QPushButton Stylesheet Causes Artefact On Press - qt

I'm having a problem with my stylesheet on a QPushButton:
color: #00FF00;
Pretty simple as you can see and the text colour gets set correctly. The problem arises when i click the button, a strange artefact appears like an inner part of the button has been selected. Unfortunately i don't have enough rep to post an image.
If i remove the stylesheet the artefact does not appear on press.
Any help welcome. Thanks!

I found a solution:
outline: none;
This removes the artefact, but unfortunately the 'shading' style of a focused widget is now also lost. If someone knows how to retain this please let me know (i couldn't find the default stylesheet online).

Maybe you can try to edit the substate "pressed" of your button thanks to :
color: #00FF00;
I tried you example on my computer but I can't see the artefact you speek about. But maybe it is because I have not the same default style than you.


How to avoid hyperlinks to change to the default color they get when visited, when page is reloaded? (buggy css)

Sorry if the title is kinda incomprehensible, hope you can get an idea of the problem from the description.
So This is the normal style of the links;
This is the color they get when page is reloaded (for a split second);
It's kinda annoying to see the deafult color for a split second when the page is reloaded. I don't know if it's common or not, but i couldn't find the solution on the web.
The only thing I did was to change style of visited links with this:
li {
color: #ffffff;
a:visited {
color: inherit
But I guess when the page is reloaded the css isn't applied yet(?)
Hope there's a solution I'm kinda pissed. >_< Thank you for any suggestion. 🙏

Qt - How to change background from editable QComboBox?

I'm facing this problem when styling an editable QComboBox:
I'm unable to change the color of the grey box inside the QComboBox...
Any idea how to change it just with a stylesheet?
Thank you
What about
QComboBox:editable {
background: white;
? I did not test it, but the reference seems good to me.
As of using Qt version 5.6.2 the provided change works as desired. No differently colored box inside the currently edited QComboBox.
This shoud work
YourCombobox->findChild<QLineEdit*>()->setStyleSheet("QLineEdit {background: green;}");
Previous line get the reference to the QLineEdit which is part of the QComboBox widget and applies the style sheet to it, not to the combobox.
I don't know if this could also work, if you want to try it and give a feedback..
YourCombobox->setStyleSheet("QLineEdit {background: green;}");

Hover effect won't trigger on a link styled in CSS

I have a simple page in which I'm trying to style an a link. I can style the normal state fine, but the hover state never triggers.
The relevant portion of my stylesheet is:
a.faqquestion {
color: orange;
a.faqquestion:hover {
text-decoration: underline;
cursor: hand;
and my code looks like this:
<a onClick="toggleMe('FAQ1')" class="faqquestion">1. How many licenses do I need?</a>
Can someone see what I'm doing wrong? The full page is available at:
and FAQ's 1 and 2 are styled with the class "faqquestion".
A few things:
cursor should be pointer not hand
add the faqquestion class to your links
your links should have a target so just add a href="/wherever they should go" or href="#"
Internet Explorer is ignoring the a.faqquestion:hover production because your cursor definition is invalid.
Changing cursor: hand; to cursor: pointer; fixes the problem.
The page works fine on my browser, you just forgot to add the class faqquestion to the other links
It works:
So, I'm guessing your CSS is in a separate file that's not being loaded.
IT is your just not noticing it because you have nothing changed in the second css, because the HTML tahe < a Come with underline. and try spacing out the different css variable's, like
a .faqquestion:hove, and it will probably work if you remove the a, because your calling the same tag with two different css tags cause you call the < a with faqquestion

Overriding disabled input and textarea with CSS

Im trying to override the grey text of a disabled input and textarea. At the moment Im only really concerned with it working in Webkit and Mozilla. At the moment Im currently using every trick in the book that I know of:
input[#disabled=true], input[#disabled],
button[disabled]:active, button[disabled],
select[disabled] > input[type="button"],
select[disabled] > input[type="button"]:active,
input[type="submit"][disabled],input[disabled="disabled"], input[disabled] {
color: black !important;
Sure it does change the colour if I change it to something else, however when I choose black it is still greyed out a bit.
Any ideas? I am using Ext JS if I can use that to manipulate it. Thanks.
color: #cccccc !important;
Here button-control is a class on the input element, whose text is overriden to grey when the disabled attribute is set.
I hope this helps.
I would prefer to go the JavaScript way to achieve best browser compatibility. I would use the ExtJS [http://www.extjs.com/deploy/ext-1.1.1/docs/output/Ext.DomQuery.html][DomQuery] and insert the CSS rules by adding specific class or directly injecting them as style attribute values.

Styling QPushButton with CSS?

I'm trying to create a QPushButton that's just got an icon and a constant background color.
So that I can swap out the icon when the user clicks it, without any other apparent effects (this is for a roll-up/roll-down feature). I've added an entry like this to my stylesheet:
QPushButton.ToggleButton {
background-color: #8af;
and set the button's class to match, and this does indeed give me the look I want, except that when I click on it the background color changes to a lighter blue, which I don't want. What am I missing?
Edit: I guess I should mention I'm using Qt 4.5 and PyQt 4.6 to do this...
I know people like using stylesheets, but in this situation I think it is just as easy to make a custom button. Define a class that inherits from QAbstractButton, and override the paint() method. In the paint method, fill the rect with your desired background color, and then paint the current icon on top. It might be slightly more complicated if you want the border around the button as well, but not a lot.
Alternately, you could also look at the roles for QPalette, specifically QPalette::Light and QPalette::Midlight, which might be used to adjust the color of the button when pressed.
Try giving the button an ID with QObject::setObjectName and then applying the style with #idSelector?
In Python the code would probably look something like this:
button = QPushButton(self)
and stylesheet like this:
#ToggleButton:pressed {
background-color: #8af;
Further reading
The QFriendFeed example application at Forum Nokia is using Qt style sheets heavily to customize the UI.
I'm guessing doing background-color: #8af !important; would be too obvious so I'm assuming that doesn't work. It's worth a try if you haven't done it yet.
Otherwise, as noted in this question, there are specific states you can style. Try setting the same background color for the pressed state:
QPushButton.ToggleButton:pressed { background-color: #8af; }
Sorry if I misunderstood. Hope that helps.
open the button's stylesheet in Qt designer and try this:
QPushButton:pressed {
image: url(/path/to/your/file/fileName.png);
