Deactivating events with .off - firebase

Most of my .on events use closures:
ref.on( 'child_added',
function( snapshot ) {
userCallback( snapshot.val() );
} );
which means, it is not possible to deactivate these monitors with .off(), since off needs the original callback pointer as well as the eventType. How can I do this sort of thing?
My app (jQuery Mobile) is page-based. When the user hits a certain page, I want to activate monitors. When the user leaves that page, I want to de-activate, so when they re-enter, I don't end up with multiple monitors. I think I want to call .off() with only eventType and have all callbacks removed.

Right now the only option is to store a reference to the callback. We actually make this a little easier by having .on() return it back to you. So you can do:
var childCallback = ref.on('child_added', function(snapshot) { /* whatever */ });
// later...'child_added', childCallback);
But we've received several pieces of feedback like yours, saying it is sometimes cumbersome to keep track of your callback references. So we have a planned API change so that you can call .off() with only an event type or with no arguments at all, and we'll just remove whatever callbacks are registered. But we're focused on other features right now, so this change is probably 1+ months out.
Thanks for the feedback!

In the interim, you can reproduce that sort of behavior with a simple manager pattern. For instance:
function ObserverManager( firebaseRef, page ) {
this.firebaseRef = firebaseRef;
this.listeners = {child_added: [], child_removed: [], value: [], child_updated: [], child_changed: []}; = page;
FirebaseObservable.prototype.on(event, callback) {
this.firebaseRef.on(event, function(snapshot) {
} {
var list = this.listeners[event], i = list.length;
while(i--) { // 50% more efficient than for(i..; list.length; ...) in IE due to scoping, list[i]);


Firebase reCAPTCHA has already been rendered in this element

Authenticate with Firebase with a Phone Number (JS) requires a mandatory reCAPTCHA verifier, it takes the ID of the container. For the ID of the container, I am generating a random one -
firebase_recaptcha_container: "recaptcha-container",
firebase_recaptcha_reset: function() {
if (typeof appVerifier != "undefined") {
let id = loadJS.firebase_recaptcha_container
let newID = loadJS.randomString(10)
$("#"+id).prop("id", newID)
loadJS.firebase_recaptcha_container = newID
return newID
then requesting for the RecaptchaVerifier and upon receiving I set this as a global variable window.appVerifier .
firebase_recaptcha: function(name_r="default") {
let promiseD = new firebase.auth.RecaptchaVerifier(name_r, {
'size': 'invisible',
'callback': function(response) {
'expired-callback': function(r) {
console.log("expired", r)
'isolated' : false
return promiseD
let container_recaptcha = $utils.firebase_recaptcha_reset()
window.appVerifier = await $utils.firebase_recaptcha(container_recaptcha)
It works totally fine for the very first time. But its a honest mistake for users not to use correct phone number. So for next time, I am doing the same thing again and getting error while generating the RecaptchaVerifier -
reCAPTCHA has already been rendered in this element
Which sadly does not make sense as the new element is totally different and also clear, reset methods were called following the documentation. I am neither using any other reCaptcha on this page. Refreshing the page might be a possible solution but that I really hate. Any insight would be helpful.
Finally found the solution, looks like it was a stupid mistake!
Invoking firebase.auth.RecaptchaVerifier adds new recaptcha scripts, every time! Hence all needed to be done is, calling it once, it does the rest on its own.
This won't get fixed just by implementing recaptchaVerifier.clear() method.
In the callback where you are passing this appVerifier, you'll have to implement the above clear method and add that "recaptcha-container" using ref
The below would be the element in render method:
<div ref={recaptchaWrapperRef}>
<div id="recaptcha-container"></div>
GenerateCaptcha function:
const generateRecaptcha = () => {
appVerifier = new RecaptchaVerifier(
size: "invisible",
Inside submit Callback:
if (appVerifier && recaptchaWrapperRef.current) {
recaptchaWrapperRef.current.innerHTML = `<div id="recaptcha-container"></div>`;
// Initialize new reCaptcha verifier

Meteor-angular autocomplete from huge data

I have angular-meteor app that needs Material md-autocomplete from a collection with 53,296 documents with angularUtils.directives.dirPagination but this amount of data make my browser hang.
I'm publishing the collection with:
Meteor.publish('city', function (options, searchString) {
var where = {
'city_name': {
'$regex': '.*' + (searchString || '') + '.*' ,
'$options': 'i'
return City.find(where, options);
I subscribe with:
subscriptions: function () {
this.register('city', Meteor.subscribe('city'));
and have pagination on controller :
$scope.currentPage = 1;
$scope.pageSize = 100;
$scope.sort = {city_name_sort : 1};
$scope.orderProperty = '1';
city: function(){
return City.find({});
but it takes a long time to load and its make chrome stop working.
You already have most of the server-side searching done because your search is running inside a subscription. You should make sure that the city_name field is indexed in mongo! You should only return that field to minimize data transfer. You can also simplify your regex.
Meteor.publish('city', function (searchString) {
const re = new RegExp(searchString,'i');
const where = { city_name: { $regex: re }};
return City.find(where, {sort: {city_name: 1}, fields: {city_name: 1}});
What I've found helps with server-side auto-complete is:
Don't start searching until the user has typed 3 or 4 characters. This drastically narrows down the search results.
Throttle the search to only run every 500ms so that you're not sending every character to the server because then it has to keep re-executing the search. If the person is typing fast the search might only run every 2 or 3 characters.
Run the same .find() on the client that you're running on the server (instead of just querying for {}). That's just good practice since the client-side collection is the union of all subscriptions on that collection, there might be documents there that you don't want to list.
Lastly I don't know why you're subscribing twice here:
subscriptions: function () {
this.register('city', Meteor.subscribe('city'));
only one of those Meteor.subscribe('city') calls is necessary.

Meteor.subscribe is skipped, doesn’t work in Tracker.autorun

I’m using user’s profile to publish specific data to client.
However the subscribe doesn’t work and it’s killing me.
Although the Tracker.autorun() runs, the server doesn’t run any publish.
Tracker.autorun(function () {
console.log(‘autorun is running');
console.log(Meteor.user()) //to be reactive to user's update
onStop:function() {
console.log('subscribe call back onStop');
onReady: function(){
console.log('subscribe call back onReady');
Meteor.publish('Lists', function(){
console.log('publish is running’);
var list = Meteor.users.findOne({_id: this.userId}).list;
return Lists.find({_id: {$in: list}});
p.s if I type Meteor.subscribe( “Lists”) in Chrome's console line, it works and server run publish normally.
p.s The Lists collection didn't change. Just publishing a different set. Is it the reason?
Thank for your reading.
If you have a close look at the docs for subscribe, you'll find this note in a section about reactive computations:
However, if the next iteration of your run function subscribes to the same record set (same name and parameters), Meteor is smart enough to skip a wasteful unsubscribe/resubscribe.
So because you are always calling subscribe with the same arguments, meteor isn't actually restarting it. The trick is just to pass extra parameters to defeat this "optimization". For example:
Tracker.autorun(function() {
var user = Meteor.user();
var list = user && user.list;
if (!_.isEmpty(list)) {
Meteor.subscribe('Lists', list, function() {
Here we are extracting the list variable from the user (assuming it's published) and using it as an extra parameter to force the subscription to rerun. If it isn't published, you could just use a random id like this:
Tracker.autorun(function() {
var user = Meteor.user();
Meteor.subscribe('Lists',, function() {
This should also work but may be a little less efficient because it will fire whenever any property of the user changes.
I think you should run the "console log" after the subscribe and the publish methods return something, if you do somenthing inmediatly is should not work because the server is not returning anything yet, add a callback to the subscription.
Tracker.autorun( function() {
Meteor.subscribe( "List", function() {
console.log( "okok" );
// do your magic
hope it help, sorry about my english =)

Meteor minimongo dynamic cursor

In my client UI I have a form with differents search criterias, and I'd like to reactively update the results list. The search query is transformed into a classical minimongo selector, saved in a Session variable, and then I have observers to do things with the results:
// Think of a AirBnb-like application
// The session variable `search-query` is updated via a form
// example: Session.set('search-query', {price: {$lt: 100}});
Offers = new Meteor.Collection('offers');
Session.setDefault('search-query', {});
resultsCursor = Offers.find(Session.get('search-query'));
// I want to add and remove pins on a map
added: Map.addPin,
removed: Map.removePin
Deps.autorun(function() {
// I want to modify the cursor selector and keep the observers
// so that I would only have the diff between the old search and
// the new one
// This `modifySelector` method doesn't exist
How could I implement this modifySelector method on the cursor object?
Basically I think this method needs to update the compiled version of the cursor, ie the selector_f attribute, and then rerun observers (without losing the cache of the previous results). Or is there any better solution?
Edit: Some of you have misunderstood what I'm trying to do. Let me provide a complete example:
Offers = new Meteor.Collection('offers');
if (Meteor.isServer && Offers.find().count() === 0) {
for (var i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
// Inserting documents {price: 1}, {price: 2} and {price: 3}
if (Meteor.isClient) {
Session.setDefault('search-query', {price:1});
resultsCursor = Offers.find(Session.get('search-query'));
added: function (doc) {
// First, this added observer is fired once with the document
// matching the default query {price: 1}
console.log('added:', doc);
setTimeout(function() {
console.log('new search query');
// Then one second later, I'd like to have my "added observer" fired
// twice with docs {price: 2} and {price: 3}.
Session.set('search-query', {});
}, 1000);
This doesn't solve the problem in the way you seem to be wanting to, but I think the result is still the same. If this is a solution you explicitly don't want, let me know and I can remove the answer. I just didn't want to put code in a comment.
Offers = new Meteor.Collection('offers');
Session.setDefault('search-query', {}); = function() {
return Offers.find(Session.get('search-query'));
} = function(pins) {
// use d3 or whatever to clear the map and then place all pins on the map
Assuming your template is something like this:
<template name="map">
{{placepins pins}}
One solution is to manually diff the old and the new cursors:
# Every time the query change, do a diff to add, move and remove pins on the screen
# Assuming that the pins order are always the same, this use a single loop of complexity
# o(n) rather than the naive loop in loop of complexity o(n^2)
Deps.autorun =>
old_pins = #pins
new_pins = []
position = 0
old_pin = undefined # This variable needs to be in the Deps.autorun scope
# This is a simple algo to implement a kind of "reactive cursor"
# Sorting is done on the server, it's important to keep the order
collection.find(Session.get('search-query'), sort: [['mark', 'desc']]).forEach (product) =>
if not old_pin?
old_pin = old_pins.shift()
while old_pin?.mark > product.mark
old_pin = old_pins.shift()
if old_pin?._id == product._id
#movePin(old_pin, position++)
old_pin = old_pins.shift()
newPin = #render(product, position++)
# Finish the job
if old_pin?
for old_pin in old_pins
#pins = new_pins
But it's a bit hacky and not so efficient. Moreover the diff logic is already implemented in minimongo so it's better to reuse it.
Perhaps an acceptable solution would be to keep track of old pins in a local collection? Something like this:
Session.setDefault('search-query', {});
var Offers = new Meteor.Collection('offers');
var OldOffers = new Meteor.Collection(null);
var addNewPin = function(offer) {
// Add a pin only if it's a new offer, and then mark it as an old offer
if (!OldOffers.findOne({_id: offer._id})) {
var removePinsExcept = function(ids) {
// Clean out the pins that no longer exist in the updated query,
// and remove them from the OldOffers collection
OldOffers.find({_id: {$nin: ids}}).forEach(function(offer) {
OldOffers.remove({_id: offer._id});
Deps.autorun(function() {
var offers = Offers.find(Session.get('search-query'));
removePinsExcept( {
return offer._id;
added: addNewPin,
removed: Map.removePin
I'm not sure how much faster this is than your array answer, though I think it's much more readable. The thing you need to consider is whether diffing the results as the query changes is really much faster than removing all the pins and redrawing them each time. I would suspect that this might be a case of premature optimization. How often do you expect a user to change the search query, such that there will be a significant amount of overlap between the results of the old and new queries?
I have the same problem in my own hobby Meteor project.
There is filter session var where selector is storing. Triggering any checkbox or button changes filter and all UI rerender.
That solution have some cons and the main - you can't share app state with other users.
So i realized that better way is storing app state in URL.
May be it is also better in your case?
Clicking button now change URL and UI rendering based on it. I realize it with FlowRouter.
Helpful reading: Keeping App State on the URL

How to get a published collection's total count, regardless of a specified limit, on the client?

I'm using the meteor-paginated-subscription package in my app. On the server, my publication looks like this:
Meteor.publish("posts", function(limit) {
return Posts.find({}, {
limit: limit
And on the client:
this.subscriptionHandle = Meteor.subscribeWithPagination("posts", 10); = {
'click #load_more': function(event, template) {
This works well, but I'd like to hide the #load_more button if all the data is loaded on the client, using a helper like this:
Template.post_list.allPostsLoaded = function () {
allPostsLoaded = Posts.find().count() <= this.subscriptionHandle.loaded();
Session.set('allPostsLoaded', allPostsLoaded);
return allPostsLoaded;
The problem is that Posts.find().count() is returning the number of documents loaded on the client, not the number available on the server.
I've looked through the Telescope project, which also uses the meteor-paginated-subscription package, and I see code that does what I want to do:
allPostsLoaded: function(){
allPostsLoaded = this.fetch().length < this.loaded();
Session.set('allPostsLoaded', allPostsLoaded);
return allPostsLoaded;
But I'm not sure if it's actually working. Porting their code into mine does not work.
Finally, it does look like Mongo supports what I want to do. The docs say that, by default, cursor.count() ignores the effects of limit.
Seems like all the pieces are there, but I'm having trouble putting them together.
None of the answers do what you really want becase none provide solution that is reactive.
This package does exactly what you want and also reactive.
I think you can see the demo: counts-by-room in meteor doc
It can help you publish the counts of your posts at server and get it at client
You can simply write this:
// server: publish the current size of your post collection
Meteor.publish("counts-by-room", function () {
var self = this;
var count = 0;
var initializing = true;
var handle = Posts.find().observeChanges({
added: function (id) {
if (!initializing)
self.changed("counts", 'postCounts', {count: count});
removed: function (id) {
self.changed("counts", postCounts, {count: count});
initializing = false;
self.added("counts", 'postCounts', {count: count});
self.onStop(function () {
// client: declare collection to hold count object
Counts = new Mongo.Collection("counts");
// client: subscribe to the count for posts
Tracker.autorun(function () {
// client: simply use findOne, you can get the count object
The idea of sub.loaded() is to help you with exactly this problem.
Posts.count() isn't going to return the right thing because, as you've guessed, on the client, Meteor has no way of knowing the real number of posts that live on the server. But what the client knows is how many posts it's tried to load. That's what that .loaded() tells you, and is why the line this.fetch().length < this.loaded() will tell you if there are more posts on the server or not.
What I would do is write a Meteor server side method that retrieves the count like so:
getPostsCount: function () {
return Posts.find().count();
Then call it on the client, in observe to make it reactive:
function updatePostCount() {'getPostsCount', function (err, count) {
Session.set('postCount', count);
added: updatePostCount,
removed: updatePostCount
Although this question is old, I thought I would provide an answer that ended up working for me. I did not create the solution, I found the basis for it here (so credit where credit is due): Discover Meteor
Anyway, in my case I was trying to get "size" of the database from client side, so I can determine when to hide the "load more" -button. I was using template level subscriptions. Oh and for this solution to work, you need to add reactive-var -package. Here is my (in short):
/*on the server we define the method which returns
the number of posts in total in the database*/
postsTotal: function() {
return PostsCollection.find().count();
/*In the client side we first create the reactive variable*/
Template.Posts.onCreated(function() {
var self = this;
self.totalPosts = new ReactiveVar();
/*then in my case, when the user clicks the load more -button,
we call the postsTotal-method and set the returned value as
the value of the totalPosts-reactive variable*/{
'click .load-more': function (event, instance){'postsTotal', function(error, result){
Hope this helps someone (I recommend checking the link first). For template level subscriptions, I used this as my guide Discover Meteor - template level subscriptions. This was my first stacked-post and I am just learning Meteor, so please have mercy...:D
Ouch this post is old, anyway maybe it will help someone.
I had exactly the same issue. I managed to solve it with 2 simple lines...
Remember the :
handle = Meteor.subscribeWithPagination('posts', 10);
Well I used in client handle.loaded() and Posts.find().count(). Because when they are different it means that all the posts are loaded. So here is my code :
"click #nextPosts":function(event){
I had the same problem, and using the publish-counts package didn't work with the subs-manager package. I created a package that can set a reactive server-to-client session, and keep the document count in this session. You can find an example here:
I'm doing something like this:
On cliente
Template.postCount.posts = function() {
return Posts.find();
Then you create a template:
<template name="postCount">
Then, whatever you want to show the counter: {{> postCount}}
Much easier than any solution i have seen.
