Woocommerce wishlist plugin breaking cookies/cache? - wordpress

I am working on a woocommerce site right now. I have a plugin for the wishlist that I purchased from Code Canyone here - http://codecanyon.net/item/dvin-woocommerce-wishlist-wp-plugin/1995206
The issue is that when I activate the wishlist plugin I'm no longer able to add multiple items to the cart. It feels like the plugin is breaking the cachce or cookies in some way, and causing it to reset every time you click "add to cart"
I have found that even upon uploading and running without a modified theme or modified plugin in any way that it still doesn't work. I have looked online, but no one else is seeming to have this problem. So it must be me?
I don't get any errors regarding the cache or plugin with debug mode on. (I do get tons of errors for cForms, though. not sure why, but that's another post).
Take a look - http://www.shultzilla.com/admin/shop/sample-product/
Has anyone run into this issue before? Is this a symptom of a specific issue? I have no idea why this would only be happening to me and no one else.
If I deactivate the plugin it works fine, so I'm pretty sure it's something up with this plugin. I've tried to reach out to the developer, but I haven't heard back from him, and Code Canyon says they're not responsible.
Thanks in advance for your help, y'all!

I managed to get ahold of the developer.
Turns out there was a session_start() function that was being called in two files.
He's fixed the issue and it now works.


Edit with Wpbakery not working after Wordpress update

I am in big trouble and I am losing my mind. I had to update wordpress, because woocommerce said I can't create variable products anymore. I did and then I noticed that Wp bakery is not working. It loads forever.
I read some topics and tried disabling guttenberg and installing classic editor. It didn't help..
Now the crazy part is that I exported project with all in one migration plugin to other server and it works... It takes a while but it works. How the hell it's possible ?
I still need to fix it and I am getting console error
Uncaught TypeError: window.vc.frame_window.jQuery is not a function
buildFromContent https://shop.marmoarc.com/wp-content/plugins/js_composer/assets/js/dist/frontend-editor.min.js?ver=6.2.0:10
build https://shop.marmoarc.com/wp-content/plugins/js_composer/assets/js/dist/frontend-editor.min.js?ver=6.2.0:10
I really don't understand this stuff and already losing hair(okay I was losing regardless). Please help. :(
Here's what I did, it fixes the issue but can cause certain other issues. For example my page banner doesnt load the first time a user visits the site, but will load every other time.
Get a plugin called Enable jQuery Migrate Helper. It seems to be the only thing that fixes the issue above that you've mentioned.
It will allow you to edit WPbakery elements, but like I said, it may cause other little issues like the aforementioned one above. Of course, if you're not using custom code, this could be the fix you're looking for. Cheers, and good luck.

WordPress Custom Post Type Functions Effecting Pages

ive got a problem which i cant seem to resole I know something in my function.php is causing my pages to cause 404 and cant find the custom template which is required.. Ive tried and searched High and low and still cant find the answer.. if any one can point me in the right direction that would be amazing. Heres my function.php http://pastebin.com/HFjP9cLh
I think its my custom post type which is causing the problem..
(Back up your file first)
When all else fails... remove all the functions you recently added. You want to get the site back to when it used to work.
Then slowly add in the missing functions one by one. Slowly you will isolate the issue to just one function.
Then do the same thing within the function. Remove all the lines of code and slowly add in the code until you get the part that is causing the issue. Once you know more of the specifics of what is happening you should have more luck.
I didn't look through all of the code but the first thing you need to do is remove flush_rewrite_rules();. That function should be called once and not every time the page is loaded.
Take it out entirely and then flush your permalinks by going to Settings -> Permalinks in the admin and hitting save.

Buddypress - Adding friends breaks layout

I am pretty new to Buddypress (this is my first install) and not so new to WP. I have a custom theme with Buddypress installed and all works great with the exception of adding/canceling friend requests. Whenever someone hits Add/Cancel Friend then for some reason it breaks the layout of the page by displaying what looks like a iframe of our site.
I have looked around the forums and google to see if I maybe forgot to add something in my theme but cant get it right.
The only way I have been able to (temporarily) fix this is by display:none on the .pending_friend selector but I know it will still display in the markup and is not the best solution.
Has anyone encountered this yet, or can suggest a fix? I feel like it is probably something really simple and my over complicated thought process just isnt seeing it.
Attached is a screen shot of what happens when you add/cancel friends??
Found out the starter theme I was using had deregistered the default version of JQuery to load its own, so after troubleshooting I just removed their call to deregister and enqueue scripts and just let Wordpress do its thing, all is working perfectly now.

Strange text under my WordPress Blog

I have been trying to get rid of some strange text appearing under my WordPress blog, I have check Wordpress support and googled about it but nothing. I tried changing the Theme of the blog too, but to no avail. The Address to my blog is abuango.net. I will be glad if you can guide me to solving this issue...
I am using the Foghorn Theme, below is a preview of the strange text:
You have been hacked. Read Verifying that I have fully removed a WordPress hack? for advice.
The most important part is: You have to find the infection point. If you don't know this … it will happen again and again.
I seem to have fixed it using WordDefence (http://www.wordfence.com), my General Template was modified, the plugin showed a side by side comparison of the original and the modified file and gave an option to restore original. i will now proceed to changing all my passwords. Thanks all

The famous Wordpress white screen of death

Like mentioned in the title, i think this is by far one problem Automattic or Wordpress team cannot solve until no matter what version Wordpress will go in future. In this question, i am focusing to the white screen of death that i get whenever i want to activate certain plugins. I am developing a site that requires me to use 30 plugins. Yeah, some will say thats too many plugins for a site, no wonder i will get the white screen. But hey, this is Wordpress, one of the reason that makes Wordpress the most popular blogging platform is because the availability of the plugins that can make you achieve your goal in less time. For those who expert in php+wp development, you guys can say hack the wp is better than using a lot of plugins like what i am doing but hey, majority of wp users are not php guru. Most of them are normal user like me or even just know how to install and use what are available to them.
So far, here the common steps we do when get the white screen of death (WSOD).
Rename the wp-content/plugins folder name such as wp-content/plugins-temp, this will deactivate all plugins
Like me, i prefer rename the individual plugin folder name, such as wp-content/plugins/akismet to wp-content/plugins/akismet-temp
After that, reactivate all the plugins one by one, so we can know which plugin is the culprit
Check for extra empty space at the end of the plugin file, especially after the php closing tag ?> make sure there is no extra space after the tag. Make sure check at the theme functions.php file (if any) or the plugin file.
Increase the memory allocation for wordpress
Usually, your site will be back to normal after that. BUT this will still not solve this problem.
For me, this is very annoying to me, especially the step number 3. How can we know which plugin is the culprit?? At the first place, i thought the step number 3 is really a fact but now i think its a lie. WHY?
Like right now, suddenly after i activate 25 plugins, one of plugin that i cannot reactivate is Akismet. What? Akismet? Yes, the plugin dev by the WP team itself. I know the step number 3 above is a lie because if i activate Akismet first, the Akismet is activated successfully. No problem at all.
So right now the problem is plugins compatibility among the plugins. How can me as a normal user can identify which plugin that is not friendly to what plugin??? If i am using 30 plugins, how many probabilities from one plugin is not compatible to each plugin???? how can i know which plugins should be activated first so the WSOD will not appear?
If there is error, then maybe i can have a clue, but its a plain white screen. I am clueless. This clash of plugins in wordpress is really an unsolved problem that makes me really stress.
Anyone know how to fix this? At least know how to activate the plugins via mysql?
Hello :) this my first answer I hope it benefits so many people because I suffered from this stupid problem and the solution was really awkward and I can not get it but it works.
I'm here to talk about the solution for the white screen of death that comes after logging in and you get this white thing instead of the admin panel what ever the user role was.
There is the common solutions as mentioned above. In my case I had only one plugin and I did a lot of changes on it. Also I edited the footer.php in wordpress. I found out the WSOD ( White Screen Of Death ) comes out after the first changes in one of the php files of the plugin. The way I used to do the changes is by editing the php file in my computer through text editor then I would upload the changed php through ftp to replace the old one and then the problem starts. Abd when I revert the step and return the original file every thing goes back to normal.
If you having this problem the solution would be very simple and I really don't know why no one have ever post it before.
The solution would be by simply putting your changes through the editor you have in the admin panel. There is two editors, one for the theme and the other one for the plugins.
Open the editor in the admin panel for the plugin you want to modify insert the changes that you want in the text editor you have in the admin panel web page and when you are done click on the update file button.
And happily you will end up with your modification and NO White Screen Of Death.
I hope you all a bright future with no more WSOD.
UPDATE: through researching and trying more , I found out that editing the files and Encoding it with UTF-8 will lead to the problem to avoide that edit the file and make sure the encoding is either ANSI or UTF-8 without BOM
You should try to run a version of PHP with xdebug installed. A WSOD, that's most likely a PHP parse error. So this isn't really a WordPress problem, it's a PHP problem.
Using xdebug helps, because you'll get a fancy stacktrace in some significant % of the cases where you otherwise would have gotten a WSOD.
