Combine RSS Items Into a Single Item - rss

I'm working on building an app which will take multiple RSS feeds and combine them into a single feed. So far so good, I'm able to do this via Yahoo Pipes easily enough.
What I'm having problems figuring out how to do, is to take the items from the output of that Pipe and combine them into a single item.
Basically what the goal here is, is that on my site I tag various posts which drops them into an RSS feed on the site. Then I want to be able to automatically publish a top 10 blog post (using based on the items which I've tagged over the course of the week. To make all this work I need to get the top 10 items from my normal tag (which I'm using Yahoo Pipes to handle) into a single item so that can feed that over to my WordPress site as a blog post.
Any ideas are welcome, with one exception. I'm on a hosted WordPress site, so I can't install plugins for WordPress. If that's the only option, I can probably make it work by putting the plugin on one of the other WordPress sites that I own.

I ended up using a wordpress plugin on another site. The plugin is called WP-RSSImport.


wordpress website- implement search sort and filter

i am using avada fusion theme in my wordpress site, different plugins work fine if i need to search posts and pages, but i need to search/sort/filter in a page where i have created 100+ containers/items as a list(like slides or templates).
how can i get it done?
And also what would be a good approach if my list is going to be long i.e 400+ in near future?
re: i have different graphical and text included items in a page with same templates, and i need to search, sort, filter from that list in that page.
I do not see any option to tag or id each template/containers in page which would make search/sort easy.
thank you in advance

Link pages between wordpress multisites

I have two websites in different languages on one wordpress (multisite).
Pages from a site to another have different IDs, names (because of language), etc... And woocommerce is installed on both websites (meaning there are products).
I'm looking for a way to connect pages from site 1 to site 2 (and reverse) to show a link that would let users go from their language to another but arriving on the "same" page.
I know this is not the best way to have a multilingual website on wordpress but it has been installed that way and we are trying to figure out a way to connect these pages. Maybe that would be useful to someone else for another reason, that's why I'm asking it.
My first idea would be to add an input on the post (pages, articles, product) and fill it with the link of the "sibling". This is time consuming at first (to do this for all the content that is already online) but could work. Best way would be to have a select menu of all the other site pages to select the specific page/article/product but I don't really know how to do this.
And maybe.. maybe there is already a plugin that does that kind of thing, if yes, that would be great.
Thanks !

Wordpress post view format for filter grid

I am a complete newb to wordpress. I am trying to help a friend out. She asked me to help her move her wordpress instance to another hosting provider.
I have done that for the most part. My issue is the original provider implemented a not-so-obvious way of an isotope filter on some UI elements.
Specifically the object is a company. Each company has a logo, the name of the company, a short description and a contact name / email.
These companies service states / areas and the idea behind the page is to select the state and only the companies for that state are visible.
From the brief searching I have done - there seems to be an overwhelming amount of plugins to support this.
I have tried creating a simple post with a featured image and adding in the text in the excerpt.
My problem is the links. I don't want the links to go back to the post - rather I want the links to go to a custom URL.
Is there a plugin that will allow me to define a custom post type (to include categories) and then filter on it similar to Isotope type of filtering?
There are many free plugins but if you are using the Elementor page builder. I am not advertising my product but as I saw your requirement matches a plugin that I am selling in the market.
The frontend filtering feature is not yet available to the released version but will be released soon. It basically allows you to build a custom grid as you like.
Is it something similar?
You have to create a custom post, there should be a custom field(custom URL) as well.
Or, You may create a WordPress query.
also, coding will be required for filtering

How to pass two sets of posts to wordpress template

Our website currently has functionality that allows us to choose content for a newsletter and it generates two RSS feeds based on the selected data - one for articles chosen to appear in the newsletter and another for products that were chosen to appear in the newsletter. We then use those two RSS feeds to assemble our newsletter in the tools at our email service provider.
Now we're moving to a new email service provider that doesn't offer this RSS functionality, so we need to change the way wordpress renders it so that there is one template that combines both the products and article data into one formatted newsletter. And being a wordpress newbie, I'm having trouble understanding how I can pass two sets of posts to the template for rendering.
The way it currently works with the RSS feeds, is there is a switch in the query to pull the content to change the query depending on whether the feed being viewed is the products feed or the articles feed. This querying is altered via the "pre_get_posts" filter.
Please let me know if you have any suggestions of how these two sets of data can be combined into one template. Thank you for your help.
Unless anyone has a better solution, I think the way I'm going to approach this is to modify my "pre_get_posts" action to do two queries - first for articles and next for products - and then create a new query using post__in and orderby=>'post__in' which should preserve the order in which they were added to the query.
This way, I'll know to treat the first X posts as articles and the remainder as products.
This article was helpful in finding the solution of orderby=>'post__in' :

API to get posts from a Drupal blog?

I'm giving a shot to rebuilding the newsletter-maker for my wife's company. The prime issue is setting it up to always/automatically, say, link to the 3 most recent posts on their blog.
I can imagine how to start doing with with Rails and Javascript (my areas of "expertise" as a relatively amateur coder), except for the part where I have absolutely no idea where I would get this stream of posts.
The site (and thus the blog) is on Drupal. I know so zero about Drupal that I'm not 100% sure what "on Drupal" actually means. But I googled Drupal API and it's too vast for me to know where to start, and searching "blog" on the API site doesn't return anything helpful.
PS. I do know how to work with APIs. Once I find one!
PPS. Is this just a matter of working with RSS feeds? (Which I also don't know how to do but I imagine it's easy to find an answer)
You can implement an RSS feed with the Views module.
In short, you would have to take the following steps:
create a view of the blog posts. Use filter criteria to select only published posts, and sort criteria to sort blogposts from most recent to older.
add a display 'Feed'
Under 'Feed settings' specify a path.
That's it. For more detailed tutorial, see e.g this link (disclaimer: I'm not the author of the referred blogpost).
Finally, extract the latest three RSS items with your newsletter-maker.
