How to debug template in Meteor/handlebars? - meteor

According to this blog post, I should register a helper to better debug handlebars templates, but is not working:
ReferenceError: Handlebars is not defined
So, how can I {{debug}} in Meteor/handlebars?

This is the helper function I use for debugging in my own projects:
Template.registerHelper("debug", function(optionalValue) {
console.log("Current Context");
if (optionalValue) {
You can then call it in your templates with {{debug}} and it displays the context you are currently in. Read more at

In Meteor 0.4.0 you register handlers like this:
helper: function () {
// some code here
There is no need to call Handlebars directly.

Make sure that you register your helper in client (or shared) meteor code.
Handlebars.registerHelper('helper', function() {
// Do stuff
This should be callable via {{helper}} in your templates.

For the sake of completeness: you can also use
Template.registerHelper('helper', helperFunc);
instead of Handlebars.regsterHelper('h',f);
A small reason this is better is that then your app won't need that much refactoring if you decide somewhere down the road that you want to use something else instead of Handlebars(i.e. Spacebars, the real name of meteors adaption) like jade for meteor.
This is really a comment to the accepted answer. Looking forward to one day hit 50 rep.


Template empty initially but renders properly on changing and coming back to route

I have a template named profile which contains three other templates. One of these templates is {{> postlist}}
and the helper function for this template is
posts: function() {
return Posts.find({rph: {$in : postsArr}});
The problem is on going to the route, postlist template is empty, since postsArr is calculated later after the dom has loaded on the basis of other two templates. But, if I click on other route and come back to this route, the template renders properly.
What should I do that template renders properly initially itself?
The easiest way would be to us Session, though it's probably the worst option:
posts: function() {
return Posts.find({rph: {$in : Session.get('postsArr') }});
If you now call Session.set('postArr', ...) anywhere in your code the posts helper will update automatically. The second option is to use a shared reactive variable:
var postsArr = new ReactiveVar();
and then inside your helper:
return Posts.find({rph: {$in : posts.Arr.get() }});
Now you can do postsArr.set(...) and everything should work fine. Just remember to meteor add reactive-var do your project.
One last doubt is: where to put that reactive variable declaration? In most cases you can do away with putting in a single "controller" file. It will work as long as:
- you only have one instance of your template a time
- the code which sets ad gets the value of you reactive variable may be put in the same file
If one of the above conditions does not hold, then the only option to go, which is BTW the best possible, is to put your state variable in your template's scope. This is how you do it:
Template.postsList.created = function () {
this.postsArr = new ReactiveVar();
posts: function() {
return Posts.find({rph: {$in : Template.instance().postsArr.get() }});
From helpers you can always access postsArr using the Template.instance() routine which always return the current template instance, for which the helper was called. From event handlers, note that the second argument of your handler is always the template instance, which you're interested in.
If you need to access it from another templates, then you should probably put your state variable on the corresponding route controller. Assuming you're using iron-router, that would be:
The Iron.controller routine grants you access to the current route controller. Read this for more details.

Render callback to all templates in meteor blaze

I am forced to assign rendered callbacks to all my templates.
Until 0.9.0 I used to do it like this:
_.each( Template, function( template, name ) {
template.rendered = function() {
But now, Template is a constructor and not an object, so this method won't work here. Is there any way to pass callback function to all templates or fire function when all templates were rendered using Blaze?
Here is a quick workaround I came up with, iterating over every Template property to find out if it corresponds to a template definition, and if it does, assign the onRendered callback.
// make sure this code is executed after all your templates have been defined
for(var property in Template){
// check if the property is actually a blaze template
var template=Template[property];
// assign the template an onRendered callback who simply prints the view name
I don't know what's your use case so there may be better solutions depending on it.
With Meteor 1.2.1 the Template object has an onRendered(hook) function to accomplish an 'all template' onRendered behaviour.
var template = this;
Deps.afterFlush(function() {
console.log("triggering Jquery mobile component creation for ";
The postponed update via Deps.afterFlush(callback) is optional and subject to your application needs.

Meteor and iron-router: dynamically specify a template?

Every example that I have seen with iron-router specifies the template name with a string. Is it possible to do this with a variable? Suppose you have several routes that all use the same dynamic path, and the same data function, but they all need different templates. Is there a way to do this without specifying a different route for every template (which would also mean changing the path I use)?
You can programmatically specify things like the template and the layout with a custom action function. The example below demonstrates showing a particular template if the required document is found based on an id in the route. You can use the same semantics for both routes and controllers.
var postsController = RouteController.extend({
waitOn: function() {
return Meteor.subscribe('post', this.params._id);
action: function() {
if (Posts.findOne(this.params._id)) {
} else {
Once 0.8.2 is released it should be trivial to do with UI.dynamic even without Iron-Router:

How can I access the name of the current route in meteor when using meteor-router?

I'm building an app using meteor and meteor router, and I would like to make a template helper for checking if the route is a specific one ({{#ifRouteIs login}}{{/ifRouteIs}}).
I had the same issue. Building on your answer, I found a working solution. It needs to go in the client side of Meteor.
Handlebars.registerHelper('ifRouteIs', function (routeName, options) {
if ( === routeName) {
return options.fn(this);
return options.inverse(this);
According to meteor-router's README, you can get the current page with, so the helper might look like this:
Handlebars.registerHelper('ifRouteIs', function (routeName) {
return === routeName;

Run JS after rendering a meteor template

I have a template that looks something like this:
<template name="foo">
<textarea name="text">{{contents}}</textarea>
I render it with: = function() {
return Foos.find();
And I have some event handlers: = {
'blur textarea': blurHandler
What I want to do is set the rows attribute of the textarea depending on the size of its contents. I realize that I could write a Handlebars helper, but it wouldn't have access to the DOM element being rendered, which would force me to do some unnecessary duplication. What I want, ideally, is for meteor to trigger an event after an element is rendered. Something like: = {
'render textarea': sizeTextarea
Is this possible?
As of Meteor 0.4.0 it is possible to check if a template has finished rendering, see
If I understand your question correctly, you should wrap your textarea resize code inside a function: () {
I think the current 'best' way to do this (it's a bit of a hack) is to use Meteor.defer ala Callback after the DOM was updated in Meteor.js.
Geoff is one of the meteor devs, so his word is gospel :)
So in your case, you could do something like:
<textarea id="{{attach_textarea}}">....</textarea>
and = function() {
if (!this.uuid) this.uuid = Meteor.uuid();
Meteor.defer(function() {
$('#' + this.uuid).whatever();
return this.uuid;
Note, that as 0.4.0, you can do this in a much ad-hoc way (as pointed out by Sander): = function() {
Since about June 2014, the correct way to do this has been to set a callback using Template.myTemplate.onRendered() .
Yeah I think so - not sure if it's "the right way", but this works for me:
In your app JS, the client section will run whatever javascript there on the client. For example:
if (Meteor.is_client) {
$(function() {
$('textarea').attr('rows' , 12) // or whatever you need to do
Note the example here uses JQuery, in which case you need to provide this to the client (I think :-). In my case:
I created a /client dir, and added jquery.js file under this.
Hope this helps.
