Need suggestions for ASP.NET application -

I would like to use more client-side scripts on my aspx page. I'm not an expert in this area and I'm a bit overwhelmed at the options. First, let me spell out what the page is displaying and then what I am trying to accomplish.
The Page:
The page containts a GridView (on the left-hand side) which is pulling data from a DB for different types of products a user can request. For example's sake, let's say we have table, chair, and couch.
What I want to Accomplish:
When the user clicks on a row of the GridView (let's say "table"), the ID of that selected row and the title is copied over to the right-hand side of the page into an accordion pane (or a similar display). The header of the accordion pane will be "Product: Table". When the accordion is expanded, the user has the option to specify the color and size of the table (via check boxes, text boxes, etc.). So essentially this is shopping cart functionality on the right-hand side of this page.
I should also point out I would like a "remove" button for each pane in the accordion so it can dynamically be deleted.
What is the best option for this situation? Should I use jQuery, AJAX (AJAX Control Toolkit?), a combination or a different tool? Thank you in advance for your help.

I would use knockoutJs because it's easy to use, has reasonable documentation and good online support. At a glance it looks easy than backbone as well (I don't know backbone).
I would not use the AJAX Control Toolkit unless I had too. I HATE the ajax toolkit as everything happens 'by magic' and once you step off the path shown in the simple demo's you are dead.
Knockout does require a little investment of time, but I consider it a great framework for web apps that require moderate javaScript use.


How to make a custom version of AjaxControlToolkit.TabContainer

I guess this is a lot of questions bundled into one post.
I want to build a wizard-like control which looks similar to the TabContainer
But I need certain customizations. These would be like I'd want to associate some help text with the TabPanel. So I imagine I'd want to write my markup like below for the tabpanel:
<cc1:MyTabPanel ID="mtp1" runat="server">
This is your step 1 which is about ...
Content goes here...
So what do you do to make markup like that...? And how would our control from code behind be able to access data between HelpTextTemplate - which may contain server controls and all?
Moreover, notice that there is a button called 'Save' in the above pic. The user simply drags and drops into the tab panel. And when the user double-clicks on it we have a method stub generated in the code behind (which belongs to the aspx page). How is all of this achieved?
And to cap the whole solution off, I realize we have to wire some javascript to simulate that tab functionality. There is css here too (Notice the images behind the tabs - the gradient, etc). The aspect that I am looking at is making this into a control that the users can use out-of-box just like the toolkit's tabcontainer control. Hence the css/javascript should kind of be bundled. How to achieve this?
I am also interested in making the control designer (design-time interaction) part. I am looking for functionality the same way we have for the wizard control. I have found answers to some of the questions I had above will add it when I find time.
For embedding a script or image to the custom control I found a solution mentioned in the below site:
Embed js resource with custom control
What I suggest here it may sound too much, but I can not think other easy way for what you ask and the way you won it.
Grab the source code of the TabContainer, clone it, and make all your custom settings base on that source code. The first steps is to get the full source code of this toolkit and make a build that working. The second step is to add a clone of the TabControl, with new names. Then you work on this clone to make your changes as you wish for. The final step is to try to separate your custom control in a stand alone library if this is possible.
Download the latest version of the full ajax control toolkit
Here you can see online the source code for the TabContainer only
The control you are trying to build is not incredibly complex, but it does involve a number of different techniques.
I would suggest creating your own control from scratch rather then inheritting an existing one. Probably using CompositeControl as the base would be best since it gives you a lot of flexibility.
For HelpTextTemplate/ContentTemplate you'll want to create some ITemplate containers, take a look at this article on how to set these up. Since you may want to access the contents/controls in HelpTextTemplate take a look at this article for how to access them: ASP.Net ITemplate - ways of declaring.
For the tabs, since this is custom, I would probably avoid AjaxControlToolkit. Instead I would include a reference to jQuery UI and use jQuery UI Tabs: Your CompositeControl just needs to output some divs, ul/li elements and you'll be good to go for making the tabs.
If you are fixated on using the AJAX Control Toolkit Tabs then you still can. You'll need to instantiate an instance in your custom control, add it to the control tree, and then use a technique like this: to transfer the contents of your template to the tab pages.
Being able to drag and drop a control from the toolbox onto your page is simple; if your server control library is already part of the same solution as your website then it will just show up. Worst case scenario you can use the Add Items option and add the DLL by browsing for it. As for how the Click event is created when you double click a button, that is done through an attribute on the class, take a look at this tutorial on setting up default events:
As for embedding javascript into the library, these two questions cover how to do this specifically for jQuery UI, if you choose to go some other route it should still be pertinent: How to embed jquery library in custom server control?,
As for design time support, try reviwing Microsofts article on this (includes a sample): or this CodeProject article on it:

Adding ASP.NET control to page using jQuery

I'm writing an ASP.NET app in which a table of objects is created by the user client-side.
I envisage them clicking "Add item" and a new 'row' is created in the table with textboxes for them to enter their stuff.
I can do this fine by adding HTML with jQuery. The problem is that one of the fields in the row for the user to fill in needs to be a colour picker.
I have an ASP.NET web user control for my colour picker. How do I add an instance of it to the page within my html row? Or am I barking up the wrong tree here - is there a better way of encapsulating the functionality of my colour picker so that it can be put on every row?
No, you can't add a server-side control to a page that has already been rendered using client-side techniques (aka Javascript)
Two options:
Firstly, switch to using a client-side colour picker. You can then have the data from this included in the post-back by dynamically adding hidden fields to your form.
Secondly, have a single editing panel which includes your colour picker. Users then select a row to edit, which updates the edit panel with current values etc. Values are stored in hidden fields created when you dynamicaly add rows to your table, and included in the post-back
Without seeing your UI, I can't comment as to which would be best. The control might look nicer, but it might be difficult to work into your design. A pure client-side solution might fit your designer better, but might not look so good. You also need to consider what happens if / when a users adds lots of rows (this might be 10, 50 or 100 depending on your app /code). Lots of dynamically added controls (the first solution) might cripple the performance of the page.
I'm not sure what version of ASP.NET you're using, one approach that would work is to turn your usercontrol into a custom control. You'd then need to implement ICallbackEventHandler (the first way to do Ajax on; for sure it's a bit more work but it does give you a good level of control.
Alternatively, you could try this
You can't add ASP.NET controls with jQuery (at least not easily). You could, however, perform a postback when you need to add the colour picker to the row.
In the code in front declaratively define a template of what the new row should look like, then hide it using css.
When the user clicks the 'Add new button' select and cloen the contents of your hidden template and write that into your target div. Just make sure to remove the hiding css when you do this.
You will, of course, just be copying the rednered html of your server controls, but htis apporach may give you a quick and easy way of doing what you need

Alternative UI control for large data lists instead of DropDownList

I am using C# and ASP.NET with version 2.0 of the .NET Framework library on this particular project. We are also using the AjaxControlToolkit. The AjaxControlToolkit should have the controls available to make a descent User Interface solution to the problem I'm facing.
I have run into this in a few projects in the last year, and used different solutions in the past. The current design of the project I just picked up, is that there is an <asp:DropDownList> control and on page load a Database call is made to get a list of values. This is then bound using DropDownList's datasource. The problem is that there is 25k items returned from the database. First thing, that's not acceptable for a user to have to scroll through tens of thousands of items. But, even more importantly, is that in every browser that it is tested on (IE 7, FF 3, Safari, and Chrome) the browser completely hangs as it is propagating the dropdownlist items.
What I'm thinking is using a Modal Popup form, which an Autocomplete Extender that allows the user to drill down to a specific company. So, in the field where they have to choose a company, they click on a "select company" icon, the modal form comes up, letting them use the autocomplete extender to select an existing company. They click "Ok" and it save the value to the field.
However, I'm an old school command line/shell/terminal guy, and my ideas of acceptable UI design might be skewed (give me a command prompt on any system, and I'm good to go). I would like the advice of those in the community here as to what they think would be an acceptable solution, or if they have faced other issues like this.
I think your idea for the autocomplete extender is the best solution. I've had this problem as well (sounds similar--a project you are taking over from somebody else). The push-back often comes from the user side. They are used to being able to select from a list of items. Unfortunately as the database grows, this becomes less and less feasible.
But when you have 0.5MB of html downloaded on the page (not including the viewstate), compromises have to be made.
Why do you think you need to create modal popup? Can't you just have the extender on your data entry page?
I had to deal with the same issue. But I ended up using a combobox with paging support and auto complete. Currently this combobox happens to be from Telerik. Its a comboBox for auto complete since you can't type into a droplist.
I agree that no user is going to want to look thru 25,000 items to find the one they want. Is there some way you can limit the data so that they drill down? Like selecting a region or type of company first and then showing the ones that match?
Multiple cascading ListBoxes, each futher refining the resultset of the previous
AJAX AutoCompleteExtender

Problems migrating databinding in VB.NET from Winforms to ASP.NET 2.0

And this was supposed to be so easy...
I have existing business and data access layers that handle the retrieval and update of the data in question. These work great with the existing Winforms application (.Net V2.0)
Now, in trying to write a new web-based UI, I'm running into all sorts of problems (last time I wrote code was in 1.1). Specifically, I can't data bind a text box to a business object. Oh, sure there's the ObjectDataSource but that wants to know how to do CRUD operations on the data.
What I'm looking for is something that acts like the classic binding objects so that, in my code, it's as simple as retrieving the object and doing a a refresh. The data component like FormView and DetailsView are so generic-looking that it's ridiculous. The existing application would have tabbed dialogs, text boxes grouped by panels, etc.
On top of that, I have a directive to use master pages and unless one control causes it, I can't seem to get the content section to expand. I can't just put a text box below the bottom of Content1 and have it re-size the content section - which gives me the same results as an earlier question I posted when the footer wasn't being pushed down - relative position solved that but doesn't seem to solve it with placing small text boxes in the area.
What I want is fairly simple. Something like:
bindingobject.datasource = businessdataobject
...and have the text boxes refresh with the new values. Likewise to have businessdataobject properties updated as the user enters new data.
I was able to do this with the GridView (grdRequests.DataSource = lstRequests) by making a list of asp:BoundField tags inside the <Columns> collection of the GridView.
Am I tilting at windmills here?
Why don't you give the Patterns and Practices (1) ObjectContainerDataSource a try? It's part of the Web Client Software Factory which is available (2) here.
I've used it a few times, it gives you the ODS-style design experience (design time binding) but full control over how you provide the data source. You just implement the events you are interested in (e.g. Selecting event). It also has server side paging and sorting support so it's quite useful for GridViews.
It might not be flexible enough for what you aretrying to achieve, but it's probably worth checking out if only as a PoC.
[ (1) ]
[ (2) ]

Tab Navigation - Frames or AJAX?

I have what I imagine to be a pretty standard web-interface.
There are 4 different ListViews (grid controls) which are accessed by a series of Tabs on the top.
I have implemented this as follows:
alt text
Tab 1 will load Page 1 containing Grid 1 into Frame 2, Tab 2 will load Page 2 containing Grid 2 into Frame 2 etc.
However this then means that if you click on an item in the Grid, and I load DetailsPage1.aspx into Frame 2, then Frame 1 and the tabs are still visible and active.
I've been advised that I should just have one Frame, and load the Pages in dynamically based on the tab click, using HttpRequest (or WebRequest in
Is this the correct approach to take? If you have any resources or tips at hand, it would be appreciated!
Frames are an absolute no-no. There is no benefit to frames that can't be achieved using other techniques.
Does that mean you must use AJAX? Not necessarily. AJAX is a perfectly good solution if you feel the need to provide a rich, seamless interface, but it's not strictly necessary.
You could use server-side includes to separate your tabs into a another (common) sub-page, but since you mention ASP.NET, (assuming you are running on framework v2 or greater) you might want to use Master Pages, where your tabs are in one content section or in the Master itself, and your grids/details are in another content section.
The key difference between the two techniques is that using AJAX, the transition from tab to tab will be slick and seamless, but a) it takes a little extra work (particularly if you are unfamiliar with any give AJAX framework) and b) since you essentially have 4 pages rolled into one, the pages are 'heavier' and are more complex to maintain. If you opt for the non-AJAX route, the key difference is that there will be a small but distinct refresh effect when you click on each tab (since it loads a new page each time).
Of course, Master Pages are useful for maintaining a consistent site style and structure anyway, so there is no reason why you can't use AJAX with a Master Page system.
Frames are lame: you will get problems, if users want to set a bookmark and if users visit your site via google: Then your navigational frame is not visible. So you need a lot of dirty javascript. to check this. If you need javascript, do it right from the start and use AJAX
Ajax is the best pick. But keep in mind to make it browse-able via back/forward. The best pick is to change page hash. I used something like this: for first tab for second tab
and so on.
If you use jQuery, this can be a good start (i use that and i had NO problem with). I'm sure there is a solution for all popular framework though :)
Instead of using frames, you should just include your navigation page in all of your other pages. The browser will see that you're including the same document in all of your pages and cache it.
Have you tried the TabContainer or loading all 4 detail panes and just showing/hiding panels on tab selection change?
Depending on what screens your users will see, if you load the detail views dynamically (Ajax or postback) you may have trouble persisting any information that the user has entered, and you will incur a wait (users dont like to wait)
I would recommend using jQuery and jQuery UI plugin. No frames will be needed, just div containers.
Like StingyJack, I would suggest having a look at the TabContainer control, but you might want to take care that your ViewState doesn't get too large if you do.
So for example, don't load anything into a GridView until that Tab is being viewed and remove it contents if it is not (saving back to the database of course if required. Using the TabContainer's ActiveTabChanged event would be key to this strategy.You diable ViewState for the grids but leave it on for the container.
You're using ASP.NET, so just load all 4 controls into a mutliview and then on postback set the visible one to be which ever button has been clicked.
DO NOT uses frames (or iframes for that matter) unless you absolutely must...
The only valid reasons I can think of to use (i)frames is file upload controls in fact, and I am not sure it's valid there either...
