CSS3 arc div or draw an arc - css

With css3 is it possible arc a div or draw and arc like the image below... I've seen a few examples for circles but not an arc.

Yes, you can do it with border-radius.
See an example here: http://jsfiddle.net/jQ5gu/


Vertical curved timeline

How can i achieve a vertical curved timeline as shown in the drawing below? The circles are images and the rectangles div elements. The circles are connected with a horizontal line to the timeline and a dot on the timeline. Is this possible? Any help would be very much appreciated.
Fixed by putting borders on the div elements on the sides of the images and then a radius to have it curved. Solution came to me when eating a herring sandwich. Try it, it's the best. Enjoy your meal :)

True 3d illusion using purely css3

In this demo you can rotate the x axis to give a 3d illusion. Trying the rotatex() css option only seems provide part of the illusion.
In the top section of this image you can see the 3d illusion from the 'bigtext' demo. The text is not only rotated on the x angle but the edges of the text are slightly angled in towards each other making for a much better illusion.
What is the best method to achieve this?
I found the answer here. I needed to add the perspective to the parent div.

CSS borders with bezier curves

We all know it's possible to have rounded corners in plain CSS using the border-radius property. Is it also possible to have arbitrary corner shapes, specifically, using cubic-bezier?
It most definitely is, by using CSS masking. If you only care about the shape (so, not the color/thickness/etc that you get when you use the CSS border property) then setting up a "border shape" is identical to using "a clipping mask", with the kind of shape that is set up by border-radius is simply clipping with a "rectangle with rounded corners" mask.
html5rocks.com has lots of examples of absolutely crazy border shapes done this way.

How can I make a small circle's border smooth?

Is there any way to make a pure CSS circle border look clear and crisp at smaller sizes? Or some way to make the border not appear "jagged" around the outer edge? Thanks so much!
Use box-shadow CSS property for this issue.
Please see the next example: http://jsfiddle.net/RJMWR/

box shadow with triangle shaped border to create chevron shaped div

I'm trying to create a group of chevron shaped divs, and came across this article where the ribbon has an internal triangle shape.
I was trying to add an external border which would follow the triangle, which would achieve the affect I'm looking for without needing to use images.
Unfortunately, when I tried adding a box-shadow, I ended up with a square shadow around the div, not a shadow around the triangular bit.
Any suggestions on how to acheive this?
I don't think there is currently any simple solution to create CSS shadows of shapes other than rectangles and rounded rectangles (using border-radius). But I think a possibility (albeit more complicated) would be using CSS3 transform rotations along with the box-shadow. You can pick up some techniques here which perhaps you can modify to suit your need.
