Read csv with two headers into a data.frame - r

Apologies for the seemingly simple question, but I can't seem to find a solution to the following re-arrangement problem.
I'm used to using read.csv to read in files with a header row, but I have an excel spreadsheet with two 'header' rows - cell identifier (a, b, c ... g) and three sets of measurements (x, y and z; 1000s each) for each cell:
a b
x y z x y z
10 1 5 22 1 6
12 2 6 21 3 5
12 2 7 11 3 7
13 1 4 33 2 8
12 2 5 44 1 9
csv file below:
How can I get to a data.frame in R as shown below?
cell x y z
a 10 1 5
a 12 2 6
a 12 2 7
a 13 1 4
a 12 2 5
b 22 1 6
b 21 3 5
b 11 3 7
b 33 2 8
b 44 1 9

Use base R reshape():
temp = read.delim(text="a,,,b,,
12,2,5,44,1,9", header=TRUE, skip=1, sep=",")
names(temp)[1:3] = paste0(names(temp[1:3]), ".0")
OUT = reshape(temp, direction="long", ids=rownames(temp), varying=1:ncol(temp))
# time x y z id
# 1.0 0 10 1 5 1
# 2.0 0 12 2 6 2
# 3.0 0 12 2 7 3
# 4.0 0 13 1 4 4
# 5.0 0 12 2 5 5
# 1.1 1 22 1 6 1
# 2.1 1 21 3 5 2
# 3.1 1 11 3 7 3
# 4.1 1 33 2 8 4
# 5.1 1 44 1 9 5
Basically, you should just skip the first row, where there are the letters a-g every third column. Since the sub-column names are all the same, R will automatically append a grouping number after all of the columns after the third column; so we need to add a grouping number to the first three columns.
You can either then create an "id" variable, or, as I've done here, just use the row names for the IDs.
You can change the "time" variable to your "cell" variable as follows:
# Change the following to the number of levels you actually have
OUT$cell = factor(OUT$time, labels=letters[1:2])
Then, drop the "time" column:
OUT$time = NULL
To answer a question in the comments below, if the first label was something other than a letter, this should still pose no problem. The sequence I would take would be as follows:
temp = read.csv("path/to/file.csv", skip=1, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
GROUPS = read.csv("path/to/file.csv", header=FALSE,
nrows=1, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(temp)[1:3] = paste0(names(temp[1:3]), ".0")
OUT = reshape(temp, direction="long", ids=rownames(temp), varying=1:ncol(temp))
OUT$cell = factor(temp$time, labels=GROUPS)
OUT$time = NULL


Adding new columns to dataframe with suffix

I want to subtract one column from another and create a new one using the corresponding suffix in the first column. I have approx 50 columns
I can do it "manually" as follows...
df$new1 <- df$col_a1 - df$col_b1
df$new2 <- df$col_a2 - df$col_b2
What is the easiest way to create a loop that does the job for me?
We can use grep to identify columns which has "a" and "b" in it and subtract them directly.
a_cols <- grep("col_a", names(df))
b_cols <- grep("col_b", names(df))
df[paste0("new", seq_along(a_cols))] <- df[a_cols] - df[b_cols]
# col_a1 col_a2 col_b1 col_b2 new1 new2
#1 10 15 1 5 9 10
#2 9 14 2 6 7 8
#3 8 13 3 7 5 6
#4 7 12 4 8 3 4
#5 6 11 5 9 1 2
#6 5 10 6 10 -1 0
Tested on this data
df <- data.frame(col_a1 = 10:5, col_a2 = 15:10, col_b1 = 1:6, col_b2 = 5:10)

aggregate dataframe subsets in R

I have the dataframe ds
CountyID ZipCode Value1 Value2 Value3 ... Value25
1 1 0 etc etc etc
2 1 3
3 1 0
4 1 1
5 2 2
6 3 3
7 4 7
8 4 2
9 5 1
10 6 0
and would like to aggregate based on ds$ZipCode and set ds$CountyID equal to the primary county based on the highest ds$Value1. For the above example, it would look like this:
CountyID ZipCode Value1 Value2 Value3 ... Value25
2 1 4 etc etc etc
5 2 2
6 3 3
7 4 9
9 5 1
10 6 0
All the ValueX columns are the sum of that column grouped by ZipCode.
I've tried a bunch of different strategies over the last couple days, but none of them work. The best I've come up with is
#initialize the dataframe
ds_temp = data.frame()
#loop through each subset based on unique zipcodes
for (zip in unique(ds$ZipCode) {
sub <- subset(ds, ds$ZipCode == zip)
len <- length(sub)
maxIndex <- which.max(sub$Value1)
#do the aggregation
row <- aggregate(sub[3:27], FUN=sum, by=list(
CountyID = rep(sub$CountyID[maxIndex], len),
ZipCode = sub$ZipCode))
rbind(ds_temp, row)
ds <- ds_temp
I haven't been able to test this on the real data, but with dummy datasets (such as the one above), I keep getting the error "arguments must have the same length). I've messed around with rep() and fixed vectors (eg c(1,2,3,4)) but no matter what I do, the error persists. I also occasionally get an error to the effect of
cannot subset data of type 'closure'.
Any ideas? I've also tried messing around with data.frame(), ddply(), data.table(), dcast(), etc.
You can try this:
data.frame(aggregate(df[,3:27], by=list(df$ZipCode), sum),
CountyID = unlist(lapply(split(df, df$ZipCode),
function(x) x$CountyID[which.max(x$Value1)])))
Fully reproducible sample data:
CountyID ZipCode Value1
1 1 0
2 1 3
3 1 0
4 1 1
5 2 2
6 3 3
7 4 7
8 4 2
9 5 1
10 6 0", header=TRUE)
data.frame(aggregate(df[,3], by=list(df$ZipCode), sum),
CountyID = unlist(lapply(split(df, df$ZipCode),
function(x) x$CountyID[which.max(x$Value1)])))
# Group.1 x CountyID
#1 1 4 2
#2 2 2 5
#3 3 3 6
#4 4 9 7
#5 5 1 9
#6 6 0 10
In response to your comment on Frank's answer, you can preserve the column names by using the formula method in aggregate. Using Franks's data df, this would be
> cbind(aggregate(Value1 ~ ZipCode, df, sum),
CountyID = sapply(split(df, df$ZipCode), function(x) {
with(x, CountyID[Value1 == max(Value1)]) }))
# ZipCode Value1 CountyID
# 1 1 4 2
# 2 2 2 5
# 3 3 3 6
# 4 4 9 7
# 5 5 1 9
# 6 6 0 10

reshape data into panel with multiple variables and no time variable in R

I'm new to reshaping data in R and can't figure out how to use reshape() (or another package) to create a panel data. There are two time observations for each geographical unit, however each of the time observations is formatted in a variable. For example:
subdistrict <- 1:4
control_t1 <- 5:8
control_t2 <- 9:12
motivation_t1 <- 12:15
motivation_t2 <- 16:19
data_mat <-, control_t1, control_t2, motivation_t1, motivation_t2))
subdistrict control_t1 control_t2 motivation_t1 motivation_t2
1 1 5 9 12 16
2 2 6 10 13 17
3 3 7 11 14 18
4 4 8 12 15 19
Here, control_t1 and control_t2 each refer to a different period. My goal is to reshape the data such that a time variable can be established and the named variable can be collapsed so to produce the following frame:
subdistrict time control motivation
1 1 1 12
1 2 5 16
2 1 2 13
2 2 6 17
3 1 3 14
3 2 7 18
4 1 4 15
4 2 8 19
I'm not sure how to create the new time variable, and collapse and rename the variables to reshape the data as such. Thanks for any help.
You just have to use the reshape() function with option direction = "long". Here is the code :
district <- 1:4
control_t1 <- 5:8
control_t2 <- 9:12
relax_t1 <- 12:15
relax_t2 <- 16:19
data_mat <-, control_t1, control_t2, relax_t1, relax_t2))
reshape(data = data_mat, direction = "long", idvar = "district", timevar = "time", varying = list(c(2:3), c(4:5)))
# district time control_t1 relax_t1
# 1.1 1 1 5 12
# 2.1 2 1 6 13
# 3.1 3 1 7 14
# 4.1 4 1 8 15
# 1.2 1 2 9 16
# 2.2 2 2 10 17
# 3.2 3 2 11 18
# 4.2 4 2 12 19
Have a look at the R Programming wikibooks to learn more.
A simple answer is to split and rebind the data frame into your new form, like so:
new_Data <- data.frame(
All we are doing here is collapsing the two columns of 'control' and 'motivation' into single columns of data by using the 'unlist' function and then binding it all into a new data frame. The 'subdistrict' data repeats, so there is no reason to specify it twice.

Performing calculations on binned counts in R

I have a dataset stored in a text file in the format of bins of values followed by counts, like this:
var_a 1:5 5:12 7:9 9:14 ...
indicating that var_a took on the value 1 5 times in the dataset, 5 12 times, etc. Each variable is on its own line in that format.
I'd like to be able to perform calculations on this dataset in R, like quantiles, variance, and so on. Is there an easy way to load the data from the file and calculate these statistics? Ultimately I'd like to make a box-and-whisker plot for each variable.
You could use readLines to read in the data file
.x <- readLines(datafile)
I will create some dummy data, as I don't have the file. This should be the equivalent of the output of readLines
## dummy
.x <- c("var_a 1:5 5:12 7:9 9:14", 'var_b 1:5 2:12 3:9 4:14')
I split by spacing to get each
#split by space
space_split <- strsplit(.x, ' ')
# get the variable names (first in each list)
variable_names <- lapply(space_split,'[[',1)
# get the variable contents (everything but the first element in each list)
variable_contents <- lapply(space_split,'[',-1)
# a function to do the appropriate replicates
do_rep <- function(x){[1],x[2])}
# recreate the variables
variables <- lapply(variable_contents, function(x){
.list <- strsplit(x, ':')
unlist(lapply(lapply(.list, as.numeric), do_rep))
names(variables) <- variable_names
you could get the variance for each variable using
lapply(variables, var)
## $var_a
## [1] 6.848718
## $var_b
## [1] 1.138462
or get boxplots
boxplot(variables, ~.)
Not knowing the actual form that your data is in, I would probably use something like readLines to get each line in as a vector, then do something like the following:
# Some sample data
temp = c("var_a 1:5 5:12 7:9 9:14",
"var_b 1:7 4:9 3:11 2:10",
"var_c 2:5 5:14 6:6 3:14")
# Extract the names
NAMES = gsub("[0-9: ]", "", temp)
# Extract the data
temp_1 = strsplit(temp, " |:")
temp_1 = lapply(temp_1, function(x) as.numeric(x[-1]))
# "Expand" the data
temp_1 = lapply(1:length(temp_1),
function(x) rep(temp_1[[x]][seq(1, length(temp_1[[x]]), by=2)],
temp_1[[x]][seq(2, length(temp_1[[x]]), by=2)]))
names(temp_1) = NAMES
# $var_a
# [1] 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
# $var_b
# [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
# $var_c
# [1] 2 2 2 2 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

How to convert data.frame to (flat) matrix?

How can I convert the data.frame below to a matrix as given? the first two columns of the data.frame contain the row variables, all combinations of the other columns (except the one containing the values) determine the columns. Ideally, I'm looking for a solution that does not require further packages (so no reshape2 solution). Also, no ftable solution.
(df <- data.frame(c1=rep(c(1, 2), each=8), c2=rep(c(1, 2, 1, 2), each=4),
gr=rep(c(1, 2), 8), subgr=rep(c(1,2), 4, each=2), val=1:16) )
c1 c2 gr1.subgr1 gr1.subgr2 gr2.subgr1 gr2.subgr2
1 1 1 3 2 4
1 2 5 7 6 8
2 1 9 11 10 12
2 2 13 15 14 16
Use an interaction variable to construct the groups:
newdf <- reshape(df, idvar=1:2, direction="wide",
timevar=interaction(df$gr,df$subgr) ,
drop=c("gr","subgr") )
names(newdf)[3:6] <- c("gr1.subgr1", "gr1.subgr2", "gr2.subgr1", "gr2.subgr2")
c1 c2 gr1.subgr1 gr1.subgr2 gr2.subgr1 gr2.subgr2
1 1 1 1 2 3 4
5 1 2 5 6 7 8
9 2 1 9 10 11 12
13 2 2 13 14 15 16
Alright - this looks like it does mostly what you want. From reading the help file, this seems like it should do what you want:
reshape(df, idvar = c("c1", "c2"), timevar = c("gr", "subgr")
, direction = "wide")
c1 c2 val.c(1, 2, 1, 2) val.c(1, 1, 2, 2)
1 1 1 NA NA
5 1 2 NA NA
9 2 1 NA NA
13 2 2 NA NA
I can't fully explain why it shows up with NA values. However, maybe this bit from the help page explains:
the variable in long format that differentiates multiple records from the same
group or individual. If more than one record matches, the first will be taken.
I initially took that to mean that R would use it's partial matching capabilities if there was an ambiguity in the column names you gave it, but maybe not? Next, I tried combining gr and subgr into a single column:
df$newcol <- with(df, paste("gr.", gr, "subgr.", subgr, sep = ""))
And let's try this again:
reshape(df, idvar = c("c1", "c2"), timevar = "newcol"
, direction = "wide", drop= c("gr","subgr"))
c1 c2
1 1 1 1 2 3 4
5 1 2 5 6 7 8
9 2 1 9 10 11 12
13 2 2 13 14 15 16
Presto! I can't explain or figure out how to make it not append val. to the column names, but I'll leave you to figure that out on your own. I'm sure it's on the help page somewhere. It also put the groups in a different order than you requested, but the data seems to be right.
FWIW, here's a solution with reshape2
> dcast(c1 + c2 ~ gr + subgr, data = df, value.var = "val")
c1 c2 1_1 1_2 2_1 2_2
1 1 1 1 3 2 4
2 1 2 5 7 6 8
3 2 1 9 11 10 12
4 2 2 13 15 14 16
Though you still have to clean up column names.
