Debug an orchestration in biztalk 2010 - biztalk

I'm making an orchestration to send data from one SQL Server DB to another one. I'm able to receive the data but unable to send it to the other DB. I made a send port to test what I'm getting as an input. I got to know that I'm not getting the right data from the source schema. I have tested the map from visual studio 2010, and it is working fine. But i'm getting following error in event viewer:
The adapter "SQL" raised an error message. Details "HRESULT="0x80040e14"
Description="SQLOLEDB Error Description: Empty update, no updatable rows found Transaction aborted "
<Root xmlns:ns00="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-updategram">
<?MSSQLError HResult="0x80040e14" Source="Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server" Description="SQLOLEDB Error Description: Empty update, no updatable rows found Transaction aborted "?>
I want debug the orchestration. How can I do so?

Via the admin console you can view the suspended orchestration and set break points. The future runs of the orchestration will hold at the break point and again through the admin console you can attach to the orchestration and view information such as message content.


BizTalk Default Pipeline XML Receive - Error Code -1061153241

Looking in the BizTalk Admin Console under tracked service instances and I can see that the default XML Receive pipeline starts, however it never completes. It remains at status "started" with the error code set to -1061153241. In tracked message events I can see the pipeline receives the message, however i can't see a "send" event type and it looks like the message is not sent to the MessageBox for the waiting orchestration to pick it up. My orchestration never gets initiated. There are no error messages in the event log, no suspended service instances, just the tracked service instance showing starting and not completed with the error code specified above.
I managed to resolve this issue. I had previously just GAC'd a dll and didn't update it as a resource in the Admin Console. Once I updated the Admin Console with this resource and restarted host instances the error went away. Thanks.

No eventlogs from BizTalk applications

I was trying out one functionality of BizTalk from the below link
Till now I never had to go to event log to check for any entries.
Now when I am trying to get a custom message logged in event Log, from BizTalk application, I dont see any relevent entry from BizTalk other than 2 entries when I restart the BizTalk Host instance.
From my research I had written down the below code in Expression shape in the application Orchestration:
xmlMessage = InputMessage;
stringMessage = xmlMessage.OuterXml;
System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry("BizTalk Server", stringMessage);
Here the InputMessage is a message defined in orchestration for sample Schema that I have created.
My application got build and deployed properly and it is also processing the messages properly. Its just that I don't see any log in event viewer for my code or for the suspended messages when I intentionally stop the send port.
The discussionfrom below link also didnt help
No eventlogs from BizTalk
I have BizTalk Server configured on my Windows 7 Ultimate machine. I am the administrator of the machine.
A few points on this:
BizTalk sever will not log an event for a suspended message, that's why you dont' see one.
You should never use the BizTalk Server Event Source since the BizTalk product owns that
You can very easily create you own custom Event Source using PowerShell.
To create a custom Event Source, use something like:
new-eventlog -logname "Application" -Source "MyApplicationThatLogs"
To write with this Event Source, use something like:
System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry("MyApplicationThatLogs", "Some Error Occured!", System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Error, 100, 0);
Rather than using System.Diagnostics.EventLog for debugging purposes I would recommend that you use the BizTalk CAT Instrumentation Framework.
For a pipeline
For a Orchestration
It allows for real-time tracing when needed, "you can enable tracing on a production server with only a negligible impact on performance (when tracing to a file)."

Error in BizTalk server 2010 administation

I am trying to poll data from SQL server and receive data in a receive message who have the schema from the table in SQL, then I use a loop to each row by row and transfer each row to file.
In administrator I found an error, the error is:
The Messaging engine failed to process a message submitted by adapter:WCF-SQL Source URL:mssql://win-f7kl176gt9v//user?InboundId=id2. Details:The published message could not be routed because no subscribers were found. This error occurs if the subscribing orchestration or send port has not been enlisted, or if some of the message properties necessary for subscription evaluation have not been promoted. Please use the Biztalk Administration console to troubleshoot this failure.
Run a query to look at your active subscriptions and identify your receive port:
Then check against your messages promoted properties. The usual case is that your receive port has the wrong filter i.e. message type etc.

Biztalk subscriber error

Can anyone help me with this error message please?
Event Type: Error
Event Source: BizTalk Server 2006
Event Category: BizTalk Server 2006
Event ID: 5778
Date: 1/02/2013
Time: 7:15:04 AM
User: N/A
The Messaging engine failed to process a message submitted by adapter:SQL Source URL:SQL://SQLSERVER/SQLDB/.Details:
The published message could not be routed because no subscribers were found.
This error occurs if the subscribing orchestration or send port has not been enlisted,
or if some of the message properties necessary for subscription evaluation have not
been promoted. Please use the Biztalk Administration console to troubleshoot this failure.
What the error is saying is that BizTalk can't determine subscribers for that message. So your starting point would be to check your subscription settings on Send port or orchestration receive shape filter expression.
Rather than checking individual ports, etc. - I'd look at subscriptions via the admin console as a starting point - when viewing the underlying subscriptions the answer as to why no matching subscription is found is sometimes quite obvious.
I get the same error message on a system that has been working fine for 36 months. I think it is related to orphaned messages after we restarted the host and send ports. I just went and resumed the message from the Biztalk Group page -> Suspended items/Resumable -> right click resume the message. all is well.
Check for the filters in your send ports i.e BTS.ReceivePortName= "Your Receive Port Name".
Check the relevant send port is started, Orchestration is enlsited with correct bindings and receive location is enabled
After 1st and 2nd steps, go to Plateform setting and restart your Host instances.
Refresh your application, Now go to Suspended messages in GroupHub and resume your serviceInstance which should be in resumable state. Now it should be working.

No eventlogs from BizTalk

I've got a new production computer and installed my BizTalk app on there. The problem is that I don't see any messages in the event log, nor from my BizTalk app or BizTalk Server itself. The only message that appears in the event log is the following:
The following BizTalk host instance has initialized successfully.
BizTalk host name: BizTalkServerApplication
Windows service name: BTSSvc$BizTalkServerApplication
The source of that message is BizTalk Server. And no messages at all, even no logs about errors which I suppose already took place.
Just a quick thought incase you are still having problems.
I tried to write to the event log with a source type that didnt already exist and my BizTalk Host user account didn’t have permissions to create a new source type. This meant I never saw the entry in the event log.
E.g. (from example #Bill Osuch)
System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry("MyBiztalkApp", "oh i did something");
Make sure either the MyBiztalkApp source exists or that your user has permissions on the event log to create it.
Also, if you have a lot of messages going through BizTalk you will probably want to implement your own logging so your event log doesn’t fill up. We used Log4Net for our implementation and a database to store messages.
If you're not getting any errors (suspended messages) as the messages process, you're not going to see anything in the app log. You could try adding an Expression shape to your orchestration and manually writing out some debug info:
System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry("event type", "whatever...");
Does your application actually use the BiztalkServerApplication host? Check in the Biztalk Administration Console if all the host instances are indeed running. Is your application fully started? Messages are "put on hold" if your receive location is disabled for example.
To check this functionality, write to event log after every operation or shape in BizTalk orchestration.
Suppose you have to assigned a value to xpath of node in a map after transformation so in message assignment shape after you assign some value, you can write eventlog to admin console.
Ex. Suppose we have already initialized - "orderType" as "PO" in our expression shape and now we have to assign the value of "orderType" to the xpath of a node in our map then-
Shape- MessageAssignment(Under constructMessage Shape after transformation of map)
xpath(msgGetOrderReq, "/[local-name()='CustomerOrders' and namespace-uri()='']/[local-name()='ordertype' and namespace-uri()='']") = ordertype;
Next to this we want to print this information on the admin console so we need to write:-
System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry("msgGetOrderReq", ordertype, msgGetOrderReq);
Build the project, Deploy and GAC it. Restart the host instance. Run the orchestration, process something and now you will be able to see the logs in admin console.
