Symfony 2.0 assetic dump produces wrong names in debug mode - symfony

I'm compressing my javascripts via assetic (block in twig for all scripts in one dir) which works fine in prod mode. Now i want to use the debug mode for my prod env, so i switch assetic to debug in the config, clear the cache and dump the assets with debug on.
This works for some javascripts but not all. Symfony adds a suffix number to them which is higher (by one) on the website (javascript tag) in opposite to the real file. Sometimes clearing the cache and dumping again solved the problem, but noot this time.
For example:
It dumps: /web/js/main_part_3_jquery-ui_6.js
But uses: /web/js/main_part_3_jquery-ui_1.js
So how can i solve this?
The wron suffix doesn't appear on the first request to the site after cleaning the cache.

Since app/console assetic:dump is sensible for cached yml files - you should clear the cache for dumping assets each time you change configuration.
Best of all is to do it in this sequence:
rm -rf app/cache/*
app/console assets:install web
app/console assetic:dump
Of course, with debug keys, needed environments and so on

I had a similar problem of multiple generated assets and symfony not including the good one on display.
It was because of busting cache enabled in my case, and it was apparently misconfigured. (apparently it's usefull when you need a new version of your files, for example when you update your .js in dev but don't want to break prod )
So disabling it in config.yml fixed it.
enabled: false


Symfony 2.8: How do I completely turn off caching?

so we were load testing our server (thus my Symfony page last Friday) and it somehow filled up the app/cache folder.
I've some various discussions on the topic and I modified my config/file
cache: false
app_dev.php (commented out the line below)
Is there a way to completely turn off caching? The only workaround I can think of at the moment is to run:
php app/console cache:clear
via cron.

symfony assetic dir. does not exist

I've dumped assets using the folling command:
php app/console assetic:dump
I've got a Runtime exception:
The source file "c:\EasyPHP\data\localweb\projects\symfony\src\LV\IndexBundle/Resources/public/images/" does not exist.
It seems to me strange that:
the / goes to \Resources only, after it is /
the directory images does exist in public
no CSS work. I even tried internal CSS in layout.html.twig. Nothing changes.
OS: Windows 10
Try to remove vendors and re composer install, clear cache directory.
If problem isn't solved after that, please share your config.yml here

How to get assetic to update assets in dev enviroment in symfony2?

I have the issue that my assets, e.g. my sass and javascript, did not recompile on file modification. I installed I accessed them via symlink option and access the dev environment via localhost:8000. I have to manually call /app/console assetic:dump for them to update.
How do I get assetic to watch for file modification?
You can also use
php app/console assetic:dump --watch
If you want to watch for file modifications. This will re-run assetic:dump in the background automatically for you.
And yes dont forget if you use dev then access your site via app_dev.php
And small note... when you use production environment then make sure you execute assetic:dump with --env=prod (without --watch as well)
I realized I have to access the dev page with app_dev.php:
Try to execute:
php app/console assetic:dump --env=dev

Symfony2 - confused cache clear trying to write to pro_

My Symfony installation seems to have gotten confused somewhere (probably during a failed cache clear). It seems to think that the production cache folder should be called pro_ instead of prod.
First, when I tried to run $ php console cache:clear --env=prod I got the error message:
Cannot rename "...cache/pro_" to "...cache/pro_".
I'm running on a windows dev machine (so there are no file system permissions issues).
So, I tried deleting all of the cache/* files/folders manually and trying again. This time the cache:clear went through and produced a single prod folder. That folder has subfolders for annotations, assetic, doctrine, sessions and twig.
But when I open the prod front controller (e.g. http://devsite/ in a browser) it fails with the message:
Fatal error: require() [function.require]:
Failed opening required '...cache/pro_/doctrine/orm/Proxies\__CG__AcmeDemoBundleEntityFoo.php'
(include_path='blah, blah, blah')
in ...\vendor\doctrine\common\lib\Doctrine\Common\Proxy\AbstractProxyFactory.php on line 165
From the looks of this it's trying to access cache files in pro_ instead of prod (again).
Looking in the cache folder I can see that __CG__AcmeDemoBundleEntityFoo.php exists under cache\prod but there is now a pro_ folder with annotations and sessions sub-folders.
What's going on and how do I make Symfony forget about pro_ so it can go back to using prod for everything?
I thought everything to do with the cache was stored under the cache folder... is there something else (somewhere) that's storing some reference to pro_? Or am I looking in the wrong place for the solution to this problem?
Edit: Done some more searching and appProdProjectContainer.php contains 16 references to .../cache/pro_. If I manually search and replace these to .../cache/prod the site works. But the next time I run console cache:clear it resets them back to pro_. Where could this errant behaviour be coming from?
Edit2: OK, I got to the bottom of this and have submitted a PR to the Symfony core to try and fix it. The problem was caused by our cache path containing '\' characters which were then escaped in the cache files and failing to match a search/replace command which was meant to clean them up.
app/console cache:clear --env=prod --no-warmup
composer dump-autoload -o
app/console cache:warmup --env=prod
This was a bug in Symfony's handling of cache paths with back-slashes in them.
The short term workaround is to replace them with forward slashes.
Longer term there is a fix posted as which will be brought into the core code soon.

Assetic - Route "_assetic_001d5b7_0" does not exist

This question seems to have been asked multiple times but none of the solutions work for me.
I'm in my prod environment, here is what I've done:
cleared cache before/after doing anything
attempted commenting out the _assetic stuff in config_dev and ensure it isn't anywhere else (not that this should matter in prod env)
set use_controller to both true and false (obviously works with true but doesn't use the compiled files)
Is there anything else I'm missing? The files are generating completely fine from
php app/console assetic:dump --env=prod --no-debug
the file name matches that of in the error minus the route stuff.
I had this problem just one minute ago. Clean up the cache worked for me:
app/console cache:clear --env=prod
Hope this helps.
If clearing the cache or dumping the assets doesn't work. Try noisebleed's comment:
// app/config_dev.yml
use_controller: true
bundles: ['FooBarBundle']
Maybe you have removed the assetic routing from the app/routing_dev.yml
resource: .
type: assetic
Faced with the same issue but reason was I name template as "something.twig", not "something.html.twig".
Its seems assetic not scan templates without .html in extension.
As result - template work, but assetic not perform dumping/adding routes for assets from it. Adding .html solve the problem.
Updating the config.yml with a dumb character (newline, white space) remove that error. It seems that by doing that, we force the cache do be re-generated. (Symfony 3.0.0)
maybe is too late but... what worked for me:
php composer.phar install
php app/console cache:clear
php app/console cache:warmup
Like #Marcus said, if you tried:
php bin/console cache:clear
and it didn't help, please clear the your_project_root/var/cache folder manually (remove all folders and files). If you use unix/linux systems, and receive a system message like "Error removing file: Permission denied", you need to change accesses to dir first, for example you can use console command
sudo chmod -R 0777 /your_site_directory/var/cache/
and after this you can clear cache dir.
I encountered this issue in Symfony 3.3 after trying to override my Twig templates directory. Not sure how to fix the issue, but reverting to default templates directory config resolved the issue for now.
# config.yml
paths: ["%kernel.project_dir%/templates"] # Remove this line to use default dir
After trying all the suggested solutions here, to me it was simply the issue with the name of the template. I had .twig but not .html.twig extension, that's all.
