Qt apps break after build on MinGW - qt

When I build Qt 4.8.2 it builds successfuly. But when I run any Qt pre-built apps (qtdemo.exe, designer.exe etc) it throws a procedure entry point error.
This is what it says:
I just can't get it to work!
I have build debug and release DLLs, without Phonon, Script, Qt3support, or webkit.
I opened the app in Dependency Walker and this is what it said in bold red text:
Error: At least one module has an unresolved import due to a missing export function in an implicitly dependent module.
Error: Modules with
different CPU types were found.
Warning: At least one delay-load
dependency module was not found. Warning: At least one module has an
unresolved import due to a missing export function in a delay-load
dependent module.

The problem occurs when there is another version of the QtCore4.dll in you system PATH. You can get around this by copying the newly compiled dll's into the same directory as the executable, so that it finds the correct version.
You could search your system for QtCore4.dll to see which program(s) installed the conflicting files.


java.lang.module.FindException: Module test not foundIntellidea

I am have this Exception please help me!
"Error occurred during initialization of boot layer
java.lang.module.Find Exception: Module test not found"
But i write VM option "--module-path "D:\UT java\javafx-sdk-17.0.1\lib" --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml"
and i have module-info.java "
requires javafx.fxml;
requires javafx.controls;
requires javafx.graphics;
requires java.sql;
requires java.desktop;
requires jdk.jfr;"
i add my sdk. And if i create javafx demo project and execute him it work. and if i start change fxml file and change controller i have this exception.
I have IntellIJIdea 2021, javafx-sdk-17.0.1, jdbc jr 8,11,16
Steps to fix:
Delete the JavaFX sdk (you don’t need it).
Delete old Java versions (they are obsolete).
Update your IntelliJ IDE and IDE plugins to the most recent release, 2021.3.2+.
Create a new JavaFX project using JDK and JavaFX 17.0.2+.
Select Maven for the build system unless you know and prefer Gradle.
Do not set VM arguments, you don’t need them.
Adding modules via the --add-modules VM arguments is unnecessary when you have a valid module-info.java file.
The --module-path is still required so that the modules can be found, but Idea will provide the correct path for your modules automatically when it recognizes the modules through your Maven dependencies.
So you don't need to explicitly define the --module-path VM argument yourself for a Maven based build (that would be difficult to do anyway because the modules are all downloaded to different directories in your local maven repository).
Test it works following the Idea create new JavaFX project execution instructions.
Add additional modules one at a time by adding their maven dependency to pom.xml and the requires clause to module-info.java.
Ensure you synchronize the Maven and Idea projects between each
See, for example, this question on correctly adding the javafx.media module.
Adding other modules such as javafx.web, javafx.fxml or javafx.swing follows a similar pattern.
Test between each addition by building and running the project, to ensure you haven’t broken anything.
Copy your original source code into the appropriate package directories under the new project source directory:
Place resources in:
following the Eden resource location guide.
Fix any errors, ensure everything compiles and runs, then test it.

Where does the Qt sqlite plugin look for extension libraries

I have made the appropriate modification as found in this thread to enable the Qt sqlite plugin to load extensions. However, when I run SELECT load_extension('spatialite_mod'), I now get the error The specified module could not be found
On a Windows Qt installation, where do I need to put the spatialite_mod.dll file so that it can be found a runtime? I have already tried putting it in the binary directory without any success.
This turned out to be a multi-part problem.
The answer to the original question is that Qt looks for the libraries in the working directory (QDir::currentPath()) and in the Windows PATH.
Part 1:
On Windows, the specified module could not be found error also can mean that one of mod_spatialite.dll dependencies was not found. In my case, I had forgotten to move these dependencies to the same directory as mod_spatialite.dll. They include:
Part 2:
The libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll and libstdc++-6.dll libraries shipped with libspatialite do not work with Windows 10. Read more about this here and here. They would crash the program when loaded. The fix for me was to grab the same libraries from my Qt installation at C:\Qt\5.11.3\mingw53_32.

Error calling a qt executable in Matlab

I have a Matlab file when I get a qt compiled executable to run using the unix(), but I'm getting an error.
the code:
the error:
/home/matt/Desktop/PlaneVolumeFinal/PlaneVolumeGui: symbol lookup error: /home/matt/Desktop
/PlaneVolumeFinal/PlaneVolumeGui: undefined symbol: _ZN9QListData7detach3Ev
The dynamically linked libraries are linked when the application is started, the error is saying that the OS cannot find the library that contains the stuff for QList, that library is QtCore.
Make sure Qt's runtime libraries are somewhere where the OS can find them - usually /usr/lib(64). My guess is that you do not have the runtimes but are using Qt's SDK, so QtCreator uses those for compiling - but they are not on your OS's path for when it is ran outside of that.

Compiling InterBase support in Qt

I have followed the instructions on http://doc.qt.nokia.com/stable/sql-driver.html#qibase for compiling Interbase support into Qt, and made sure all of my libraries are in the right place. qmake runs successfully, but when I run nmake, I get a series of undefined reference errors in qsql_ibase.cpp. If I open up the .pro in Qt Creator and hover over one of the functions that is throwing the undefined reference errors and follow the symbol (F2), it takes me to the ibase.h file where it is declared. Is it throwing the undefined reference errors because there is no function definition? If that is the case, why isn't it giving me any errors about a missing library?
Output example:
Creating library file: debug\libqsqlibased4.a
debug/qsql_ibase.o: In function getIBaseError':
/qsql_ibase.cpp:80: undefined reference toisc_sqlcode'
/qsql_ibase.cpp:85: undefined reference to isc_interprete'
./sql/drivers/ibase/qsql_ibase.cpp:406: undefined reference toisc_dsql_free_st
./sql/drivers/ibase/qsql_ibase.cpp:421: undefined reference to isc_create_blob2
./sql/drivers/ibase/qsql_ibase.cpp:427: undefined reference toisc_put_segment'
This continues for many more errors, all undefined references.
That really sounds like the first issue mentioned under the "Troubleshooting" section of the page to which you link above:
You should always use client libraries that have been compiled with
the same compiler as you are using for your project. If you cannot get
a source distibution to compile the client libraries yourself, you
must make sure that the pre-compiled library is compatible with your
compiler, otherwise you will get a lot of "undefined symbols" errors.
Some compilers have tools to convert libraries, e.g. Borland ships the
tool COFF2OMF.EXE to convert libraries that have been generated with
Microsoft Visual C++.
Which compiler are you using to compile Qt, and where did you get the Interbase libraries? You also need to make sure those libraries can be found at link time. If you look at the output of your compiler, it should show you all the link directories in which it is searching (in addition to any globally defined, like PATH in Windows.) If the folder with your Interbase library is listed, it is probably that the compiler versions aren't matching.
Sorry for raising so old theme, but I found a solution and want to share with it. The problem is that macro ISC_EXPORT was not defined in Interbase's SDK due to conditional compilation defines. See details here - Howto build Interbase plugin for Qt by MinGW

Qt4Dotnet on Mac OS X

I'm using Qt4Dotnet project in order to port application originally written in C# on Linux and Mac. Port to Linux hasn't taken much efforts and works fine. But Mac (10.4 Tiger) is a bit more stubborn.
The problem is: when I try to start my application it throws an exception. Exception states that com.trolltech.qt.QtJambi_LibraryInitializer is unable to find all necessary ibraries. QtJambi library initializer uses java.library.path VM environment variable. This variable includes current working directory. I put all necessary libraries in a working directory. When I try to run the application from MonoDevelop IDE, initializer is able to load one library, but the other libraries are 'missing':
An exception was thrown by the type initializer for com.trolltech.qt.QtJambi_LibraryInitializer ---> java.lang.RuntimeException: Loading library failed, progress so far:
No 'qtjambi-deployment.xml' found in classpath, loading libraries via 'java.library.path'
Loading library: 'libQtCore.4.dylib'...
- using 'java.library.path'
- ok, path was: /Users/chin/test/bin/Debug/libQtCore.4.dylib
Loading library: 'libqtjambi.jnilib'...
- using 'java.library.path'
Both libQtCore.4.dylib and libqtjambi.jnilib are in the same directory. When I try to run it from the command prompt, the initializer is unable to load even libQtCore.4.dylib.
I'm using Qt4Dotnet v4.5.0 (currently the latest) with QtJambi v4.5.2 libraries. This might be the source of the problem, but I'm neither able to compile Qt4Dotnet v4.5.2 by myself nor to find QtJambi v4.5.0 libraries. Project's page states that some sort of patch should be applied to QtJambi's source code in order to be compatible with Mono framework, but this patch hasn't been released yet. Without this patch application crashes in a strange manner (other than library seek fault).
I must note that original QtJambi loads all necessary libraries perfectly, so it might be issues of IKVM compiler used to translate QtJambi into .Net library.
Any suggestions how can I overcome this problem?
I think I ran into the same problem earlier today. As soon as I copied libikvm-native.dylib from my current Mono to my project's exe directory, it worked. Frank reminded me to do that on the list here.
