Mono WebForms: Setting default page to run when starting debugging -

is it possible to set a default page to run when starting debugging? In Visual Studio you can set the default page either through the context menu in Solution Explorer or in the project properties. I did not find something like that in MonoDevelop.
When I am starting debugging the browser will always navigate to the root of the application.
Because there is no default page set in XSP for this application I get an error and always have to correct it manually.
Thanks for your help.

I found a solution. I did not find the xsp.exe.config but it also works when you add the setting either globally in machine.config (residing in /etc/mono/[version]) or by creating a web.config file in your applications root. The values are comma separated.
<add key="MonoServerDefaultIndexFiles" value="Home.aspx, home.aspx" />
The help page does not tell you that a appSettings section is allowed, but I think that the documentation is just incomplete. For example appSettings are used here too.


Private web.config for each developer

Consider a group of developers working on an web application. Each developer would like to have a private version of the web.config.
By "private" I mean that a developer can freely change the file to suit their dev/test needs at any given moment, without it affecting other team members and without ending up in source control.
How can one go about achieving this with Visual Studio 2015?
My closest solution so far is to have a "private" Solution Configuration with a matching Web.config Transformation file ("web.private.config") that's excluded from source control.
But this is not a satisfactory solution because:
a. The transformation is not run automatically when debugging (with F5). The developers need to remember to run it manually.
b. The result of the transformation ends up in the main "web.config" file which is, naturally, included in source control.
We had a very similar problem but only needed personalized versions of the <appSettings> section in Web.config.
In this situation the inclusion of an external file through configSource turned out to be problematic, as this attribute completely replaces the <appSettings>-node. So there remains no way to keep global key/values AND personal key/values for all developers. The whole section is completely replaced by the included private file.
What we need is both global and private <appSettings>. The solution we found was the file attribute. It allows to merge Web.config settings with settings from an additional file.
We ended up with a construct like this one:
<!-- Web.config with global appSettings) -->
<appSettings file="Web.PERSONAL.config">
<add key="BaseUrl" value="" />
<!-- Web.PERSONAL.config with personal appSettings -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<appSettings >
<add key="EmailSmtpUser" value="" />
<add key="EmailSmtpPwd" value="***" />
</appSettings >
If you put identical keys in both files, the Web.PERSONAL.config version will overwrite the Web.config version.
The file Web.PERSONAL.config must be excluded from Git through .gitignore .
Keep in mind:
While configSource works for ALL nodes in Web.config, the file attribute is restricted to <appSettings>.
Have web.config include an external file (via configSource) and add that file to .gitignore
The correct answer is to host your local development site in a separate location from your Visual Studio solution. You can then use publish profiles to publish changes to that location and web.config transforms to maintain a separate local config for each developer. Each developer would use a different publish profile which transforms the web.config with their own transform and deploys the transformed web.config to the publish location. You can then attach a debugger to the published site using Visual Studio's Debug > Attach To Process option.
I think there is a lot of value in standardising dev environments so that one can just download the solution and run it.
Custom, long term/permanent, developer specific configs will sooner or later lead to a subtle bug that will be tricky to find.
My solution to your problem would be to find out the reason(s) why permanent individual configs are needed and have a look if these environment specific differences can be eliminated.

How do I reload configuration file cache?

I have an application that sets the configSource attribute on the rewriteRules element in web.config to point to a separate config file:
<rules configSource="App_Data\Config\RewriteRules.config" />
My web app makes edits to the RewriteRules.config file programmatically, but my web app does not pick up the configuration changes after the file is edited and saved.
I have tried calling HttpRuntime.UnloadAppDomain() after editing the file. This successfully restarts my app domain, but the changes in RewriteRules.config are still not picked up. I have tried adding RestartOnExternalChanges="true" to the rewrite element, but this is apparently not supported on the IIS rewrite module. I have also tried ConfigurationManager.RefreshSection("rewrite/rules") but this does not seem to have any effect. The only way I can get the changes to take effect is to edit and save the main web.config file, but I am trying to avoid doing this programmatically for security reasons.
I am confused as to why HttpRuntime.UnloadAppDomain() does not cause external config files to be re-read. Is this expected behavior? Does the config file cache somehow exist outside the bounds of the app domain? Is there any practical way to achieve what I am looking to do?
Dude, the problem with your case is, related configSection definition is not marked as restartOnExternalChanges="true" in definition. For example; we created a custom config section for storing application urls in an external file and we create a section definition in web.config file like
<section name="pageUrlFormats" type="Kahia.Web.Configuration.PageUrlFormats.PageUrlFormatsSection, Kahia.Web" restartOnExternalChanges="true" requirePermission="false" />
so that knows if any change occurs in related file:
<pageUrlFormats configSource="Config\PageUrlFormats.config" />
application domain restarts. This goes same for all config section definitions, including UrlRewrite module's definition.
What you have to do is, find definition of related module. In this scenario, it is at apphost.config at C:\Windows\system32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config
In that file, look for rule section definition, it starts like
<section name="rules"
You have to add restartOnExternalChanges="true" attribute to that config file.
IIS7 configuration system uses the same syntax as the .Net framework configuration system, but is a different implementation that has some behavior differences. The restartOnExternalChanges thing is a feature of the .Net framework configuration system that is not supported by the IIS7 configuration system. The url rewriter module uses the IIS7 configuration system.

Web.config file debug="true" setting

I have run into an issue that when my web application's web.config compilation debug is set to true I am getting a vulnerability error on a security scan.
What I want to determine is if there is a way to have some type of web.config conditional block change the debug setting to use the correct value on debug builds and release builds. I have read that setting the property in each web page itself will do this and don't know if this is in fact true and are there any problems with this?
I would suggest <deployment retail=”true”/>.
You put this element into your machine.config on the production server and it overrides debug=”true” in your web.config and pages. In other words, you can happily use the debug and trace functionality on your developer machines but can be sure it is turned off on the production server. Scott Guthrie recommends this as best practice.

ASP.Net/web.config - "The entry 'x' has already been entered"?

In ASP.Net when I see the error message "The entry 'x' has already been entered" I think that means a name (in this case 'x') is defined twice in Web.Config.
Is that a reasonable summary of what causes that error or are there other ways it could be generated ?
The 'x' in question doesn't appear twice in the web.config - any ideas of what else could be causing this error ?
If you have nested web.config files, the same connection string entry in both web.config files can cause this error. You can fix this by adding a <clear/> tag in the nested web.config file like so:
<add name="MyEntities" connectionString="blah,blah,etc." />
It could be you have nested Web.configs. If you're running more than one application out of the same directory hierarchy you might see this. For example, say you've got IIS pointed at the root of some directory, but inside that directory is a folder with another app in it and you have a vdir pointed to that app - well you may indeed run in to this problem as ASP.Net will parse the web.config at the root first, and then the web.config for the application the vdir points to.
+1 to Erics answer. Also if you upgrade web projects (i.e. from VS 2008 to VS 2010) the web.config file it keeps for you in the backup folder will cause this error for the same reason.
I've seen this happen where the virtual directory inherited settings from the root site. Check to see if another web.config at the parent level does not also contain the AppSettings key.

Why isn't my IHttpHandler being called?

I'm trying to get a custom handler to work for a specific URL (or set of URLs) in ASP.NET 3.5.
The handler doesn't actually do anything significant yet - it just logs the request. I can post the code if anyone things it's relevant, but I really don't think it's being called at all. (In particular, for normal exceptions I get a custom error page and logging... here I'm just getting the vanilla IIS 404.)
Here's the relevant bit of the web.config file:
<add verb="GET,POST" path="*.robot" validate="false"
type="CSharpInDepth.Wave.RobotHandler, CSharpInDepth"/>
(Obviously there's other stuff in that section too, but I don't think it's relevant.)
Locally, running under the dev server, it works fine. On my real box, I always get a 404. Everything under the web site directory itself is the same (replicated via svn). That includes the bin directory containing CSharpInDepth.dll, which I've verified contains CSharpInDepth.Wave.RobotHandler.
I try to fetch and just get a 404.
I've tried with and without the assembly name, specific URLs or wildcarded ones... nothing's working.
I'm sure I've just missed some simple flag somewhere in the IIS configuration, but I'm blowed if I can find it...
EDIT: It's IIS version 6. Attempting to add *.robot to the ISAPI filter now...
Well if the hosting box is IIS7 in integrated pipeline you need to add it into the other bit of the config:
<add name="RobotHandler" type="CSharpInDepth.Wave.RobotHandler, CSharpInDepth"/>
If it's IIS6 then you'll need to map *.robots to the ASP.NET ISAPI DLL.
(For the non-Skeets you do this as follows)
Open up IIS admin.
Right click on
the Web site you want to configure
and select Properties form the
context menu. This will display the
Web Site Properties dialog.
the Home Directory tab and click the
Configuration button. This will
display the Application
Configuration dialog box.
Select the aspnet_isapi.dll
from the .NET framework directory,
the extension you want mapped and
either All Verbs, or just the ones
you want to map.
Click ok.
You'll have to configure the IIS script mappings to pass *.robot to aspnet_isapi.dll.
