Find command to find Zip files with ignorecase - unix

Can some one tell me how to use Find command to find files of extension Zip,ZIP,zip. ?
find . -iname *.zip is not working for me in AIX.

You need to uses quotes around the pattern matching part. So
find . -iname '*.zip'
will do fine.

assuming that your shell supports character classes as part of its wild-card processing, most do, try
find . -name '*.[Zz][Ii][Pp]'
-iname ? I don't know that one.
Yes, sorry, you need a starting directory, in this case the '.' that you have flagged as missing.
I hope this helps.


find command in unix withe regex

Can someone tell me what this command does : find ./ -regex ".*"\!*"*" ?
Guess based on too little information in the question:
This may be part of the definition of an alias like
alias f 'find ./ -regex ".*"\!*"*"'
for csh or tcsh which could be called like
f some pattern
to recursively find files that somehow match the specified pattern.

File pattern to use for fetching files from FTP Server in Unix

I've an issue with file name pattern to be provided in order to fetch the pattern file from the FTP server.
Currently, I am using ABC_YYYYMMDD*.sha1 as the pattern to fetch files. It fetches the last file using the above pattern. Sometimes, .gz.sha1 comes later and sometimes, the other one.
I would need to provide the file name pattern in such a way that the file should always pick ABC_YYYYMMDDHHMISS.sha1 only.
Need a fool proof pattern which matches the required one only?
You can use find -regex option for matching these file-names:-
find . -type f -regextype posix-extended -regex '.*ABC_20[0-9]{2}(0[1-9]|1[0-2])([0-2][0-9]|3[0-1])([0-2][0-3])([0-5][0-9])([0-5][0-9])\.sha1'
Am using the -regex flag supported by find for this over the -name flag which does simple glob pattern matching.
The man page of find says below for the -regex:-
-regex pattern
File name matches regular expression pattern. This is a match
on the whole path, not a search.
-regextype name
This option controls the variety of regular expression syntax
understood by the ‘-regex’ and ‘-iregex’ tests. This option is
positional; that is, it only affects regular expressions which
occur later in the command line. If this option is not given, GNU
Emacs regular expressions are assumed.
More about posix-extended regex type at this page. Other supported regex-types can be found here.
To see it in action:-
$ ls ABC_2016*
ABC_20161231225950.sha1 ABC_20169231225990.sha1
$ find . -type f -regextype posix-extended -regex '.*ABC_20[0-9]{2}(0[1-9]|1[0-2])([0-2][0-9]|3[0-1])([0-2][0-3])([0-5][0-9])([0-5][0-9])\.sha1'
If the regextype is not supported in the find version, a simple glob construct using the -name flag can be used to achieve the same.
$ ls ABC_2016*
ABC_20161231225950.sha1 ABC_20169231225990.sha1
$ find . -type f -name 'ABC_2[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-1][0-2][0-3][0-9][0-2][0-2][0-5][0-9][0-5][0-9].sha1'

"find" command returning nothing when searching through absolute path

Thought there might be a simple solution to this, but I can't seem to find it anywhere. It's a simple-enough problem. Say I have the following folder/file structure:
Then I input the command:
find . -name *.txt
This command returns "text1.txt" when called from within /home, and returns "text2.txt" when called from within /home/mydir, as it should.
However, when calling the following from /home...:
find /home/mydir -name *.txt
it returns nothing. My expectation is that it would return "text2.txt." Any thoughts? I have already checked to see if I have any wayward aliases assigned to find, and I have nothing.
It is also worth it to note that I have two unix machines. The use of an absolute path for "find" works on one machine and not the other. Can't go into much more detail than that, I'm afraid. Just looking for a direction to investigate this more.
Thanks to anyone who can help :-)
You should use
find . -name "*.txt"
otherwise bash will extract *.txt to text1.txt resulting in the following command:
find . -name text1.txt
And it will no longer match text2.txt

why is zsh globbing not working with find command?

I have been using zsh globbing for commands such as:
vim **/filename
vim *.html.erb
and so on, but when I type in something like:
find . -name *mobile*
I get the response:
zsh: no matches found: *mobile*
find . -name *mobile* # does not work
find . -name '*mobile*' # works
The difference is due to the steps that the shell takes when it parses a line. Normally, the shell expands any wildcards it finds before it runs the command. However, the single quotes mark the argument as being a literal, which means that the shell does not perform wildcard expansion on that argument before running the command.
To demonstrate the difference, suppose you are in a directory with the following files:
$ tree
In the first case, without single quotes, zsh will process as follows:
expand the glob, rendering simply mobile.1 (because that is the only matching filename in the current directory
pass the result to find, hence:
find . -name mobile.1
So find will only look for files named literally mobile.1
In the second form, with single quotes, the entire glob will be preserved and passed to find:
find . -name *mobile*
Which means that find will look for any filename containing the string "mobile".
The important thing to note here is that both zsh and find support the same wildcard syntax; by using single quotes, you induce find to handle the wildcards in this case rather than zsh.
Turns out that all you have to do to solve the problem is add some quotes around the input:
find . -name '*mobile*'
I don't really have an answer as to why just yet...and the documentation doesn't have an something that sticks out to me, but let me know if you know the answer!
For archival purposes, here is my substantial edit/reformatting of #Swiss's response above. The edit queue has been full every time I tried to edit, for hours, so I want to preserve this for future reference. I hope it's deemed to be constructive.
To be super-clear it's a revision of another person's work.
find . -name *mobile* # does not work
find . -name '*mobile*' # works
The difference is due to the steps that the shell takes when it parses a line. Normally, the shell expands any wildcards it finds before it runs the command. However, single quotes marks the argument as being a literal, which means that the shell does not preform wildcard expansion on that argument before running the command.
To demonstrate the difference, suppose you are in a directory with the following files:
$ tree
In the first case, without single quotes, zsh will process as follows:
expand the glob, rendering simply mobile.1 (because that is the only matching filename in the current directory
pass the result to find, hence:
find . -name mobile.1
So find will only look for files named literally mobile.1
In the second form, with single quotes, the entire glob will be preserved and passed to find:
find . -name *mobile*
Which means that find will look for any filename containing the string "mobile".
The important thing to note here is that both zsh and find support the same wildcard syntax; by using single quotes, you induce find to handle the wildcards in this case rather than zsh.

Shorthand for specifying path as pwd in Unix?

I'd like to know if there's a built in shortcut or a way to create an alias for the path in a command when the path is the pwd. For example, lets say my pwd is ~/Desktop/Unix_Folder/Unix_Sub_Folder and I wanted do something like ...
find ~/Desktop/Unix_Folder/Unix_Sub_Folder -name '*txt'.
I'm thinking there must be a more efficient way to reference the pwd without typing it out, but I don't know what it is. Maybe there isn't, but it would be nice to know.
How about simply:
find . -name '*txt'
(I hope I haven't misunderstood the question.)
Using this command also we can do :
find `pwd` -iname "*.txt" -print
pwd - will print the current directory
