What is main advantage of Tuple? - asp.net

Can anyone tell me what is the main advantage of using tuple? In what scenarios do I need to use these?

I assume that you're talking about the Tuple<> type and not anonymous tuple classes.
Like an anonymous type, Tuple<> allows you to avoid declaring a new class just to group a few objects. Unlike anonymous types, tuple types have known names and thus can be used as method return and parameter values, etc.
Personally, I try to avoid heavy use of Tuple<> because it can make for difficult to understand code, expecially when used with primitive types (e. g. if you see a Tuple it's not obvious what each field represents).
One place I have found tuples to be very useful is as dictionary keys. Because Tuples implement Equals() and GetHashCode() (not ==, though!), they are perfect for things like private dictionaries that cache information based on a compound key.

It's used mostly to avoid declaring a class / struct with a few properties only for the sake of passing a group of objects around, where only one object can be passed.

Lets say I have a list of urls to go through and if i get an error (4xx or 5xx) I want to build a list and then either later display it to the user or just look at it in my debugger.
I'd catch the web exception and have a Tuple<string, int> (url, http error code) instead of creating a struct for one or two functions to use. Heck it might even be a foreach loop with a breakpoint on if the list has more then 0 items. Thats when it is useful.


Complex type checks in XQuery

I have a schema that has many complexType, some of which have subtypes (via xsi:type). I need to create an XQuery expression that checks that an element (MyPath) is a member of a parent type, but no others, I've tried an expression in the form below with no luck.
/MyPath[element(*,ParentClass) and not element(*,ChildClass)]
It appears element applies to all the children in the context it is called, but not itself (MyPath), which yields no results.
I also tried the instance of operator, but this appears to only work for simpleType.
You should use
. instance of element(*, ParentClass)
and not(. instance of element(*, ChildClass))
If this doesn't work please supply an MCVE
An alternative, using Saxon extension functions, is to test the type annotation directly: saxon:type-annotation(.) eq xs:QName('ParentClass')
Of course, there's a question about whether this is good practice. The whole point of defining a derived type is that it is supposed to be substitutable for the base type; everywhere you can use an instance of the parent type, you should be able to substitute an instance of the child type. You appear to be deliberately trying to contrive a query in which this is not the case.

groovy list api creating new lists versus modifying current list

Just could not fathom why the groovy list api would have classes of methods that
a) allow modification of current list
b) return a new list,
// modifying a list
aList.set(2,'Modifying') //will modify aList itself, i.e. aList=['Hello','World','Modifying'
//create a new list without modifying self
aList.plus(1,'Worlds') //aList is not modified, although this statements creates a new list: ['Hello','Worlds','Modifying']
My question is: why wouldn't the authors of Groovy stick to a standard, i.e. either have completely immutable collections so that all methods would either return new list instances without modifying the current collection instance, OR allow for methods such as 'plus' to modify the current collection. It seems a little un-intuitive to have two standards on this.
Groovy wraps around Java and allows you to call existing Java methods.
So set is a Java method that manipulates the underlying list. Therefore in Groovy, it just calls this method and you mutate the list.
minus, plus and left-shift are Groovy additions, so in the case of lists, they are written to not mutate the original lists.
When it comes to Maps however,left-shift DOES mutate the map, but I guess this is just something you have to remember.

What are the uses of constructor reference in java 8

I was reading about Java 8 features, which lead me to this article and I was wondering about the actual uses of constructor reference, I mean why not just use new Obj ?
P.S, I tried googling, but I failed to find something meaningful, if someone has a code example, link or tut it will be great
First of all, you should understand that constructor references are just a special form of method references. The point about method references is that they do not invoke the referenced method but provide a way to define a function which will invoke the method when being evaluated.
The linked article’s examples might not look that useful but that’s the general problem of short self-contained example code. It’s just the same as with the “hello world” program. It’s not more useful than typing the text “hello world” directly into the console but it’s not meant to be anyway. It’s purpose is to demonstrate the programming language.
As assylias has shown, there are use cases involving already existing functional interfaces using the JFC API.
Regarding the usefulness of a custom functional interface that’ll be used together with a constructor reference, you have to think about the reason to use (functional) interface in general: abstraction.
Since the purpose of an interface is to abstract the underlying operation, the use cases are the places where you do not want to perform an unconditional new SomeType(…) operation.
So one example is the commonly known Factory pattern where you define an interface to construct an object and implementing the factory via constructor reference is only one option out of the infinite possibilities.
Another important point are all kinds of Generic methods where the possibility to construct instances of the type, that is not known due to type erasure, is needed. They can be implemented via a function which is passed as parameter and whether one of the existing functional interfaces fits or a custom one is needed simply depends on the required number and types of parameters.
It's useful when you need to provide a constructor as a supplier or a function. Examples:
List<String> filtered = stringList.stream()
.filter(s -> !s.isEmpty())
.collect(Collectors.toCollection(ArrayList::new)); //() -> new ArrayList<> ()
Map<String, BigDecimal> numbersMap = new HashMap<>();
numbersMap.computeIfAbsent("2", BigDecimal::new); // s -> new BigDecimal(s)
someStream.toArray(Object[]::new); // i -> new Object[i]

Multiple "default" properties/methods in a VB6 class?

I am trying to make a replacement VB6 class for the Scripting.Dictionary class from SCRRUN.DLL. Scripting.Dictionary has (among other things) a "Keys" method that returns an array of keys, and a read/write "Item" property that returns the item associated with a key. I am confused about this, because both of them seem to be defaults for the class. That is:
For Each X In MyDict
Is equivalent to:
For Each X In MyDict.Keys
Which to me implies that "Keys" is the default operation for the class, but:
MyDict("MyKey") = "MyValue"
MsgBox MyDict("MyKey")
Is equivalent to:
MyDict.Item("MyKey") = "MyValue"
MsgBox MyDict.Item("MyKey")
Which to me implies that "Item" is the default operation for the class.
I've never before created a VB6 class that had a default operation, so upon realizing this, I thought perhaps I could define multiple default operations as long as they all have different signatures, which they do: Keys is nullary, the Item getter takes a Variant, and the Item setter takes two Variants. But this doesn't seem to be allowed: When I use "Tools/Procedure Attributes" to set the Keys function to be the default, and then I use it to set the Item property to be the default, the IDE complains that a default has already been set.
So I think I'm misunderstanding something fundamental here. What is going on in the Scripting.Dictionary object that makes it able to act as if "Keys" is the default in some contexts, but as if "Item" is the default in others? And whatever it is, can I accomplish the same thing in VB6?
OK, answering my own question: I haven't tried this yet, but I gather that "Item" should be made the default, and that I should add an entirely new function called "NewEnum" that looks something like the following (slightly modified from an example in Francesco Balena's "Programming Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0" book):
Public Function NewEnum() As IUnknown
Set NewEnum = m_Keys.[_NewEnum]
End Function
(where "m_Keys" is a Collection containing the keys), and then use Tools/Procedure Attributes to hide NewEnum and to set its ProcID to -4.
What you are observing is the difference between the default member and a collection enumerator. A COM object (including VB6 classes) can have both.
You can identify the default property of a class by looking in the Object Browser for the tiny blue globe or the words "default member of" in the description (see Contents of the Object Browser). The Object Browser will not identify an enumerator method, but if you look at the class's interface definition using OLE View or TypeLib Browser (free but registration required) it's DispId will be 0xfffffffc or -4.
In your own class, you can mark the default property by setting the Procedure ID to "(default)" in the Procedure Attributes dialog (see Making a Property or Method the Default). You already listed the steps for setting up the collection enumerator in your own answer, but you can find this listed as well in the Programmer's Guide topic Creating Your Own Collection Class: The House of Bricks.
Scripting.Dictionary has a dirty secret:
It does not handle enumeration at all, it returns big ugly Variant arrays and your For Each loops iterate over those.
This is one of the reasons why a Dictionary can actually be far less efficient than a standard VB6 Collection.

hashtable keys() keySet() which is better

Just curiously I am asking which is the better method to use Hashtable.keys() or Hashtable.keySet(). Any one would have been sufficient. Why have they given 2 methods with different return types. Is there any performance drawback/benefit of one over the other ?
keySet is there because
it returns a Set view of the keys contained in this Hashtable. The Set is backed by the Hashtable, so changes to the Hashtable are reflected in the Set, and vice-versa. The Set supports element removal (which removes the corresponding entry from the Hashtable), but not element addition.
And keys just returns an enumeration of the keys in this hashtable, no changes will be reflected after getting enumeration.
Besides the funcitonal difference mentioned by Rahul, Hashtable itself is an old artifact of earlier java version and retrofitted to implement Map interface.
So keySet is a later construct required by the Map interface.
Additionally, if this is new code that you are writing, you should read up the api details for this data structure on http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/util/Hashtable.html and see if you should consider the guideline and use HashMap or other later Collections instead.
