WCF gzip compression? - asp.net

I need to compress my WCF response.
After few google search, I found that
I need to enable compression on iis7
I need to add some entry in the applicationhost.config.
My wcf is hosted on discountasp.net. In the control panel, I didn't find any option to enable compression.
And also, the applicationhost.config is located in the 'C:\Windows\System32\Inetsrv\Config\applicationHost.config' directory.
And in the shared hosting environment, I dont have access to this directory.
My question is, if my above observation is correct, how do I get it done in the shared hosting??
I have found something here:
enter link description here
I tried this with no luck. In the response header in Fiddler, I dont see any compression.

One alternative is to implement an HttpModule that would intercept the response based on the content type and compress the output on the fly, using the GZipStream class.
This post has a complete example and I've used this method successfully in production. All you need to do is change your Web.config to register the http module:
<add name="ScriptModule" type="System.Web.Handlers.ScriptModule, System.Web.Extensions, Version=1.0.61025.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35"/>
<add name="JsonCompressionModule" type="JsonCompressionModule"/>
The example does it for JSON responses but there's nothing that stops you from doing the same thing for XML responses.


404 Not Found aspx file but it is there

I´m using Plesk and in Web scripting and statistics I have Microsoft ASP support in ON.
I uploaded a application (which works correctly in my PC) to a directory and it can be shown but when I go to the aspx file it shows me the 404 error (The path is the correct).
I noticed that some files in "shtml" extension are neither shown by the server.
This is my very first time with ASP.NET, ISS8 and Plesk. I don´t know what to do. I will thank you for your help
You have to set the HTTP Handler Extension. If you have no access to IIS directly, you could do on the web.config:
Open the Web.config file for the application, locate the httpHandlers element of the system.web section and add an entry for the file-name extension
<add name="SampleHandler" verb="*"
type="SampleHandler, SampleHandlerAssembly"
resourceType="Unspecified" />
For more configuration options please refer to:
Check also the Custom Handler Policy of Plesk that should not be enabled:
Here I've found also another interesting document:
Scroll down and you'll find a piece of code to add the handlers programmatically, even if I suggest you to add them in your web.config

HttpHandler not being called

I need to write a HttpHandler that will serve up JavaScript files which are embedded resources in .DLLs in my project. A reference in a view cannot directly see such a resource, so I planned to use a HttpHandler module that would intercept any request with a path /js/[file] , find a matching embedded file and return the script.
The problem is that my HttpHandler code is never called, despite trying lots of different settings in the section of web.config. I'm obviously missing something but with no error messages I cannot see what that is. All I ever get is a 404 from the static file handler.
Q1) Am I missing something obvious?
Q2) Is there a way to get IIS to tell me why it is not calling my handler?
Summary: I am testing on IIS Express (v8) for an ASP.NET MVC 4 application.
I created a simple library that implements IHttpHandler and added a reference to this in my test MVC application, and the following lines in web.config:
<validation validateIntegratedModeConfiguration="true" />
<add name="ejs" path="js/*" verb="*" type="EmbeddedJsHandler.EmbeddedJsHandler, EmbeddedJsHandler" preCondition="integratedMode" />
The library is there, but it is never called. Any request with /js/test.js or whatever just results in a 404 error.
So far I've tried lots of different configurations and settings in the handler code. I've tried preCondition, resourceType="Unspecified", modules="IsapiModule" scriptProcessor="%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\aspnet_isapi.dll"
I've tried paths:
I've checked the integrated mode settings section (in system.webServer) is being used, and confirmed it is.
I've searched stack overflow for similar cases, and tried many of the possible solutions.. still no joy.
Heck even Jon Skeet has these sort of problems!
Why isn't my IHttpHandler being called?
Finally figured it out by accident - it was a missing routes.IgnoreRoute() in the RouteConfig.cs file - the MVC routing engine wasn't configured to ignore this path, so was passing it to the static file handler.
Check this:
How to: Register HTTP Handlers:
To register an HTTP handler for IIS 7.0 running in Integrated Mode:
Compile the HTTP handler class and copy the resulting assembly to the Bin folder under the application's root folder.
In the application's Web.config file, create a handlers element in the system.webServer section.
The following example shows how to register an HTTP handler that responds to requests for the SampleHandler.new resource. The handler is defined as the class SampleHandler in the assembly SampleHandlerAssembly.
<add name="SampleHandler" verb="*"
type="SampleHandler, SampleHandlerAssembly"
resourceType="Unspecified" />
Note: The resourceType attribute performs the same function as the Verify file exists option in IIS manager for IIS 6.0.
For IIS 7.0 running in Integrated mode, only the registration in the handlers element is required.
I cannot tell you directly why your handler isn't working, but I will give you an example of a handler we use and works for us:
<add name="JS handler" path="*.js" verb="*" type="Handlers.Minifiers.JSMinify" resourceType="Unspecified" preCondition="integratedMode" />
We also have this segment, which is at least necessary for running in Cassini
<add verb="*" path="*.js" type="Handlers.Minifiers.JSMinify" validate="false"/>
If this doesn't help, have tou tried using path="/js/*"?

Custom HttpHandler never running

Forgive me if this is basic. I've never made one before and can't seem to figure out why it's not working. I wrote a little handler to do some parsing on CSS files. I added this:
<remove verb="*" path="*.css"/>
<add verb="*" path="*.css"
type="MyNameSpace.CssRelativePathHandler,CssRelativePathHandler" />
Nothing ever happens. CSS files get parsed normally. No errors, nothing, the code never runs. What am I missing? Shouldn't this cause the handler to be used when *.css files are served? (I added the "remove" later, since I thought perhaps I needed to do that to override a built-in hander, again, no difference either way).
This is IIS 6. I added the IIS 7 code anyway (after searching for answers) but makes no difference.
<add name="CssHandler" verb="*" path="*.css"
type="MyNameSpace.CssRelativePathHandler,CssRelativePathHandler" />
You need to configure IIS6 to send requests for .css files to ASP.Net.
Had you been using IIS7, your <system.webServer> element would have done that for you, but IIS6 predates this.
For IIS 6 you need to have to tell it to send *.css files to ASP.NET.
Launch IIS Manager
Right-click on Default Web Site
Click on the Home Directory tab
Under Application Settings click on Configuration...
Add a new association for .css and map it to .NET executable:
It sounds like you need to configure IIS to enable ASP.NET to execute the .css extension.
Phil Haack has a walkthrough on doing that (just replace .mvc with .css under the heading "Mapping .mvc to ASP.NET"):
Or you can set up a wildcard mapping in IIS 6:
I'd recommend going with the first method as doing the wildcard approach will send all requests to ASP.NET - so it has a more overhead.
PS: Further down Phil's post, he also lists "IIS6 Extension-less URL" and also covers the wildcard mapping method.

Webservice won't accept JSON requests

The main issue is that I cannot run a webservice that accepts requests in JSON format. I keep getting a 500 Server error stating that the "request format is invalid." My ASP.NET AJAX extensions are installed. My server is running Plesk Control Panel 8.6 which is undoubtedly causing these problems.
The default handler for this specified extension is shown in the web.config like so:
For my applications webservice to handle JSON it needs to have this reference:
<add name="ScriptHandlerFactory" verb="*" path="*.asmx" preCondition="integratedMode" type="System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptHandlerFactory, System.Web.Extensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35"/>
Plesk is not allowing the request to be handled properly. I need to know the correct http directive(s) to put into the web.config to properly handle JSON webservices. I tried posting to the Plesk forum two days ago but no response yet.
Any insight would be great =)
There are confirmed errors with webservices and httphandlers. To avoid grief, upgrade to > Plesk 9.0.

ASP.net Routing results in 404

I've defined a route in Application_Start, as so many tutorials have instructed
new Route("Files/Art",
new FileRouteHandler()));
And created my own RouteHandler. However this doesn't seem to work at all.
When I debug the application, I can see (via a break point) that the route gets added, however when I browse to "http://localhost/MyApplication/Files/Art" I get a browser 404 (not an ASP.net 404).
When I place a break point in the Route Handler it doesn't break when I access the URL. A break point in Application_BeginRequest doesn't break either when accessing the URL.
This is a problem, but I completely understand why I get a generic 404. How would IIS know to process this URL with asp.net, after all it doesn't really exist??
What am I missing here?
Make sure that you have the UrlRoutingModule installed and configured in the web.config. Something similar to what's shown below:
<add name="UrlRoutingModule" type="System.Web.Routing.UrlRoutingModule, System.Web.Routing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35" />
I knew it was a web server issue...
Short answer: With IIS 6 and below (5.1 in my case) a path such as "Files/Art" doesn't work. It won't be passed to ASP.net. However, a path such as "Files.svc/Art" will work.
The point is that IIS 6 and below needs a file extension to know what ISAPI plug in to use. In my case ".svc" is configured to use ASP.net.
Hope that makes sense...
