Does usage of black backgrounds on webpages really helps in saving energy? - css

Does the use of a black background like Blackle proclaims, really save energy for Google searches?

Only on CRTs. LCDs have a backlight which is always on, even if black is being shown.
Blackle themselves show this table:


Transparent-Background-Png in Foreground does not retain background Transparency in Angular Component

So basically I'm creating a landing page and I want to use this nice picture of clouds with transparent background overlayed on top of a nice landscape so they can scroll up.
The issue is that the image(which indeed has a transparent background) does not have a transparent background when I put it in the application.
here's an image of what it comes out looking like:
<img src="assets/img/tryClouds.png" alt="Clouds" class="clouds">
any help that works would make me your biggest fan for all of life!! :D <333333333
I will owe you a life debt, Zaalbar KOTOR style.
Answer: Found.
Tools: Adobe Illustrator with .ebs files.
Actual problem: nothing to do with css, js, or angular
some files claiming "transparent" backgrounds, actually had a checkerboard background imitating a transparent background. These files were downloaded from a stock image supplier I pay a monthly subscription fee to use. I figured out how to make use of these excellent images that baffled me and tricked me!
Use adobe illustrator(I know, costs money, but great tool for this sort of thing and possibly the only option from what I've read)
Open the .ebs (vector) photo in illustrator.
Now here's where I was mistaken. I would "export as", choose png, then select "transparent" for background.
The issue is that the image itself was actually permeated with this imposter checkerboard. D:<
Now, it's basically impossible to select and delete each piece of this imposter ( |:< )"transparent" background with something as whispy as clouds!
Thankfully, if it's a good quality vector, the background will be contained in a layer.
Click the layer for the background then click the upper right button circled in the screenshot and select "delete".
Now you're goooooooood 2 go *puts sunglasses on* ;)

CSS color looks different depending of the screen [duplicate]

I find it strange that the same color code (ex:#FEE9CC) results in different representations depending on the user's monitor. My computer is connected with two monitors, and I found this behavior. I guess there are some colors whose representations fluctuate. Then, what are the colors that always represent the same way? In other words,
how do I make sure that "brown" on my computer is actually brown on others'?
Here's the color that I used. It is shown as light brown on one monitor, and light pink on the other.
In short, you can't. Even if your users wouldn't fiddle with any of the hardware color settings on purpose, a vast majority of them is not going to have the correct color profiles for their monitor set up (and almost nobody besides designers is going to have a calibrated monitor anyway).
If you were doing print work (photo retouching, pre-press, …), this would be an important issue, and the tools you would be working with would provide extensive functionality for color management, previewing how colors look on another medium (proofing), and so on. Web browsers and file formats, on the other hand, simply were never designed for accurate rendition of colors.
Sort answer but You Can't.
You and your computer can use the right color codes for a correctly calibrated monitor but monitor don't 'send' feedback as to their roles and how they're bring presented.
This is not possible.
Monitors and graphics cards can be configured in many different ways. Some like "warmer" color tones, some like them "colder".
If I wanted I could set up my monitor to show only grays. If you choose red, it will be gray for me, if you choose green, it will be gray too.

Detect the percentage of a color in an image using GraphicsMagick

I'm looking to try and detect what proportion of an image is white using GraphicsMagick.
The reasoning behind this is I need to provide feedback to a user, saying that they should upload an image with a transparent background when the background is white, rather than upload an image with a pure white background.
I've looked through the documentation but I'm not quite sure where to start on this one.

Transparent or Opaque backgrounds with an image in css

I have a site that uses images for buttons, and I have a few images with some white space in the background, they are rounded rectangle buttons like the app store icon. They look good when compared to a background with white space, but when I use anything other than white, the little white space shows up and it looks terrible. Is there any sort of way that I can set the transparency color so that white space will disappear?
You need to make them PNGs or GIFs. PNGs support transparency and are the most common, as they also support higher quality images.
You can use a free photo editing program like GIMP to 'select' the white and delete it out.
Photoshop is also a popular tool.

Flex / AS3 : Red Eye reduction

I was looking a component to reduce red eye effect on taken photos. Ive found an image Processing library, but it does not work well at all. I was thinking on brush an image, manually, and only paint if the base pixel color its red or near in RGB.
Have no time now to explain all the process, but i need help to get this idea, or to get a working comp
Thanks in advance!
If you are wishing to manipulate the pixels of an image/component then pixelbender would be a pretty good way to go.
Have a look at for downloadable examples.
These can be run using the toolkit found at
Video tutorials on pixel bender can be found at
With this you could change just the required pixel colours to anything and it works with everything in flash (images, canvas, button's etc)
