How to modify weather information displayed on google map - google-maps-api-3

I have created a google map displaying markers and the weather layer using Google Maps API V3.
The weather layer is great for displaying weather information at well-known locations; however, for my map I only care about the wind speed rather than the forecast (ex. sunny, rainy, etc). Is there any way to modify the weather layer so that it displays "wind: s 5m/s" directly on the map instead of the sun/rain icon?
I realize that you can click on the icon to get the wind information but given that we do not care about the actual weather, we do not want people to have to click to get that. Instead we want the wind displayed directly.
(If it is not possible, then any alternative suggestions would be greatly appreciated as well :) )

I made a Weather API available on mashape, and they have a ready to use simple PHP SDK.
This api is really simple to use because we use the cool standards that are available nowadays, like JSON and REST.
If you like it please give it a try on mashape

I've tried but haven't found a way to change how the weather icons look when they are loaded.
It is possible (as you may know) to create a custom overlay using discrete weather data items (like wind speed) when a weather icon is clicked but that wouldn't seem to solve your problem.
See" " object specification" in the V3 API reference
Like many of these kinds of things, I imagine it is theoretically possible to scan the DOM, find the weather 'markers', extract the info you want and redraw them as you wish them to look, but you may (unsure about this) find that the weather icons are actually images and data like wind speed doesn't actually exist in the DOM until the weather icon is clicked: The discrete data may be the product of an ajax load in response to the click event. Even if you got a DOM crawler to work it could be broken by a new release of the API and you'd never know what hit you.
Best bet may be to submit a change request to the API developers asking for the ability to format the weather icons and specify their content.
Use some other online source of json or xml weather data and create your own weather markers, labels, or whatever on your map.
Sorry I can't provide a more constructive answer :-(


Spectate league of legends game and retrive data

I want to code a script to retrieve data from league of legends game while spectating. I want to open the league of legends client, join a game as a spectator, then run the script, and the script collects all the game data, champ damage, gold etc and save that to a json file.then display that data nicely on a webpage and the gold and players damage as graphs.
Does riot games apis provide such a thing or if there's anything on GitHub I can use for this kinda job?
I didn't tried this, but I think LCU API can help you.
You can may open League of Legend client and join as a spectator with this.
But unfortunately, there is no official LCU API documentation, so you can see this documentation.
I hope I can help you.
There's an API for downloading the match timeline which is probably what you're after. There's no need to spectate a game to get it, you just need to register for an API key, and then you can download it using the match ID.
The way I was able to get around it is by using ocr to read the screen, I can grab anything that is displayed, but for damage currently there is no way. If you want a gold graph its best to make it yourself in python.

How to get place information using Google Knowledge Graph using Latitude and Longitude ?

I want business description using google API or wikidata API.
As shown in above image I want to access description (which is highlighted in red circle.) and store it into application database.
What I tried till now, I used google place API to get the place information, using that I am able to get information like review,rating,opening hours. But I am not able to get that information which I have mention in above image. But I do not know how to get that information using Wikidata api or Google Knowledge Graph api.
Can any one suggest me that how can I use that API to get that information.
Any help would be highly appreciated !
I'd also be keen to know if this is possible. For example, with a bounding box. 4 coordinates, might it be possible for Google Knowledge or another API to give me a summing up of the place.
For example: bbox=4.721375,52.290843,5.070190,52.399905
Might return information and history on the city of Amsterdam. Like when you type into Google Search "Amsterdam".
Just a thought. I have previously accomplished this with a very manual combination of Overpass API (related to OSM) and Freebase.
I just found this: Find a place description in Freebase using latitude and longitude?
So, it can be done. And it is already documented.

Totally offline app-SQlite-show POIS

Can i use osmdroid to save my offline maps in a sqlite db and after show offline some POIS and get distances beetween my location and the location of the POIS?
From a research i figure out that osmdroid not support offline searching for POIS. Is that true?
Its better to search for the lip Mapforge?
With osmdroid, you can
View downloaded, prerendered, map tiles offline via database or several other mechanisms
Plot icons, lines, polygons, etc and attach on click handers for each item
Show your location on the map
So that said, you can get the point for a specific item on the map. If you can get your location, then it's a simple equation to calculate straight line distance.
If you want the points to be offline and searchable, you'll need a database of some sort, a way to populate it and some strategy to search it. This is pretty much what mapsforge is doing. I've done similar things with wikimapia data and it can definitely be done, but there's nothing provided out of the box since osmdroid only handles raster images.
If online is an option, osmbonuspack provides a number of drivers to search several online resources for POIs, including turn by turn directions.

GTFS/NextBus/Google Maps - transit distance traveled

I am trying to get the distance traveled on a transit route -- particularly San Francisco MUNI, but the standards NextBus, GTFS, and Google Maps API appear to be universal. I'm comfortable using any of these APIs, I'm just not sure how to go about this problem.
The easy way - ask Google Maps (this using webservices, but there is also the javascript API):,-122.397&destination=37.7873299,-122.44691&sensor=false&mode=transit&departure_time=1348109609&alternatives=true
this JSON includes distance traveled, but there are two issues:
Google does not allow you to use this data unless you're displaying a map, which I don't want to do
I would need to ensure that the distance returned is for the correct route/line, since it can/will give multiple routing options. This is probably doable but would require more logic.
EDIT: using alternatives=true (or provideRouteAlternatives: true using the javascript API) only returns a maximum of 3 routes, which here in SF often doesn't include the route I'm looking for (other transit agencies, multiple lines on the same route, etc). So this isn't such a great option.
example route config:
The coordinates for each stop are given, but connecting the dots on those is not the same as the route taken -- it will cut corners, etc, and I need this to be accurate. The actual route taken is given under <path>/<point>, but I don't see any obvious correlation between stop and path coordinates. Plus, NextBus says in their documentation (p.10 near the bottom) that you should NOT connect points between <path> segments, they're only meant for drawing on a map and can overlap.
The GTFS data also separates stop and "shape" coordinates (like NextBus paths). Unfortunately, the coordinates are slightly different for the same stops between NextBus and GTFS (rounding), though the stop ID/tags are the same. Also, the data files are in the megabytes, and I need to use this for a mobile app. I suppose I could put all the data in a database and query that, but that still leaves figuring out how to correlate the stops with the shape. The "shapes_distance_traveled" column in the shapes.txt file is especially promising. MUNI chooses to leave the optional "shapes_distance_traveled" field out of stop_times.txt, though.
Any advice would be appreciated, I understand this seems like an epic task to get a simple value. Maybe I'll just throw a map in to legitimately use the distance :)
Instead of using Google Maps, I would look into the un-encumbered licensing of OpenStreetMap. There are multiple
routing engines that can use OSM data. Personally, I would use routing in PostGIS or SQLite, but depending on your skillset you might choose another.
You've clearly done your research, (+1), and as you said, the easy way is to ask Google. If it is worth for you then you might want to look into purchasing a business licence to use the Google Maps API, and negotiate with them about the requirement of displaying a map. That's the only legal way I can think of with the Google API. Alternatively, you can try building you own routing engine with data from the TIGER data set, which is freely available from the US Census Bureau, but again, as you said, it may seem like an epic task. :-)

Google Earth api get coordinates

here goes a simple question:
I've got a showKmz() function which receives an URL belonging to a KML/KMZ file and which goes straight ward to a fetchkml() method, after that it gets appended to my Google Earth instance.
Now I want to recover the coordinates of this fetched KML/KMZ file and use them to immediatelly after load a custom ico I want to put exactly on the same location of the KML/KMZ file I fetched.
The reason for that is that I want to show this files on Google Earth with their clicable icon despite of whatever icon those KML/KMZ could have by default...
Does anybody knows a way to either achieve the goal of retrieving the coordinates or even better: a more direct way to make this custom icon superposing I want?
Thanks in advance!!
From here
When getting a KML/Z file with fetchKml, you have in the callback an option to interact with the KMLFeatures you've obtained before appending them to the globe. There could be several items in that file which have coordinates, as well as several icons. So it sounds like you want to get the features, iterate over them, and insert an IconStyle for each (or replace existing IconStyle) to have it render with the Icon you want. You don't have to place a new feature at the same location as the existing ones.
