I've created an asp.net mvc3 project with Visual Studio 2010. I want to know that all the menues and html properties will be seen in suitable positions or not. My monitor in 15-inch and I want to see my project in other computers with 13-inch or 17-inch. How can I run my project in a computer that Visual Studio, EF and ... have'nt installed on it?
I'm making the assumption that all of the computers are on the same network. If they aren't this won't work (and realistically you're going to have to have a common network between them).
The easiest thing to do would be to make sure you've installed IIS on your development machine.
Next deploy your MVC application to the local IIS. At that point it should be visible to the other machines on your network.
Here's an answer to a similar question that has plenty of links on how to set this up.
I'm working as frontend developer in a company which uses asp.net for its website. I usually work on mac and I need to setup my localhost to work on the website, but something's wrong with the project. They provided me the folder with all the files (aspx, aspx.cs, dll etc), and I'm supposed to build my own solution file. Visual Studio for macOS doesn't give me the possibility to create an empty website project (VS for pc does), or maybe I'm selecting the wrong entry. What am I supposed to do?
I tried to select Empty ASP.NET Web project, but It doesn't work, all the vars and methods from aspx pages are not detected in aspx.cs. Same with Web Form. I can't set up anything and the solution is not working.
Everyone at the company uses Windows and they can't help me.
What I have to do to import it in the right way?
I'd like to use VS Code if it's possible. This is the first time with asp.net.
Thanks in advance
The main thing is that ASP.NET Web Forms is obsolete. I guess they stopped to support such type of solution a long time ago, only critical crushes. If you really want to use mac for ASP.NET Web Forms you should install Parallels VM with Windows 10 and Visual Studio on board.
I have created a web setup in visual studio 2013. When I install it, only the bin folder is created in IIS, hence I cannot browse my website. Help please.
I have added the Primary Output in the Web Application folder in my setup.
Your question is too confusing. Are you uploading your files on to the web server? Or are you trying to setup your visual studio for debugging, test, editing and coding purposes?
If you are trying to run Visual Studio locally, IIS is setup for you automatically.
If you are trying to setup files to a webserver, try to talk to the live support. Sometimes, we, users, dont have full control or lack of knowledge debugging it on the dedicated server.
Other thing to consider is reinstalling your visual studio carefully.
I've made ASP.NET MVC projects on my work PC, and I have a Mac at home and want to be able to dink around in my free time. I downloaded Visual Studio Code (https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/ASPnet5#VSCode) to try and do this, but I got stuck at part of the instructions and I'm not sure it's even possible to deploy it from there to Microsoft Azure. I also don't want to have to download Boot Camp and Windows, if possible. Are there any options?
I have been in the exact same position as you, unfortunately there is little that we Mac users can do. As ASP.NET was developed by Microsoft they left little room for compatibility with other platforms
Installing Visual Studio Code is the only option for Mac however, all is not lost for we have Git! If your not sure what that is; Git is an open source distribution system which is freely available for anyone to use, allowing others to access and even edit your code.
To get back onto the topic at hand, VSC uses Git repositories to push your source into the Azure platform. Take a look at this site:
This is some instruction for ASP.NET development specifically for Mac mainly, it tells us how to activate the Git functionality and how that incorporates to Azure. Hopefully it helps you figure out your issue!
Found these two interesting articles using a combination of Yeoman and Kestrel:
Develop ASP.NET vNext applications on a Mac
Your First ASP.NET 5 Application on a Mac
Basically, you can use Yeoman to get the project scaffolding, VS Code or Sublime Text to edit source code and Kestrel to run your project.
I am responsible for supporting a relatively complex Website project written with .NET 3.5.
Previously I was using Web Deployment Project with Visual Studio 2010 to deploy this website but at the moment I have only access to Visual Studio 2013.
As far as I know, there is no longer such a tool to be used for deployment in Visual Studio 2013 and I do want to compile the code before deploying to the production server. As mentioned earlier, the project is a bit complex and this would not be easy to be converted to a Web Application.
Any idea?
Unless I missed it, unsure what the issue is - in VS2013, Publish is what you are looking for (either WebSite or Application).
What exactly do you mean by "none of the (vs 2013 publish) options worked"? What is/was the issue?
In one of your comments, you state you want to "pre-compile" (aka "don't want to upload .cs source files) and that's a setting in Publish.
You can Publish to your local file system: "Custom" -> File System:
This extension still exists for Visual Studio 2013: http://www.iis.net/downloads/microsoft/web-deploy
Little bit confused with the question because you are keep referring about website rather web application.
If you are looking to convert web site to web app then you need to follow this: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/vstudio/aa983476(v=vs.100).aspx
Otherwise, if you are referring about the deployment project. Yes, it is no longer available.
I'd a very similar situation like you and Since 2013 I have stopped using any deployment project, instead I have started using Publish that creates a deployment package for you on a Network , FTP, Local Drive or even on Azure.
Here is a nice guide from Microsoft
If you still want to go for Deployment Project, then you would need to go for "Installshield" limited edition,which is free (http://samirvaidya.blogspot.com.au/2013/11/how-to-enable-installshield-le-for.html).
I have a project that needs to be done using ASP.NET. Currently, I'm using a Linux box and don't have an access to Windows so I was wondering about doing the development in Mono.Net for the meanwhile. The final project needs to be completed on the Microsoft.NET.
How easy would it be to port a Mono.NET application to a Microsoft.NET? Or should I just wait till I get the windows machine? I don't mind an occasional challenge but not if it's going to be a big pain.
It should work fine just make sure you use the Microsoft .NET APIs only or keep track of any Mono or other opensource DLLs and include them when you run on Windows.
MonoDevelop could also help as it creates Visual Studio compatible project files which can help your migration if you want to later migrate to Visual Studio also.