wordpress add shortcode for a custom template - wordpress

Would be possible to add a short code to a custom template to can be included in articles?
lets say I have a page.example.php custom template
What I want to create a plugin what would return this template when the shortcode is included in Article.
function get_Example_Template() {
return $shortcode_content;
add_shortcode( 'shortcode_content', 'get_Example_Template');

Declare a variable in your plugin that is initialized to false. The first time your function is called, set it to true. Each time the function is called, you'll only proceed if that variable is false.

Answer is found here: Calling WordPress get_template_part from inside a shortcode function renders template first
The issue is that get_template_part immediately echoes, and shortcodes need a return. Output buffering should solve the issue.


How to call WordPress plugin function from custom page template?

I have a custom WordPress plugin that handles authentication.
There's a function logTheUserIn() inside plugin-name/src/Classes/Auth.php.
I need this function to be run when a user hits a custom WordPress template page (page-authPortal.php), which has this code at the top:
print "test";
I created a WordPress page titled "authPortal" and it shows the 'test' text, so I know the custom page is being loaded and rendered. Now I just need to fire off logTheUserIn().
I have tried adding shortcodes and actions inside Auth.php:
class Auth {
public function InitHooks() {
add_shortcode ('authNow', 'logTheUserIn');
add_action ('authAction', 'logTheUserIn');
I've then tried to use the actual shortcode [authNow] inside the WordPress editor, I have also tried do_shortcode and do_action.
What am I missing here?
Thank you!
There is no need to include or require the plugin fields. They are initially loaded by WordPress.
First, in your template, make sure your plugin is active and the function/class is reachable:
if ( function_exists( 'logTheUserIn') ) {
Then fire the function right within your template.
In your case, you might need to check if class_exists, then initialize the class

WordPress using different CSS - is this possible?

Bit is a basic question here but can someone confirm that this statement be confirmed: WordPress Pages (certain templates created within) can pull different CSS and JS?
Or - does WordPress only permit universal CSS + JS to be pulled across the entire site?
Thanks for clearing this up.
Depends on what plugin and themes you use. The WordPress/PHP functions wp_enqueue_style() and wp_enqueue_script() can be used literally by everyone (core, themes, plugins, you) to request WordPress to load styles or JavaSctript. You can combine this with WordPress functions to check whether the current page is something you want to filter for (post type, post, front-page, category archive, template, etc.). Here is an example to load a custom style if on front page :
if (is_front_page()) {
wp_enqueue_style('custom-frontpage', 'my/path/to/frontpage.css');
You will have to hook this piece of code to the wp_enqueue_script action so that WordPress executes it at the appropriate time. Here is an example using an anonymous function:
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', function() {
if (is_front_page())
wp_enqueue_style('custom-frontpage', 'my/path/to/frontpage.css');
You can also register your code as a "normal" function and pass the functions name to add_action() instead.
Edit: Enabling and disabling plugins is a bit more difficult, since you can never know how they implement their features without examining the source code. Here are my thoughts on this:
The plugin likely uses the above method (wp_enqueue_styles, wp_enqueue_scripts) to register it's styles and scripts. The plugin, since it assumes to be needed on all pages and posts, does this on every page without the conditional checking described earlier.
You could do one of the following to stop the plugin from doing this:
Identify the place where the plugin loads the styles and scripts and add the if-statement to only do so if the post-ID matches your desired post-ID. This method is bad since your changes are lost every time the plugin is updated.
Write a "counter plugin" (you could just add it to your theme or find a plugin that allowes you to add PHP to your page) that "dequeues" the style and script added by the plugin with inversed conditional tag
The counter-plugin approach would look as follows:
function custom_unregister_plugin() {
if (not the desired blog post) {
Make sure this function is executed after the enqueuing-code of your plugin by giving it a low priority in the same hook (999 is just an example, test it yourself):
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'custom_unregister_plugin', 999);
With wp_enqueue_style() you can add stylesheet (https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/wp_enqueue_style/)
You can use it after detecting which template is used
function enqueue_custom_stylesheet() {
if(get_page_template() == 'contact.php')
wp_enqueue_style( 'contact-style', get_template_directory_uri().'/contact.css' );
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'enqueue_custom_stylesheet' );
You can use wp_enqueue_style for your CSS, wp_enqueue_script for your JS, wp_localize_script to pass variables from PHP to JS.
You can call these with hooks like:
funtion enqueue_my_stuff()
// your enqueue function calls
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts','enqueue_my_stuff'); //front end
add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts','enqueue_my_stuff'); //admin panel
add_action('login_enqueue_scripts','enqueue_my_stuff'); //login screen

short code are not working on my custom theme

i am not able to use any shortcode in my custom them is there any thing need to add in functions.php to enable shortcode feature??
i have created simple shortcode like in funxtions.php
function custom_shortcode(){
echo "hello there !!!";
add_shortcode('mycode', 'custom_shortcode');
but when i am trying to use my short code in post it shows simple [mycode] as display output
i dont know whats wrong in that i think i am missing to add something in functions.php for shortcode feature in my cutom theme
I thing you just need replace "echo" by "return", so:
function custom_shortcode(){
return "hello there !!!";
add_shortcode('mycode', 'custom_shortcode');
"Note that the function called by the shortcode should never produce output of any kind. Shortcode functions should return the text that is to be used to replace the shortcode. Producing the output directly will lead to unexpected results. This is similar to the way filter functions should behave, in that they should not produce expected side effects from the call, since you cannot control when and where they are called from."
From: https://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/add_shortcode

wordpress: can't get do_action to work with custom function

I'm using woocommerce and on functions.php i've hooked my function to an action.
function calculate_shipping_2() {
echo "test";
Now on cart-shipping.php i use do_action('my_calculate_shipping'); and test isn't displayed. I've used function_exists and it returns false.
How do i solve this?
The reason is plugins are loaded before theme,
Ref: WordPress Code Flow
You can wrap your add_action code in some hook which is called in upper level.

is it possible to make a custom page in buddypress

is it possible to make a custom page for buddypress with its url like this: http://domain.com/custom_page ? I found some answers by searching google but it does not create a custom page. i have a code here that i found in one of the blogs.
function bp_show_fun_page() {
global $bp, $current_blog;
if ( $bp->current_component == BP_FUN_SLUG && $bp->current_action == '' ) {
// The first variable here must match the name of your template file below
bp_core_load_template( 'fun', true );
add_action( 'wp', 'bp_show_fun_page', 2 );
but this code does not work... Is anyone there knows how to do this? thanks
Yes, it is possible to create a new page in Buddypress.
In Buddypress you have to create a new plugin or create a function in the theme functions file.
For creating first you have to add a new page link in navigation menu using bp_core_new_nav_item() function (You have created sub menu for that use bp_core_new_subnav_item() function).
Above two functions pass the screen function name as a parameter this name use when you click the custom page link call to this screen function. Create new function in your functions.php file same as screen function name. In this function call to your custom template file using bp_core_load_template() function.
Then finish, add more logic to create a new function and call it in the template file.
Another approach is to add a plugin that allows php in posts. For example http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/allow-php-in-posts-and-pages/
Then create a page and add this to it:
[php] locate_template( array( 'some-template-folder/something.php' ), true ); [/php]
In case someone is wondering how to integrate custom pages into user profile (so that it looks like activity stream, groups etc.).
One thing i did recently was define a plugin (functions.php would work as well), register a custom slug with bp_core_new_nav_item or bp_core_nav_subnav_item and loaded member/single/plugins.php template in the handlers for those slugs. There are a bunch of actions on that page that you can hook into like bp_template_title and bp_template_content.
This can give you a whole lot of control.
Here's a link to the source of plugins.php: http://phpxref.ftwr.co.uk/buddypress/nav.html?readme.txt.source.html
