Wordpress Admins are notified by email when blog is posted or edited - wordpress

I'm trying to find a way to alert all admins when a blog is posted. My client has multiple admins setup for his Wordpress site and wants to be alerted when one of them submits a new blog post or edits one so he can double check it for spelling errors and to make sure he approves the content and he wants to be notified with an email. I searched for a plugin for this but came up empty. Does anyone know how to do this or if their is a plugin to accomplish this that I just couldn't find?
Thank you.

You should take a look at the subscribe2 plugin. I use it on one of my membership sites to notify subscribers when something new has been posted. You can define the notification list to include whatever email addresses you like. By default, all new posts will be emailed to those addresses.
As for edits, I don't think the plugin does it by default, however it does add a checkbox at the bottom of the post editor that allows an notification to be forced.

For other developers, who are facing same issue, here is a pretty cool plugin. It is very light weight and easy to configure. Below is the link


Remove custom email rule from wordpress site

Help a developer i hired not only he didn't finish the job, but also he left a rule that sends him a copy for everyone who sings up on my site i've been trying to remove the rule from the plugins to no avail I am new to programming, below ill place some images hopefully one can indicate me where such rule could be, i want to mention i am using fluent form and that also he had ftp access only to that specific directory as i didn't fully trusted him.
also, there are not custom snippets in the snippets section
also he never had access to cpanel, and the email is sent only from that specific form i belive as it was the only form at the time enter image description here
I can confirm that removing the plugins and removing cache and re-installing the plugins doesn't work but I can officially confirm that the issue only happens when this line is added into fluent form, methods=stripe&fname={inputs.names.first_name}&lname={inputs.names.last_name}&email={inputs.email}&cname={inputs.input_text_1}&acname={inputs.input_text_2}&phone={inputs.numeric-field}&admin_url={submission.id}
Even if only this: methods=stripe is added, still send the email to him that instructions tells the plugin where to find that email address
i tried typing the email address in php my admin and file manager in cpanel but nothing i find only logs at most of the emails sent
Since you are using Fluent forms then you should check the notification rules of that specific form.
Click on Settings of the form you want
Go to Settings & Integration(Top bar) > Email Notifications (Sidebar)
There you will see all notification rules for that form, his email is probably there, remove it.
More info here.
SOLVED: The rule came from within the theme file editor, wasn't the plugins.
the developer added his email for notification testing and never removed it.

WordPress - How do I approve posts before they are allowed to be posted?

I'm currently working with a WordPress site and the owner wants the posts that are created by other members to be sent to his email with a way of approving the post before it's actually made public and posted.
I'm pretty new in general to web design and even newer to WordPress. Any help would be really appreciated!
I used to run a large blog site which required a workflow for approvals and QA of posts. We customized the Edit Flow plugin, which allows for stages for a post. You can find the plugin here: https://wordpress.org/plugins/edit-flow/.
In our case, I used Draft, Pending Editing, In Editing, For Approval, Approved, Staged, and Ready. Only when it was set to Ready would the publish button appear (this is one of the edits we made to the plugin, and donated back. Not sure if it is in the current version or not.) Only admins would be able to change the stage of the post, so this way no one was able to publish except admins.
So if you just want to approve the posts you can do it in the admin interface. The Request URL should be: /wp-login.php . There is one the left side a menu with a section 'posts'. ( You can approve the posts here )
I hope it is useful.

Remove element from Wordpress plugin

I am currently using a social media login plugin for my website that allows users to login via their social media account.
Currently the flow of the plugin works in a way such that after ANY user authenticate themselves through Facebook, they will be brought back to my site with 2 options, link their Facebook account with their site's account, or to register an account.
How can I edit my code such that I am able to remove the "registration account" part without editing the plugin code directly as this might affect future updates of the plugin itself. One way that I know will definitely work is to comment that section away in the plugins itself but I do not wish to touch the plugin code.
After researching, a possible way that I think might work is to apply a filter that removes the element but I am not sure if that is the correct workaround for this situation.
Can anyone shed some light on this matter?
Thank you!
I don't see a way to filter executed php code on your Wordpress website.
I got two ways of dealing with this:
1: Disallow people to register an account on your site. The registration link will probably not be displayed anymore.
2: Or comment out the code within the plugin. Remember where you edited the lines. Whenever the plugin gets an update, comment out those lines again. Or contact the owner of the plugin to issue a feature request.

is there any wordpress plugin to send email notification to commentators?

Is there a plugin that will send an email to someone who comments on my blog when someone replies to their comment?
Thanks in advance for any info
I would recommend the Subscribe to Double-Opt-In Comments which I also use on my blog. If you don't want a "double-opt-in" (what you should really want to have) you can take the Subscribe to Comments plugin.
Managing the subscriptions for users and blog owners is quite easy with at least the first plugin (haven't tested the second as I need to have double-opt-in for my blog).

Wordpress Update through email

I have a blog, that is update pretty often. I like, while on the road to be able to use my blackberry or any eepc to prepare my post, review it, and send and email to somewhere that will be able to update my blog
three solution come to my mind
offline blog, edit and resync when return (not super good)
send email, update blog with blackberry
write text doc, send it by email and manually copy-paste in new post after return
I like not to have a list of all the possible solution, but the best working solution that you have use/try and like...
I use wp 2.6
Note just as boj note, I discover the already there feature included in wordpress... but I like my post to be in a Drafts state, because some photos and later editing will be done, but most of the post will already there
I have found that list. Just as Weblog Client said, there is a tons of software to do that, i just like THE BEST ONE !
Post to your blog using email.
WordPress can be configured to use e-mail to post to a blog. To enable this functionality, you need to:
Create a dedicated e-mail account to be used solely for posting to your blog,
Configure WordPress to access that account, and
Configure WordPress to publish messages from the e-mail account
