OpenX Market Advertiser Console API - openx

I want to develop a simple API for openx advertising console which will allow me to add placements and domains in a placement automatically i.e. I can multiple domains in a placement simultaneously.
I am looking for sample code/script to do this??
As I am new to openX please tell me how to do this or provide sample code/script?

Sorry for the late reply but to do so please access their developer api examples located here


Integrate Google analytics with website API

I am looking just looking for tools that are required to achieve the following
My aim to give my website users analytics reports for the pages created by them(user). I am having a WordPress website
Data Source ( Analytics )
How to connect? ( Which API ?)
How to store the analytics value to PHP variable? ( a simple example if possible )
How does the graph are plotted? Is it possible to get the google plot and display in user dashbord
even if i am able to connect i will be getting entire website data how can i set it up for a user specific page
Please note that i am not asking for complete solution just the tools required.
thanks for your time
You need to connect it to the Google Analytics API and use something like Chart.js to visualise your charts.
You are likely to have issues authenticating so look at this page regarding the ways you may authenticate.
Finally, once you've sorted out the authentication - the following page is mighty helpful to generate your requests.

Using the woocommerce API using PHP

I'm using the woocommerce API for the first time and need some help with it.
I thought I'll start easy and use it to just get the site title returned.
I read the documentation at but its too complex and doesn't provide details about the first steps I need to do to connect to the API.
I have enabled the REST API on my woocommerce powered site.
My questions are,
How do I connect to this API ? The documentation tell me to run
<?php print_r($woocommerce->get('')); ?> but where am I supposed
to run it ?
How do I authenticate myself with the keys that are
generated by the API ?
I appreciate any help, thanks.
This link should be able to help youL
What you need to understand is that the keys are your authentication. Kind of like an entry password to your site's API. Then you need to acknowledge the key within the code for your api request followed by your API requirements. Hope this helps.

Set up email for a customer.details to get from them

This could be a question related to my area, but I dont know where to ask. There will be a page in our customers website. When they come to that page it will be populated with many email addresses.There will also be an attachment of type PDF. And some email content.They have exchange set up. I know very little about this emailing.Some reason always found it confusing. I need to get some details(email settings) from them for this page to work. Also the email addresses that the page will populate WILL contain other than their own domain address.i.e. gmails,msns or yahoos etc. So what is that I need from them?More questions coming. If you need more info,please ask. Thanks
I would suggest using EWS Managed API to communicate with the Exchange server. It's really not that difficult to use once you get your connection established. All you need from them is there credentials for their mailbox, or you could set up a service account with impersonation if you don't want to use theirs.
Here are some resources to get you started:
Download the EWS Managed API
Read conceptual content and 'How To' topics
See how it's done by downloading sample code
The sample code shows how to authenticate with Exchange, send emails, and a whole lot more. The Exchange developer documentation team continues to post new 'How to' topics.

Get linkedin public status updates

I am trying to get latest 3 public activities of our company from linkedin (ex: and present it on our website but unfortunately I dont see a clear explanation to do so in the API documentations. I registered an API Key but I am confused if I need to do OAuth if so against what and then what API to call to get publicly available info?
Is OAuth really needed for something that is available?
Can I store an OAuth token for an internal user and keep fetching data on that? I would really do not want to authenticated the site visitors with oauth to get free linkedin content.
This question is on the lines of this one, but I still wanted to ask and see if I could get a better response/answer.
To get the company updates from the LinkedIn API, you will need to reference the following document:
The API is currently in preview mode, but the above document addresses your question re: OAuth as well as shows the specific calls as well as sample output. If you have any questions after reviewing the docs, please feel free to visit our developer forums at:
And one of someone from our team would be more than happy to help you further.

Can I share my google analytics result to someone else?

I work in a small company and we - as many others = use google analytics to monitor how well/bad our site is doing.
To access this information we put the google account's details (username and pwd) and off we go.
I now want to share this information with one of my clients but I don't want to give him my google account.
can anybody suggest the best way or the best practices to achieve this ?
Many Thanks
Given that you want to "publish it", you might want to extract the relevant data via the Google Analytics API, which provides read-only access, works just like an ordinary Google Data API--this way you can serve it from your own Site without restriction.
That still leaves the presentation of that data, but at least you have complete control over it.
the client can give you HIS account and you give his account view rights
You create anothe rgoogle account just for read only access, give it read access to your google analytics and send the password that client.
I dont really see the issue here ;)
Check out EmbeddedAnalytics. This is a service tailored specifically to allow you to define nice looking charts against your Google Analytics data and then embed them on to your site. The service utilizes the Google Analytics API.
(disclosure: I work with EmbeddedAnalytics).
You may now use Google Analytics Embed API for the purpose. Clients still do need to have Google account.
