Google Analytics Unique visitors dropped in count - google-analytics

I check my Google analytics on a regular basis to obviously see my daily hits and for some reason my UNIQUE VISITORS count dropped from 1770 to 1730 over a day. How this is possible?
I started to notice this about a week ago when I saw that my UNIQUE VISITORS count wasn't going over 1800 (which it should have considering the visits I receive). I receive an average of about 60 unique VISITS a day but even if it was 0 unique visits a day, it doesn't sound logical that my overall UNIQUE VISITORS count would drop.
Now I can't take GA seriously anymore ...
Anyone have this problem before and / or could shed any light on the matter?

The statistics are period based. When a day passes, the period (begin and end) advances a day as well. So is perfectly normal your total unique visits changes from one day to another, because the period changed too.
For example: lets suppose your site receive 60 unique visitors every single day. You check your Analytics today (13-08-2012) and see 1860 visits. That amout is the total unique visitors for the period from 13-07 until 12-08.
But lets say that your site receives only 10 visitors today. Tomorrow (14-08) you will see your total unique visitors drops from 1860 to 1810, because the period will be from 14-07 until 13-08.


Google Analytics, Count of Sessions

This post indicates that sessions should be interpreted as visitors for that hour.
Using the graph to identify which hour has the highest traffic and record
the number of visitors for that hour
I am looking at a Google Analytics report (Audience --> Overview) for a website. In section Audience --> Overview, I have selected Sessions vs. Select a metric. I have specified a frequency of Hourly.
I mouse clicked on a peak and saw
Thursday, January 17, 2019 10:00
Is this telling me that I had 19,732 concurrent sessions open at 10:00? Or that in the hour between 9:00 and 10:00, that 19,732 sessions had been opened (and many likely closed)? Please note that
Avg. Session Duration = 00:09:07
I looked at How Count of Sessions is calculated and that leads me to believe that the 19,732 sessions is for the hour between 9:00 and 10:00.
Can someone confirm this?
Thank you.
Yes, that number would represent how many sessions were started during that hour.
You shouldn't interpret sessions as visitors/users. As one user can have many sessions during that hour. By default, max of 2 (new session at say the 5th minute, no activity, come back at the 35th minute, session 2).

Firebase Analytics calculation of User counts (Daily/Weekly/Monthly Active Users)

Firebase Analytics reports data w.r.t. Daily/Weekly/Monthly Active Users.
Few questions:
(1) Dashboard:
Projecting the Daily Active Users to a month, does not match the value shown in Firebase Dashboard.
For e.g. if Daily Active Users is 30K, then Firebase shows the corresponding Monthly Active Users as 150K.
Does it imply that there were 30K users in last 7 days, and 120K in the preceding 21days?
Not sure why isn't it 30 days x 30K = 900K.
(2) On selecting Firebase > Events > Select_Content > App version
Last 7 days: shows approx 100K
Last 30 days: shows approx 140K
Does it imply that in the 21 day period only 40K User sessions occurred, while the App usage went up drastically in last 7 days?
Please help clarify.
thanks in advance,
The Active Users report in the Firebase dashboard is showing counts of users in the past 30, 7 and 1 day. The values are not projected, but rather based on user engagement that has been measured over those periods. The other thing to keep in mind is for each of those periods, it's the count of unique users over the entire period.
So, for example, if your seeing 150K Monthly Active Users (which is defined here as 30-day active users), that tells you you've had 150K unique users engage with your App in the last 30-day period. If you're seeing 30K Daily Active users, that tells you you had 30K unique users yesterday, and 120K different unique users from the 29 days before yesterday.
If the same user engages with your App more than once in the period, they only count as one. Out of your 30K users from yesterday, a number of those would have presumably engaged in the 29 days before that, so it's expected that your Monthly Active Users would be less than your Daily Active Users x 30 days. How much lower would depend on the specifics of your app, but the closer those numbers are, the more frequently the same users are returning to your App over the 30 days, which is positive in terms of user engagement retention.

Maximum number of LinkedIn connections per day?

I was wondering if anyone knew what is the max number of LinkedIn connection a user can add per day?
the maximum number of linked-in request per day is 50 on single day, previous it was 300 then year by year they reduced. if you are a premium user then there is no restriction in request only in mails restriction are there. if you logged as normal user then its 50. says it's probably ~100 per week. and and seem to agree.
And the last one says there is an "ultimate cap of 30,000 connections".

Google Analytics showing less monthly visitors than yesterday

I typically use GA by selecting the first day of the month then selecting the current day and viewing my results for the current month. At this point I have no special filters or anything, just the vanilla setup. I check GA daily and have noticed on occasion that GA will occasionally show me lower monthly visits than the previous day checked. It's as if GA is revising it's data first showing me X monthly visitors only to change those numbers to X-Y the next day.
Yesterday I got a decent spike in traffic and was happily watching new visits/page counts come in from a specific domain that linked to my site. I also have regular users that access my site directly. I wake up this morning and all the traffic from yesterday is gone. I am seeing data come in for today, but yesterday shows 0 visitors and 0 page views. Any idea what is happening?
[SFMPE] In the last two days I also noticed similar changes. On Wednesday I saw 1600 visitors in GA for Tuesday, but on Thursday only 600 for Tuesday. On Thursday I saw 1600 visitors for Wednesday, today (Firday) only 600. Today (Friday) I see 1600 visitors for yesterday. I guess tomorrow it will change to 600 again. Meanwhile Awstats shows increase in traffic: 1200 on Tuesday, 2400 on Wednesday, 4000 on Thursday. I also noticed some sort of robot activity (spammy meaningless comments-flow with links) so I think it's up to that, and GA just made some second cleaning.
Not sure.

Confusion over Google Analytics (GA) Absolute Unique Visitors data

GA Unique Visitors data isn't making sense to me. From the GA FAQ we get the following definition for 'Visits vs. Visitors'
"The initial session by a user during any given date range is considered to be an additional visit and an additional visitor. Any future sessions from the same user during the selected time period are counted as additional visits, but not as additional visitors. "
The part that I can't resolve with the GA graph is "Any future sessions from the same user during the selected time period are counted as additional visits, but not as additional visitors". For the graph below covering a 30-day period, I would understand the GA definition to mean that the data represents uniqueness across all 30 days, right? But if you look at the screen shot below, you see a regular pattern for each week over the 30-day period the report covers. From that, it seems the numbers we are seeing associated with each of the days of the graph (e.g. 3.92% (4142) for Tuesday, September 8) is a count of unique visitors just in the context of that one day - i.e. without correlating their uniqueness to the rest of the days in the 30-day period. If the graph actually showed uniqueness across the 30-day period, I would expect the daily numbers to start high in the early days of the period and decrease over the 30-day period as the number of already-seen visitors (i.e. returning visitors) increases, no?
What am I missing here?
Helpful clue from Jonathan S. below got me on the right track.
I think I understand now what the daily bar graph values mean, but it's a little counter-intuitive and I'd bet not what some others might be assuming as well. The reports states "39,822 Absolute Unique Visitors" at the top, which means just that: over the 30-day period we saw this many uniques. Fair enough. The confusing part is that the daily (or weekly) bar values in the graph below are not mutually exclusive uniques as I had assumed, but are values relative only to the 39,822 total - i.e. there is overlap between the unique visitor counts across any group of days. This means the sum of the daily % values > 100% and the sum of the daily count values > 39,822. The algorithm is: when you visit for the first time in the 30-day period, call that "today", you add 1 to the total (39,822) and 1 to the "today" bar value. When you show up again "tomorrow", you are NOT counted again in the total, but ARE counted as 1 in the "tomorrow" bar value.
alt text
I believe it's just an issue of grouping. The top right of the graph has 3 icons to group by day, week, or month. It's currently grouping by day. So if I visit your site today and come back tomorrow, I'll be counted once for each day.
I tried looking at the month view for one of my sites but it didn't give me much meaningful data. I believe the above should answer your original confusion though.
Is it possible that you're searching for something what isn't existing anymore? Unique Visitors/Visits is old terminology. Check:
Then check how sessions and users are defined:
Sessions ("ex-visits", it's very detailed):
Users in Google Analytics reporting are defined as "Users who have initiated at least one session during the date range". So IMHO it's not about 30 days, it's about the SELECTED date range.
I hope this helps.
