PyQt QTreeView checkable Column header, possible? - qt

I have a TreeView class with a QStandarItemModel and I want to set one column in "chekeable mode" where if it is check then all item in that column are checked. A CheckAll check box in the column.


In a QTableView how to check if the the whole row was selected (by clicking on the horizontal header)?

I have a QTableView with a model where not all the cell is selectable. I want to execute some code if the user selected the whole row by clicking on the horizontal header and not just by selecting a cell.
I looked around the QTableView selected methods and HorizontalHeader methods like:
But that gives true even if only one cell was selected. I don't see how to check if the whole row is selected.
Any idea is appreciated.

JavaFX TableView how to get a row cell graphic

I have a JavaFX TableView, the first column is a selection checkbox column, user can select the checkbox and do something. And in the header column, it have a checkbox, I wan't it to be select all, when selected this column, it will select all checkbox to be selected. But the question is I haven't found there have any methods or ways in the JavaFX TableView or TableColumn to get the checkbox in the table row. If I can the checkboxs in the table row, I can change their state to checked.
Thanks in advance.

Datagrid Flex 3 Single Row Selected

I have one flex datagrid which contains number of rows and column. I want to make selected row editable by clicking on edit button. Is it possible? I have try many samples but on that either entire datagrid is editable or particular row's single column is editable. Is there any way to make selected row editable by clicking on edit button?
You can get the selected row with the grid.selectedIndex property. One thought to you problem:
Add an "editable" property to you items in the datagrid which is false by default
When clicking on the button, set grid.selectedItem.editable = true;
Change the grid's item renderer to a new one, which displays TextInput fields if an item is editable or just plain Label if it's not
You can change the item renderer at runtime like this:
grid.itemRenderer = new ClassFactory(com.myapp.renderers.MyGridItemRenderer);

Adobe Flex Combobox as itemrenderer

I have a flex combobox as a datagrid itemEditor.
However, after selecting an item in the combobox, its necessary to click out of the combo (i.e. into another cell or elsewhere in the app) for the value to be committed to the combo. Prior to this, the combo sits 'proud' of the datagrid and the value hasnt actually been committed.
Is there a way to force the value to be immediately committed after an item has been selected and for the combo to 'lose focus'?
Ahh, so easy.

Flex edit DataGrid cell on click only when previously selected

I need to modify the behaviour of an editable datagrid to this:
-Single-click on a row, doesn't make the cell show a text input field (only selects the row)
-Double-click on a row, doesn't make the cell show a text input field either
-Clicking a cell in an already selected row, shows a text input field ready to be edited.
I belive this is how for example iTunes works.
I found a solution.
I ended up using the ListEvent.CHANGE to tell if the selectedIndex index had changed,
and then the preventDefault on ITEM_EDIT_BEGINNING if it was.
