When comparing the results of a document transformation process to the original with docx4j, we're getting the following error for one of our test cases:
com.topologi.diffx.xml.UndeclaredNamespaceException: The namespace URI "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office for allowincell" has not been mapped to any prefix.
I eliminated the possibility of errors introduced by the tranformation process by comparing the original document to itself using this method (based on this answer):
private static final String compareToSelf( File fileToCompare ) throws Docx4JException {
WordprocessingMLPackage olderPackage = WordprocessingMLPackage.load( fileToCompare );
WordprocessingMLPackage newerPackage = WordprocessingMLPackage.load( fileToCompare );
Body newerBody = newerPackage.getMainDocumentPart().getJaxbElement().getBody();
Body olderBody = olderPackage.getMainDocumentPart().getJaxbElement().getBody();
java.io.StringWriter sw = new java.io.StringWriter();
javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamResult result = new javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamResult(sw);
Calendar changeDate = null;
Differencer pd = new Differencer();
pd.setRelsDiffIdentifier("blagh"); // not necessary in this case
pd.diff( newerBody, olderBody, result, "someone", changeDate,
olderPackage.getMainDocumentPart().getRelationshipsPart() );
return sw.toString();
Stack trace:
com.topologi.diffx.xml.UndeclaredNamespaceException: The namespace URI "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office for allowincell" has not been mapped to any prefix.
at com.topologi.diffx.xml.NSAwareXMLWriter.getQName(NSAwareXMLWriter.java:604)
at com.topologi.diffx.xml.NSAwareXMLWriter.attribute(NSAwareXMLWriter.java:527)
at com.topologi.diffx.event.impl.AttributeEventNSImpl.toXML(AttributeEventNSImpl.java:244)
at com.topologi.diffx.format.SmartXMLFormatter.format(SmartXMLFormatter.java:212)
at com.topologi.diffx.sequence.EventSequence.format(EventSequence.java:349)
at com.topologi.diffx.Docx4jDriver.diff(Docx4jDriver.java:230)
at org.docx4j.diff.Differencer.diffWorker(Differencer.java:320)
at org.docx4j.diff.Differencer.diff(Differencer.java:298)
at exec.DocxCompareTest.compareToSelf(DocxCompareTest.java:212)
at exec.DocxCompareTest.handleInputFile(DocxCompareTest.java:124)
at exec.ValidationTest.execute(ValidationTest.java:52)
at exec.BtbRoundtripTest.main(BtbRoundtripTest.java:13)
at org.docx4j.diff.Differencer.diffWorker(Differencer.java:377)
at org.docx4j.diff.Differencer.diff(Differencer.java:298)
at exec.DocxCompareTest.compareToSelf(DocxCompareTest.java:212)
at exec.DocxCompareTest.handleInputFile(DocxCompareTest.java:124)
at exec.ValidationTest.execute(ValidationTest.java:52)
at exec.BtbRoundtripTest.main(BtbRoundtripTest.java:13)
I've unzipped the *.docx file and the o:allowincell seems to be properly mapped with xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" in the <w:document> tag of the contained document.xml.
Test document can be dowloaded from here: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B6_h2TfqvEdeZE43X3RSWnFIZHc
Any ideas on how to resolve this issue?
In Docx4jDriver at line 192 and 206 there is:
e.setAttributeNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/", "xmlns:w",
You probably need to add xmlns:o. Ultimately, that code needs to be improved to add all relevant namespaces automatically.
// but the code is throwing unexpected terminal operator new
function MovePokemon(argument0, argument1) {
old = argument0;
new = argument1;
TPartyID = global.PartyID[old]
global.PartyID[old] = global.PartyID[new]
global.PartyID[new] = TPartyID;
new is a keyword in the current versions of GameMaker, so you'll need to rename that variable (say, to _new).
The project in question may leave some to be desired given the complete absence of local variable declarations (var).
Try use this code in your script to avoid use "new"
function MovePokemon(argument0, argument1) {
TPartyID = global.PartyID[argument0]
global.PartyID[argument0] = global.PartyID[argument1]
global.PartyID[argument1] = TPartyID;
When I add the formula FORECAST.ETS, it adds an # after the equal symbol, like this: = #FORECAST.ETS. Why is this happening?
The code snippet is:
ws.cell(column=1, row=2, value="=FORECAST.ETS(...)"
When I open it with Excel (latest Office 365 version), it shows as =#FORECAST.ETS(..)
I have hit the same issue, but not with Python and openpyxl, but with dotnet Core C# and EPPLUS. What follows is perhaps a workaround based on my findings... but not ideal. I suspect it will work with openpyxl too.
Re-creating the problem
I have written a simplified C# console app that firstly creates a new XLSX (foo.xlsx), writes out some data and my formula, and then outputs the cell with the formula and the value to the Console. It then saves and closes the XLSX, and reopens it and again outputs the formula cell and its value. The code is as follows:
using OfficeOpenXml;
using System;
using System.IO;
namespace TestFormula
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Test starts");
ExcelPackage.LicenseContext = LicenseContext.NonCommercial;
if (File.Exists($".\\foo.xlsx"))
using (var ep = new ExcelPackage(new FileInfo($".\\foo.xlsx")))
ExcelWorkbook wb = ep.Workbook;
ExcelWorksheet wsTest = null;
wsTest = wb.Worksheets.Add("Test");
// Add some look up data...
for (int row = 1; row <= 5; row++)
wsTest.Cells[row, 1].Value = row;
wsTest.Cells[row, 2].Value = $"Name {row}";
wsTest.Cells[1, 4].Formula = $"=XLOOKUP($A3,$A:$A,$B:$B))";
Console.WriteLine($"Add: formula=\"{wsTest.Cells[1, 4].Formula}\"");
Console.WriteLine($"Add: value=\"{wsTest.Cells[1, 4].Value}\"");
using (var ep = new ExcelPackage(new FileInfo($".\\foo.xlsx")))
ExcelWorkbook wb = ep.Workbook;
ExcelWorksheet wsTest = null;
wsTest = wb.Worksheets["Test"];
Console.WriteLine($"Open: formula=\"{wsTest.Cells[1, 4].Formula}\"");
Console.WriteLine($"Open: value=\"{wsTest.Cells[1, 4].Value}\"");
Console.WriteLine("Test ends");
The output from the above looks like this...
Note that the formula after closing and re-opening the XLSX with EPPLUS reads just as it was written.
However, if I open the file with Excel I can see that an # has been inserted after the = sign.
If I then double click on the formula cell, I get an Excel error message...
I answered "no" to this question because I wanted to continue to experiment with what was happening behind the scenes.
After double clicking the formula cell to edit it, when I now hit ENTER with the # in the formula, it works. At this point I save the XLSX with the change made.
If I now delete some of my code and just run...
using OfficeOpenXml;
using System;
using System.IO;
namespace TestFormula
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Test starts");
ExcelPackage.LicenseContext = LicenseContext.NonCommercial;
using (var ep = new ExcelPackage(new FileInfo($".\\foo.xlsx")))
ExcelWorkbook wb = ep.Workbook;
ExcelWorksheet wsTest = null;
wsTest = wb.Worksheets["Test"];
Console.WriteLine($"Open: formula=\"{wsTest.Cells[1, 4].Formula}\"");
Console.WriteLine($"Open: value=\"{wsTest.Cells[1, 4].Value}\"");
Console.WriteLine("Test ends");
I get the following output...
What's particularly interesting about the output is that the formula has been modified by Excel and has been prefixed with _alfn.SINGLE.
It is worth declaring here that I am running Microsoft 365 and I always have patches and updates automatically applied as soon as they become available. So my version of Excel is the latest version.
Google-ing for _alfn.SINGLE provides a number of hits (see References below) and from these I have concluded the following:
In Aug 2019 Microsoft released an update that introduced a new formula keyword called XLOOKUP... intended to replace VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP. As such, the XLSX file format was updated to allow for this new feature. The second reference below mentions dates of the introduction of other formulas around Sep 2018.
I'm guessing that the EPLUS library (and probably the openpyxl) have not updated their file format to compensate for the addition of these new/changed features.
When Excel opens an older file version and detects a more recent formula keyword (i.e. a keyword that was not available in the earlier file version), it does not automatically resolve the formula, but instead throws the error I mentioned above, and then resolves the problem by prefixing the new formula keyword with _alfn.SINGLE.
It's dirty and short term until the EPPLUS/openpyxl libraries catch up. In my case, in code simply replace...
wsTest.Cells[1, 4].Formula = $"=XLOOKUP($A3,$A:$A,$B:$B)";
... with ...
wsTest.Cells[1, 4].Formula = $"_xlfn.SINGLE(_xlfn.XLOOKUP($A3,$A:$A,$B:$B))";
Issue: An _xlfn. prefix is displayed in front of a formula by Microsoft
I have read the Akka Java documentation about Multi Node Testing, however all codes are in Scala. Is there any reason for that? Google search was unsuccessful as well.
To reduce the tumbleweedness of this question, I did try :). A simple translation to Java of the existing Scala codes migth look like this:
public class ClusterTest {
protected RoleName first;
public void SimpleClusterListenerClusterJoinTest() throws Exception {
new MultiNodeSpec(new MultiNodeConfig() {{
first = this.role("first");
second = this.role("second");
third = this.role("third");
"akka.crdt.convergent.leveldb.destroy-on-shutdown = on\n" +
"akka.actor.provider = akka.cluster.ClusterActorRefProvider\n" +
"akka.cluster.auto-join = off\n" +
"akka.cluster.auto-down = on\n" +
"akka.loggers = [\"akka.testkit.TestEventListener\"]\n" +
"akka.loglevel = INFO\n" +
"akka.remote.log-remote-lifecycle-events = off")); }}) {
Address firstAddress = node(first).address();
ArrayList<RoleName> firstnode = new ArrayList<RoleName>() {{
Seq<RoleName> fisrtnodeseq = (Seq<RoleName>)JavaConversions.asScalaBuffer(firstnode).toList();
runOn(fisrtnodeseq, null);
Cluster cluster = new Cluster((ExtendedActorSystem) system());
// verify that single node becomes member
cluster.subscribe(testActor(), MemberEvent.class);
public int initialParticipants() {
return roles().size();
HOWEVER During the run with the arguments:
-Dmultinode.max-nodes=4 -Dmultinode.host= etc. according to Multi Node Testing (if I list here all of the arguments the editor heavily complains :[ ) I will get the following error:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: invalid ActorSystem name [ClusterTest_2], must contain only word characters (i.e. [a-zA-Z0-9] plus non-leading '-')
at akka.actor.ActorSystemImpl.<init>(ActorSystem.scala:497)
at akka.actor.ActorSystem$.apply(ActorSystem.scala:141)
at akka.actor.ActorSystem$.apply(ActorSystem.scala:118)
at akka.remote.testkit.MultiNodeSpec.<init>(MultiNodeSpec.scala:252)
at com.akkamint.demo.ClusterTest$2.<init>(ClusterTest.java:51)
is the internally generated ActorSystem name wrong?
Besides this I have two questions:
How can access the gossips from Java as in the Scala code,
awaitCond(Cluster(system).latestGossip.members.exists(m ⇒ m.address == firstAddress && m.status == Up))
and I have not found any way to implement the same in Java. My workaround is to subscribe to member events (see above), otherwise I do not know, is this effectively the same or not?
Thunk function (the second argument of runOn method)? What is that? How can use it?
Trying to get working ScalikeJDBC and SQLite. Have a simple code based on provided examples:
import scalikejdbc._, SQLInterpolation._
object Test extends App {
ConnectionPool.singleton("jdbc:sqlite:test.db", null, null)
implicit val session = AutoSession
println(sql"""SELECT * FROM kv WHERE key == 'seq' LIMIT 1""".map(identity).single().apply()))
It fails with exception:
Exception in thread "main" java.sql.SQLException: Cannot change read-only flag after establishing a connection. Use SQLiteConfig#setReadOnly and QLiteConfig.createConnection().
at org.sqlite.SQLiteConnection.setReadOnly(SQLiteConnection.java:447)
at org.apache.commons.dbcp.DelegatingConnection.setReadOnly(DelegatingConnection.java:377)
at org.apache.commons.dbcp.PoolingDataSource$PoolGuardConnectionWrapper.setReadOnly(PoolingDataSource.java:338)
at scalikejdbc.DBConnection$class.readOnlySession(DB.scala:138)
at scalikejdbc.DB.readOnlySession(DB.scala:498)
I've tried both scalikejdbc 1.7 and 2.0, error remains. As sqlite driver I use "org.xerial" % "sqlite-jdbc" % "3.7.+".
What can I do to fix the error?
The following will create two separate connections, one for read-only operations and the other for writes.
ConnectionPool.add("mydb", s"jdbc:sqlite:${db.getAbsolutePath}", "", "")
"mydb_ro", {
val conf = new SQLiteConfig()
val source = new SQLiteDataSource(conf)
new DataSourceConnectionPool(source)
I found that the reason is that you're using "org.xerial" % "sqlite-jdbc" % "3.7.15-M1". This version looks still unstable.
Use "3.7.2" as same as #kawty.
Building on #Synesso's answer, I expanded slightly to be able to get config value from config files and to set connection settings:
import scalikejdbc._
import scalikejdbc.config.TypesafeConfigReader
case class SqlLiteDataSourceConnectionPool(source: DataSource,
override val settings: ConnectionPoolSettings)
extends DataSourceConnectionPool(source)
// read settings for 'default' database
val cpSettings = TypesafeConfigReader.readConnectionPoolSettings()
val JDBCSettings(url, user, password, driver) = TypesafeConfigReader.readJDBCSettings()
// use those to create two connection pools
ConnectionPool.add("db", url, user, password, cpSettings)
"db_ro", {
val conf = new SQLiteConfig()
val source = new SQLiteDataSource(conf)
SqlLiteDataSourceConnectionPool(source, cpSettings)
// example using 'NamedDB'
val name: Option[String] = NamedDB("db_ro") readOnly { implicit session =>
sql"select name from users where id = $id".map(rs => rs.string("name")).single.apply()
This worked for me with org.xerial/sqlite-jdbc 3.28.0:
String path = ...
SQLiteConfig config = new SQLiteConfig();
return DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sqlite:" + path, config.toProperties());
Interestingly, I wrote a different solution on the issue on the xerial repo:
PoolProperties props = new PoolProperties();
Properties extraProps = new Properties();
extraProps.setProperty("open_mode", SQLiteOpenMode.READONLY.flag + "");
// This line can be left in or removed; it no longer causes a problem
// as long as the open_mode code is present.
return new DataSource(props);
I don't recall why I needed the second, and was then able to simplify it back to the first one. But if the first doesn't work, you might try the second. It uses a SQLite-specific open_mode flag that then makes it safe (but unnecessary) to use the setDefaultReadOnly call.
In the YSOD below, the stacktrace (and the source file line) contain the full path to the source file. Unfortunately, the full path to the source file name contains my user name, which is firstname.lastname.
I want to keep the YSOD, as well as the stack trace including the filename and line number (it's a demo and testing system), but the username should vanish from the sourcefile path. Seeing the file's path is also OK, but the path should be truncated at the solution root directory.
(without me having to copy-paste the solution every time to another path before publishing it...)
Is there any way to accomplish this ?
Note: Custom error pages aren't an option.
Path is embedded in .pdb files, which are produced by the compiler. The only way to change this is to build your project in some other location, preferably somewhere near the build server.
Never mind, I found it out myself.
Thanks to Anton Gogolev's statement that the path is in the pdb file, I realized it is possible.
One can do a binary search-and-replace on the pdb file, and replace the username with something else.
I quickly tried using this:
and it worked (on 50% of the pdb files).
So mind the crap, that code-snippet in the link seems to be buggy.
But the concept seems to work.
I now use this code:
public static void SizeUnsafeReplaceTextInFile(string strPath, string strTextToSearch, string strTextToReplace)
byte[] baBuffer = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(strPath);
List<int> lsReplacePositions = new List<int>();
System.Text.Encoding enc = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
byte[] baSearchBytes = enc.GetBytes(strTextToSearch);
byte[] baReplaceBytes = enc.GetBytes(strTextToReplace);
var matches = SearchBytePattern(baSearchBytes, baBuffer, ref lsReplacePositions);
if (matches != 0)
foreach (var iReplacePosition in lsReplacePositions)
for (int i = 0; i < baReplaceBytes.Length; ++i)
baBuffer[iReplacePosition + i] = baReplaceBytes[i];
} // Next i
} // Next iReplacePosition
} // End if (matches != 0)
System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(strPath, baBuffer);
Array.Clear(baBuffer, 0, baBuffer.Length);
Array.Clear(baSearchBytes, 0, baSearchBytes.Length);
Array.Clear(baReplaceBytes, 0, baReplaceBytes.Length);
baBuffer = null;
baSearchBytes = null;
baReplaceBytes = null;
} // End Sub ReplaceTextInFile
Replace firstname.lastname with something that has equally many characters, for example "Poltergeist".
Now I only need to figure out how to run the binary search and replace as a post-build action.