Connecting to Windows localhost (IIS) from another computer - networking

I have a Windows Vista laptop running IIS7 for its localhost. On this machine, I can successfully navigate to:
However, I cannot access this localhost website from another computer on the same network. Ideally I would be able to visit "http://mycpuname" (so that I can hard-code a connection), but at this point I might settle for the IP address of the machine (
I've seen similar questions asked here and elsewhere on the internet... but none of the posts seems to fix the issue for me.
Things I've tried:
- adding exceptions to Windows Firewall to allow TCP ports 80 and 8080
- disabling Windows Firewall entirely
- running the "netsh" commands in this post
Additionally, I am looking at the IP address on the Windows laptop by running "ipconfig" from the command prompt. Oddly enough, trying to access "" from the Windows laptop doesn't seem to work...
I have also tried restarting IIS and restarting my machine.

Go to windows firewall with advanced security, inbound rules and check and see if world wide web services is enabled. I had this same issue, and this fixed it for me.

are you binding to run below command
netstat -an |findstr :80 |findstr LISTEN
if it shows, you need change IIS listen to

Try netstat -na - it will show you what IP addresses your web server is listening on.
If it's only listening on, the loopback, you will have to re-configure the web server to listen on all addresses/interfaces (usually either *.*.*.*, or in some config file, or just some drop-down in some windows dialog somewhere).
If, on the other hand, netstat tells you the web server is listening on *.*.*.* or, i.e. all interfaces, then you have to figure out what's blocking the traffic - it's either the local firewall, or something on the path between the two computers.

If you want to access your website from any other computer on your local network then you need to simply type your network IP and port. If you want to access it from internet then you need to configure your IP.


Cannot Ping Or Remote Desktop into Hyper-V PC Via IP Address On Host

I have a bit of a bizarre problem. I have a Hyper-V VM and I cannot connect to it via IP address on the host computer.
I intend to use it as an SQL server to host a database for a website while I test it, and the first step I can see in this endeavour is to make sure the IP addresses work externally.
Other PCs on the LAN appear to be able to connect just fine via the IP address on Remote Desktop. I cannot do so. I also cannot connect through SQL Management Studio (named pipes or TCP/IP). Although named pipes gives an error relating to being denied access as opposed to IPs which are just not found.
I have tried pinging both ways:
VM => Host : Always gives a "Destination Host Unreachable" error
Host => VM: Always gives a "Request Timed Out" error
As for netstat -a -n, I can see that the VM is listening to 3389 (default Hyper V port, which makes sense).
Regarding Firewalls, all have been turned off on all machines. I can tell that the firewall is not the issue.
If you need any more information to help me to diagnose and treat the problem, please ask me as I would like to get this sorted as quickly as possible.
Thanks a lot in advance.
Which windows server version do you use?
Windows Server 2016 blocks insecure RDP connections (
Since RDP uses CredSSP you have to install the current Windows Patches.
Do you can ping the DNS server by IP address from your VM?
Is ICMP (ICMP = the thing you need for ping) on your host enabled?
Here is a Checklist for ICMP:
Just switched to another physical computer and it was fine.

IIS - Website at port 8080 can be accessed using localhost but not with external IP address

I have 3 websites running on my server, all of them on different ports. One is on port 80 and it works fine, the other one is on port 88 and it also works fine. Today I deployed a third one on port 8080, opened the port in Firewall.
I can access it with http://localhost:8080/, with and with it's internal IP address. I can't access it using the external IP address for some reason. I tried accessing it locally using the external IP address and I tried from another computer.
It is worth noting that the website on port 8080 is almost identical to the one on port 80.
Initially I thought it was a firewall issue but I disabled the firewall and tried again and I get the same result (The website took too long to respond).
I am using Windows 10 on the server.
Any ideas as to why this is happening?
I figured out the answer. I am using an EC2 instance from Amazon Web Services for a server. I forgot to go into the console in AWS and open the port there too. I did that and now it's working as it should.
There could be couple of reasons.
Cloud Provider(AWS) Specific
Check your subnet's ACL rules. Both ingress and egress
Check the security group attached to the instance. It should allow ingress
on that port/protocol
Windows Server Firewall: All windows servers and desktops have firewall running which blocks any non-standard traffic. Make sure to add a custom rule to allow the traffic that you want to allow. I found this link helpful

Accessing a local website from another computer inside the local network in IIS 10

On my computer I have deployed my web site on IIS. If I access this website locally with :8080 works perfect, but when I try to access this site from another machine or my Android phone I get 'The site can't be reached. my_ip_address took too long to respond ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT –' this error.
I have tried solutions from this question, but nothing worked for me. Need some help!
There are few factors which can affect the accessibility of the site hosted on your local computer:
Is the client machine (including your phone) in the same network as the Server (In this case your site)
Is the firewall configured to allow connections on port 8080
Have you tried accessing the server using the IP Address. For e.g.
Steps to isolate
Ping the server Ip from the client machine and see if it is able to connect to it.
If the above fails, then I would assume that you are not on the same network. If it succeeds then check if the port is open.
You can also use nmap to see whether the ports are open or not
nmap -p 8080
If the above fails, then open the port in your Firewall configuration and then try again.
Try this and share the results.

Send HTTP POST to API server running on localhost from another PC

My web server is running on localhost ( and I would like to send HTTP posts from another machine to that server.
Does anyone know how I will be able to access the server from the outside? (I did a SSL port forwarding from the external address to localhost, but it is a kind of hack and some aspects do not working properly, e.g. web socket does not detect traffic that's been forwarded) is the loopback address of your network card. Only your computer can access that. on any other computer will be that other computer.
You will have to run your server on your internal ip-address (if you're doing this in an internal network). It will probably look something like 192.168.0.x. If you're instead connecting to the computer using the internet you will of course have to bind the server to the external ip-address.
You can find your internal ip-address on Windows by opening cmd.exe and typing ipconfig. On OSX or Linux/BSD you run ifconfig in a terminal.

How to open a non standard port on windows azure virtual machine

I can't seem to figure this out and hoping someone can give me some pointers. I'm unable to open a port on a Azure VM. After a fresh provision of a Windows 2008 VM I've disabled the Windows Software Firewall for all networks. Next i went to the azure management portal and added a TCP endpoint for port 9090 (both public and private).
While connected to the server via RDP i visit to test if port 9090 is open. But it comes back as error cannot see the port 9090.
As far as I can tell this is a standalone VM not connected to any domains or special networks.
Any ideas what is missing?
This was a strange problem that i "fixed" by changing the VM size from extra small > small and back again. For some reason something was reset and i could open the port again.
