What are #file# and file~ and how can I get rid of them? - unix

I originally had three files: makefile, readme.txt, and hashtable.c in my directory, where I am writing my code in emacs. I noticed that some new files: #hashtable.c#, #readme.txt#, hashtable.c~, and makefile~ have been created. I was wondering what these files were. Are these important, and if not, how do I tell emacs to stop making them? I'm also curious why readme.txt doesn't get a tilde file and makefile doesn't get a sharp file.

The file with the ~ is a backup file that automatically gets created when you save a file. The #readme.txt# is the file being currently edited/in use (i.e., the autosave version). That will usually go away (unlike the ~ file) when you exit emacs normally (if it crashes or gets killed the # files may stay around).
You might find this page about emacs backup files of interest, and this SO question: How do I control how Emacs makes backup files?
You can prevent backup files from being created with this:
(setq make-backup-files nil)

I recommend installing no-littering. It automatically puts backup files (file~) in ~/.emacs.d/var/backup/. It doesn't do anything about autosaves (#file#), but there is a note about putting those files in a specified directory in the README:
(setq auto-save-file-name-transforms
`((".*" ,(no-littering-expand-var-file-name "auto-save/") t)))
Neither of these things actually prevents Emacs from creating these files, but I'm assuming most people actually want these files (in case of a crash), but don't want them strewn all over the filesystem.

For #files# you have to do rm "#file#" from the terminal, because rm #file# doesn't work.
For ~file you can simply digit rm ~file.

Maybe you could try:
find . -name \\#*\\# | xargs rm
Warning: this will remove those files matching in subdirectories.


mv command created an executable rather than a directory

I recently attempted to move some files by running an -exec mv command with find (command linked below). When I did this, I mistyped the destination directory path (so the directory did not yet exist) and mv created what appears to be an executable instead of a directory?
When I run "Get Info" one image renders and the file size is about the correct size for an image, but hundreds of files were supposed to be copied. Have I lost this data for good? Is there any way to get macOS to recognize this "executable" as a directory?
This is the command I used:
find . -type f -name "*.JPG" -exec mv {} ../../DestinationFolderName \;
Here's an image showing a successful mv into an existing directory, and what happened when I put a path to a directory that did not yet exist.
Unfortunately "mv" to a name that doesn't exist is interpreted as a filename rather than a directory. So the OS has, one-by-one, copied your JPG file on top of each other. The resulting file is most likely whatever JPG happened to be the one it moved last (if you rename it to JPG extension you can check which one).
So, very unfortunately, you probably need to investigate a data recovery tool for MacOS quickly (and do so before you've done things that make more files on your disk, as much a possible). The "ghosts" of the files are for now at least mostly still present on your hard drive (as deallocated segments), but are back in the pool to be overwritten as you create new files (even when your browser creates temporary cache files, and things like that). It's a conundrum.
If you don't have a backup/time-machine of the files, the best thing to do is get a MacOS data recovery program QUICKLY.
VERY sorry not to have a happier answer.

How to recover deleted iPython Notebooks

I have iPython Notebook through Anaconda. I accidentally deleted an important notebook, and I can't seem to find it in trash (I don't think iPy Notebooks go to the trash).
Does anyone know how I can recover the notebook? I am using Mac OS X.
This is bit of additional info on the answer by Thuener,
I did the following to recover my deleted .ipynb file.
The cache is in ~/.cache/chromium/Default/Cache/ (I use chromium)
used grep in binary search mode, grep -a 'import math' (replace search string by a keyword specific in your code)
Edit the binary file in vim (it doesn't open in gedit)
The python ipynb should file start with '{ "cells":' and
ends with '"nbformat": 4, "nbformat_minor": 2}'
remove everything outside these start and end points
Rename the file as .ipynb, open it in your jupyter-notebook, it works.
The "delete" functionality now sends the file to OS trash rather than permanently deleting it, see this PR: https://github.com/jupyter/notebook/pull/1968. So you can just open your Trash (wherever that is on your system) and restore it.
I think the easiest way (until developers handle this issue) to retrieve your Ipython history is to write them all into an empty file.
You need to check by the date you created your last script. Obviously, it is going to be the last part of your Ipython history.
To write your Ipython history into a file:
%history -g -f anyfilename
On linux:
I did the same error and I finally found the deleted file in the trash
If you deleted it through the OS (rm file.ipynb) then you can probably get it from ~/.ipython_checkpoints/ However, if you deleted it from the browser menu option, it is gone (by design!).
See discussion here: https://github.com/jupyter/notebook/issues/405
If you use PyCharm, you can do the following.
Open the Local History view.
Select the version you want to roll back to.
On the context menu of the selection, choose Revert.
Worked for me!
Source: here
For the unlucky ones like me, that delete some files on JuliaBox(jupyter for julia), there is a solution. I successifly recovery all my deleted files.
The browsers strore cache information about the pages you visit. You have to find your cache browser folder (in ubuntu with crhome was ~/.cache/google-chrome/Default/Cache) and grep for some text of your notebook in the binarys. Then, cut the text part of the file that is correspond to your ipynb.
If you're using windows, it sends it to the recycle bin, thankfully. Clearly, it's a good idea to make checkpoints.
As long as your Kernel is active, the code of each executed cell is stored in input history list. This will come in handy when you accidentally deleted a cell and want to retrieve its content.
_ih[-10:] *# code of the 10 most recently run cells (Even if those cells are deleted now)*
If you are running on Jupyterlab on linux like me. What I did is went into command prompt and went to my trash folder.
Trash directories on linux are typically
If you deleted something as root (e.g. deleted a file using Nautilus invoked via gksu), it is at
I ended up changing directories to /home/$USER/.local/share/Trash/files and my deleted notebook was there! depending on how you access your backend you could also try /home/jupyter/.local/share/Trash/
If you are having issues changing directories from Trash to files due to permissions dont forget to become root:
sudo -i
then after sudo -i, go up with:
cd ..
and then
cd home/jupyter/.local/share/Trash
cd files
Best of luck,
Sadly my file was neither in the checkpoints directory, nor chromium's cache. Fortunately, I had an ext4 formatted file system and was able to recover my file using extundelete:
Figure out the drive your missing deleted file was stored on:
df /your/deleted/file/diretory/
Switch to a folder located on another you have write access to:
cd /your/alternate/location/
It is proffered to run extundlete on an unmounted partition. Thus, if your deleted file wasn't stored on the same drive as your operating system, it's recommended you unmount the partition of the deleted file (though you may want to ensure extundlete is already installed before proceeding):
sudo umount /dev/sdax
where sdax is the partition returned by your df command earlier
Use extundelete to restore your file:
sudo extundelete --restore-file /your/deleted/file/diretory/delted.file /dev/sdax
If successful your recovered file will be located at:
I had the very problem and I ended up solving it this way. It might be the case for some of the folks.

Grep command stopped working

Suddenly grep command stopped working. When I did the ls -l ~/grep showing the one file in my home directory.But this file has been present for ages. If I give command which grep --> pointing to /bin/grep and with /bin/grep it is working fine. Can anyone please suggest.
You can delete the zero-byte file in your home directory. It's not doing anything. (I don't know how it got there.) The problem is that the first entry in PATH, ".", points to whatever directory you're in. So when you're in your home directory, the shell (bash, I assume) looks for grep in the current directory, and finds the file that's there, which can't do anything.
I consider it a bad idea to have "." in your path. It's convenient, and natural if you're coming from the Windows world, but it means that what gets executed can change depending on what directory you're in (as you have now seen). It also means that if you're on a multiuser system, someone can put an executable in one of their directories, and then when you cd into their directory, all of a sudden you're executing their code, which might not be what you want, and could be dangerous.
Instead, remove ".:" (dot colon) from your PATH. When you need to run a script in the current directory, add "./" to its name to execute it. "/bin" and "/usr/bin" should usually be at the front of the list. Some people prefer to put "/usr/local/bin" at the front of the list, or something else.
You can change your PATH by editing .profile or .bash_profile or .bashrc. It depends on how you have your shell set up. Be careful to separate each directory path in PATH with one ":" character.

Can a pre-commit Git hook zip a directory and add it to the repository?

I'm doing development on a Wordpress plugin. My development directory contains a lot of development-specific stuff (e.g. Grunt files, Sass files, the git repository itself, etc.).
Obviously, I don't want to distribute this folder containing all of those development files; people don't want a few MB of Grunt files when they download my Wordpress plugin.
Up until now, though, my "release" process has been cumbersome:
Commit the Git changes
Zip the entire folder
Open the zip file and delete the .git folder, grunt files, and all the other development-specific files
Release the new zip
I don't know the best way to accomplish this, but I'm very vaguely familiar with Git hooks, and I had this thought: could I set up a Git hook that would zip ONLY the needed production files into a ZIP file and store it with the repo? That way, every time I commit it would automatically create a new release ZIP.
Is that possible? If so, could someone point me in the right direction?
Oh also, I'm on Windows (・_・;). So I'm hoping that there's a way to do it on Windows.
I can't speak for Windows, but:
It's technically possible to do that sort of thing in a pre-commit hook.
A pre-commit hook that modifies "what you will commit" is annoying (if nothing else, it violates the "rule of least astonishment", where your version control system simply stores the versions you tell it to store). Apart from that, storing large pre-compressed binaries interferes with git's attempt to save space in pack files, and will cause rapid repository bloat, poor performance, running out of memory, and so on. A ZIP-archive is a pre-compressed binary and hence will behave badly.
In general, a more reasonable "hook-y" way to handle releases is to set up a "release server" to which you push new releases, and have the push trigger the archive-generation. (There are ways to do this without a separate server / repository, and you can do it in a more pull-style fashion, but the push-style is easy to illustrate.)
[Edit: I had originally considered git archive but did not realize you could get it to exclude files conveniently, so wrote up the below instead. So, jthill's answer is better and should be one's first resort. I'll leave this in place as an alternative for some case where for some reason, git archive might not do.]
For instance, here's a server-side post-receive hook code fragment that checks whether a branch whose name matches release* has been pushed-to, and if so, invokes a shell function with the name of the branch (once for each such branch):
#! /bin/sh
local oldsha newsha fullref shortref
local optype
while read oldsha newsha fullref; do
case $oldsha,$newsha in
$NULL_SHA1,*) optype=create;;
*,$NULL_SHA1) optype=delete;;
*) optype=update;;
case $fullref in
case $optype,$reftype,$shortref in
do_release $shortref;;
(much of the above is boilerplate, which I have stripped down to essentials). You would have to write the do_release function, which might resemble (totally untested):
local tmpdir=/tmp/build.$$ # or use mktemp -d
# $tmpdir/index is git's index; $tmpdir/t is the work tree
trap "rm -rf $tmpdir; exit 1" 1 2 3 15
rm -rf $tmpdir
mkdir $tmpdir/t
GIT_INDEX_FILE=$tmpdir/index GIT_WORK_TREE=$tmpdir/t git checkout $1
# now clean out grunt files and make zip archive
(cd $workdir/t; rm -rf grunt; zip ../t.zip .)
# put completed zip archive in export location, name it
# based on the branch name
mv $workdir/t.zip /place/where/zip/files/live/$1.zip
# clean up temp dir now, and no longer need to clean up
# on signal related abort
rm -rf $tmpdir
trap - 1 2 3 15
There's actually a command for this, git archive.
git archive master -o wizzo-v1.13.0.zip
See the EXAMPLES section, you can select paths, add prefixes to them, define custom postprocessing by output extension, and some more minor tweaks.
Also see the ATTRIBUTES section: you can give files -- arbitrary patterns, really -- an export-ignore attribute to exclude them from archives.
It's got a bunch more handy-dandies, you can get archives from remote repos, expand arbitrary git log --pretty=format: placeholders, the git manpages are definitely worth whatever time you can invest in them.

Rsync previous half-copied files?

I found rsync behaves differently in the following two situations:
(1) All the files are copied by using rsync, then using rsync again will be fast (skip all the files);
(2) Use cp to copy files, then using rsync will be slow (or may be run freshly?)
So my confusion is "Does rsync generate any internal things on the files so that it can refer to avoid duplicate checking?"
rsync -a (in archive mode, which I presume you ran) retains all attributes of a file, including creation/modification time. cp does not. I suppose something in the file attributes that's different when you use cp, probably a later modification time, in the destination files, made rsync think they are newer files, so it either recopied them or had to check the contents.
