Passing parameters in .jcall - r

I have just started working with rJava to utilise a host of Java code in an R based application. I've tried some simple "Hello world" type things so I know the basic setup is working. I have several issues however I am hoping they will be resolved if I can resolve this basic problem using .jcall.
> cal = new(J("java/util/GregorianCalendar"))
> obj = new(J(""))
> obj$monthlyT(cal)
[1] 77
> .jcall(obj,"I","monthlyT",cal)
Error in .jcall(obj, "I", "monthlyT", cal) :
method monthlyT with signature (Ljava/util/GregorianCalendar;)I not found
To my understanding, the 3rd and 4th lines are equivalent and should produce the same result. Clearly I am doing something wrong. The 'monthlyT' method is defined in the java code as:
static public Integer monthlyT(Calendar month)
I am not a Java expert, so please let me know what other info about the Java objects I might need to provide to answer the question.

cal is a java.util.GregorianCalendar and not a java.util.Calendar. If you want to use the low-level .jcall interface (why?) then you need to do the casting yourself. So something like this:
.jcall(obj,"I","monthlyT",.jcast(cal, "java/util/Calendar" ))


How to avoid RuntimeError while call __dict__ on module?

it is appearing in some big modules like matplotlib. For example expression :
import importlib
obj = importlib.import_module('matplotlib')
obj_entries = obj.__dict__
Between runs len of obj_entries can vary. From 108 to 157 (expected) entries. Especially pyplot can be ignored like some another submodules.
it can work stable during manual debug mode with len computing statement after dict extraction. But in auto it dont work well.
such error occures:
RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
using clear python 3.10 on windows. Version swap change nothing at all
during some attempts some interesting features was found.
use of repr is helpfull before dict initiation.
But if module transported between classes like variable more likely lazy-import happening? For now there is evidence that not all names showing when command line interpriter doing opposite - returning what expected. So this junk of code help bypass this bechavior...
Note: using pkgutil.iter_modules(some_path) to observe modules im internal for pkgutil ModuleInfo form.
import pkgutil, importlib
module_info : pkgutil.ModuleInfo
name =
founder = module_info.module_finder
spec = founder.find_spec(name)
module_obj = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
loader = module_obj.__loader__
still unfamilliar with interior of import mechanics so it will be helpfull to recive some links to more detail explanation (spot on)

Reticulate AWS Cogntito

This is my Python code (that I've checked and it works):
from warrant.aws_srp import AWSSRP
client = boto3.client('cognito-idp',region_name=region_name)
aws = AWSSRP(username=USERNAME, password=PASSWORD, pool_id=POOL_ID,
tokens = aws.authenticate_user()
except Exception as e:
I'm working with R in order to create a visual interface for doing some operation (including this one) and it is a requirement.
I use the reticulare R package to execute Python code. I tested it with some dummy code in order to check the correct functioning (and it is okay).
When i execute the above function by running:
i get the following error:
An error occurred (InvalidParameterException) when calling the RespondToAuthChallenge operation: TIMESTAMP format should be EEE MMM d HH:mm:ss z yyyy in english.
I tried to search a lot but I found nothing, I suppose that can exist a sort of wrapper or formatter. Maybe someone as already face this problem...
Thank a lot of any help.

Sage TypeError positive characteristics not allowed in symbolic computations

I am new to sage and have got a code (link to code) which should run.
I am still getting an error message in the decoding part. The error trace looks like this:
in decode(y)
--> sigma[i+1+1] = sigma[i+1]*(z)\
in sage.structure.element.Element.__mul__
--> return coercion_model.bin_op(left, right, mul)
in sage.structure.coerce.CoercionModel_cache_maps.bin_op
--> action = self.get_action(xp,yp,op,x,y)
...... some more traces (don't actually know if they are important)
TypeError: positive characteristics not allowed in symbolic computations
Does anybody know if there is something wrong in this code snipped? Due to previous errors, I changed the following to get to where I am at the moment:
.coeffs() changed to .coefficients(sparse=False) due to a warning message.
in the code line sigma[i+1+1] = sigma[i+1](z)\
-(delta[i+1]/delta[mu+1])*z^(i-mu)*sigma[mu+1](z); where the error occurs, i needed to insert * eg. sigma[i+1]*(z)
I would be grateful for any guess what could be wrong!
Your issue is that you are multiplying things not of characteristic zero (like elements related to Phi.<x> = GF(2^m)) with elements of symbolic computation like z which you have explicitly defined as a symbolic variable
Phi.<x> = GF(2^m)
PR = PolynomialRing(Phi,'z')
z = var('z')
Basically, the z you get from PR is not the same one as from var('z'). I recommend naming it something else. You should be able to access this with PR.gen() or maybe PR(z).
I'd be able to be more detailed, but I encourage you next time to paste a fully (non-)working example; trying to slog through a big worksheet is not the easiest thing to track all this down. Finally, good luck, hope Sage ends up being useful for you!

First token could not be read or is not the keyword 'FoamFile' in OpenFOAM

I am a beginner to programming. I am trying to run a simulation of a combustion chamber using reactingFoam.
I have modified the counterflow2D tutorial.
For those who maybe don't know OpenFOAM, it is a programme built in C++ but it does not require C++ programming, just well-defining the variables in the files needed.
In one of my first tries I have made a very simple model but since I wanted to check it very well I set it to 60 seconds with a 1e-6 timestep.
My computer is not very powerful so it took me for a day aprox. (by this I mean I'd like to find a solution rather than repeating the simulation).
I executed the solver reactingFOAM using 4 processors in parallel using
mpirun -np 4 reactingFOAM -parallel > log
The log does not show any evidence of error.
The problem is that when I use reconstructPar it works perfectly but then I try to watch the results with paraFoam and this error is shown:
From function bool Foam::IOobject::readHeader(Foam::Istream&)
in file db/IOobject/IOobjectReadHeader.C at line 88
Reading "mypath/constant/reactions" at line 1
First token could not be read or is not the keyword 'FoamFile'
I have read that maybe some files are empty when they are not supposed to be so, but I have not found that problem.
My 'reactions' file have not been modified from the tutorial and has always worked.
Sorry for the vague question. I have modified it a bit.
A typical OpenFOAM dictionary file always contains a Foam::Istream named FoamFile. An example from a typical system/controlDict file can be seen below:
version 2.0;
format ascii;
class dictionary;
location "system";
object controlDict;
During the construction of the dictionary header, if this Istream is absent, OpenFOAM ceases its operation by raising an error message that you have experienced:
First token could not be read or is not the keyword 'FoamFile'
The benefit of the header is possibly to contribute OpenFOAM's abstraction mechanisms, which would be difficult otherwise.
As mentioned in the comments, adding the header entity almost always solves this problem.

A simple AMZI prolog recursion, but is not giving the correct result as expected

So this is my .pro file content (AMZI PROLOG) :
room('dining room').
door(office, hall).
door(kitchen, office).
door(hall, 'dining room').
door(kitchen, cellar).
door('dining room', kitchen).
location('washing machine',cellar).
location(nani,'washing machine').
What I want to achieve is that if I use, for example, is_located_in(X,office), then the result will be :
(in no particular order).
That way, the result will include things that basically located in / on the object in the office, instead of things that located directly in the office.
This is the source :
There is stated that the code are fine, but when I test it, it just returned :
Please help. Thanks.
Try this (in this order):
