CFURLCopyResourcePropertyForKey error when gitk - css

can someone explain ho to resolve this error:
CFURLCopyResourcePropertyForKey failed because it was passed this URL which has no scheme:
it´s probably caused by xCode when i try to gitk or gitk --all in the Terminal. It started to appear after the Mountain Lion upgrade. Thanks :)
Error screenshot:

I got this error just now and find a solution to solve it.
I was trying to invoke the function getResourceValue:forKey:error: in my project and my os version is 10.7.5.
I init a new NSURL object by using + URLWithString: and the problem occurred before, after I replace it with + fileURLWithPath:, it's ok now.
The difference value between the two objects with different functions is /Volumes/Data/a file://localhost/Volumes/Data/a/
Apple has statemented that about NSURL class below,
Handling Object Creation Failure The NSURL class fails to create a new NSURL object if the path being passed is not well-formed; the path must comply with RFC 2396. Examples of cases that will not succeed are strings containing space characters and high-bit characters. Should creating an NSURL object fail, the creation methods return nil, which you must be prepared to handle. If you are creating NSURL objects using file system paths, you should use fileURLWithPath: or initFileURLWithPath:, which handle the subtle differences between URL paths and file system paths. If you wish to be tolerant of malformed path strings, you’ll need to use functions provided by the Core Foundation framework to clean up the strings.
Error while using getResourceValue:forKey method in NSURL

On Mountain Lion 10.8.2, I fixed this issue when calling gitk from terminal by installing/upgrading tcl and tk.
brew install tcl
brew install tk
The UI of gitk will likely change, but you can tweak that in ~/.gitk.


Failure to write edited values into new IFC file in WIT using ExportFileAsIFC using the same code as in the IFC.js Crash Course

When I attempt to edit an IFCBUILDINGSTOREY name value and write a new IFC file in WIT using the ExportFileAsIFC code from the IFC.js Crash Course IFC editing section, I get an error: Line object cannot be serialized:
Object { expressID: 138, type: 3124254112, GlobalId: {…}, OwnerHistory: {…}, Name: {…}, Description: null, ObjectType: {…}, ObjectPlacement: {…}, Representation: null, LongName: {…}, … } IFCWorker.js:87228:15. The value is definitely changed in the IFC data in the browser console output but it doesn't get written to the new IFC file. I cannot see any difference between my code and the course example code. The problem appears to be that the revised IFC data in the browser console output defines the storey as IFCBUILDINGSTOREY in the IFC.js course video but on my laptop the storey is defined as OBJECT in the browser console output. So I think it literally cannot serialize the non-specific OBJECT.
I have posted the project on my GitHub at
Please can anyone tell me what is different?
Looks like a regression in web-ifc#0.0.36. We are looking into it. In the meantime, it should be solved by using the previous version by running the command: npm i web-ifc#0.0.35 web-ifc-three#0.0.118.
Solution found! In discussions with #ansoni on Discord at IFC.js the problem turned out to be two IFC library versions. The Crash Course videos show the library install commands for web-ifc and web-ifc-three as generic, which installs the latest version of each. The current versions of those two libraries cause a couple of issues, including the above problem. At this time, it is important to install the specific versions used in the Crash Course.
npm i web-ifc#0.0.35 web-ifc-three#0.0.118
You can check which versions you have currently loaded in the package.json file.
If you install the correct versions, be sure to replace the wasm and IfcWorker files locally, if you are already using them.
This will solve the above ExportFileAsIFC issue and also a failure to load an IFC file into a WIV scene issue.
The latest versions of these libraries that I had these issues with are:
web-ifc#0.0.36 and web-ifc-three#0.0.121

command line compiling generates bigger file than the online version

I am testing google closure compiler on command line.
I took the latest version :
java -jar closure-compiler.jar --version
Closure Compiler (
Version: v20190618
Built on: 2019-06-21 17:24
I am generating a compressed version of my javascript like this :
java -jar closure-compiler.jar my_script.js > out.js
The problem is that the generated code is bigger than the one I get when I use the online service at
I noticed that the command line version added, at the beginning, the following code :
var $jscomp=$jscomp||{};$jscomp.scope={};$jscomp.findInternal=function(a,c,b){a instanceof String&&(a=String(a));for(var d=a.length,e=0;e<d;e++){var f=a[e];if(,f,e,a))return{i:e,v:f}}return{i:-1,v:void 0}};$jscomp.ASSUME_ES5=!1;$jscomp.ASSUME_NO_NATIVE_MAP=!1;$jscomp.ASSUME_NO_NATIVE_SET=!1;$jscomp.SIMPLE_FROUND_POLYFILL=!1;
$jscomp.defineProperty=$jscomp.ASSUME_ES5||"function"==typeof Object.defineProperties?Object.defineProperty:function(a,c,b){a!=Array.prototype&&a!=Object.prototype&&(a[c]=b.value)};$jscomp.getGlobal=function(a){return"undefined"!=typeof window&&window===a?a:"undefined"!=typeof global&&null!=global?global:a};$$jscomp.getGlobal(this);
$jscomp.polyfill=function(a,c,b,d){if(c){b=$;a=a.split(".");for(d=0;d<a.length-1;d++){var e=a[d];e in b||(b[e]={});b=b[e]}a=a[a.length-1];d=b[a];c=c(d);c!=d&&null!=c&&$jscomp.defineProperty(b,a,{configurable:!0,writable:!0,value:c})}};$jscomp.polyfill("Array.prototype.find",function(a){return a?a:function(a,b){return $jscomp.findInternal(this,a,b).v}},"es6","es3");
I do not have such a code in my script: Where does it come from ?
how can I produce the same output as the online version ?
To get the compiler command line work as the web service, I just added an option :
This is likely a discrepancy between the settings on the web service and the ones you're using locally.
Have a look at a Closure Compiler: Flags and Options to see what settings you might prefer.
If you'd share your source, it'd be possible to try and help you narrow down the options.
As for the extra code, I believe it is at least partially a polyfill for Array.prototype.find (aka [].find), which I assume is in your code?
If so, that's Closure injecting code to improve your cross browser compatibility.

premake5: Cannot get the "Hello World" example to generate a Visual Studio solution

I am trying to generate a solution file for the premake5 out of the wiki example.
Calling premake5 vs2012 produces the following error -
Error: premake5.lua:2: attempt to call global 'workspace' (a nil value)
Does anyone know how to fix that? It looks like premake5 does not recognize the workspace() function. I followed the installation instructions and assume that I downloaded and unpacked the console utility correctly.
Sounds like you are running an older version of the code. The workspace() call was just introduced and will appear in the next alpha release, which should come out sometime next week. In the meantime, just use solution() instead; your code will still work when the new alpha arrives.

Programming Arduino with Ada

I am am unable to get avr-elf-windows and WinAVR to work. I have managed to build the example supplied with avr-elf-windows (ATmega2560). But if I try and expand to use another chip or start using the WinAVR supplied packages and projects I keep getting errors I cannot work out.
Method 1:
Modify the ATmega2560 example to use the WinAVR packages.
with Atmega2560; use Atmega2560;
with AVR; use AVR;
with AVR.Atmega328p; use AVR.atmega328p;
Create a project file to include:
with "C:\WinAVR-20100110\lib\gnat\avr.gpr";
with "C:\WinAVR-20100110\lib\gnat\avr_app.gpr";
Running make I get the following error:
avr-gnatmake: "C:\WinAVR-20100110\lib\gnat\avr_lib\avr-int_img.adb" compilation error
Great, I have a compilation issue, but I cannot see the error.
Method 2:
Open the above project file in GPS. Change the build setting to be gnatmake. GPS now starts reporting errors and warnings:
Project warning: object directory "avr_lib/avr5/obj" not found
Project library directory "C:\WinAVR-20100110\lib\gnat\avr_lib\avr5\lib\" does not exist
The latter issue is very clearly the fact that I have not set up GPS correctly to tell it the values of microcontroller and architecture, but I cannot seem to find anything to resolve this.
Method 3:
To use the WinAVR set up directly using makefiles which then gives me the error:
avr-gnatmake: RTS path not valid: missing adainclude and adalib directories
If I follow the instructions I can find by searching the web I can only find details for building the required libraries under Linux.
Platform: Windows 7.
With the combination of the two answers above I have now managed to link my sample code. As to wether it will work on the Arduino, that is a different issue.
Many thanks for the help.
I have found it a bit frustrating to get this far, and I wonder if there are others out there who may just give up on Ada on the Arduino and go back to the Arduino IDE and therefore missing out on the opportunity to learn a language with more structure. There are many misleading pages out there that also do not help.
You might want to take a look in the paper Integrating 8-bit AVR Micro-Controllers in Ada. Basically you can use a GPS project file arduino.gpr like
project Arduino is
for Source_Dirs use (".", "src");
for Object_Dir use "obj";
for Exec_Dir use "bin";
for Main use ("main.adb");
package Compiler is
for Default_Switches ("ada") use ("-mmcu=avr5");
end Compiler;
package Ide is
for Gnat use "avr-gnat";
for Gnatlist use "avr-gnatls";
for Debugger_Command use "avr-gdb";
end Ide;
package Builder is
for Executable_Suffix use ".elf";
for Default_Switches ("ada") use ("--RTS=rts-zfp");
end Builder;
package Linker is
for Default_Switches ("ada") use ("obj\crtm328p._o", "-nostdlib", "-lgcc", "-mavr5", "-Tdata=0x00800200", "-mmcu=avr5");
end Linker;
end Arduino;
and you can code a spec for your ATmega328P like
with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
with System;
package ATmega328P is
-- PORTB: Port B Data Register
PORTB : Unsigned_8;
for PORTB'Address use System'To_Address (16#25#);
-- DDRB: Port B Data Direction Register
DDRB : Unsigned_8;
for DDRB'Address use System'To_Address (16#24#);
-- PINB: Port B Input Pins
PINB : Unsigned_8;
for PINB'Address use System'To_Address (16#23#);
end ATmega328P;
to be imported by your main file or libraries.
Bear with me if this isn't the immediate answer; I have only used the AVR-Ada toolchain on Linux, so we may have to iterate towards a solution unless someone else spots the problem first.
The first thing to decipher is which version of the AVR-Ada tools you have:
your project file USED to need (using avr-ada 1.1)
with "C:\WinAVR-20100110\lib\gnat\avr.gpr";
Now with avr-ada 1.2.1 you need (instead)
with "C:\WinAVR-20100110\lib\gnat\avr_app.gpr";
for building applications, and <same path>/avr_lib.gpr for libraries.
I don't believe you ever need both! And they may conflict with each other.
I don't know the state of the Windows binary build, but if you need the latest version (recommended : it's a real improvement) you may need to build it from source.
Method 1 : were you running Make from a command line? If so, I would expect to see errors in all their gory details.
Method 2 : can't help you here, I don't know GPS well enough. However I can say that on Linux there are no "avr5" folders in [wherever]/avr/lib/gnat/avr_lib. (AVR5 is correct for the 328p)
Instead there IS a [wherever]/avr/lib/avr5 containing libc and other C-related objects - including the crtm328p.o that Rego names in his linker switches, and a [wherever]/lib/gcc/avr/4.7.2/avr5 folder containing libgcc.a. You probably need to find the former and point GPS at it...
Method 3 : This looks the easiest to fix. The "gnatmake" command needs an --RTS= option pointing at the correct RTS for the 328p. This should be --RTS=rts/avr5 assuming the RTS is correctly installed.
Alternatively a full path ought to work. Here, that would be
on Windows you may have to poke around to find the correct path.
Using Method 1 this --RTS option is automatically generated by avr_app.gpr.
It appears that having a mix of 3 or 4 tool chains installed that provide one of aspects of WinAvr, AvrAda causes significant problems (these included WinAvr, Avr-Ada, Cygwin, AVR compiler by Adacore and MinWG).
Starting with a brand new Win7 or Win8 installation perform the following:
Install WinAVR-20100110 to C:\WinAVR-20100110
Copy the content of the Avr-Ada-1.2.0_bin to C:\avr-ada-1.2.0
Add C:\avr-ada-1.2.0\bin to the PATH
Compiling the content of each of the examples in C:\avr-ada-1.2.0\share\doc\avr-ada\apps identifies that some DLLs are missing: libiconv-2.dll, libgmp-10.dll, libmpc-2.dll, libmpfr-1.dll
These can be found in a MinGW installtion.
Create a virtual machine to install MinGW on, in order to ensure it did not mess with the main PC.
Copy the missing DLLs in C:\WinAVR-20100110\bin
The example in DS1820 will not compile due to crc_lib being missing.
In order to upload to the Arduino the makefiles must be modified for your local installation, board type etc. - Can't create ipa-file anymore

I usually use to generate my ipa-Files for iOS. Now when I want to generate the file, I get the following error message:
Failed when running /usr/bin/codesign: codesign_allocate: object: /Users/mherceg/Desktop/ag-app/development/ios/ malformed object (unknown load command 39)
/Users/mherceg/Desktop/ag-app/development/ios/ object file format unrecognized, invalid, or unsuitable
It worked yesterday, but now it doesn't. Any help is very welcome.
This is probably to do with v1.4.16 of our platform, where we switched over to building on Xcode 4.5: I'd recommend upgrading Xcode and make sure the Command-line Tools (Preferences ↦ Downloads) are installed.
