Grep all NON-readonly files - unix

In my Mac, when I open terminal, how would I go about listing all files within a directory and subs that are NON-readonly?
The readonly part is the one i'm not sure on.

First define or decide what 'NON-readonly' means. Is a file that's executable not readonly? What about a file that has no permissions (it isn't readonly, but it isn't readable either).
Second, use find with appropriate options (-perm, maybe -maxdepth) to generate the list of files, and then execute grep:
find . -type f ...other controls... -exec grep -e '36 inches' {} +
The + is a recent but useful innovation. If it is not available, you could use GNU find and its -print0 piped to GNU xargs -0 instead, but GNU find supports the + notation anyway. If you don't have GNU find and GNU xargs, you may have to use plain -print and xargs, but that doesn't properly handle file names with oddball characters (spaces, newlines in particular) in the names.


Recursively search files named string.xml for certain text

This command will search all directories and subdirectories for files containing "text"
grep -r "text" *
How do i specify to search only in files that are named 'strings.xml'?
You'll want to use find for this, since grep won't work that way recursively (as far as I know). Something like this should work:
find . -name "strings.xml" -exec grep "text" "{}" \;
The find command searches starting in the current directory (.) for a file with the name strings.xml (-name "strings.xml"), and then for each found file, execute the grep command specified. The curly braces ("{}") are a placeholder that find uses to specify the name of the file it found. More detail can be found in man find.
Also note that the -r option to grep is no longer necessary, since find works recursively.
You can use the grep command:
grep -r "text" /path/to/dir/strings.xml
grep supports an --include option whose use is to recurse in directories only searching file matching PATTERN. So, try something like below:
grep -R --include 'strings.xml' text .
I also tried using find which seems to be quite faster than grep:
find ./ -name "strings.xml" -exec grep "text" '{}' \; -print
These links speak about the same issue, might help you:
'grep -R string *.txt' even when top dir doesn't have a .txt file
Try below command
find . -type f | xargs grep "strings\.xml"
This will run grep "strings\.xml" on every file returned by find

Program fails to move file

I'm trying to move file from one place to another directory...So my program will read Log_Deleter, use parameters given in each line to delete the file.
When I execute the file, it seems like it runs fine (no errors) but non of the files are moved... I'm not sure why it's not moving the file nor display any error...
Can someone please identify the error?
my attempt:
while read -r line ; do
set -- $v
cd /
$(find "$1" -type f -name "$2" -mtime +"$3" -exec mv {} "$4" \;)
done < Log_Deleter.txt
/usr/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrvSIT1/logs/Server1 'SystemOut_*' 5 /backup/Abackuptest1
/usr/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrvSIT1/logs/Server2 'SystemOut_*' 5 /backup/Abackuptest2
Thanks for your help!
Find is looking for files that have a literal ' in the name. You need to remove the single quotes from $2 before invoking find. Try:
while read -r path name mtime dest ; do
name=$( echo $name | tr -d "'" )
find "$path" -type f -name "$name" -mtime +"$mtime" -exec mv {} "$dest" \;
done < Log_Deleter.txt
The problem is that you are trying to match a file whose name actually has the single quotes in it.
Barring other problems, I think your script will probably work once you take the quotes out of Log_Deleter.txt.
The quotes are only meaningful when the shell is parsing command input. This is not what the read builtin does. And even when reading command input, once the quotes get into a variable they stay there forever unless reread at the shells CLI layer via eval.
The shell is not exactly a macro processor. It's a complicated hybrid that a little bit CLI, a little bit programming language, and a little bit macro processor.
And, speaking of eval, it's not necessary to wrap the find in an eval-like construct. Simplify your script to run find directly and you will find it easier to debug and understand.

How do I perform a recursive directory search for strings within files in a UNIX TRU64 environment?

Unfortunately, due to the limitations of our Unix Tru64 environment, I am unable to use the GREP -r switch to perform my search for strings within files across multiple directories and sub directories.
Ideally, I would like to pass two parameters. The first will be the directory I want my search is to start on. The second is a file containing a list of all the strings to be searched. This list will consist of various directory path names and will include special characters:
The purpose of this exercise is to identify all shell scripts that may have specific hard coded path names identified in my list.
There was one example I found during my investigations that perhaps comes close, but I am not sure how to customize this to accept a file of string arguments:
eg: find etb -exec grep test {} \;
where 'etb' is the directory and 'test', a hard coded string to be searched.
This should do it:
find dir -type f -exec grep -F -f strings.txt {} \;
dir is the directory from which searching will commence
strings.txt is the file of strings to match, one per line
-F means treat search strings as literal rather than regular expressions
-f strings.txt means use the strings in strings.txt for matching
You can add -l to the grep switches if you just want filenames that match.
Some people prefer a solution involving xargs, e.g.
find dir -type f -print0 | xargs -0 grep -F -f strings.txt
which is perhaps a little more robust/efficient in some cases.
By reading, I assume we can not use the gnu coreutil, and egrep is not available.
I assume (for some reason) the system is broken, and escapes do not work as expected.
Under normal situations, grep -rf patternfile.txt /some/dir/ is the way to go.
a file containing a list of all the strings to be searched
Assumptions : gnu coreutil not available. grep -r does not work. handling of special character is broken.
Now, you have working awk ? no ?. It makes life so much easier. But lets be on the safe side.
Assume : working sed ,one of od OR hexdump OR xxd (from vim package) is available.
Lets call this patternfile.txt
1. Convert list into a regexp that grep likes
Example patternfile.txt contains
(example does not print special char, but it's there.) we must turn it into something like
Assuming echo -en command is not broken, and xxd , or od, or hexdump is available,
Using hexdump
cat patternfile.txt |hexdump -ve '1/1 "%02x \n"' |tr -d '\n'
Using od
cat patternfile.txt |od -A none -t x1|tr -d '\n'
and pipe it into (common for both hexdump and od)
|sed 's:[ ]*0a[ ]*$::g'|sed 's: 0a:\\|:g' |sed 's:^[ ]*::g'|sed 's:^: :g' |sed 's: :\\x:g'
then pipe result into
|sed 's:^:\\(:g' |sed 's:$:\\):g'
and you have a regexp pattern that is escaped.
2. Feed the escaped pattern into broken regexp
Assuming the bare minimum shell escape is available,
we use grep "$(echo -en "ESCAPED_PATTERN" )" to do our job.
3. To sum it up
Building a escaped regexp pattern (using hexdump as example )
grep "$(echo -en "$( cat patternfile.txt |hexdump -ve '1/1 "%02x \n"' |tr -d '\n' |sed 's:[ ]*0a[ ]*$::g'|sed 's: 0a:\\|:g' |sed 's:^[ ]*::g'|sed 's:^: :g' |sed 's: :\\x:g'|sed 's:^:\\(:g' |sed 's:$:\\):g')")"
will escape all characters and enclose it with (|) brackets so a regexp OR match will be performed.
4. Recrusive directory lookup
Under normal situations, even when grep -r is broken, find /dir/ -exec grep {} \; should work.
Some may prefer xargs instaed (unless you happen to have buggy xargs).
We prefer find /somedir/ -type f -print0 |xargs -0 grep -f 'patternfile.txt' approach, but since
this is not available (for whatever valid reason),
we need to exec grep for each file,and this is normaly the wrong way.
But lets do it.
Assume : find -type f works.
Assume : xargs is broken OR not available.
First, if you have a buggy pipe, it might not handle large number of files.
So we avoid xargs in such systems (i know, i know, just lets pretend it is broken ).
find /whatever/dir/to/start/looking/ -type f > list-of-all-file-to-search-for.txt
IF your shell handles large size lists nicely,
for file in cat list-of-all-file-to-search-for.txt ; do grep REGEXP_PATTERN "$file" ;
done ; is a nice way to get by. Unfortunetly, some systems do not like that,
and in that case, you may require
cat list-of-all-file-to-search-for.txt | split --help -a 4 -d -l 2000 file-smaller-chunk.part.
to turn it into smaller chunks. Now this is for a seriously broken system.
then a for file in file-smaller-chunk.part.* ; do for single_line in cat "$file" ; do grep REGEXP_PATTERN "$single_line" ; done ; done ;
should work.
cat filelist.txt |while read file ; do grep REGEXP_PATTERN $file ; done ;
may be used as workaround on some systems.
What if my shell doe not handle quotes ?
You may have to escape the file list beforehand.
It can be done much nicer in awk, perl, whatever, but since we restrict our selves to
sed, lets do it.
We assume 0x27, the ' code will actually work.
cat list-of-all-file-to-search-for.txt |sed 's#['\'']#'\''\\'\'\''#g'|sed 's:^:'\'':g'|sed 's:$:'\'':g'
The only time I had to use this was when feeding output into bash again.
What if my shell does not handle that ?
xargs fails , grep -r fails , shell's for loop fails.
Do we have other things ? YES.
Escape all input suitable for your shell, and make a script.
But you know what, I got board, and writing automated scripts for csh just seems
wrong. So I am going to stop here.
Take home note
Use the tool for the right job. Writing a interpreter on bc is perfectly
capable, but it is just plain wrong. Install coreutils, perl, a better grep
what ever. makes life a better thing.

find command unix

find . and find . -depth -print
What is the difference?
-depth simply means that the contents of a directory are processed before the the directory itself:
pax> find /tmp
pax> find /tmp -depth
-print means that each item is printed to standard output. This is often the default on system where you don't specify an action but I've seen some that default to doing nothing (not very useful in my opinion).
You're probably better off (if your system supports them) explicitly using -print0 if you're going to be piping the output to xargs (and use xargs -0). This will remove problems of spaces in filenames.

Shell script - search and replace text in multiple files using a list of strings

I have a file "changesDictionary.txt" containing (a variable number of) pairs of key-value strings.
"textToSearchFor" = "theReplacementText"
(The format of the dictionary is unimportant, and be changed as required.)
I need to iterate through the contents of a given directory, including sub-directories. For each file encountered with the extension ".txt", we search for each of the keys in changesDictionary.txt, replacing each found instance with the replacement string value.
i.e. a search and replace over multiple files, but using a list of search/replace terms rather than a single search/replace term.
How could I do this? (I have studied single search/replace examples, but do not understand how to do multiple searches within a file.)
The implementation (bash, perl, whatever) is not important as long as I can run it from the command line in Mac OS X. Thanks for any help.
I'd convert your changesDictionary.txt file to a sed script, with... sed:
$ sed -e 's/^"\(.*\)" = "\(.*\)"$/s\/\1\/\2\/g/' \
changesDictionary.txt > changesDictionary.sed
Note, any special characters for either regular expressions or sed expressions in your dictionary will be falsely interpreted by sed, so your dictionary can either only have only the most primitive search-and-replacements, or you'll need to maintain the sed file with valid expressions. Unfortunately, there's no easy way in sed to either shut off regular expression and use only string matching or quote your searches and replacements as "literals".
With the resulting sed script, use find and xargs -- rather than find -exec -- to convert your files with the sed script as quickly as possible, by processing them more than one at a time.
$ find somedir -type f -print0 \
| xargs -0 sed -i -f changesDictionary.sed
Note, the -i option of sed edits files "in-place", so be sure to make backups for safety, or use -i~ to create tilde-backups.
Final note, using search and replaces can have unintended consequences. Will you have searches that are substrings of other searches? Here's an example.
$ cat changesDictionary.txt
"fix" = "broken"
"fixThat" = "Fixed"
$ sed -e 's/^"\(.*\)" = "\(.*\)"$/s\/\1\/\2\/g/' changesDictionary.txt \
| tee changesDictionary.sed
$ mkdir subdir
$ echo fixThat > subdir/target.txt
$ find subdir -type f -name '*.txt' -print0 \
| xargs -0 sed -i -f changesDictionary.sed
$ cat subdir/target.txt
Should "fixThat" have become "Fixed" or "brokenThat"? Order matters for sed script. Similarly, a search and replace can be search and replaced more than once -- changing "a" to "b", may be changed by another search-and-replace later from "b" to "c".
Perhaps you've already considered both of these, but I mention because I've tried what you were doing before and didn't think of it. I don't know of anything that simply does the right thing for doing multiple search and replacements at once. So, you need to program it to do the right thing yourself.
Here are the basic steps I would do
Copy the changesDictionary.txt file
In it replace "a"="b" to the equivalent sed line: e.g. (use $1 for the file name)
sed -e 's/a/b/g' $1
(you could write a script to do this or just do it by hand, if you just need to do this once and it's not too big).
If the files are all in one directory, then you can do something like:
ls *.txt | xargs
If they are in subdirs, use a find to call that script on all of the files, something like
find . -name '*.txt' -exec {} \;
These aren't exact, do some experiments to make sure you get it right -- it's just the approach I would use.
(but, if you can, just use perl, it would be a lot simpler)
Use this tool, which is written in Perl - with quite a lot of bells and whistles - oldie, but goodie:
do multiple search-replace or query-search-replace operations
search-replace expressions can be given on the command line or read from a file
processes multiple input files
recursively descend into directory and do multiple search/replace operations on all files
user defined perl expressions are applied to each line of each input file
optionally run in paragraph mode (for multi-line search/replace)
interactive mode
batch mode
optionally backup files and backup numbering
preserve modes/owner when run as root
ignore symbolic links, empty files, write protected files, sockets, named pipes, and directory names
optionally replace lines only matching / not matching a given regular expression
This script has been used quite extensively over the years with large data sets.
find /path -type f -name "*.txt" | while read FILE
awk 'BEGIN{ FS="=" }
FNR==NR{ s[$1]=$2; next }
for(i in s){
if( $0 ~ i ){ gsub(i,s[i]) }
print $0
}' $f $FILE > temp
mv temp $FILE
for i in ls -1 /script/arq*.sh
echo -e "ARQUIVO ${i}"
sed -i 's|/$file_path1|/file_path2|g' ${i}
