.NET 2.0, Microsoft split the concept into two different project types: the Website project type you're describing, and the Web Application project type. The main difference is the Website project type is designed to be folder-based, lightweight, JIT - essentially low-overhead where no overhead is justified. The Web Application project is a "traditional" project type: assembly-based, with a project-schema and optimized for precompilation.
In my experience the Website project type is unpopular with developers, perhaps for no other reason than it is different from almost every other project type. The limitations should theoretically make quick-and-dirty website projects more agile, but frankly I don't find the overhead of a Web Application project a concern.
MSDN covers the differences between the two here:
Because they forgot to add the template. That bug was rectified in SP1.
Besides, there are now two types: website + web application. Use the latter if you can, because website projects don't offer installers.

VS2008: Make a non-LINQed website LINQed

I've recently started playing around with ASP.NET and I was just about to connect to a database using LINQ, when I realised that you have to change a bunch of stuff in the project first if you created a normal web site project in Visual Studio 2008.
All the information about LINQed projects in VS2008 that I have found start directly from scratch with a completely new web site. What modifications do I have to make to my project to be able to make use of LINQ?
I think that your question can be answered by viewing this post on
In short your application will need to have access to System.Linq which comes from the .NET 3.5 framework. If your application is currently using .NET 2.0, it is possible to hack a setup with the CTP packages for Linq prior to it being released with Visual Studio 2008, but you might find it hard when you push your application out to production to a hosting company because you will have to install .dll's into areas you generally don't have access too.
Good luck on your conversion to Linq.
