How can I make a copy of a folder in a website? -

I have a couple of web pages in a folder, and want to copy the folder to have a set of similar pages (with only a couple of changes).
However, when I simply copy and paste it in Visual Web Developer I get errors:
Type 'WebApplication1.Folder1.WebForm1' already defines a member
called 'Page_Load' with the same parameter types
The type 'WebApplication1.Folder1.WebForm1' already contains a
definition for 'form1'
So how do I make a copy, where the namespace or class name isn't exactly the same - Is there a way to let Visual Studio do it for me? If not - What should I change to have it work but not break the code?
Here's what I did:
New project web application
Added folder to project
Added webform to folder
Folder right-click copy
Project right-click paste
Got errors

In the copied folder, you have to change a few things.
in the copied version WebForm1.aspx.cs code behind, change the namespace to something new. From namespace WebApplication1.Folder1 to namespace WebApplication1.NewFolder1
in the markup of WebForm1.aspx of the copied file, you need to change the "inherits" property of the page. It should change from Inherits="WebApplication1.Folder1.WebForm1" to Inherits="WebApplication1.NewFolder1.WebForm1".
you should change the namespace in any of file that was copied over as well, but if you just have an empty webform, then the first 2 steps should get you going.
There might be an automatic way to do all of this, (find and replace could work, or some other VS feature) , but i don't know about it.


How to add global.asax file to ASP.NET MVC4 project?

In my project the Global.asax file is removed. I want add a global.asax file to my projet.
But in Add New Item dialog the Global.asax not exist.
Just in case you may have missed the item even though it may actually be there for you I'll post this answer.
In Visual Studio 2013
Open Solution Explorer.
Right-click on the project.
Add New Item.
VB or C#
Global Application Class.
Create an empty new project.
Go to that folder and copy the Global.asax file.
Go to your project and in solution explorer paste it on root.
Open Global.asax file and change namespace match to your namespace.
In solution explorer right click on Global.asax and pick View Markup and change inherits match to your namespace.
Any problem doing this:
Create a new empty project and get it from there (drag-and-drop from Windows Explorer to Visual Studio works fine), or
Add, say aspx page or any item, then rename accordingly (to get the code behind file, add and rename another item); in this case, they'll obviously be empty.

Published project files ignored

I've been trying to publish my Visual Studio 2010 project. I do this by accessing a hard drive which corresponds to a URL, so X:\Options\Forms\HD\ corresponds to /HD. Yet when I go to the URL, it says I don't have a default.aspx page. Yet when I look in the corresponding file directory the default.aspx page is right there. Why is the browser ignoring it? Another issue I have is that not all of the files are getting published when I select the option in Visual Studio; many are left behind including my default.aspx.vb file.
To make sure files get published, make sure that they have the correct Build Action set (check the Properties window for the file). Especially, if it is set to None or if the files are not part of the solution/project they won't get published. The "Content" build action is a good choice for any file that just needs to be published.
Extra tip: for files that VS doesn't know the default build action is None. You can however configure VS to use whatever build action you want.
I've written about it here:
Also, I've created a simple tool that generates the necessary configuration file:

Compiler Error Message: CS0433: The type 'MasterPage' exists in both 'c:\~\App_Web_ogmril5q.DLL' and 'c:\~\App_Web_ogmril5q.DLL'

I have 2 master pages inside one ASP.Net website. It work fine without publishing website. After publishing the website on the web server, one of the master pages works fine, but when I want to access the page that is linked with the second master page it gives me the above error. But the weird thing is that the error paths are in c\ drive of my computer.
When this has happened in the past [rare but I saw it once in production] you need to clear out the contents of your shadow copy folders for your application. These are usually in C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files but the error path in your exception details will tell you where.
when copying one web page/user control to create another web page/User Control . After copying one userControl to create another, I neglected to change the partial class name in the .cs of the new userControl and the 'Inherits=' in the .aspx file. Fixing those class names stopped the error from occurring. I suppose the easiest fix to avoid this is to just create new userControls each time using the wizard rather than copying and pasting an existing userControl.
as ex
if we copied the main master page to create another master page, both of them will have the same inherit and that what would create the problem so change the class name and then change the inherit with the new class name or always add new items rather than copy and paste
There are various cs0433 errors that can cause this to occur.
Basically, if you like I did, try and compile the same project with different versions of Visual Studio, they may likely use a different version of the .Net Compilers and libraries.
Therefore, some built assemblies will be duplicated causing differing pointers to the same functionality, but with varying .Net CLR's
What solved it for me, was to recreate the folder from "Virgin Code Files", but with a slightly different name such as "Project1", "Project2", etc..
Then you can rebuild the project from scratch with the correct Visual Studio version, which for me was VS2019 and then "Bob's your uncle :)" No more errors.
Please accept this answer

How to remove namespace from Inherits Attribute without a Parser Error, Could not load type

I've seen lots of posts about the Inherits Attribute, and the Parser Error "Could not load type"
I can get this working by putting "RootNamespace.PageName" for a specific page, where RootNamespace matches the Root namespace in my project properites.
But I would rather not put the namespace in there. i.e. I would rather put "PageName" than "Namespace.PageName".
I have a library project with a few DLLs and 10 or so .aspx and .ascx files.
To get an update of my library project, other projects in my company copy the DLLs in and then copy the .aspx and .ascx files into a specific folder in their project.
Only problem is every time they copy they have to change the Namespace of the inherits attribute to match the root namesapce in their project.
If they don't do this, they get no compiler errors but just get a Parser error when they hit the libary .aspx and .ascx files.
This is very annoying, it seems very ridiculous that so many pages will not work if the project root namespace changes.
Does anybody have any ideas on how I can make library pages and user controls for nuse withing other peoples projects?
Mike G
Ah ha! A colleague stumbled upon a way around this by accident...
OK I have a single shared "Library" project and many "normal" projects that make use of shared stuff from the Library...
1- Create a "Library" WebApplication that outputs a DLL, and put your web library code and also .ascxs and .aspx pages into the WebApplication project. 2- Reference the "Library" DLL in your "Normal" projects 3- Copy just the shared .aspx and .ascx files from "library" into the "normal" projects, but ... (important bit!) ... without the code behind
In our example we don't actually include the copied .ascx and .aspx files in the project (e.g. They're not referenced in the .vbproj file) and they don't get put in source control, they just get copied in from the library every time you build. We haven't experimented with what happens if you tell the project about the .aspx and .ascx files but they definitely load OK at run time.
So it does actually make sense no I think ab out it.
Basically the root namespace of the .aspx files is unachanged it's just refers to classes in the referenced library DLL so it all works.

Not able to create an instance of a class

In a Project I have different modules or folders.In a module I have a namespace called idsobject.I have class in this namespace.
In another CS fle in the same folder I'm trying to access this class.But i'm not able.while if put that cs file in aPP_code than i able to get that class.
how to access the class in another cs file within the same folder.
thanks in advance
In an ASP.NET web site project, *.cs files are only compiled and made available to the rest of the application if they're located in the App_Code folder, or a subfolder in App_Code, or if they are associated with a *.aspx as code behind. The architecture is intended to allow full server-side compilation. You can't just put a *.cs anywhere and expect IIS to be able to find it, compile it, and link it with the rest of the app.
With an ASP.NET web application, you can put *.cs files where ever you want, because they are compiled by Visual Studio using details that are kept in the project file.
I'm guessing that you're using a web site project, which is why it works when you put the file in App_Code.
First check the namespace. If you accessing the correct namespace then perhaps the class access is set to private.
You could give us some extra information.
This sounds strange. Putting a class in a file in a Web project with a .cs extension should work just fine no matter which folder the file is located.
The only thing I can suggest is to make sure that there is at least a
using idsobject;
line at the top of the code unit where you are trying to access the class. The default behaviour for ASP.NET Web forms is for no namespace to be defined, which can sometimes lead to confusion.
The class should be marked as public if you've tried to access it from another namespace.
If it doesn't help, please post here a problematic code snippet.
