RapidWeaver Theme to Drupal6 Theme - drupal

I am working on a site which has a RapidWeaver Theme ( f_fusion ). But I am more of a developer than a designer. Is there any way for us to convert a RapidWeaver theme easily to a Drupal6 theme so that all the styling remains the same ?

Yes, it's possible, particularly if you're a developer since it's really a question of taking the HTML & CSS from the RapidWeaver Theme and placing Drupal variables in it.
Start with checking this link to get an overall idea about Drupal Theming
When you know how to create a basic theme structure, you should learn how to modify the page.tpl.php file to start with, after that it will of course depends on the specifics of your site but you definitely should be on your way.
If you want to dig deeper, check this book: Pro Drupal Development


Theme like Admin Drupal 7

I want a theme for Drupal like this:
But this template does not help me because only have HTML files, not is a Drupal's theme easy for install.
Anyone know how to install it or there is another similar theme?
Try Adminimal. It's pretty close to your criteria : Adminimal Theme official link
Unless you get an out of the box drupal theme the only way is for you (or someone else if you are willing to pay someone) to create a drupal theme based on that theme.
You can likely reuse a lof of the markup and css from the theme you like but there will still be a lot of work to make a drupal theme from it.
As for other similar themes, I don't know. There possibly are, you'll just have to look around. Stack overflow isn't really for theme suggestions, it's for programming questions.

Is it possible to use a regular wordpress theme without wordpress functionality

First of all i don't have any experience on wordpress.. So please forgive my ignorance.. I've found a theme on themeforest. Unfortunately it's a wordpress theme. I want to develop my own admin panel. I don't want to use wordress. Is it possible?
Anything is possible, however this is a gum in hair scenario. Ask the theme author if there is an HTML version which is common on ThemeForest. If you do try to "extract" the layout:
Begin with the stylesheet and match up the styles with each page template's markup.
Also, why not use WordPress? The Redux theme options framework is very easy to use.
Since a wordpress theme is just a bunch of html/css/js/php files, yes, it is possible. Depending on what language/framework will used backend side, the easiest way would be to extract the html/css/js parts of the theme and than add your own "content-placeholders" which will be used by your own backend.
But: Think twice about doing this. First, there could be a conflict with the license of the theme (depending on what type of license is used by the author of the theme). And more important, second, you should think twice about building your own backend.
For the case this isn't an experiment and you're building a productive website, building you're own backend is a lot of work. Unless you need some special functionalities (or you would like to keep it very slim and basic), I would suggest using a ready made CMS for this - like wordpress.
My opinion: 95% of self-made backends for basic cms features I've seen (and was forced to work with) are very messy and far beyond available open source cms. It seems like many people don't balance the pros and cons of building an own CMS-backend and undervalue the effort to build a state-of-the-art CMS.

Editing pages design on Drupal

My sister has a website running on Drupal which i have no experience at all in using. She now wants to edit the design of the frontpage and also so inner but i have no idea how to access the file like "index.html" in a non-Drupal platform.
It has adopted some kind of theme and module (which these two terms puzzled me enough).
May I know how to edit the layout and how to access to the requisite file? thank you...
You are not going to get an answer to your question. Your question is basically 'Tell me how drupal works'. Seems like to need to read up a little on how drupal theme layer works.
It also depends on which theme you are using.
Take a look at: http://drupal.org/node/171194

Blank Theme for Wordpress

I need to build a new WordPress site form scratch. So I guess I need a blank theme to do that. I need to know where I can find such a theme like that, and I need a tutorial that can help me to create my first WordPress theme from scratch.
I'm new in that world. So please I need your help.
If you're starting with no WP knowledge, I believe you're better off modifying a blank theme than you are creating one from scratch.
Here is a great tutorial I used when I started doing custom themes. The HTML is getting outdated semantically, but it will teach you all working parts of a WP theme.
As a starter theme I use HTML5 Boilerplate which is full of quality HTML5 and additional features like file caching, cross-browser readiness, mobile device readiness, and file caching, to name a few. Also it's got a minimal default styling.
You may also find the wordpress site helpful. Cheers.
starting with twentyten or twentyeleven isn't a bad option either.
Whatever theme you choice make it a child theme.
It may seem like something complex at first but it will make things easier along the way.
Theme Hybrid has a great blank theme: http://themehybrid.com/themes/skeleton
I have a starter theme on github that was originally based off html5 boilerplate that you can check out.. https://github.com/FernE97/html5-blank-slate

drupal theme execution flow

I am beginner to drupal and doesn't know more about it I am amazing about drupal theme works. And I would like know drupal theme's flow of execution. If i open theme folder..., there is a file like page.tpl, template.tpl,node.tpl and more... In which order the drupal reads all those theming file...
There is no easy answer, it really depends.
The thing with Drupal's theming system, is that it is very flexible, which means, that under certain situations you can make it use other templates, than the default.
The only thing you usually can be sure of, is that the page.tpl.php is used, it defines the main structure of the page. It usually defines different regions where you can put dynamic content. This content can be generated by a combination of templates and theme functions.
If you want to understand how this all works, you could try to read the theme guide, or for a more hands on approach, install the Theme developer module to inspect the different elements of a drupal page.
Nick Lewis, as always, has a well written piece about the theming internals here, here, and here. Not one of them gives you the complete overview, but the three of them together creates synergistic drupal awesomeness.
