Why does the map key not retrieve the value that can be plainly seen in the map? - dictionary

The following key :GIC-ID won't return its value "999-99-9999". I am trying to figure out why.
Here are the keys -- the first row containing column names of a .csv report. The output is formatted to prevent scrolling:
Here is the data doctored for privacy (output formatted to prevent scrolling):
["666/0010" "ACT" "999-99-9999" "MARGE " "SIMPSON "
"0000.00" "123456789" "99999enter code here"]
I get the first column containing the keys/column headers and the data created with the following including the zipping together of the column names with what will be each row of data.
(def gic-csv-inp (fetch-csv-data "billing_roster.csv"))
(def gic-csv-cols (first gic-csv-inp))
(def gic-csv-data (rest gic-csv-inp))
(def zm2 (zipmap (map #(keyword %1) gic-csv-cols) (first gic-csv-data)))
Now the following keys and data, pulled from a similar but different report, work just fine:
:Employee_SSN "999-99-9999"
That is I can extract the value of the key.
There must be something wrong with the keys, and I can certainly correct those, like removing spaces and so on, but I am not sure what is wrong.
The answer to my question is to trim spaces like this:
(:require [clojure.string :as cstr])
(def zm2 (zipmap (map #(keyword (cstr/trim %1)) gic-csv-cols)
(first gic-csv-data)))

Trimming spaces does work
(def zm2 (zipmap (map #(keyword (re-find #"[^\s]*" %1)) gic-csv-cols) (first gic-csv-data)))
=> (zm2 :GIC-ID)
[^\s]* being a regexp to match all non-whitespace characters


Convert input string into Morse Code with Clojure

I am trying to develop a converter that takes an input string and converts it into morse code through a Morse Library map, while also respecting functional programming rules. Sorry for any clarification issues, I am new to Stack Overflow
(ns clojureassignment.core
(require '[clojure.string :as str])
;this function is where the converter is developed
(defn morse->ASCI
(def morse_Library {:A ".-":B "-...":C "-.-.":D "-..":E ".":F "..-.":G "--.":H "...."
:I "..":J ".---"
:K "-.-":L ".-..":M "--" :N "-.":O "---":P ".--.":Q "--.-":R ".-."
:S "...":T "-":U "..-":V "...-":W ".--":X "-..-":Y "-.--":Z "--.."
:0 "-----":1 ".----":2 "..---":3 "...--":4 "....-":5 "....."
:6 "-....":7 "--...":8 "---..":9 "----."})
(let [stringVector (str/upper-case(seq x))] ;divide the string into a sequence of characters
;trying to create iteration of the input where it checks if its value is found in the morse library
(doseq [[stringVector] (morse_Library)]
(if (= stringVector (morse_Library)
(do (println(str (key morse_Library))))
(do (println("characters not found"))))
(print (str/upper-case stringVector))
(defn -main
[& args]
(println "ASCII to Morse Converter.")
(println "Make sure to include whitespaces after each ASCII character. Add String")
(def stringInput (read-line))
(println stringInput )
(morse->ASCI stringInput)
I tried to create a "doseq" iteration where it checks if the value is found in the map.
Good things:
using a map for your morse translation; maps are also functions and
make it easy to write a transformation like this
Not so good things:
don't def inside other def:s - it's used to define namespace
global things and it is not like var or auto or whatever you
know from other languages
don't use keywords as map keys, if you don't plan to use them like
that; Clojure takes pretty much anything as key. So in your case
use chars
don't seq and then upper-case - wrong order - this will give you
the .toString() from a sequence of characters otherwise
don't name things all the same (stringVector)
doseq is for side-effects; you don't want your morse-code function
to do side-effects (you maybe want to print it later); in functional
programming you shift your side-effects to the edges - this way your
code becomes easier to test and reason about
you pretty much never need :gen-class
use the correct way to require in the
Clojure prefers snake-case over camelCase
(random rant: if you are using tutorialpoint (I assume this from several
things going wrong here and having them seen there) to learn Clojure: do
yourself a favour and look for another resource; as of now they don't
teach idiomatic Clojure!
Make your transformation a pure function:
upper-case the input
make a seq from it (this now is a sequence of chars) - but you don't
actually have to do this, because the next step will take care of it
map the look-up-table with your designated fallback over each char
join the result
This will look something like this:
(def morse {\A ".-" ,,, })
(->> input
(map #(morse % "???"))
;; preparation of morse map
(ns morse
(:require [clojure.string :as str]))
;; I stole morse dictionary from some python code in:
;; https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/morse-code-translator-python/
(def s "{ 'A':'.-', 'B':'-...',
                    'C':'-.-.', 'D':'-..', 'E':'.',
                    'F':'..-.', 'G':'--.', 'H':'....',
                    'I':'..', 'J':'.---', 'K':'-.-',
                    'L':'.-..', 'M':'--', 'N':'-.',
                    'O':'---', 'P':'.--.', 'Q':'--.-',
                    'R':'.-.', 'S':'...', 'T':'-',
                    'U':'..-', 'V':'...-', 'W':'.--',
                    'X':'-..-', 'Y':'-.--', 'Z':'--..',
                    '1':'.----', '2':'..---', '3':'...--',
                    '4':'....-', '5':'.....', '6':'-....',
                    '7':'--...', '8':'---..', '9':'----.',
                    '0':'-----', ', ':'--..--', '.':'.-.-.-',
                    '?':'..--..', '/':'-..-.', '-':'-....-',
                    '(':'-.--.', ')':'-.--.-'}")
;; and transformed it using clojure to a clojure map:
(def m (read-string (str/replace
(str/replace s
"\n" "")
"                    " " ")
":" " ")
"'" "\"")))
;; now `m` contains the string-to-morse map
The actual answer starts here:
;; convert any text string to a morse string:
(defn string-to-morse [s]
(str/join " "
(map #(get m (str/upper-case %)) (str/split s #""))))
;; and this function can transform the output back to text:
(defn morse-to-string [morse-string]
(let [ms (zipmap (vals m) (keys m))]
(str/join (map #(get (zipmap (vals m) (keys m)) % " ")
(str/split morse-string #" ")))))

Backquote symbol list ending in period

I'm curious if there is a way to end a backquoted symbol list with a period following a comma inserted value.
Here is the sample code:
(defparameter *things* '(book pencil shoe))
(defun inspect-item (item things)
(if (member item things)
`(you pick up the ,item and yeet it out the window.)
`(only realize the truth... there is no ,item.)))
This will succeed (print (inspect-item 'book *things*)) and it produces the symbol list (YOU PICK UP THE BOOK AND YEET IT OUT THE WINDOW.). I assume in this case that the period is part of the symbol WINDOW. (as confirmed using the last function).
However, this will fail (print (inspect-item 'spoon *things*)) claiming that variable ITEM. has no value (Because it thinks the name is item.). Leaving a space between item and the period gives the error illegal end of dotted list which I assume is because it is assuming I'm using dotted list syntax.
Is there any way to get it to produce the symbol I want at the end (BOOK.)?
Possible requirements for a solution
You need to create a new symbol based on an old one:
the same name, with a . appended
probably in the same package
Period as a symbol
Note that you can write a symbol with the period as a name using an escaped symbol: |.| or \..
CL-USER 17 > (let ((item 'foobar))
`(only realize the truth... there is no ,item \.))
princ prints without escape characters:
(ONLY REALIZE THE TRUTH... THERE IS NO FOOBAR .) ; <- printed output
CL-USER 19 > (defun add-suffix (symbol suffix)
(intern (concatenate 'string
(symbol-name symbol)
(symbol-name suffix))
(symbol-package symbol)))
CL-USER 20 > (let ((item 'tree))
`(we went to the ,(add-suffix item '|.|)))
It can also be useful to use the flexibility of format instead of using concatenate.
CL-USER 22 > (defun add-suffix (symbol suffix)
(intern (format nil "~a~a" symbol suffix)
(symbol-package symbol)))
I think that the real problem lies in the attempt to produce text just as the printed representation of a list of symbols. Those are completely different things. The only reason to do it like this could be as some kind of exercise. There are a number of introductory texts that do that kind of thing.
Instead, I'd advise to actually produce text, i. e. strings. You might use the format function that is quite flexible for inserting variable things:
(defparameter *things* '("book" "pencil" "shoe"))
(defun inspect-item (item things)
(if (member item things :test #'string-equal)
(format nil
"You pick up the ~a and yeet it out the window."
(format nil
"Only realize the truth… there is no ~a."
I partly agree with Svante that turning lists of symbols into text is often the wrong thing. On the other hand things like parsers &c often want to think in terms of symbols rather than strings as symbols have nice properties like (eq a b) working the way you would hope.
That being said, here's an alternative approach: create a list of words and then have a function which turns them into a string representing a sentence, adding appropriate punctuation and capitalization.
(defparameter *things* '(book pencil shoe))
(defun inspect-item (item things)
(sentencify (if (member item things)
`(you pick up the ,item and yeet it out the window)
`(only realize the truth... there is no ,item))))
(defun sentencify (slist &key (question nil))
(format nil "~{~A~^ ~}~A"
(loop for first = t then nil
for w in slist
for ws = (typecase w
(symbol (symbol-name w))
(string w)
(t w))
collect (typecase ws
(string (if first
(string-capitalize ws)
(string-downcase ws)))
(t ws)))
(if question "?" ".")))
And now:
> (inspect-item 'book *things*)
"You pick up the book and yeet it out the window."
> (inspect-item 'bok *things*)
"Only realize the truth... there is no bok."
> (inspect-item '(x . y) *things*)
"Only realize the truth... there is no (x . y).

Clojure map outside scope

I am trying to save data into a collection of some sort, but the program that I have is saving everything into a separate map. I want to make it one map.
(defn readFile []
(map (fn [line] (clojure.string/split line #";"))
(with-open [rdr (reader "C:/Users/Rohil/Desktop/textfile.txt")]
(doseq [[idx line] (map-indexed vector(line-seq rdr))]
(if(.contains line "201609")
(if(not(.contains line "TBA"))
(println(assoc table :code(nth(clojure.string/split line #";")3) :instructor(nth(clojure.string/split line #";")19)))
Any help will be appreciated.
Looks like you are adapting to clojure :-) I went to the same process. Hang on, it will be worth it!
First: it is important to realize that map will save the result of the function into a new collection. Like cfrick mentions, println returns nil and assoc does not change a map.
I'm guessing a bit here what you are trying to do: You want to have a collection of dicts, where every dict has two keys, like so:
{ :code 1 :instructor "blah"}
{ :code 2 :instructor "boo" }
You need these values to come from a file, but you only want to save the lines where the line contains "201609" but not "TBA"
First some general remarks:
You probably want to split this function into smaller parts. One could be the check for lines (contains 201609 but not tba ), another could read the file...
I know it is the title of your question, but most likely there is a better way than to change a global variable. Maybe you could make the function readFile return the table?
try if you can pass in arguments to your function.
I'm not sure what you are trying to do with the line (doseq [[... Please give us more context there. I will ignore it
Here is a possible solution:
(ns test
(:require [clojure.string :as s]
[clojure.java.io :as io]))
(defn line-filter [include exclude line]
(and (not (s/includes? line exclude))
(s/includes? line include)))
(defn process-line [line]
(let [line-parts (s/split line #";")
code (nth line-parts 3)
instructor (nth line-parts 19)]
{:code code :instructor instructor}))
(defn read-file [file-name]
(s/split (slurp (io/resource file-name)) #"\n"))
(defn parse-lines [lines]
(map process-line lines))
(defn read-file-and-parse
"This function will read a file, process the lines, and output a collection of maps"
[filename search-for exclude]
(filter #(line-filter search-for exclude %)
(read-file filename))))
you could now call this function like this: (read-file-and-parse "test.txt" "201609" "TBA")
If you want to add the result of this function into your table, you can use concat. But again, this will return a new version of your list (with new entries added) and not change the one you defined earlier.
Welcome to functional programming :-)))

Why am i getting a ClassCastException in this recursive function [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Wrong number of args (0) passed to: PersistentVector on loop/recur function
(1 answer)
Closed 5 years ago.
I've written a recursive function to get a total cost of a journey.
costOfPath simply makes a call to ubergraph to get the cost for each journey, then this function adds them and displays it.
(defn routeCost [parcel cost]
"Calculate the total route cost"
(if (empty? parcel)
(print "Total Journey Cost: " cost)
((def first-parcel (first parcel))
(def start (:start first-parcel))
(def finish (:finish first-parcel))
(def value (costOfPath start finish))
(def parcel-two (rest parcel))
(routeCost parcel-two (+ cost value)))))
(routeCost task8 0)
Task 8 looks as such:
(def task8 [(Parcel. :main-office :r131 "Plastic Wallets" "Delivery" 1)
(Parcel. :r131 :r111 "CDs" "Delivery" 1)
(Parcel. :r111 :r121 "USBs" "Collection" 2)
(Parcel. :r121 :main-office "USBs" "Delivery" 2)])
The function prints out the correct cost, but gives a classCastException.
ClassCastException practice_ubergraph.core.Parcel cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn clojure.lang.Var.fn (Var.java:363)
The parcel record:
(defrecord Parcel [start
Why is this happening and how can i stop it?
EDIT: I think its something to do with the IF statement and the way i've put the brackets around the block.
As Tony says, it's a good idea to try to limit your use of defs to the top level.
The reason you see a ClassCastException is probably this line:
((def first-parcel (first parcel))
You're defining first-parcel and then calling it immediately with the outer set of parentheseis.
Compare it to this example which generates a similar exception:
((def a 1))
In this example a gets the value 1. def returns the var #'user/a, so the expression that is evaluated is:
The value of #'user/a is 1, and 1 is then treated as a function.
Generally, if you see cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn look for a double set of brackets.
Please do NOT use def in a function.
Here is a much better one
(defn route-cost [parcel cost]
"Calculate the total route cost"
(if (empty? parcel)
(print "Total Journey Cost: " cost)
(let [{:keys [start finish]} (first parcel)
value (cost-of-path start finish)]
(route-cost (rest parcel) (+ cost value)))))
The essence of clojure is that you could write your code as concise as possible . usually we use kebab-case in clojure to differentiate Java
Use let in your function will fix everything

Clojure recursive function

As a Clojure newbie, I'm bothered with this small problem:
I would like to iterate through a sequence and execute a split, and then a str (concatenation) function over the sequence elements.
Here is my sequence:
(("2.660.784") ("2.944.552") ("44.858.797"))
What I want to get is something like this:
("2660784" "2944552" "44858797")
And this is my attempt of creating recursive solution for my problem:
(defn old
(let [size (count squence)]
(loop [counter 1]
(if (<= counter size)
(apply str (clojure.string/split
(first (first squence))
(old (rest squence)))
And of course, this is not a solution because it applies split and str only to one element, but I would like to repeat this for each element in squence. The squence is product of some other function in my project.
I'm definitely missing something so please help me out with this one...
The simplest way to write it is with replace, rather than split/str. And once you've written a function that can do this transformation on a single string, you can use map or for to do it to a sequence of strings. Here I had to destructure a bit, since for whatever reason each element of your sequence is itself another sequence; I just pulled out the first element.
(for [[s] '(("2.660.784") ("2.944.552") ("44.858.797"))]
(clojure.string/replace s #"\b\.\b" ""))
user=> (defn reject-char-from-string
[ch sequence]
(map #(apply str (replace {ch nil} (first %))) sequence))
user=> (reject-char-from-string \. '(("2.660.784") ("2.944.552") ("44.858.797"))
("2660784" "2944552" "44858797")
Tried this?
=> (flatten '(("2.660.784") ("2.944.552") ("44.858.797")))
("2.660.784" "2.944.552" "44.858.797")
Is it as simple as this?
(def data '(("2.660.784") ("2.944.552") ("44.858.797")))
(require '[clojure.string :as string])
(map #(string/replace (first %1) "." "") data)
;=> ("2660784" "2944552" "44858797")
