Google Analytics counter? - google-analytics

I have read a lot of places that you can count using Google Analytics. I already use it on my site to track visitors.
How would I track how many people have clicked a spesific button and show the number of times it has been clicked on another page?

You want to implement Event Tracking. As far as displaying the results on another page, Google doesn't support showing charts/graphics outside of the Google Analytics site. But you could find 3rd party app developers on the Apps Gallery which do this. I for one have created EmbeddedAnalytics for precisely this purpose. And we also support dimension filtering so you could create a chart to show your specific action clicks.

You can learn about the Google Analytics API at and even try it out interactively using
If you use Drupal you can easily install module Google Analytics Counter that will automatically fetch and display pageviews collected by Google Analytics. Other CMS certainly have similar plugins.


Is it possible to create a funnel in Google Analytics, based on JavaScript events taking place on one web page?

We have a complex order form with multiple steps all taking place on one page. From a business analysis point of view we've been given a requirement to be able to visualise the progress of users through this form in Google Analytics as a funnel.
Option on step 1 clicked
Option on step 2 clicked
Input on step 3 completed
Checkbox completed
Form submitted
I know we can add various JS events across the form to track the actions that have been taken, but I can't seem to find a way to create a funnel in GA from this. We're using GA with Google Tag Manager.
The goal is to be able to analyse where on this form users are abandoning it, and how long they are spending on the various steps.
Is this possible? My current research suggests that GA couldn't create funnels from events a few years ago, and that it doesn't seem possible still. I don't want to use the method of virtual page views that I have seen floating around, as this comes with too many other negative effects.
If you want a manageable funnel report in Google Analytics, you shouldn't be using events but virtual pageviews. Anyway, if you don't want to use the latter, Google Analytics offers the Events Flow Report (, in which you can see how users activate the different events you have configured, even if it is not strictly what you are looking for.
The alternative is to track these events in Google Analytics and create a funnel with Google Data Studio.

Firebase Dynamic Link Click Count

We are planning to integrated firebase dynamic link to track content sharing and referrals in our app.
Firebase provides analytics data for how many times a user clicked on a url as mentioned here.
Since we are going to generate these links programmatically for referrals, is there any way to do a more granular tracking ?
Like if I want to see how many times all the links generated were clicked.
Or something like how many times a link with a particular parameter was clicked.
I tried looking through firebase docs but I don't think these usecases are covered there.
And if thats correct, what is a better way to track this ?
If you want to collect the analytics data for programmatically created dynamic links, you'll have to use REST API. Though, I also think that you can use BigQuery but I haven't tried this before. Collecting the data via Firebase Console is not yet available.

Google Analytics doesn't record adwords conversion

I use an I-Frame where there are 3 steps to complete an order. On the last step the conversion is recorded. The adword will link to the page which includes the I-Frame, from there the users has to go through the 3 steps in the I-Frame.
In the I-Frame the following functions are used: Multiple GA accounts (main website and I-Frame website), Google Enhanced E-Commerce, Adwords conversion on last page.
As you can see on the images below the conversions of Adwords doesn't show up in Google Analytics, in Google Adwords is everything OK.
Does anyone know where I have to look for to get the conversions of Adwords in Google Analytics?
Image 1:
Image 2:
What type of goal do you have this setup as in Analytics?
You can use the drop down filter to display different goals in your table view as shown here
You can also use the Explorer tabs above the chart to have your table display only goal 1, goal 2, or ecommerce related data.
Does that help?
It seems that you do not properly share the Google Analytics client ID between your main site and the iFrame (which I suppose is being served from a different host / domain). As a result of this, the conversions within the iFrame are being attributed to a referral coming from your main web site instead of Paid Search.
In order to provide the correct client ID to Google Analytics inside your iFrame, you need to pass it from the main web site. Have a look at the documentation for an idea on how to do this.
One of the basics is that conversions measured by adWords script is going to calculate the conversions with its own attribution model, which is going to be different from conversions being measured by analytics (defaut or custom model):
You can measure data on GA by setting up either a google analytics conversion or a goal tag on the last page.
Details here:

Google Adwords Conversion in Lightbox Popup?

Trying to figure out how this can be accomplished... =/
The regular Google Analytics code doesn't track in a javascript lightbox popup, so we had to use a Analytics custom event for tracking.
I believe we might be running into the same problem now with our Google Adwords conversion pixel that we're trying to add into another lightbox popup after the ones with Event Tracking on them.
I can't find any other topics anywhere on this subject. Is this possible or able to be done using another method similar to how Event Tracking can be used with Analytics?
It's certainly doable with some Javascript voodoo, but a much easier solution would probably be to set up your Analytics event (that you already have) as a goal, and then import this goal as a conversion into Adwords. Note that this solution requires you to link your Analytics and Adwords accounts.

Add custom events to website user's google calendar using calendar api

I envision a user visiting my mobile website (not an app), finding an important event with an associated date, being asked if they want to sync this date/event to their google calendar, saying yes, and my website depositing this event into their google calendar.
Their would be many events, and they would be based on user input, so it wouldn't work to just sync my calendar with theirs. I would have to insert a custom date/event into their calendar so they could track it.
Hopefully this makes sense. I haven't seen anything like this on the web but I'm sure it exists.
Take a look at the Google Calendar Event Publisher Guide. It sounds like it will meet your needs.
