Shutdown Windows after simulation - r

I want R to shutdown my computer after my (extensive) simulation and saving results, is this possible?

Yes, look at the function shutdown in the package fun.
The flags for system command shutdown depends on your operating system, the function simply calls the appropriately flagged command.
function (wait = 0)
ifelse(.Platform$OS.type == "windows", shell("shutdown -s -t 0"),
system("shutdown -h now"))

R can send commands to the system with ?system, and so whatever is required for Windows can be done with that:
R has a .Last() function controlled by quit() (or q()) with its runLast argument, so this is where you would send the shutdown commands via system, so that it occurs after quitting R. Saving objects with R is done with save or save.image, though there is a default to save as well with quit().

system("shutdown -s")
will shut your computer down. Just add it at the end of your script


How to release R's prompt when using 'system'?

I am writing an R code on a Linux system using RStudio. At some point in the code, I need to use a system call to a command that will download a few thousand of files from the lines of a text file:
down.command <- paste0("parallel --gnu -a links.txt wget")
However, this command takes a little while to run (a couple of hours), and the R prompt stays locked while the command runs. I would like to keep using R while the command runs on the background.
I tried to use nohup like this:
down.command <- paste0("nohup parallel --gnu -a links.txt wget > ~/down.log 2>&1")
but the R prompt still gets "locked" waiting for the end of the command.
Is there any way to circumvent this? Is there a way to submit system commands from R and keep them running on the background?
Using ‘processx’, here’s how to create a new process that redirects both stdout and stderr to the same file:
args = c('--gnu', '-a', 'links.txt', 'wget')
p = processx::process$new('parallel', args, stdout = '~/down.log', stderr = '2>&1')
This launches the process and resumes the execution of the R script. You can then interact with the running process via the p name. Notably you can signal to it, you can query its status (e.g. is_alive()), and you can synchronously wait for its completion (optionally with a timeout after which to kill it):
result = p$get_exit_status()
Based on the comment by #KonradRudolph, I became aware of the processx R package that very smartly deals with system process submissions from within R.
All I had to do was:
down.command <- c("parallel","--gnu", "-a", "links.txt", "wget", ">", "~/down.log", "2>&1")
processx::process$new("nohup", down.comm, cleanup=FALSE)
As simple as that, and very effective.

How does execlp work exactly?

So I am looking at my professor's code that he handed out to try and give us an idea of how to implement >, <, | support into our unix shell. I ran his code and was amazed at what actually happened.
if( pid == 0 )
close(1); // close
fd = creat( "userlist", 0644 ); // then open
execlp( "who", "who", NULL ); // and run
perror( "execlp" );
This created a userlist file in the directory I was currently in, with the "who" data inside that file. I don't see where any connection between fd, and execlp are being made. How did execlp manage to put the information into userlist? How did execlp even know userlist existed?
Read Advanced Linux Programming. It has several chapters related to the issue. And we cannot explain all this in a few sentences. See also the standard stream and process wikipages.
First, all the system calls (see syscalls(2) for a list, and read the documentation of every individual system call that you are using) your program is doing should be tested against failure. But assume they all succeed. After close(1); the file descriptor 1 (STDOUT_FILENO) is free. So creat("userlist",0644) is likely to re-use it, hence fd is 1; you have redirected your stdout to the newline created userlist file.
At last, you are calling execlp(3) which will call execve(2). When successful, your entire process is restarted with the new executable (so a fresh virtual address space is given to it), and its stdout is still the userlist file descriptor. In particular (unless execve fails) the perror call is not reached.
So your code is a bit what a shell running who > userlist is doing; it does a redirection of stdout to userlist and runs the who command.
If you are coding a shell, use strace(1) -notably with -f option- to understand what system calls are done. Try also strace -f /bin/sh -c ls to look into the behavior of a shell. Study also the source code of existing free software shells (e.g. bash and sash).
See also this and the references I gave there.
execlp knowns nothing. Before execing stdout was closed and a file opened, so the descriptor is the one corresponding to stdout (opens always returns the lowest free descriptor). At that point the process has an "stdout" plugged to the file. Then exec is called and this replaces to whole address space, but some properties remains as the descriptors, so know the code of who is executed with an stdout that correspond to the file. This is the way redirections are managed by shells.
Remember that when you use printf (for example) you never specify what stdout exactly is... That can be a file, a terminal, etc.
Basile Starynkevitch correctly explained:
After close(1); the file descriptor 1 (STDOUT_FILENO) is free. So creat("userlist",0644) is likely to re-use it…
This is because, as Jean-Baptiste Yunès wrote, "opens always returns the lowest free descriptor".
It should be stressed that the professor's code only likely works; it fails if file descriptor 0 is closed.

Starting Rserve in debug mode and printing variables from Tableau to R

I can't start Rserve in debug mode.
I wrote these commands in R:
Rserve(debug=T, args="RS-enable-control", quote=T, port = 6311)
c=RSconnect(host = "localhost", port = 6311)
RSeval(c, "xx<-12")
RSeval(c, "2+6")
RSeval(c, "xx")
I placed the Rserve_d.exe in the same directory where the R.dll file is located. But when I launch it and I launch Tableau with the Rserve connection I can't see anything in the debug console, just these few lines.
Rserve 1.7-3 () (C)Copyright 2002-2013 Simon Urbanek
Loading config file Rserv.cfg
Failed to find config file Rserv.cfg
Rserve: Ok, ready to answer queries.
-create_server(port = 6311, socket = <NULL>, mode = 0, flags = 0x4000)
INFO: adding server 000000000030AEE0 (total 1 servers)
I tried another solution by the command Rserve(TRUE) in R, but I can't see the transactions between R and Tableau neither in the Rstudio console.
I wanted then to print the output of the variable in R from the R-script function, by print(.arg1). But nothing appears in the R console
but when I run print in the R console it works fine.
According to this article*, RServe should be run with the following command to enable debugging:
R CMD Rserve_d
An alternative is to use the ‘write.csv’ command within the calculated field that calls an R script, as suggested by this FAQ document from Tableau
Starting Rserve_d.exe from command line works. Most likely you have multiple instances of Rserve running and Tableau is sending requests to one that is not Rserve_d running in the command line.
Did you try killing all Rserve processes and then starting Rserve_d from command line?
If you don't want to run from the command line you can try starting Rserve in process from RStudio by typing run.Rserve() then using print() statements in your Tableau calculated fields for things you want to print.
In the R bin directory, you have two executables Rserve for normal execution and Rserve.dbg for debug execution. Use
R CMD Rserve.dbg
My OS is CENTOS7 and I am using the R installation from anaconda. If your RServe debug executable has a different name you should be using that.

R function to connect to wireless

I am running a code for a client. Is there a R function / command to connect the computer to the available wireless and type in the passcode automatically?
Probably not.
However, you can run any OS command with system, so if you have a shell command foo which does what you want, you can just do system("foo") in R.
Most connections to the "outside world" with R are handled through the OS version of system-level 'libcurl' package. There is a package for R called RCurl. The authentication system is described in the variaous pages of:
help(package="RCurl") # brings up the index page.
help(getURL, package="RCurl") # has examples of authentication to a server with R code.
You should also read:

R code to turn windows computer off after completion of program [duplicate]

I want R to shutdown my computer after my (extensive) simulation and saving results, is this possible?
Yes, look at the function shutdown in the package fun.
The flags for system command shutdown depends on your operating system, the function simply calls the appropriately flagged command.
function (wait = 0)
ifelse(.Platform$OS.type == "windows", shell("shutdown -s -t 0"),
system("shutdown -h now"))
R can send commands to the system with ?system, and so whatever is required for Windows can be done with that:
R has a .Last() function controlled by quit() (or q()) with its runLast argument, so this is where you would send the shutdown commands via system, so that it occurs after quitting R. Saving objects with R is done with save or save.image, though there is a default to save as well with quit().
system("shutdown -s")
will shut your computer down. Just add it at the end of your script
