WPMS Domain Mapping and Permalinks Error - wordpress

I have recently started working with Wordpress MS (the new WPMU). I have just installed everything and have a few different domains working off of the same Wordpress MS install.
I am using the WordPress MU Domain Mapping plugin to handle different domain names.
Problem I am having is working with permalinks. I would like the URL to display something like this http://blakebullis.me/sample-post/ ... but whenever I change the permalink settings to be more SEO friendly I get a 404 error. The page only works properly when I use the default permalink settings http://blakebullis.me/?page_id=2

Problem has been solved. I used this article to figure it out http://wordpress.org/support/topic/wordpress-mu-domain-mapping-plugin-052-mysteriously-still-not-working
Within my /etc/apache2/sites-available/[domainname] ... I changed the "AllowOverride None" to "AllowOverride All" for my configuration


404 error after putting WordPress on my vps server but homepage does work

So my WordPress site worked perfectly on my localhost, until I transferred it to my Windows Server machine. Now, only the index still works; the other pages give me a 404 error.
I have already tried changing permalink options and other fixes, but nothing has worked.
How I can get my other pages online?
Its too easy
go to wp-admin in your WordPress.
in dashboard go to settings.
in settings go to Permalink Settings.
in Permalink Settings if your Common Settings set on Day and name or anything else change it to Plain.
save the setting and go to your web pages.
if every things work correctly back to Permalink Settings and change Common Settings on Day and name or anything you want.

magento fishpig wordpress integration - block view of non-magento blog site

I've gotten the 4.3.08 fishpig extension working with my 1.7 Magento site (yes, I know it's a very old magento version). The integrated blog looks great and has the magento theme when I access it via the Site Address URL. However, I can still access the non-integrated blog when I type the Wordpress URL into a browser. That url doesn't have the integrated theme - it's just the plain posts. I don't want google to index that wordpress url or for users to find that url. I want them to only see the Site Address URL. I have done a ton of searches but can't seem to find how to do this. Looking for help!
You haven't included your URL so I can't provide accurate feedback. That being said, if configured correctly, the WordPress URL should give a 404 error page. This won't be seen by anyone and won't be indexed by search engines.
If the WordPress URL is visible and everything is configured correctly, you may be using the default permalinks (eg. /blog/?p=123). Change the Permalink structure at Settings > Permalinks and the WordPress URL should generate a 404 page.

Wordpress permalinks not working on Webmin

I have a Webmin, which is CentOS server, for hosting Wordpress sites.
But my permalinks are not working. I have give a persmisions to Wordpress, so I can control permalinks from WP.
WP saves a configuration to .htaccess and also all link in my menu change to permalinks I choose, but ofter click on those links, I get "Not found" error.
If I switch WP back to no permalinks, everything works ok again.
Actually, I don't have any idea, what else can I try, and why this is not working. But I suppose there is some setting on the server itself, because, this is not working on any my site on this same server.
You need to check if your apache server has mod_rewrite extension enabled.
That extension is managed short/permalinks for websites like Wordpress.
You can check it by creating short file 'phpinfo.php' in the wordpress folder:
Navigate to the http://yourwebsite.com/phpinfo.php and look for the 'mod_rewrite' in the output.
If you can't find it you need to setup it first, take a look here.

Wordpress template pages not being displayed in 3.2 :|

Few months ago, I developed two template pages on wordpress 3.1 and they were working fine. Now, I installed latest wordpress software. I created a new page with the same name and selected the template. But the link is showing a "404 Not Found" error.
My site URL goes like this: http://localhost/myBlog/about
where "about page" has to use a template. The same permalink is shown when creating the page but viewing page is showing 404 error. It's weird. May be some permalink issue?
Well assuming this is a new installation and not an upgrade, I am guessing that your permalink structure is messed up. There are a couple ways to fix this. In general, Wordpress tries to modify your .htaccess file itself.
Go to your old installation and look under Settings -> Permalinks. If it is different from your new install, then change them to be the same and save. If they are the same, then change it to something else and then change it back. This should force Wordpress to resave the settings to your .htaccess file. If it can't write to the file it should tell you.
Alternatively you could look at the .htaccess file of your old installation and copy the values there over to your new installation. Although I think letting WP do it for you is probably the safer route.
If you can access your database, You need to go to the wp-options table and change the url there. The other options there. Were you working on a local server?

wordpress page permalink is not working on local

I have wordpress website on server, created pages and that's working fine, but when I download wordpress files and DB on local and want to run with localhost, permalinks for pages are not working.
It seems this is an old post, but this might help others that encounter same error.
Apache –> Apache Modules –> and that will display the lists of available modules.
Now just check rewrite_module.
source from WordPress Custom Permalink not Working in Localhost
Hope that helps.
Sometimes when copying from one server to another, wordpress' permalinks goes a little screwy, try setting them back to default (using the admin panel) and then setting them again to your desired permalink structure (being sure to apply the changes each time).
you need to go into the database and change a few options.
Goto your phpmyadmin installation and navigate to wp-options table. Change the siteurl and home options to your localhost address.
Wordpress needs these database tries to build your permalinks. If they are wrong, then it will direct your links to incorrect locations.
You can simply fix this by doing the following:
Go to settings in your WordPress site.
click on permalinks ( You will see the URL structures of your newly configured WP site. (if it shows your original website values, go to settings-> general and set your local site URLs
Don't do any changes, just click on the Save button.
Refresh your local site and click on your page link or post.
